Presenting . . . Tallulah

Presenting... Tallulah

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Tallulah by Tori Spelling. Buy the eBook Price: Tallulah is not supposed to get dirty.

Presenting... Tallulah

Or make a mess. She isn't that kind of girl. Tallulah can't wear jeans or sneakers to school or keep her hair down or do any of the other things that the other kids do every day. According to her parents, Tallulah is special and that makes her different. But Tallulah doesn't want to be different. It's hard to have fun or make friends when everyone is busy telling you the things you can do because you're different. When Max, the new boy in scho Tallulah is not supposed to get dirty.

When Max, the new boy in school, stands up for Tallulah and assists with a risky pug puppy rescue Tallulah starts to see that sometimes being different can be okay. And most of the time the best of friends like you just the way you are in Presenting. There are a lot of books about being different learning that it's okay to be yourself even if that might mean being a little silly, or weird, or not mosterly. Some of them are quite bad using cliches and heavy handed writing to convey their message while ultimately creating major issues in the story.

Presenting Tallulah has none of those problems. This was a delightful story about a little girl many kids can relate to. Maybe not everyone goes to school in a limo, but who hasn't been told to be quiet and not get dirty? This story captures that and Tallulah's rather. Tallulah is who she is and, as she learns, that's okay.

I liked that instead of beating readers over the head with this message, it's just at the core of the text. Newton's illustrations are also fantastic. The style is reminiscent of illustrations by Lauren Child of Charlie and Lola fame which probably means a similar medium that I am unequipped to identify is being used here. It's no secret that Tallulah is based on Tori Spelling.

And Newton captures that while combining broad strokes and line work to create intricate illustrations that bring Tallulah's world to life. Presenting Tallulah is sure to be a fun addition to any story time with simple, short sentences and a well-paced plot. Hopefully this charmer won't be the last to feature Tallulah, Max and Mimi.

I could get into who actually "wrote" the book or the recent number of celebrities putting pen to paper. But I'm not going to because this book deserves better and is more than able to stand on its own with or without is celebrity author. I more than loved the illustrations. I felt that the combination of the message in the story and the art that I believe kids will love reading this book over and over again.

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Sep 07, Gabrielle Blockton rated it it was ok Shelves: September 7th, Author: Tallulah is a privileged little girl who is not allowed to get dirty, talk loudly or make messes. The problem is Tallulah wants to be like any other kid that goes to her school. Tallulah's home; Tallulah's school Characters: Kindness, Individuality, Original, Style: To be hones Date: To be honest, I have read better books. I would not use this book for academic purposes simply because I do not find the author of this children's book to be as credible or even close to the same status as Chris Van Allsburg with his Caldecott-awarded books.

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I do not feel that any child in my library could relate to this character, a privileged child who was upset because she was too privileged. I felt no connection or interest when I read this book, therefore I have no desire to put this book that lacks meaning and substance in my future library. Aug 11, Alyssa Calhoun rated it liked it Shelves: For a "princess-y" book, this one was pretty good.

Plus, ever since watching Cool Runnings, I've loved the name Tallulah. I even had a sock puppet named Tallulah. She can't get dirty or make messes, because she is "not that kind of girl. The kids at school makes fun of her because she is different there, too: One day, she meets a new boy, Max, who was "different" to For a "princess-y" book, this one was pretty good.

One day, she meets a new boy, Max, who was "different" too. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

More books from this author: Tori Spelling

I know, I know. Tallulah is drawn to look like Spelling, with wide-set brown eyes and blond hair. I only have one child right now, and at the end of the day between baby, career, family, I am always exhausted and always craving sleep and balance. She is known for being Aaron Spelling 's daughter and for her role as Donna Martin in the s teen soap opera Beverly Hills, In her picture book debut, New York Times bestselling author Tori Spelling teams up with illustrator Vanessa Brantley Newton to bring us the uplifting story of a spunky little girl who, with the help of some special friends, is able to discover her true self—and to let her spirit shine. Zach Hangs In There.

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