Psalm 23: My Shepherd (Bible Chapters for Kids Book 1)


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Three easy steps to start your free trial subscription to Bible Gateway Plus. Create or log in to your Bible Gateway account. Enter your credit card information to ensure uninterrupted service following your free trial. Hence, their publishing name: Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? A Teaching resource for children of all ages and learn about the Good Shepherd and His sheep in depth. A treasure for life's journey of faith.

Featured with 5 other curriculum resources in Spanish and English on seedfaithbooks. This most beloved psalm speaks to our deepest needs and life's most common needs.

Genesis 48:15

Starting your free trial of Bible Gateway Plus is easy. Draw a picture of sheep in a green pasture, with a lake or stream, some shade trees, and a shepherd. He Is My Shepherd: Every shepherd went searching for 2 sheep. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Three easy steps to start your free trial subscription to Bible Gateway Plus. The Art of Bible Journaling:

Read more Read less. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. He Is My Shepherd: The 23rd Psalm for Children. Psalm 23 Jesus Storybook Bible. The Lord Is My Shepherd: Psalm 23 for Children. Customers who bought this item also bought.

The Lord is My Shepherd Bible Verses

Review I loved the Psalm 23 picture book. Seed Faith Books; 1st edition May 26, Language: I'd like to read this book on Kindle Don't have a Kindle? Our favorite toys for everyone on your list Shop now.

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★Psalms 23:1★ Memorize Bible Verse - Repeating Bible Scriptures - Kids Bible ★ Back to WORD

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Great book in good condition! An absolute treasure in all ways. This is a good opportunity to let you know how much I have appreciated the "Lord is My Shepherd" and have read it many times to my grandchildren over the years! He looks very nice. He must do a very good job of protecting you, and making sure you have everything you need?

You know, the Bible tells us that God is a lot like a shepherd. David wrote a psalm or song that talks about how God is like a shepherd. He said that God is his shepherd because he gives him everything he needs.

The Lord is My Shepherd Bible Verses - Encouraging Scriptures

Open your Bible to Psalm God is watching over us like a shepherd watches over his sheep. He keeps us safe, makes sure we have enough to eat, and a place to live. He takes care of all our needs. Woolie, thanks for coming to visit us this morning. I hope you come back next week. Father, We thank your for providing for all our needs and for watching over us and protecting us just a like a good shepherd watches over his sheep. Print out the sheep head pattern and the feet patterns. There are six feet per sheet so you won't need to print out as many feet pages.

If you have young children, cut out the patterns before class.

Isaiah 40:11

To make cutting faster staple several sheets together so that they match up and cut them out all together. When cutting out the feet don't worry about cutting around each bump and indent, just cut them straight. Fold in the two corners of the bottom of the bag that will be the bottom of the sheep's head and glue them down. In class have the children glue the head on the bottom of the bag and the feet on the inside fold of the bag. Also have them glue on some fiberfill or cotton balls and a bow on the head. Highlighter Markers I like these because they are very easy to color with and no matter where they color you can still see the picture.

Before class print out the display box pattern onto cardstock and cut them out on the solid lines. Print out the sheep's head pattern onto cardstock and cut them out. Cut pipe cleaners into one inch pieces and fold them in half. Glue them onto the sheep's body pompoms with the pointy ends of the pipe cleaners sticking into the body. Give each child a sheep body with the legs glued on and a sheep head. Let them glue the head onto the sheep. You may want to prepare the sheep before class because they will want to play with the sheep and you will probably have to keep gluing the heads on.

Show the children were Psalm 23 is in their Bible. Tell them that it is located just about in the middle of the Bible. Close your Bible and let the children try to open it to the 23rd Psalm. Have them place the shepherd and sheep bookmark in your Bible at the 23rd Psalm. Before class make small round pancakes. In class show your children how to sift powdered sugar on top of them to make them white. Add chocolate chips eyes, a raisin nose, marshmallows ears, and a licorice string mouth.

Instead of pancakes you can cut pieces of bread into round shapes, toast it, spread on butter, and then sift on the powdered sugar. Sent in by Nancy Foss. Before class print out the picture of the sheep and the sheep parts page. If they roll a one, they get to draw the sheep's body. If they roll a two, they draw the sheep's ears, etc. The sheep parts page tells which parts the children should draw according to which number they roll.

If they roll a number that they already rolled, they don't draw anything on that turn. The child who draws the completed sheep first wins. If you have a lot of children in your class, break them up into two teams. Place a big sheet of paper on the wall for each team and have each team work on drawing a sheep. If you have very young children, instead of having them draw the parts, cut out sheep parts before class and just have them tape the sheep parts up on the wall. You can buy Jumbo Foam Dice from Amazon to play this game.

Provide shower scrunchies or sponge balls and white paint for the children. Show them how to dip the ball into the paint and press it onto their paper Use a dark colored construction paper. Use a smaller ball for the head. Let the paint dry and show them how to add eyes, nose, and legs to complete the picture.

Before class draw a picture of a sheep on a large piece of paper. In class have the children take turns telling something that God gives us or how he takes care of us and then have them roll the die. The child gets to glue that many cotton balls onto the sheep picture. Keep playing until the sheep is completely dressed. You can also have the child say the Bible verse before he rolls the die. God loves us, God loves us, And gives us everything. Stand up and shout and clap your hands.

God loves us today, hey. This is the first lesson in the series of lessons on the 23rd Psalm. Follow the links below to find out about the rest of the lessons in this series:. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information or storage retrieval system, except for local church or school use only.

You may not copy this lesson or any part of this lesson and place it on another web site even if you include the copyright notice. This copyright notice must be included on all printed copies. Requests for permission to copy this material for any other uses should be addressed to Carolyn Warvel, Duran Street, Henderson, NV or e-mail me at care daniellesplace.

We would love to hear your comments about this lesson. If you taught this lesson, we would love to hear how it went, if you changed anything, added anything, what age you taught and was it appropriate.