È stato un attimo (Piccola biblioteca oscar Vol. 573) (Italian Edition)

In brief, she is called Beatrice, not because she is an historical person identifiable with Bice di Folco Portinari but simply because Dante the author intends to show the perfect correspondence between her name and what her persona stands for: In it, the voyage in the afterlife by the protagonist — who can be identified with the historical Dante Alighieri only up to a certain degree did the historical person really descend into Hell, climb Purgatory, and ascend into Heaven?

I refer to the extensive, and in many respect excellent essay on Beatrice by Aldo Vallone, who defends her historicity, at least to a point, in Enciclopedia dantesca, Roma: Likewise, the Vita nuova does not lay any claim on being historically true, a claim that cannot be demonstrated. The spatial context of the story is indeed a city, but Dante offers not even a single clue for us to identify the city. And that this city is traversed by pilgrims on their way to see the so-called Veronica in Rome as I pointed out above cannot be proposed as a proof that the city is Florence.

While it is possible that pilgrims on their way to Rome could have chosen Florence as part of their itinerary, as Pirovano documents in the commentary, nevertheless Florence was not on the map of the best known itineraries of pilgrims on their way to Rome and the Holy Land. Two more aspects, mentioned at the beginning of this review, should be also considered, although briefly.

The text and the order of the rhymes are essentially those of Barbi. Italian Bookshelf be resolved. Please do not quote simply using the numbering of the poem, which differs from edition to edition, but always giving the first line of the poem, which is the easiest way for readers to locate the source. Each volume is unquestionably a monument to Dante, and all that Dante stands for, and all that Dante means to us after so many centuries. At the same time, caveat lector! It would be perfectly feasible for anyone to read the forty or fifty pages of the Vita nuova, if the Vita nuova were published by itself.

And yet no major publishing house is willing to consider publishing two volumes, one for the text, and the other one for the critical apparatus and commentary, or, in the same volume, the text by itself followed by the commentary! Cascio, published in this volume, of: Poems of Youth and of the Vita Nuova, edited by T. Barolini; with new verse translations by R. Lansing, and commentary translated by A.

Figure e concordanze del Canzoniere da Leopardi al Novecento. Montagnani, I territori del Petrarchismo. Frontiere e sconfinamenti, Roma, Bulzoni Editore, , p. Alla prova dei fatti, tuttavia, gli esiti e gli effetti di tanta esegesi dantesca non hanno condizionato, se non nella proposta continiana di monolinguismo petrarchesco e plurilinguismo dantesco, il confronto critico con il poeta di Laura: E poi tali trame basterebbero da sole a catalogare come petrarchesco o petrarchizzante un autore o, peggio, una generazione?

Italian Bookshelf Esperienze leterarie. Rivista trimestrale di critica e di cultura. Il Brusoni aveva, infatti, lasciato trasparire, nel suo secondo romanzo Il carrozzino alla moda, diverse allusioni alle opere della Tarabotti: In definitiva, la rivista offre in questo volume, secondo approcci metodologici differenti analisi tematiche, comparatistiche e traduttologiche un interessante spaccato su alcuni aspetti, talora inediti, relativi alla letteratura e alla cultura italiane.

Italian Bookshelf Forum italicum. A Journal of Italian Studies. Music and Society in Italy This collection of twenty-eight essays by academics and music practitioners constitutes an important contribution to the area of Italian music studies. Yet as the writers engage with precisely these tensions and paradoxes, they provide stimulating conclusions that in fact reveal much about Italian society through the ages.

The contributions in the volume are arranged chronologically, with the seven shorter pieces by practitioners then appearing at the end. This approach gives the reader a good sense of the ways in which music has developed in Italy from the s to the present day. However, as one reads the articles, key themes and preoccupations emerge, which provide important insights into the relationship between music and society in Italy.

For example, we discover how music is used in the Italian context to reveal something of a specific political, cultural or social moment. As practitioners, Maurizio Bettelli, Carlo Testa, and Marc Zimmerman then speak about the power of music to evoke memories and create feelings of nostalgia, demonstrating the significance of narrating personal experiences as part of the broader discourse about music. The interconnectedness of music with other art forms and philosophies is also highlighted in a range of essays.

Gianfranco Salvatore, for example, analyses the popular urban culture of sixteenth-century Naples as a way of illustrating the relationship between contemporary popular music and its own history. Samuela Briatore demonstrates the impact of music on Jesuit approaches to science and geometry during the s. Italian Bookshelf Bombara investigates the impact of music on a range of scapigliati authors. But this situation is slowly beginning to change.

Indeed, three essays here engage precisely with music scholarship in Italy. Marcello Source Keller traces the history of research into Jewish-Italian music and why such research has not been undertaken in the past. Luca Cerchiari examines writing about jazz under Fascism. Benedetta Zucconi then presents the history of Il disco. Bollettino discografico mensile, the first publication to write seriously about the record industry in Italy. These essays also point to the influence of politics on Italian music; this relationship is in fact the central focus of three more contributions. Ilaria Serra analyses the protest songs of the feminist movement, taking the Veneto as her case study.

Giovanna Marini outlines the political potential of the canto popolare. And Franco Fabbri analyses five songs through which we can better understand the contemporary Italian political landscape. The final overarching theme to be highlighted here is that of identity. Three essays demonstrate how music can function as a marker for a specific identity. Alessandro Portelli then demonstrates how migrants use music to comment on their marginalized condition. Guido De Rosa examines the relationship between Italy and the Far East as represented in eighteenth-century opera.

Carlo Serra explores how Italian experimental rock of the s constructed itself in opposition to English and American models. Finally, Aldo Gianolio examines the influence on his own style of Anglophone ways of playing rock and pop music. Although I have separated out the essays into thematic groups for the purposes of reviewing the volume, it must be emphasised that there is even more dialogue among these pieces than the above may suggest. When considered as a whole, then, this collection illustrates the discursive nature of research into popular music.

Italian Bookshelf philosophies that underpin this field of study, and demonstrates the value of research into the relationship between music and society in Italy. A Journal of Italian Studies This volume differs from current debates surrounding Italian national identity in its approach to the topic. The issue contains 14 articles organized into three sections: The volume covers key topics related to the definition of the Italian identity — such as the notions of homeland, nation-building, travels, migration, exile, plurilingualism, and historical, political and cultural relationships among countries — and includes authors from different geographic areas and times.

The following essays, written by Luigi Fontanella, Tullio Pagano and Gazzola respectively, take on another key topic related to Italian unification: By considering some relevant Italian Romantic poets and patriots who wrote from abroad, such as Foscolo, Berchet, Andreoli, Speri and others, Fontanella argues that their literary production helped the process of Italian unification and independence. Pagano concentrates on a novel published by Giovanni Ruffini, Doctor Antonio, a love story that has contributed to making Liguria in particular the village of Bordighera and the Italian Riviera a popular destination among British tourists.

In the second part of the volume, the European perspective is replaced by a global one. Livorni uses the work of Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain and Henry James — writers who spent some time in Rome during the Italian revolution in — to outline their artistic and political engagement with Italy during the Risorgimento. Ceramella analyzes literary works by Italo-American migrants, which were inspired by the Italian writers of the Risorgimento. He thereby dismantles some stereotypes about Italians migrants, the majority of whom were honest people, who aimed to build a better future for themselves and their families in America.

The final section of the issue addresses in more detail the notion of Italian identity through a multidisciplinary approach. In the first contribution, Eugenio Mazzarella addresses a very delicate matter: In the last essay, Giampiero Bianchi, considers the historical development of Italian trade unions and suggests that CISL has influenced the Italian labor market, which has followed American policies for productivity. Overall, this special issue of Forum Italicum contributes to the debate articulating the building of Italian national identity from a different perspective, complementing the prevalent Italian-based approaches, which lack a wider and more comprehensive perspective.

It follows that by dismantling the strict division between internal and external mechanisms — and consequently by rethinking traditional geographical boundaries — Italy itself is placed within a broader background of links, exchanges and even contrasts among countries. Italian Bookshelf terms of comparison, complementarity, opposition, etc. Italian Bookshelf Rosa Giulio. Il pregevole volume di Rosa Giulio, eminente studiosa di Leopardi la cui recente pubblicazione, Gli infiniti disordini delle cose.

Se Leopardi elabora le sue intuizioni in saggi e poesie, Ippolito Nievo riversa il suo pensiero nella narrazione romanzesca, esplicitando le sue idee sulla necessaria emancipazione italiana dallo straniero nelle Confessioni di un Italiano, opera che diventa una sorta di personale manifesto irredentista, il memoriale di un momento storico propizio al riscatto dei popoli oppressi. Intrecciando infatti implicitamente lettere, personaggi ed eventi del vicino Peloponneso al presente italiano, il Nievo prospetta ed auspica un destino eroico coralmente esperito da uomini e donne anche per la propria futura nazione.

Italian Bookshelf declinazioni, pratica, statica e dinamica, aprendo il testo a svariate letture metaforiche, simboliche, ideologiche ed epifaniche. Italian Bookshelf sollecita il lettore proponendogli originali riflessioni sulla letteratura e i suoi orizzonti critici. Italian Bookshelf Gabriella Guarino. Sul Bestiario di Esopo e di Fedro. Introduzione a cura di Pietro Pelosi. Bibliografia a cura di Antonio Elefante.

Italian Bookshelf pertinenze simboliche e associazioni zoologiche. Tale termine definisce, in zoologia, le prestazioni simbolico-metaforiche veicolate dagli animali. Italian Bookshelf Guy Lanoue. The City as Fatherland. This is a fascinating thesis, which unfortunately is not always argued convincingly throughout the book. This is particularly concerning when the author makes comments that contradict both common knowledge and academic studies.

On historical matters, at times Lanoue privileges his personal interpretation of the past over deeper analyses conducted by influential historians. This is, for instance, the case with his interpretation of the role of women under Fascism 68 , which would have certainly benefited from references to the works of scholars such as Luisa Passerini, Perry Wilson and Victoria De Grazia. Italian Bookshelf includes a few significant inaccuracies, such as the references to Milan as the capital of Italy from 16 , and to a World Cup played in For instance, the word perbene is translated as bon ton 5.

Lanoue structures most of his discussion of the term around this limited interpretation, and we have to wait quite a while before he acknowledges other meanings of perbene Despite these limitations, this book is a rich source of information, references and ideas about the complexity of Rome, and its cultural, historical and social stratifications. It will be of interest to scholars seeking an original, perspective on the anthropology of the Eternal City.

Italian Bookshelf Joseph Luzzi. In a Dark Wood: Forty-five minutes before Katherine Lynne Mester died, their daughter Isabel was delivered by emergency caesarian section. He offers vivid descriptions of his emotional state during his months of grieving. As Luzzi tells them, the narratives about Dante or his peers lack the nuances or complicating factors found in historical scholarship.

As one example, he writes: Of course, for Luzzi factual accuracy is less important than the emotional impact or relevance of the allusions. He is illustrating his grief and devastation, not composing a scholarly biography of the medieval poet. The relationship of an individual with an author gives literature its power, and many humanities instructors hope that their students will interact with writers in this way.

For those of us in Italian studies, Luzzi has made an important contribution with his memoir. Italian Bookshelf Chiara Mazzucchelli. The Heart and the Island: State University of New York Press, Mazzucchelli emphasizes the uniqueness of a specifically Sicilian American literary heritage while also stressing the importance of the connection between Italian American, Sicilian American, Italian, and American literatures. Finally, Mazzucchelli defines Sicilian American literature as she applies it in this study: In chapter 1, Mazzucchelli further articulates her methodological approach.

Chapters are each dedicated to one individual author and how they bridge Sicilian literature and identity and American literature and identity. Italian Bookshelf his works that feature American characters of Sicilian heritage discovering what life is like in Sicily as well as Sicilian characters emigrating to the U. Chapter 4, on the poetry of Rose Romano, is the first of two chapters in which Mazzucchelli addresses intersecting gender, queer and ethnic identities. In doing this, Romano often employs provocative language to express her doubly marginalized position within the mainstream, American, heterosexist narrative as a lesbian of Sicilian American descent.

Mazzucchelli also positions Timpanelli at the intersection of discourses on ethnicity and gender by focusing on her feminist refashioning of traditional folktales. Italian Bookshelf authors from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds; and her commitment to engaging in discussions of gender and sexuality. This book will be of interest particularly to teachers of Italian and Italian American studies courses as well as graduate students in those fields.

Italian Bookshelf Rosa Mucignat, ed. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Pordenone, Udine, Gorizia, and Trieste. Its European neighbours are Austria to the north and Slovenia to the east; the south faces the Adriatic Sea and the west borders with the Veneto region. The Dolomite Mountains dominate its northern section; the once mighty Tagliamento River serves as a dividing line between Pordenone and Udine; Gorizia and Trieste comprise its southeastern corner; and the city of Trieste itself, whose majestic and breathtaking plateau plunges into the Adriatic Sea, serves as its capital.

Its modern political reality, which comprises the historical region of Friuli and the geographical region of Venezia Giulia, is an administrative one carved from a history of domination by, and conflict and battle between, the Venetian, German, and Austro-Hungarian empires. Linguistically, the region is diglossic, the home of the regional language known as Friulian or Furlan as locals and emigrants often prefer to call it and Italian Standard.

Friulian intersects with the Romance, Germanic, and Slavic families of European languages. Not only did it evolve differently under the surrounding influences of German, Venetian, Slovene, and Tuscan itself; it was, at the same time, able to retain its inherent linguistic characteristics. Documents in Furlan can be traced to the 11th century, while poetry and literature date back to the s. Today, the number of those who can be traced as speakers of one of the four varieties of Furlan, — a language subdivided into four harmonious varieties full of variation and peculiarity — is between four and six hundred thousand including inhabitants and Friulianophones.

In , the language acquired minority- language status and has seen a continued revival, with considerable efforts in the regulation of its marilenghe language teachers and curriculum development. Some who migrated as sojourners to Northern Europe or outside Europe chose to repatriate; others emigrated permanently and made new homes and families in the Americas, South Africa, and Australia. Insights into this complex and rich history can be gleaned from this volume. The resulting volume titled The Friulian Language: Identity, Migration, Culture , published by Cambridge Scholars, is a collection of ten articles divided into four sections: Migration and Part IV, Literature.

This relationship is particularly compelling especially in view of the fact that Friuli Venezia Giulia today is becoming home to new immigrants from Eastern Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East, and Africa, and has been recognized as a region with a highly developed economy, based on small- and medium- sized often family-owned businesses, specialized farming, high-quality tourism, and specializing in export products.

In other words, the region has begun attracting attention in ways that historically did not previously occur. The volume comprises the works of ten specialists: Each of the contributors offers copious footnotes and bibliography, framing their discussions with references to extensive scholarship and research, elucidating the developments that have emerged within the Friulian language, its preservation and maintenance, linguistics, history, literature, and emigration over time.

The material is contextualized and exemplified in such a way as to be understood by both novice and advanced readers alike. Italian Bookshelf Italy, but also from without, with evidence of the significant contributions of its considerable diaspora.

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Italian Bookshelf Poesia e preghiera. A cura di Erminia Ardissino e Francesca Parmeggiani. Studi di teoria e storia della letteratura e della critica Italian Bookshelf Silvia Tatti. Non per colpa di Tatti: Con una sua nota positiva: Classico diventerebbe, dunque, un concetto dinamico e non conflittuale, dialogico e non identitario.

Casagrande and Doppiozero, This welcome anthology brings together twenty-three stories and essays that engage with a range of ordinary places found within close proximity to the TILO regional train system that links Canton Ticino and Lombardia. This guide or anti-guide as the case may be constitutes an exciting development in recent Italian environmental writing, offering an innovative approach to collective regional storytelling that is simultaneously place- and transit-based.

Negli immediati dintorni dello scrivere. Web 4 March The book in some ways is a collective and localized, contemporary response to the work of older writers engaged with the intersecting minutiae and greater implications of place, from Vittorio Sereni, whose work is cited in the title and who grew up in the bordertown of Luino, to Gianni Celati, among whose books Narratori delle pianure and Verso la foce seem particularly important references. The writers represented here all in one way or another attempt to locate themselves tenuously within a fleeting yet powerful engagement with place.

Italian Bookshelf natural rather than political boundaries, capable of sustaining unique human cultures. One such interstitial area in the book is the Canale Scolmatore, a heavily polluted artificial flood control canal that carries excess water from the Seveso and Olona rivers that first pass through industrial wastelands north of Milan before running through and under the city. After exiting Milan, the canal runs west, then drains into the Ticino River, which drains into the Po, and then the Adriatic.

Falco ends with a description of the flood of the Ticino River. He and a childhood friend, who is later to die of cancer, go out to watch the floodwaters, stopping to stare at the current carrying garbage and random objects, and spreading pollution. Italian Bookshelf Michael Vena, trans.

From Praga to Sciascia Text and Context. The recent publication of not only one but two books on Italian modern theatre in English should certainly be cause for celebration, especially when they explore a wider range of talents than such internationally renowned theatre authors as Luigi Pirandello, Eduardo de Filippo and Dario Fo. A general introduction by Annachiara Mariani, and an overview of the most important plays of Italian theatre between the 10 th and the 20th century, with the dates of their first performance, open the anthology.

An introduction to the author and the play and sometimes the context of the play precedes each work. Curiously, the anthology makes no reference to the other easily available translations of these plays, nor does it explain how the new versions differ from or improve on the old. The last two works, on the other hand, will be less familiar to the non- specialist public to which this book is directed. Often, in an anthology of translations, the editor takes the opportunity to clarify for the readers some of the choices that the translators had to make moving from one language to another: In this anthology, however, these choices are not spelled out, and they are often inconsistent among the eight plays.

Better yet would be an alternative translation. Regrettably, there are several examples of actual translation errors as well. In addition to inconsistencies and errors in translation, the copy-editing for this book appears to have been less than rigorous. Readers conversant with Italian can return to the original to distinguish the speaker or decipher the meaning, but the cumulative presence of such mistakes cannot but frustrate or even mislead any intended audience who would not have access to the Italian texts. Sadly, the uneven quality of the translations and the poor copy-editing hinder the understanding of the plays.

It is to be hoped that in a second reprinting all such problems are corrected and English readers will be able to enjoy some little- known treasures of modern Italian drama. Italian Bookshelf Antonio C. Vitti and Anthony Julian Tamburri, eds. The volume Mare nostrum: There is certainly no better way of opening such a heterogeneous volume on such a diverse geographical area than with the first article by Alfonso Campisi dedicated to the poet Mario Scalesi.

No matter where these beings reside and no matter the circumstances, regardless of gender and role, they are trapped between past and future, unable to enjoy complete self- fulfilment but eager to comply with their responsibilities, unable to detach themselves from previous experiences but yearning, though maybe unprepared, to reach new destinations.

The sea gives him hope to see his Babbo again, and refuge when the guards are attempting to arrest him. Italian Bookshelf its creatures: Connections as well as confrontations are endemic to a region that has been, and continues to be, a crossroads of civilizations, a formidable mosaic of cultures.

Without any doubt, this multidisciplinary volume offers yet another opportunity to learn about the fascinating and undefined region of the Mediterranean. University of California Press, , 13 , this book speaks to the readers about many issues and from many perspectives. Benay and Lisa M.

Interpreting the Noli me tangere and Doubting Thomas. The intersection of faith, gender, and the senses in early modern Italy and its evolution over time are analysed in this volume. Rafanelli address these themes in their discussions of the changing images of St. Mary Magdalene in Noli me tangere and of St. Thomas in Doubting Thomas depictions. These painted subjects are brought together in their role as witnesses to the corporeality of the Resurrection.

A wide variety of visual and textual source material is used to explore these themes across the evolving landscape of early modern piety with an emphasis on the northern and central Italian peninsula. The origins of depictions of Saints Mary Magdalene and Thomas are established in biblical texts, and the earlier iconographic tradition from the fifth to the fourteenth century is the subject of the first chapter.

The authors analyse the development of paintings of Mary Magdalene from her original depiction as a witness to also include later images of her as a hair-clad penitent after the thirteenth century. This chronological span demonstrates the importance of different aspects of her symbolism for early modern observers, and the marked change in the way that the saint was later portrayed.

Depictions of Doubting Thomas, by contrast, remain similar over the same period of time, providing a useful point of comparison throughout the analyses in the volume. In terms of faith, Benay and Rafanelli cite the importance of transubstantiation, after the Fourth Lateran Council of , as an important development in establishing the popularity of depictions of Noli me tangere and Doubting Thomas, both of which attest to the physical presence of the resurrected Christ. The importance of each saint in these depictions for the Mendicant orders is underscored, respectively, in chapters 2 and 3.

For the Dominicans in particular, the Noli me tangere was an important model of piety. On the other hand, the Franciscans identified more with depictions of Doubting Thomas. The parallels between this scene and the image of the stigmata of their founder St Francis made it a particularly powerful symbol. The painting was also used as an example of imitatio Christi in this context.

This discussion of faith in religious orders establishes useful examples of how the paintings were used in a devotional context. The changing environment of faith during the Reformation is addressed in the final chapter, which details the impact of the Council of Trent on images of Noli me tangere and Doubting Thomas. Italian Bookshelf there were new expectations and requirements for painting in the post- Reformation period. The consequences of these requirements were most evident in depictions of Mary Magdalene, where the Noli me tangere image was superseded by depictions of the saint as a penitent, painted alone.

Her popularity did not wane, but there was a movement away from her depiction and role as a witness to the Resurrection. The Doubting Thomas trope gained a greater currency, however, particularly in line with empirical science, testing, and investigation in this period. These changing patterns of depiction are important insofar as they take into account the evolution of devotion, theology, and society.

Thus, the intersection of faith and these tropes in art is explored across a wide and varying chronology, providing a fruitful line of inquiry. Turning to gender, the main issue addressed is the status of Mary Magdalene as a female witness to the Resurrection, and her authoritative role in telling her own story. Her role had a special resonance for female viewers as Mary Magdalene was not only a penitent sinner, but also the annunciatrix of the Resurrection of Christ. However, this latter role was not emphasized pictorially, as female preaching was not something that patrons wanted to encourage.

Indeed, both male and female viewers could identify personally with the experience of both of these saints, turning doubt into faith. The discussions of gender focus on the subjects of the paintings as well as their audiences, analysing the variety of interactions for different groups. The senses of touch and sight are particularly addressed throughout this book, exploring haptic and optic interactions both within the paintings and for the viewers. The fourth chapter in particular addresses the hierarchy of the senses in an early modern context, as well as exploring the achievement of truth and justice through touch.

This is particularly connected to the image of Doubting Thomas, whose touch and witnessing led to a revelation of truth. The multisensory experience in depictions of Doubting Thomas was also crucial for the devotional practices of the Mendicant orders, combining sight and touch. For the Noli me tangere image, the emphasis, instead, is on unconsummated touch, as Mary Magdalene is rarely depicted making physical contact with Christ. Her example of achieving grace without using the sense of touch, using sight alone, is particularly highlighted in chapter 5. Through their interpretations of the pictorial traditions of the Noli me tangere and Doubting Thomas themes by addressing the topics of faith, gender, and the senses, Benay and Rafanelli have demonstrated complex developments over the period in question.

While the image of Doubting Thomas gained popularity over the centuries, the Noli me tangere was eclipsed by depictions of the penitent Magdalene. Italian Bookshelf lesser known examples and texts, providing a rich source base.

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This stimulating volume provides a broad view of the changing religious landscape of Early Modern Italy and will prove especially useful for students of art history. Italian Bookshelf Vittore Branca, ed. Florentine Memoirs from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Toronto University Press, This is the first complete English translation of the original Italian edition and makes the complete memoirs accessible to an English-reading audience. At the end of the thirteenth century, merchants in Florence began to add information about their wealth, their life, and their family to their account books.

They recorded important moments such as births, baptisms, and marriages as well as more practical agreements including wills, dowries, and sales contracts. The ricordi are well-known sources in Renaissance scholarship and have been studied since the nineteenth century. Despite their popularity among economic historians, only partial editions of specific memoirs had appeared until the s. Vittore Branca was one of the first scholars to edit a memoir in its entirety: His memoir is considered one of the masterpieces of the genre.

It is known as one of the three crowns of Florentine memoirs, together with the memoirs written by Bonaccorso Pitti c. Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio. Italian Bookshelf to a wider audience. Murtha Baca explains the challenges of translating this type of non-literary document. In this text Branca offers a broad overview of the merchant memoir and summarises the pioneering works on the genre done in the s by Christian Bec, Angelo Cichetti, and Raul Mordenti.

He repeatedly stresses that these merchants were not authors in the literary sense of the word but ordinary men who wrote about their own lives. According to Branca these memoirs reveal how merchants experienced and wrote about the political, social, and economic crises they were experiencing.

Florence, one of the first commercial centres in Europe, experienced war, plague, and famines, and several of its earliest trading companies such as the Bardi went bankrupt. Paolo da Certaldo did not write about his own life or business in his libro di buoni costumi. Instead his compilation of moralising precepts, proverbs, and practices is an early advice book on how to conduct oneself, behave, and act as a good human being.

In the memoir with the moralising title, Mirror of Humanity, the grain merchant Domenico Lenzi, frequently recorded the grain prices at Orsanmichele in Florence and the discontent of the famished Florentine populace. Morelli also wrote about contemporary events; in fact he devoted almost half of his memoir to recounting wars and the conduct of politics on the Italian peninsula.

Other merchants focused more on their personal adventures: Merchant Writers gives us crucial information about family life, concepts of family and the self, the importance of status within the Florentine republic, and personal reactions to plague, famine, and death, as well as contemporary ideas about history, writing, and politics. The ricordi are treasure troves that provide historians, literary scholars, and anthropologists with a tantalizing glimpse into many aspects of late medieval urban life. They still offer considerable potential for further study on emerging themes in current scholarship such as memory see the work of Giovanni Ciappelli on this topic and the history of emotions.

Thanks to this new English translation, several of the classic and earliest examples of ricordi are fully available for the first time to an English-reading audience and can be used to introduce students to various aspects of mercantile practices and Florentine society during the Renaissance.

In addition, although this type of memoir was considered typically Florentine, scholars are increasingly studying parallels with other family books from different European cities. Italian Bookshelf them to trace variations and evolutions and will allow for further comparisons among family books and memoirs across European regions. Italian Bookshelf Alessandra Buccheri.

The Spectacle of Clouds, Italian Art and Theatre. Le prime, utilizzate da Raffaello, piatte, solide, adatte a fungere da supporto ai personaggi, appartengono alla tradizione tosco-romana e si suppongono ispirate alla macchineria scenica fiorentina o a una produzione iconografica da essa direttamente dipendente.

Entrambe queste concezioni confluiranno nella decorazione delle cupole barocche. Le due tendenze coesistettero nella Roma dei primi tre decenni del Seicento e, prima di congiungersi nella magistrale sintesi del capolavoro lanfranchesco, interagirono nelle opere di altri pittori: It makes a blindness and a error. What is that characteristic? Those same narcissists, if they are in charge of study on narcissism, will suffer the identical blindness. Hence, their a conclusion will have tremendous bias, regardless of what their credentials are.

Everybody knows how academia can be a impressive magnet attracting this team. I also take issue with the very idea that any level of vanity below that of "pathological" is a good matter. The US is now home to exactly what is probably the most narcissistic culture the world has seen, and it takes living someplace else to see what it does to regular relationships with neighbors, acquaintances, classmates, etc. The question of whether Millennials aka Gen Y are more narcissistic than preceding a long time has been hotly debated for a variety of years now.

You can find differences in this generation compared to others to be sure. We occur to think those same differences had been loudly shouted when Era X was coming of age and likely when the Boomers reached that will milestone as well. I just know that individuals were waiting to Nike Air Force Max Nz hear my handle narcissism, since it is so major, but as the title proposes, the tendency to use words and phrases like "epidemic" when discussing the social issue often develop self fulfilling prophecies. Conversely, there appear to be a number of fads that would suggest that the "breaks" to runaway egos are being ripped away.

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Advancements in biotechnology have also developed new breeds of crops that are resistant to specific flower diseases. Pesticides and insecticides improve yields and quality of make. Due to a combination of the above things, farming has become more lucrative, while at the same time lowering prices with regard to consumers. More updated information can be found from United States Unit of Agriculture website. A couple of Greater Variety and Availability: Because food has become cheaper to produce, farmers can get growing or raising additional types and varieties of plants and livestock than before.

Breakthroughs in biotechnology has also resulted in hybrid varieties or disorder resistant plants that can be cultivated in more places. Finally, developments in shipping and putting technology means we can continue to enjoy oranges grown throughout Florida during cold winters in the Northern states. Several Longer Shelf Life and Accessibility: Food shelf life has been lengthy to increase its economic importance. New techniques of food items preservation, processing and packaging are being uncovered constantly. Fda standards website is a good place to surf if you want to learn more about food preservation.

Farmers have greater use of water due to irrigation. There is also access to fertilizers and other technological know-how such as greenhouses that reduce the impact of seasonal in addition to weather changes. The growing season is lengthened and places that ended up previously unable to grow crops is now able to cultivated into farm property. Modern technology has opened farmers from labor difficulties. Now they have their pick of willing laborers for projects that require it, while being able to use machines to do in excess of human hands ever could. This implies farmers are Nike Australia able to afford to hire better quality workers to complete specialized projects.

There have been great advancements in methods of food production, digesting, packaging, preservation and shipping. This means goods are delievered to Nike Free Run Australia trading markets and grocery stores more quickly than previously. Access to food has never been a challenge in highly industrialized or perhaps first world countries. Food Production Ray Ban Australia Will Remain a Primary UndertakingWith the continual increase in human population, food generation will remain one of our highest fears.

While industrialized agriculture provides greatly aided the expansion while increasing in the population of the entire world, there are valid criticisms in the movements. Many question the sustainability of these practices, as overuse of pesticides and pesticides could create resistent "super weeds". Overusing cropland also pieces the land of its nutritional requirements that are vital to healthy flowers. This could lead to overuse connected with fertilizers and other chemicals to encourage growth.

The organic movements has risen in response to many of these issues. This movement is focused on increasing the health of the ground and minimizes the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. However, even organic farmers might use some technology and equipment that were developed for the use of industrial agriculture, such as tractors and various heavy machinery. One hopes we are moving toward a future of more balance in food output, where the health of the area and environment is equally thought to be along with the price and simplicity of goods.

What are your thoughts regarding industrialized agriculture? Let us know within the comments. Siamo sempre stati istruiti a elencare i nostri titoli preferiti che Peuterey Negozi Napoli coincidere con il mese di vacanza. Per il giorno qui erano alcuni dei miei preferiti di scelta:. Le immagini di sport frigorifero, calendari e carte fatte a mano. Nessun problema se il figlio o la figlia lasciano uno skateboard o di altre cose giocare fuori della loro porta di casa impensabile a Camden. I suoi sogni di una vita migliore per i suoi figli si sono avverate. I dati evidenziano come segregato gli Stati Uniti rimane sulla scia di un dibattito sulla razza innescato dalla assoluzione del mese scorso di George Zimmerman nella sparatoria di disarmata nero Florida adolescente Trayvon Martin.

TEAR has so far managed to drive mild increases in revenue within the last few year, but only by shelling out a disproportionate amount with marketing. The result has been ballooning cutbacks in every quarter. Following a large number of recent calls to the locations of eye doctors, it is apparent that the adoption from the TearLab product tends to be fleeting and also driven primarily by the advertising and marketing spend.

As a result, the momentary boost in revenues resulting from the following marketing tends to be short lived and will be constantly replaced with fresh doctors who will give the products a trial. Investors should be worried that TearLab now gives away it has the desktop reader for free as a way to encourage doctors to make a demo of the product. His start date ended up being scheduled to begin just prior to the particular upcoming earnings release.

The timing has been likely urgent in order to have got a visible solution in place prior to announcing disappointing earnings. TearLab may well report a much larger great loss on revenues which are toned to down. The hiring of Mr. Jensen will be positioned as a means regarding addressing these problems going forward. Background informationLately, I have done quite well on several trades by aggregating information through non market sources before earnings releases and placing my bets accordingly. Information that may be obtained by customers, suppliers and competitors is all honest game as long as it is not furnished by company insiders.

To me, both of these trades were being painfully obvious. Rather than rely on the bullish views connected with sell side analysts, I personally turned off my computer as well as left my desk to help conduct my own research face to face. I then named dozens more and scoured the web for evidence of discounting. Professionals believed and repeated this specific view almost verbatim. Nevertheless my months of analysis showed that the discounts were actually accelerating rather than regressing. A steep earnings miss has been all but guaranteed.

When it appeared to be reported, the stock rapidly plunged as it should. Before writing about IRG, I visited as well as called numerous restaurants around multiple states and questioned employees on each function. I also aggregated information on the availability with discounts. The mix of much lower traffic together with deep discounts meant that IRG seemed to be all but guaranteed to report a loss rather than the analyst predicted gain for the quarter.

This type of analysis is now starting to be widely used by a wider array of investors. Investors have come to understand that the reports and targets of sell side specialists are typically useless or positively dangerous. They are often little more than gratuitous insurance quotes from management along with lofty share price targets which get regarding raised every time the share price ranges rise.

The point is that this type of grass roots analysis is becoming far more useful in predicting promote prices and earnings compared to reports of ever bullish sell side analysts. At its peak, TearLab reach just over half a billion dollars in market cap. The driver for the rise in the share selling price over the past year has been expert enthusiasm over revenue progress.

On a percentage basis, your revenue growth has the fact is been quite large, while in the range of triple digit percentages. The reason must become apparent. The problem is clear. Analysts have been operating under the theory that at some point TearLab will end up generating enough revenue to sneak through the losses. But it need to be kept in mind that the TearLab product has become on the market for over 5 years in addition to significant sales have yet to appear.

The result of the heavy spending has been the steep surge in Polo Ralph Lauren Australia losses. This might be an acceptable method if it was one that generated a sustained increase in gross income in the long run. But with TearLab, it appears that your marketing spend is often prosperous only in getting doctors to be able to agree to an initial test of your system for a limited stretch of time. When they fail to continue using it, it means that the marketing invest is largely wasted and the profits evaporate. TearLab then continues which consists of marketing spend in an attempt to read more new doctors to do an initial test of the procedure.

As a result, the company has lost more in 1H The year than it did for day , its previous hardest year ever. The last column on the proper is YTD Instead of discussing the income miss directly, the majority of the cash flow call was spent experiencing a panel of personally selected experts offer their commend for the TearLab system.

At the risk of saying the obvious, it should come as no surprise that the panel of 4 which were hand selected by TearLab had extremely positive things to say in regards to the product. Among the doctors, a few of them had been long term TearLab supporters heading back for multiple years. She will also provide help with application forms for entitlements, provide oneto one particular support for people with disabilities and their families to secure its rights and provide advocacy aid with mediation among family members and other agencies where appropriate to ensure positive outcomes for everyone.

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Could it have been espionage? The Naval Yard houses trial weapons and it could be a person trying to sell this information to our adversaries. Kuznick is usually a professor of history and home of the award winning Nuclear Reports Institute at American University. Also, Kuznick is serving his or her third term as prominent lecturer with the Organization of American Historians.

He has written broadly about science and governmental policies, nuclear history and Cold War culture. The Untold Good reputation for the United States is a collaboration amongst Stone and Kuznick in a Ten part documentary regarding contemporary US history and has also been made into a book. President Harry Truman final decision to drop the atomic blast on Japan, and modifications to America global role ever since the fall of Communism. Stone is definitely the director and narrator of all 13 episodes, which intend to provide an unconventional account of a lot of the darkest parts of twentieth century history using little known documents along with newly uncovered archival material.

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I bet it becomes an ancient alpha. They had absolutely no new screenshots either. FX Ultra should be the exact card as FX having half the pipelines in support of bit memory bus. Forex does have higher clock wavelengths but should that make it swifter? Answer is yes, if the benchmarked sport used simple graphics without any additional eye candy. This definately means without DX9 negative effects of course. Some of those huge framerates sugges also very simple scenery.

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Meditating greatly aids, though is not necessary for, disciplined non pondering. In virtue of its intentionality, brain is ever in flight from its center, so much so that some have got denied that there is a center or a self. The aim of meditation can be centering. To switch metaphors, the aim is to swim upstream to the thought totally free source of thoughts.

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Chargers injuries, especially to key players, have become because common as sunny days on Quest Beach during Turner five seasons here. That helps explain exactly why San Diego could continue its personnel juggling act but still emerge with a 26 07 home victory over winless but dangerous Miami. Wide recipient Vincent Jackson went out after tallying about three catches for meters and a touchdown in the Jordan Shoes game primary 19 minutes. In got rookie Vincent Brown, whose 30 yard catch on a third and 19 helped keep a touchdown drive alive.

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Fish 0 4 were beyond desperation even before suffering a significant injury of their own. Chad Henne damaged her left shoulder nine a matter of minutes into the game after the need to keep an aborted handoff to data backup running back Lex Hilliard. Henne replacement Matt Moore deserves credit for keeping Miami close throughout but not anyone stepped up to offer the support your dog needed to win. Running backside Reggie Bush cooled after a rapidly start in his hometown, large receiver Brandon Marshall dropped two passes and the defense didn produce a income.

Even against a gentle opening schedule the three competitors San Diego has beaten are a combined 1 11 the particular Chargers are doing enough to steer the AFC West. These types of placement is nothing new. Los angeles had won four continuous division titles before combining injuries and awful specific teams play where the constant depth chart shuffling stood a trickle down effect stored the Chargers from the playoffs.

The bumps and bruises are coming again this season. One establishing defensive end Jacques Cesaire was inactive Sunday while another Luis Castillo is usually sidelined indefinitely with a broken lower-leg. Ex Indianapolis strong safety Bob Sanders has taken his habitual spot on the injured save list, pushing Steve Gregory in to the starting lineup. The situation is equally as painful on offense. Rechargers running back Mike Tolbert admitted that if Gates were participating in would have a different affect on the particular opposing defense. They would have to use him away instead of using Vincent out of the offense.

Jackson was very open on his Fityfive yard touchdown that he had the capacity to make a diving catch in addition to rise to run the remaining Twelve yards into the end location. When he was forced to keep early in the second quarter, Hillcrest quickly adjusted by leaning on Tolbert and fellow operating back Ryan Mathews.

The pair combined for 10 grabs for yards and added another 98 yards and one touchdown on 22 bears. Rivers spread the football to eight different heirs overall. This is the upside for you to last year mess. Chargers backup copies have learned they could be placed into a new prominent role quicker than Gates can say plantar fasciitis. You never know that going to make the play. Who would have well-known he would have been in that posture? When you in the biggest sport of the year, which is always the following game, you not wondering who are able to do it.

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That prediction was based on a model describing inflation in developed countries to be a linear and lagged function of your time force. In situation 1 , the slope is 4. Employing 1 and various projections associated with labour force we believed the rate of inflation between and Figure One compares the predicted rate with inflation with that observed in between and The agreement is very good considering the precision of inflation measurements and the labour force projection provided by the CBO in Air Jordan Australia Intended for , the model anticipates the rate of inflation close to 0.

The current fall in commodity prices and the deceleration in real economic growth both signify no price inflation while in the second half of Hence, our prediction for The new year from seems to be ideal. Between and , the rate of Polo Shirts inflation as expressed by the GDP deflator will be adverse at the level between 1. Definitely, the CBO labour force screening machine at a ten year horizon could not be too precise plus actual values of the future rising prices rate may differ from the forecast ones.

Forecasted inflation rate for the time between and good CBO labour force projection. A deflationary period starts next year. Deflation in consumer prices is also predicted by the current size of labour force. Most of us estimated a similar relationship for the headline CPI. Five years ago these relationship was obtained:. The time be of three years actually A couple of. In 2 , the particular slope is larger than in A single. This difference expresses a bigger volatility in consumer charges. Figure 2 illustrates the agreement between the observed in addition to predicted rate of client price inflation between and The anxiety in labour force measurements is directly mapped directly into high amplitude fluctuations.

All these fluctuations represent banal measurement sounds and cannot be removed without the need of improvements in the relevant BLS methodology and procedures. It is instructive the largest fluctuations correspond to the years and months of decennial censuses. The Census Bureau has to smooth the difference in between counted and projected population values so called population handles and the BLS ignores these techniques. As usually, the most efficient readings correspond to Oakley Australia the changes with the largest amplitude. The best way to restrain this measurement noise is with integral cumulative values.

Number 3 displays the viewed and predicted cumulative blowing up curves starting from The estimated cumulative curve is attained by a progressive summation of values from and is also shifted ahead by Two years. There is an almost complete contract between the cumulative curves for your period. The only small Air Jordan Shoes deviation occurred around along with corresponds to a sharp drop of the rate of labour push growth as induced by the baseline working age society correction. An agreement is actually observed throughout the whole interval with some short fluctuations inside labour force potentially induced by the population corrections applied by the Census Bureau inside the census years.

The believed cumulative curve is very responsive to free term in 3. Even the initial difference with 0. Therefore, the value of free of charge term in 2 is often estimated with a good accuracy. It is essential that the cumulative curves characterize actually measured macroeconomic variables: Inflation modify rate are based on first variations of the original values and for that reason are much more sensitive to statistic errors.

Comparison in the cumulative values of the seen and predicted inflation displayed in Figure 2. Your predicted curve starts coming from and is shifted by simply 2 years ahead. An agreement will be observed with a notable consist of convexity before to concavity one soon after One can conclude that a deflationary time will likely start in and after that may extend into the partner of the s. Price deflation is a major risk for the stock market. The web site loading velocity is amazing. It kind of feels that you are doing any unique trick. Furthermore, The contents are masterpiece.

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