Die Weiße Wölfin und der Admiral (German Edition)

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His La divina commedia , is often considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. Dante is also recognised as the father of the Italian language. His experiences from WW1 influenced his later works of art. He committed suicide in He was accused of having written "We'll shit on the war" on a wall by a munitions dump.

Prochaska was Austrian consul in Prizren Ottoman Kosovo in He was arrested by Serb troops occupying Prizren during the first Balkans War and accused of inciting the local Albanian population to resisting the invaders. Claims in the Austrian press that he was mistreated were unfounded, but the incident led to a major diplomatic crisis.

The conflict was resolved when an initiative from Neue Freie Presse got the facts on the table. Prochaska was released in January , and later that year he took up the position of councillor in Rio de Janeiro. Lev Trotsky was an eye-witness to the Serb capture of Prizren but does not comment on the Prochascka-affair. Links Prochaska Oskar Jahrbuch des k.

He was accused of high treason, and is known for his famously nebulous testimony:. Kudrna was executed at Motol because of an incident where he got upset with a captain who hit his son with a sabre.

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Start reading Die Weiße Wölfin und der Admiral (German Edition) on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a. Die Weiße Wölfin und der Admiral (German Edition) eBook: Claire Hölig: Amazon www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Kindle Store.

He left his wife and seven children behind. The story has been dramatised and filmatised, and in a boot about him was published. Esau is mentioned by a stupid corporal who is making himself important at the expense of an editor who cleaned his buttons so shoddily that "they were rusty red as Esau".

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Esau was son of Rebecca and Isaac in the Book of Genesis. His brother was Jacob, father of the nation of Israel. Gargantua is mentioned when the author compares the sounds Father Lacina emits with the sounds of the awakening giant Gargantua. Gargantua is the father and Pantagruel the son in these stories. It is a satirical work, replete with vulgarities and descriptions of troublesome digestion and its consequences.

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Rabelais is mentioned when the author compares the sounds Father Lacina emits with the sounds of the awakening giant Gargantua. He is referred to as "old merry Rabelais". Rabelais was a French author known for his world classics "The lives of Gargantua and Pantagruel". Karl Stephan is reported to have honoured the whorehouse Zum Kukuruzkolben with a visit during the manoeuvres by Sopron in It has not been verified that he actually took place in any maneuvers by Sopron in This is the first time the good soldier shows his ruthless streak, or rather: Towards people of his own rank he can afford to be straightforward in this respect, against his superiors he needs to be cunning and use irony as a weapon in such a way that he doesn't get caught.

We are also told that she was a German from Sopron. There is however a precedent to the story of the scandal involving the Kakonyi couple, but from the author himself. The ensueing row let to a massive brawl between Magyars and Czechs out on the street.

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The affair ended up in numerous Hungarian newspapers, and became a huge scandal, further complicating the inter-ethnic relations in the empire. The author may thus have used the same model for two different fictive persons. See Zur weissen Rose. He served in a regiment from Steirmark who had their quarters in Brucker Lager. Bitterlich was a soldier who committed suicide because of captain Jetzbacher.

He translated a number of classics to Czech, amongst them: Moreover the soldier's grasp of German grammar is questionable: Frau is a female noun, not neuter as the spelling here indicates. Kafka didn't think much of it, in fact deemed it a lousy play without any sense or direction. XII 11 Vorgestern Hippodamie. Ein Herumirren in der griechischen Mythologie ohne Sinn und Grund.

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Quote from the novel [2. He was accused of high treason, and is known for his famously nebulous testimony: Esau Web Wikipedia cz de en no Google search.

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