The Secrets of College Success (Professors Guide)

The second half of the book included topics quite different from students' high school experiences, including making the most of professors' office hours, how to pick a major, graduate school, finding a job, studying abroad, and signs you are This book contains tips for college students and soon to be college students that focus mainly on classes and academics. The second half of the book included topics quite different from students' high school experiences, including making the most of professors' office hours, how to pick a major, graduate school, finding a job, studying abroad, and signs you are in trouble--to name a few.

Unfortunately, the people that need to know that they are in trouble and don't already know it will never pick up this book. I have heard that more colleges are including a freshman seminar that teaches kids how to be successful in college. This would make a good textbook. I would like to add a thought on choosing a major the author did not include.

Choose a major you can job in that you would not hate. If you are planning to go to graduate school, be sure to have a back up plan with your major should you not get into graduate school. I will be even more specific: Well, unless you like scrubbing crap off the wall of a group home as one of my roommates did.

Each to their own. I did suggest this would be a good book for my professor husband to read, particularly the chapter about bad professors. He should be sure to avoid any of those characteristics.

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As I read further, I found several variations on the topic of how to not PO your professor. I suggested he read it and make a list for his students--he did not find any of my suggestions of interest or humorous.


A few nights later he was reading the topics submitted for a paper for a masters level class. One was "Right Wing Terrorist Groups. You would think with that much education, a student might think about his audience--even if you don't know your professor's political views. Turns out the student decided to change topics after a few questions from the professor. Besides using some of the advice in this book for my HS junior son and HS students that I work with, I found that some major universities offer online classes for free not for credit.

I may take advantage of this. Here is the link: The Secrets of College Success. I would put this book in the han Title of Resource: I would put this book in the hands of a junior or senior high school student who is attending college after high school. While this information benefits those attending a community college, the information is mostly geared to those students who are attending a two or four year college and living on campus.

This book could be used to reassure some who are nervous about college or those who are looking forward to the new experience. It gives lots of good information about many topics that high school students will want to know. This is not necessarily for an SOL, but more for life after high school and answering questions juniors and seniors may have. In order to incorporate it into the classroom, teachers could use this book as a research resource for students to present information to each other about college.

It is also written on a level that all students can understand, including subtle humor while providing reliable information. This book discusses several topics related to college life with many tips and tidbits of advice. This book includes lots of good information for the college bound and is well organized by topic. Many students will find this book a worthwhile read. The professors have outlined solutions for all the major fears that students face when they start college.

Mentoring Your Child During the College Years "Psychologically sound tips for thriving, not just surviving, in college. These authors want you to succeed.

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A great source of practical advice that could mean the difference between success and failure. The Secrets of College Success reveals what students need to know from the perspective of the professors who teach them.

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It pays to know the rules of the game before you play. Easy to read, easy to locate what you need, this book will be helpful throughout your undergraduate years.

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I highly recommend it. This handy volume will help students focus on what it takes to be successful.

Quimby, deputy dean, Princeton University "This book provides sound advice in a great format on how to get the most from your college education, starting on Day 1 of your freshman year. This book should be required reading for every college-bound student so that they will be equipped with the "under-the-hood" expertise they need to succeed in higher education.

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Winner of the USA Book News Award for best book in the college category, The Secrets of College Success combines easy-to-follow tips that really work with insider information that few professors are willing to reveal. The over tips in this book will show you how to: Pick courses and choose a major Manage your time and develop college-level study skills Get on top of the core requirements Get good grades and avoid stress Interact effectively with the professor Match college and career, and more.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. "If I had my way, I'd give this book to every single collegestudent, of any age, and make them read it. A book that moves from'How to. The Secrets of College Success (Professors' Guide) and millions of other . tips that really work with insiderinformation that few professors are willing to reveal.

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It is the Missing Manual for turning a merely okay college experience into a delicious adventure. I laughed, I took notes, I loved every page. And I m not even in college. If you are, don t even think about not buying this book. It will be the best thing you ever did for yourself.

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The professors have outlined solutions for all the major fears that students face when they start college. Mentoring Your Child During the College Years "Psychologically sound tips for thriving, not just surviving, in college. Lynn s and Jeremy s tips will make your college experience a spectacular success. These authors want you to succeed. A great source of practical advice that could mean the difference between success and failure.

Padron, president, Miami Dade College "The students who are most successful in college are those who are most prepared.