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Battlefront game series was perfectly satisfactory as an accessible online action game. I kept all of these optimistic angles in mind as I booted the new game—and as I used my lightsaber of fandom to try to carve through its confusing economies. But that has been Scarif-massacre levels of difficult. Battlefront II ultimately lands as an adequate-but-forgettable combination of polish, bombast, and been-there-done-that shooter tropes. Even after EA's last-minute about-face , little about the total package makes me eager to recommend it to anybody looking for a family-friendly blaster, a Star Wars -worthy story, or a month-after-month dive into online team combat.

When playing online, you jump into team-based combat that resembles a slightly simplified version of DICE's Battlefield I. The primary multiplayer mode, "Galactic Assault," is a on asymmetric team fight that resembles Battlefield I 's "Conquest" mode, in that one side tries to take over various control points while the other side defends them. If the attackers take over enough nodes, then the combat map expands, defenders retreat, and attackers try again with a new series of points until they overcome.

If the attackers die too many times, however, the defenders win. This is represented by a "number of lives" pool shared among all squadmates, good and noob alike. Further Reading Star Wars: Stunning as the Death Star, dry as Tatooine You and your squadmates do all of this while the best Star Wars trappings light up and explode around you. DICE's Frostbite engine looks even better in this sequel, and every battleground is bathed in rich geometric detail and gorgeous lighting effects. Endor's thick forests, Naboo's gilded palace, and Mos Eisley's sand-swept city have never looked better in video game form.

They're all draped in convincing blaster fire, a Star Wars -caliber orchestral score, and perfectly tolerable AI squadmate chatter. Though 11 battlegrounds ship in the retail game, they're decidedly uneven, and none surpasses the instantly memorable combat worlds that shipped in 's Battlefield 1. The closest BFII comes to that quality is on Endor—which offers an ample number of combat paths through woods and fortifications alike—and on Hoth—which spreads battle stations across an epic, snow-covered valley.

In the case of the latter, however, I was only able to play that map once as of press time, owing to the game's utter lack of a server browser. The inability to focus your gameplay attention on preferred maps will rankle anybody who tires of certain maps, particularly the death-filled corridors of Starkiller Base. Even when the maps rank up there with DICE's best, players must still contend with a shooting game that wants to have it all: Battlefield -level scope with Star Wars -friendly accessibility.

The result that has played out thus far in the game's early access periods, open to paying EA Access subscribers and the game's special edition owners, is a game with a serious lack of tactical combat that comes together in a fluid manner. For instance, should squadmates defend or buff each other in specific ways?

The few powers that dole out valuable assists—like shields and "leadership" shouts—give zero rewards. It's also unclear during combat when those "doubled" bonuses actually accrue. And unlike Battlefield , BFII fighters can't have a leader "point" to a particular objective or zone and receive bonuses or boosts for focusing on it. Without those organic nudges, the online game, in practice, melts down to murder-hallways. This is, in part, because of some ho-hum level designs that encourage boring, non-strategic play, but also because players rack up more BPs when they put bullets into their foes.

Everybody wants to do that! In good news, the math on how long it takes to earn your way toward a superhero upgrade seems balanced enough, though it never feels that way when someone reaches that point before you and proves it by way of lightsaber murder. I should also mention an interesting new tweak for this sequel: However, I'm already finding that this is being exploited by players who empty their magazines shortly after respawning so that they can get more ammo when piling into an assault point.

Also, Star Cards can be used to make this reload system easier to pull off, and you'll see my beef with that below. When players hop into a flying craft, either during specific BP-fueled moments on Galactic Assault maps or during the dedicated, ships-only Starfighter Assault mode, the feeling at first is nothing but awesome.

DICE's Frostbite engine does a wonder with richly detailed spaceships, ridiculous draw distances, and probably not scientifically accurate lighting effects. The mode rarely surpasses that first-blush wonder, however, with incredibly mild control and attack options for each ship.

These just aren't satisfying dogfights beyond basic, solid arcade-level thrills. Evasive maneuvers like loop-de-loops are practically impossible, and your best hope is to unlock the correct evasion-minded Star Cards through the course of gameplay. Meanwhile, when you board a flying craft during Galactic Assault battles, the results are weird. You're mostly up there trying to awkwardly hit ground targets with no radar system to help and trading fire with enemies who made the same foolish BP purchase as you.

Ultimately, BFII drops players into combat with little in the way of strong explanations or guides into how to maximize combat, tactics, and fun. I guess thats what happens when you create voting system, everyone ranging from poster, answerer and moderator wants to increase their count. I feel your pain.

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And I got downvoted and put off topic. I later seen a question on the game section about playing MineCraft in school, and they gave the guy a batch file. I asked a question about playing a game like AQW or another online game coded with java with the batch file. And it got downvoted and out off topic. I agree that all questions are strictly legit because when you wonder about something, you just do. The site has a threshold and if your question does not pass it, just deal with it.

Post it in a forum where there ARE people willing to answer. In my opinion this threshold on SO is definitely not too high. I like how SO wants to profile itself as a site with a certain level. To close questions then, is absurd in all but the most extreme cases. I too said goodbye to stackoverflow.

So If i am asked to go and do research for few days; then think i can find the answer by myself. SO can help, but the way it actually gains such a lead ahead of alternatives is too intransparent, makes me feel that it is somehow unfair in the end. The unfair thing is actually to force good questions, because the question goes into the intelectual property of SO. One time I asked on SO, it was downvoted -4 immediately, since I probably hurt some python purists with a complicated problem. Heck, they are probably just figuring out what to even begin to ask!

A lot of them complain about wasting time, yet they spend just as much time belittling the person asking or others answering questions without actually answering the question themselves. Is SO some sort of strange programmer version of high school?

Even if EA fulfills promises, this game may still be too far gone to the Dark Side.

Some of the behavior is rather…feminine. Obviously by asking a question you are there for a purpose and by posting a mistake you are attempting to learn. To think, I could be working with these people someday…. Stackoverflow is all about male dominance and ego-fighting. Feminine is not a negative attribute.

I agree with you in everthing else you said. Stackexchange sites are built in a way that usually attracts narcissistic people without real knowledge. There is a saying: It seems that what should be a helpful environment for those who have questions about programming has instead devolved into a haphazard hive of self-entitlement and ego-stroking for those who seem incapable of remembering that when they were starting out, they, too, probably had questions such as this once upon a time.

I can understand wanting folks to be capable of answering their own questions, but throwing folks into the fire because they dared to ask it is unjustifiable and just an exercise in being a jerk, IMO. Hate that place, they really think a lot of themselves and are rude, treat their visitors like crap, especially if you are a newbie. I refuse to go there anymore for questions. I read some of the previous comments regarding quality questions. Can you generalize from that?? Then they have their suggestions for questions that are supposed matches to what you are asking. Anonymity does not grant the right to be rude.

I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with online resources. I have been helping out on SO for a while now, but I am getting more and more annoyed by the way things are going. Even if you give an answer that worked for you, you will get downvoted to such an extent that you loose more than what you gain. One is better of researching on your own than making use of SO.

I just wanted to lament my experience with them. I posted the seemingly innocuous question: I mean, is this sort of thing even possible? Where am I supposed to ask a question like that? Is it that unreasonable of a question? I posted simple questions, that would be easy to answer, i made it really easy to answer, and narrowly focused. Gee, there are a million html and css and whatnot questions up there — but its just for programmers, I see. It used to be an open forum to discuss programming, ask questions, and get feedback.

I was simply wanting to know if that kind of thing is possible. Apparently asking questions offends people. In addition, it could help a lot of other folks who might run into a similar issue. The almighty moderators, who did not understand what the question was, had to take it upon themselves to put it on hold. Another thing that really upsets me is that as soon as I attempt to search on a topic, SO results get on top of the first page.

And the majority are not relevant or very narrowed to other problem. Yes, there are times a very specific problem should be answered in such fashion. But being a developer means that you need to read many chapters and articles to get your rolling. SO results are far from being comprehensive, yet they constantly beat other search results that could, very well, make the developers far more well rounded in the long term.

There are some nice people who DO help but there are some anti-social super geeks who do NOT know how to interact with other humans. Thin skinned ass wipes. For example, go to Wikipedia, and you will find an army of Nazi moderator retards just like on SO. Why on earth would someone do this. These moderators probably do not have an outlet to get their power fix in real life so they go to these virtual worlds.

I have long stopped asking questions on SO, or on any online forum for that matter. Wow, where were all you guys when I needed you: And also posted officially on Meta Stack Overflow in my hopes of having a meaningful discussion about the issues:. Could have used the support. Luckily for me, I can take a hit. But for some, downgrades and harsh criticisms are very discouraging to people newbs who are taking up an interest in coding. The worse is, you get downgraded and left with no response. I could say as a newb, I do learn a lot from SO. The other half is really really bad! It could be a valid question to my own sense but my coding dictionary is still thin that might make me look stupid or not make any sense.

Well, I also had the joy of getting moderated by Bill The Lizard today. My crime was, linking to a solution on my own blog, which had the answer. Many a times we face broken links and this is why SO discourages copy-pasta of links. I try to be the good helpful guy in SO, but sometimes the swarm of SONazis downvoting, criticizing and moderating everything is overwhelming. Yes, a bug report! I found a bug and I reported it. No one upvoted me thankfully no one downvoted me either. Immediately a comment arose criticizing a phrase I used just a phrase, in a sentence from the sentences in the bug report and in a matter of minutes, the comment got two upvotes.

Oh and the feature request, I had pretty much no support except two upvotes, against 12 downvotes and a flurry of critical comments and answers. All I did was to make a suggestion to improve the quality of the content posted by new users. And by that, HELP the community have less shit to moderate.

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When I responded to the criticism, no one had anything to say. I watch everyday, newbies being scared away when they innocently come to SO to learn. Sometimes I stumble upon questions from back in the s and admire how welcoming the community was back then. The concept of the site is great, and I admire how driven it is. It has helped me in many situations to find many answers to the programming problems I faced. However, I find that the community is heartless and unwelcoming. What we end up with is a serious denial of the problem even existing.

Like I said, this is all moot and a vicious cycle of never having a meaningful discussion with both sides , trying to do so in Meta as many of you mentioned, just results in being attacked. Bottom line, the elitists like their club and they love being able to flex their intellect to show superiority over beginners and then there are enough experts that really are there to help with grace and politeness that want to share their knowledge with others, not impose it, that makes it just good enough to come back and use when we really need some help… but, very very sparingly.

About two hours into exploring SO and discovering that the time was wasted; I gladly deleted my account! I have better things to do, such as answer real life questions. I am holding a middle finger up to SO. I agree with you. SO is not even an Open Source Community. My experience with SO is quite negative. I even had one moderator stalking my answers and being impartial. Not even trying to help other people counts, what counts is that you generate visits mainly with your questions not your answers.

The SO moderators have a very bossy, smart-ass, me-genius-you-dumb-fuck arrogant attitude a bunch of social lepers with no life. The sad thing is some enterprises are beginning to accept SO and its shitty medals and points record as a credible way to determine whether you are a good programmer or not. I hope some other alternatives come up soon. And here is recent evidence that supports the arguments and point set forth by commenters and the author.

I am not saying that SO in useless or fails as a general concept at all. It is a wonderful collaborative tool, but i think the requirements to be a moderator should be far more strict. For example in the CS site that i posted, proof of expertise — such as a M. This could be an avenue for SO to begin to hook into the edu market and improve the accuracy of E-Learning. I have asked 4 questions.

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If you had just started out with GSA how did you get so many links? Some humans are content with a life well lived. I see three big problems with the StackExchange sites. DICE's Frostbite engine looks even better in this sequel, and every battleground is bathed in rich geometric detail and gorgeous lighting effects. The question then is how we strategically manage that risk and quickly respond to rankings setbacks. An equal cautionary tale: On the other hand, the T-shirt concession seems available.

I am a student, I tend to do research from that research questions and doubts arise. How the heck should I clarify them? Well, by asking… right? There should be someone with the answer and the knowledge. They should show that knowledge and help other people. This question goes against their policy — http: Which is why Stack has long considered removing it, since folks like you always point this question out as the reason why you should be able to ask your book recommendation questions. You are simply jealous of the success that it has in helping people like me to tackle programming problems.

I am sick and tired of this crab in a barrel mentality you people seem to have. This is why we stagnate in productivity and innovation because you people are so obsessed with status recognition that you will hold back millions of people from learning something that can benefit not just themselves but the entire world at large. Ours or anyone at Stack Overlord. My experiences with SO is summed up by your post, which reminded me of this post on SO: To figure out why compatibility mode is being switched to automatically when on the SE network of sites? Yes I too ran into Bill the Lizard and can see I am not alone in thinking he uses his delete finger far too often so add me to the list that named and shamed him.

A is much better actually. I would say stackoverflow is full of asshole. I would never go there again. I would say that the main problem lies in the flagging system. Four is hardly a concensus, and since you get badges for doing review tasks, there is even a greater incentive for people to close questions. I have no hard evidence, but I believe that the amount of questions closed is almost the same as the amount of questions flagged. I think SO has provided me with lots of answers to many questions over the years.

Yesterday I posted an answer that got down voted to a comment. The moderator who transformed it to a comment posted this: SO is full of retarded kids which have nothing better to do than tag and down-vote questions which are for some vague yes, I am using the word reason not good enough for their cause. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? My favourite author once wrote about church architecture that it wen all wrong about the time when christians turned into catholics. When I entered the site, after a while I started to fell like when I entered an online game for the first and the last time of my life.

I thought playing with other people would be more fun than playing only with a computer, whatever smart programmed. Yes, SO has changed when operators gradually become nazi robots. I has join SO 5 years ago and then after one year last year without take care it. Now when I want to contribute back for SO, but I can not recover the account because the openid has lost. The first feeling when come back is too much aggressive mod comment and edit but very little useful answer because people answers nervously.

Now as a new-commer, I can not vote or comment, and with 2 in 3 total question get vote down: I bloody hate it mentions so many words it constantly pollutes my google searches, and just about at one point it was almost useful. Sorry dude but you have to suck cock if you want to do well there and not everyone likes cock do they. SO is full of idiots when it comes to Java and Python. I keep a search on this only to filter out the stupid answers that my colleagues from india and china use it as a manual. The worst anti-patterns are to be found here. SO has actually been the source of quite a few negative experiences for me.

So much detail that engineers need an incredible grasp on the problem definition to the point of knowing the solution in order to execute good code. SO nowadays has a lot of people who want this problem definition defined to them. A better model would be to allow users to vote with their wallets. If you think someone asked a good question e. Moderation then becomes less relevant. For us coding geeks, sites like Stack Overflow are a lifeline to getting work done. That person saved us from hours of wasted effort and aggravation.

That geek deserves more. My favorite SO rape is when I ask a question, this is my question, this is the question I want answered. Joel can have his playground, but it has certainly soured me on Joel or anything out of Fog Creek. My favorite is no homework questions? Stack Overflow exemplifies why forum moderators have no place on this planet except in the ground. Sorry for my English: When SO started, there where no such questions.

There are already lots of questions and answers for most of these questions that the new users are coming up with. Most of these questions do not show any sort of effort. Silly questions for whom? Always try to be helpful. So If we can agree to those stipulations now what do we do? Would it be most helpful to all to delete the question? To point the user to some online tutorial? To make all questioners click a checkbox saying they have researched the best they can before asking their question?

One does find questions such as in my example on SO from time to time. What I am trying to say is that both you and Tilwin have valid points. After thinking about this, I feel if someone asks a lazy question it is by far the best to point them to an online tutorial rather than deleting the question or chiding them. The problem with your question is that it could be asked in different ways with variations and all of them would still be useless for SO. It would help me. The very guts of programming is problem-solving. In fact, programs are often referred to as solutions.

So an exercise in any problem is going to help you with whatever practical problem you encounter. The biggest asshole in the whole SO site. He shuts down everything without even reading or thinking about it 1s. I agree with most of the comments here. I had only made two posts on SO, and had no problems, but I did notice quite a bit of rudeness and putdowns.

I think what happened in my case is I pissed off one of the biggest egos on there by pointing out a logical inconsistency in the comment he made to my question. Next thing I knew, the question was marked a duplicate. The alternative question they pointed to did NOT answer my question. When I pointed that out in my edited code and with a comment, I was good and mad. I was also right, and even the mods could see that, so the duplicate question status went away. It just made them look stupid.

It took more time and energy to defend myself against these baseless and inane attacks than anything else, and my question remains unanswered. BTW, I looked at a few of the questions this egotistical jerk had answered and saw he makes a habit of putting people down. He told one poor guy his brain was not wired right. All this guy did was try to declare an inherited class incorrectly. SO is definitely hit or miss. There are useful answers on there but what a P. What a waste of efficiency. The SO community only wants questions that they can answer and add to their reputation points.

I laughed a lot after reading this article. It is very funny written, at the same time, It is true. It all seems to come from their moderators and veteran people too. Guess a couple rep points got their ego trip going. I agree in parts. The worst part of SO is that you have to word question perfectly and give it a perfect structure code separate text separate blah blah every time even if the question has only 5 lines it makes sense when there is large numbers of line of code and looking through may get difficult. The Most annoying thing about SO is the highly privileged mods or troll looking for points edits and down votes by invoking any rules declared SO which in many cases without properly understanding the question.

What i find ironic is that some of the rules which are stated by SO are openly flouted as some question popular among SO users are exactly what SO emphasizes not to be its very irritating. Seriously to ask a question you have to get so much prepared like going for a war. The next thing is fake voting up for points seriously grow up guys. Then last when user asks for question most people like to help out what wrong in that if somebody suggests wrong answer if that person is notified then nothing is wrong about it but ,if the answer is exactly what user asked is it fair to compete by voting down your competion its not that i worry about loosing points eventually if you get negative votes for answers you might get banned for that also now they.

Really what wrong did i do by asking a question that go question which was termed broad and another question that 2 negative votes. Just wait for it! You can also reply to this comment to suggest some features you wish to be there, there is always room for new features even though the software is done! I think it also applies to other sites in the SE network http: I have been programming in lots of other languages and platforms since circa , back in the day when Grok meant something… Usually I find my own answers after what seems like about 5 months of ratting around — and occasionally I made the mistake of seeking answers on SO.

Turning as one does to the Apple Developer Forums — what do I find… you guessed it. Much the same breed of trolls. There is one person there goes by the name of Simpsonics, with 2, posts to his credit. Does this person need a life or what? I have learnt to just ignore the others. I have also started my own wordpress site, where I keep useful bits of code for things I have managed to fix myself, so I can come back to them later when I need them. I found SO a few years ago and thought it was great. If there is a better place, please let me know. Not as huge as stackoverflow ofcourse, but sometimes a new perspective is better!

I found it quite fresh and I am happy to share it here. Tried contributing on SO for a day and immediately hated it. For question or answered ruined by Bill the Lizard, there are dozens more which were unscathed. The strange thing is, some people answered the same question well. But some people, degraded my question and made I sure that I was baned to ask any new questions. It should be noted that SO is about solving problems, not on-demand code writing.

I am more than prepared to help, advise and discuss but I am not there to free-freelance your work for you, thank you very much. Well do the work, I did so why should you be any different? I hate it when people want to cheat at their job, being something they are not. It does not matter if you are innocent, the internet is not. As for coming back 1. If your question was deleted it was seen as cleaning up the database. That is not entirely true. Stackoverflow moderators are jobless fat people who only have limited knowledge in some high-level languages like VB. Net, C , and Java. How can I implement this virtual mode handler in my OS stdlibs are supported, libgcc library is used … I get votes moderator: I really think that the reputation policy and the up-down voting system is what messes up so personally.

The whole problem with Stack Overflow SO and its sister sites is, was, and always be its rating system. The original intent of the rating system was to cull poor answers to posted questions. I never post questions on SO. As also a teacher myself, I am well aware of lazy students that turn to sites such as SO as a first resort. I find their lack of effort disturbing. If they want to argue with me, I suggest they take it up with the Dean. For example, I was thinking about writing a function in Python to see if a list already contained a value, but then I noticed if match[i] not in list: It all comes down to what we learned in first grade: The person is already in a humble spot by asking the question.

If their question is shot down, then they feel stupid. The person is much less likely to ask another question and will probably go into a passive mode of behavior. It seems that the stack overflow forgot this. What do I do? I am not denying that legit questions are closed, etc. SO is not a paid site and therefore you have to present your question nicely. An interrogation session in the comments of a question often means it was a bad question. But the same users will come here and rant. FWIW, just shut the fuck up and go crawl back under your rock.

Heavy handed and arrogant mods are discouraging experts from starting or staying. Well, hopefully a lot of people will be reading your article, agree with you and avoid polluting SO with such useless questions from a community perspective. Yeah…there have been lot of. Shitty policing going on SO. I am trying to learn different programming aspects on my own, and when i struggle with something i search and search, but the moment i get the idea to post my question on SO i quickly slap my face. Last week i gave it a shot in the hope that SO has gotten any better, but the moment i posted my question it was immediately closed, why?

They tend to make you feel stupid, and that you do not deserve to ask any question. I mean even if the question seems really really stupid you do not make the asker feel stupid, it is the same as a good professor. If you ask him a question, he does not implicitly tell you that you are a moron, instead he guides you to find the correct answer that will satisfy you.

With SO this not the case. I think most of the people that do such things on SO are people with problems or have been molested when they were little. Because SO is a site made by Programmers, for Programmers. Answers for stupid questions can be googled or found in study books easily. SO is moderated by users that only like easy questions about algorithms and will downvote the difficult ones.

I know this may seem egocentric, but: One was closed because it actually was a stupid question, but the other ones were upvoted and yielded good answers. I feel like adding: The mods are actually terrible at times though. Mods are terrible in most communities though. Give people power and they abuse it.

The mods are horrendous at stackoverflow. I had asked a question about modifying mergesort using pseudocode and it got down-voted. Then I asked a question about selection sort using pseudocode and it got 4 up-votes! Mergesort is a more complex algorithm than selection sort. I was told to take my question about depth-first-search to cs. So basically, stackoverflow is for working developers and cs.

Everyone else who is learning algorithms can go take a hike! I just started graduate school in computer science and have been learning basic algorithmic theory. They send me to cs. So, where can a person ask a question about modifying an algorithm? Is stackexchange more Nazi or Fascist? I think more Nazi because they thoroughly and systematically terminate any honest, sincere attempts to learn.

I also agree…its the worse website on the Internet. I wish the Internet would gang up, moderate itself and ban it from the Internet. I get banned just for asking any question whatsoever. I told them to jerk off!! It is just disgusting! They do not give you an answer to your question, but simply keep saying your question does not fit this website or it is vague, etc. I have had questions which did not receive a single answer there but was given effective solutions in other websites.

I just hate stackOverflow. That question indeed smells like homework and having taught programming I am strictly against homework: Also, you getting worked up about the close reason seems silly. There used to be very few close reasons and if you wanted to vote for closing a question, you just had to pick one, even if it was a bad fit. Just to provide some context: I have basically stopped answering years ago http: SO is useful for info on errors still that is it, unfortunately. But ultimately, the worst problem is that SO is a good search engine.

If your question has already been asked, SO will likely have a perfectly satisfactorily answer for you, that you can find quickly. Especially if your question is obviously related to other questions on the site — nobody sees nuance. Many reason SO sucks. But a simpler one is the outright lie. If you post an answer as anonymous with your name and email address you are then sent email for confirmation. Sounds legitimate you say? There is where the lie comes in. The verification email ask for you to create an SO account. Creating an SO account is not under the definition of email verification.

SO just wants accounts for whatever google mess data collection mail address database garbage. SO, why not remove the facade of anonymous commenting, or at least do a verification and end it there. Another example of declining planetary intelligence. Then every site will be like SO with the ban happy police unless you are miss goody two shoes. And trying to get help will be like trying to get Google to respond and actually listen to what people want.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post! SO really sucks there is no place for problems there,,,they just want good solutions rather and person to argue with…!! SO is a nice resource for finding answers to questions, but there are way too many ego-centric policemen on the site. Since when is any question not a real question? Way too many people trying to one-up each other in their answers. Quoting just the spec is a poor answer.

Maybe due to their poor choice of moderators. Not doubting their techinical skills though. There is loads of info on the site about how to ask, and if what you want fits that you get answered. For more vague questions, or situations where no code is written or research effort is made then other sites are the way to go. I also used to like SO but it is getting worse and is sure to continue to degrade unless SO changes its culture of treating its contributors like scum who should feel honored to have the privilege to be part of community.

The problem with SO is its army of Nazi moderators who seem to have nothing to look forward to in life except the joy of talking down to and arbitrarily punishing others who are trying to be helpful. The way it currently works, there is no way to keep moderator-induced misbehavior, idiocy, incompetency or other BS in check.

I have gained about 70 rep points, but keep getting them taking away. I answered him in English, spending minutes to write a very detailed explanation that perfectly and thoroughly answered him. So they came in and deleted it, and I lost my points. Some guys comes on the site, I do research, I spend time writing a nice answer, I give him code. Then, his account gets deleted, and I lose the rep, even though the question and answer could have benefited future readers.

The barrier for entry is bullshit. I think I will go back to just reading the answers that come up in Google as I have for many years, and not bother participating, as it seems like a second job. The observation about this being a second job is a good one. The people who spend all day there either have to be there for the love of it or because they have nowhere else to be. I think the second category is much larger than the first. If one is imaginative, one will get voted down.

Regurgitate stuff from textbooks and you are fine. This is definitely not a forum to learn new concepts. That is a very good example of very bad StackOverflow moderator. I see lots of people here complaining about him. Make him suffer people if you have time! I agree completely with what has been said on this post. I have been struggling with this for a long time, when someone closes my question for no particular reason.

Or because they think it has to be closed. Great post, I hope this will somehow help stack overflow improve, because it has good potential and it will be pitty if its quality gets downgraded because of people like this. A few years ago, when linux had a chance of making headway on the desktop, there were people like you who would call the questioner all kinds of names. They would scare users away and have a good laugh about it. We know the resounding success linux had on the desktop, not! When a replacement comes along and programmers find other ways to find the answers by cutting and pasting their exceptions in the latest fad language, SO and linux desktop can commiserate together.

If you want to see down votes, just try speaking out against these ridiculous moderating practices on meta. Go on, try it! My problem with SO is that I find most of their answers to be incorrect or incomplete unless the question is an easy one. SO used to be great, now a bunch of Nazis who have nothing better to do than sit around deleting other peoples questions.

Well, SO was initially made to answer unexpected errors that arise during programming. That was it, then evolved to a much wider environment. The site has somewhat a norm. From my perspective, a noob, I always found the lazy aspect to be one of not asking questions versus the opposite. Specifically speaking, asking a question on SO is really kind of annoying.

I would rather just search and find the answer to my problem as quickly as possible. That seems more desirable than copying and pasting relevant code, then forming a cogent question in hopes of getting a correct answer maybe a few hours or days later. The bulk of my contribution to SO has been in the form of questions searching for knowledge from others with more experience and know how.

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This is integral and, even the lifeblood, I might argue of the learning process in almost ANY arena. Thankfully, there are a lot of experts on the site who have gone above and beyond my question in the hopes of providing a more in depth understanding of said subject and thats what learning and asking questions is all about. Thats what good teachers and mentors do. There needs to be more of that, not less.

It should be encouraged, not discouraged. In depth understanding eventually prevents more questions because thats the type of knowledge our brains eventually use and work with to solve future problems.

All of my questions on SO have been preceded by at least 30 google searches framed in different ways as to find a solution that pertains to my specific problem. We are humans first. Conversing in text or audibly should always involve civility and proper manners as a respect for other humans. The best way to encourage learning is to be as polite and helpful as possible. I might add that the best way to discourage learning is to rudely imply the asker is somehow inferior, whether that inferiority consists of laziness or stupidity. Some of us have been born more efficient brains for some things than others.

Some of us have been born with blue eyes, others with brown. Its annoying to look for in depth answers and responses to coding problems only to be confronted by a web application that discourages such. Yes, one can find other resources, but whether SO likes it or not, they are the resource that people, like me, who are searching for such conversations continually find in just about every search imaginable that involves a programming issue of some kind.

When getting heavily downvoted on SO when I started out I started putting a lot of effort into my questions. After 3 months and seeminly successful questions in a row I had got up to 19 points and I was quite happy and excited.

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You just have to laugh really. I usually get very good answer on StackOverflow, unless the mods interfere. They always have some moronic ideas that a question like mine already exit, although I usually spend at least whole hour looking for the answer on the web, and read at least 20 StackOverflow discussion, before I ask a question. I am learning to program, and often do a simple Google query for how to do something in Python or C. They pollute the internet. I hope your organization dies.

That is why we need a free market so the internet can have competition again. I left SO about 6 months ago. The only thing I miss now is the ability to up-vote the other poor sods I see trying to get something useful out of the site.

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They should remove the voting system completely Most other forums do not have it I am not any more going to use it very unfair system for those people who need to ask question or help others. I do not like it any more. Cannot delete own account even if just standard user. I see that about a million people before me agree with this.

I had the same experience with SO but I kind of think that most people with a PhD in IT and the big time answer posters there probably all fall into that category are assholes. Strange, I never met one who, in the professional field, was friendly, helpful or even a sympathetic person. They all seem to be obsessed with showing to the world how clever they are and how dumb everybody else is. I started with SO by asking a question and then tried to answer some questions.

My answer was also downvoted. Today I mostly browse SO when I have a problem but hardly ever bother with posting a question anymore. You can say that about a lot of sites now. I totally see the point everyone is making here. I never really post on there as I too, find it a little daunting. I feel like anything that is slightly wrong, will be down voted. I actually owe that site a lot in terms of professional development. Looking back and looking forward. SO is a great barometer of that calculus. Stack Overflow can drink my overflowing jizz.

Someone please make a programming site for noobs. I even agree with you. But SO was different when it was born. It really changed with the groth of users, and the real users who should be ban are those who does not give an answer to the question but just criticize the question with no sense bullshits. The only way to prevent this users is to create an area on SO and report all them.

I can no longer stand the Nazis on that site. I Hope that they will improve there service…. I agree with OP. Downvoting without giving reason is like five me fucking a girl in party while she is not conscious and girl quizzes to find the father of the baby. Moment I ask question with grammatical mistake Pardon, but english is not my native they downvote. Atleast give a damn comment, saying what is wrong there! Math stack exchange is just as bad. Some serious cunts on there.

However I have to say that only Stack Overflow site has such bad downvoting practices. Stack Overflow is not a forum. It is a question answer wiki. It was created under the false idea that past questions are likely to help future seekers and so should be curated. I am extremely frustrated, but I am going to stop myself before I say anything unkind. I take this back. I was really frustrated.

My problem is not with Stack Overflow itself. My problem is with the zealots who have been programming for 3 years and think they own the place because their rep is so high. I like SO for getting answers to things quickly better format than a forum IMO and have over 6k reputation there myself, but every time I see a valid question closed by Bill the Lizard I see it a lot , I cover my face with my palm in disgust. You had these technically incompetent members having 10, 10k rep on meta and on SO treating with contempt the SO members who are the actual SO contributors with — reversely — on meta and 10k on SO!

Of course the StackExchange folks do want and need as much as possible people to contribute to the sites. My account offers to review hundreds of posts — and I could indeed spend some hours doing that…. And that works incredibly well! Look these guys spend a mega huge amount of time on the sites, doing all these administrative tasks!

I guess moderators — about 20 members on SO — may get something, though. Or recognition if you prefer. Some members do actually want to help others, regardless the rep system, and want to share their own skills. But the majority of members, the ones spending days and night on the sites, is dead greedy for recognition. Just watch the effects of reputation on questions, and even more on answers and comments: Like a trapped animal, he edits or deletes the answer quick. Another interesting aspect is the yearly moderators election. A moderator is the highest level of recognition a member may get on SO and all SE sites.

Out of millions of members, only about 20 users are moderators. Giving recognition to people eager for recognition and letting them rule the site is maybe the problem. But how can SO manages to get people spend time on the site otherwise? What could be changed? Obviously, rep requires some skills. Who is more skillful, reliable? Here again, the more dedicated users, the ones scanning meticulously the new questions get the more rep.

Maybe the rule number one is: If a question needs a good answer it will have a tag like this:. Because it has attracted low-quality answers, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site. However, if a question has already attracted good answers there would be absolutely no need for any new answers which defeats the whole point. If it is properly answered already there is no need to answer. My profile says I never asked anything at all ever so I am guessing the system purges inactivity. The person asking the question should have priority in rating answers, not the people who view from the sides.

It should just be about questions and answers. That all being said, I have no intention on even trying to use that forum ever again. All they want are people who spent several hours a day obsessing. If there was any other websites out there with better attitude, then Stack Overflow basically will no longer be use. I realize you are venting; vent away.

Yet I apparently ask stupid questions in those technologies. The problem is that you have people who are so caught up in the curation of these questions and answers. What languages do you write in? I wish I truly understood one properly. I start to get it then there is like 4million things more to add and that is when I get confused. I started to learn JS again because of school and Java as well however, the school sucks because they ask us to read information about 5 to 6 years ago and half of what you read is irrelevant.

Some of what they teach in this last class was actually something I enjoyed reading and learning but for the most part why some of the curriculum is so outdated. I get learning the history but come on we should have been learning PHP by now. I write in C. C is pretty much the same as it has always been. They just add more features to the spec. They never take things away.

Languages in general do not become outdated that quickly. I like Visual Studio. There is a free, full featured community edition for learners like you http: Nothing helps me to learn a new framework like intellisense. Look some of us are not naturally gifted in the art of being a nerd but we trying to be. So what it is a school question give the person an idea please. Lastly, I just go to dreamincode. I wish I was talented like that, I know they not suppose to answer the question if it is homework but he said help me get started not do it all for me man please.

Never had a problem personally. Maybe if I spent more time on SO I would, but in general I agree with a lot of the questions I see that get such responses. But a highly curated site that tries to hold a high quality bar for questions and answers can lead to a better experience as well answers that site resources, help the user get a more complete picture, questions where user includes steps they took to debug, logs etc. They refused to remove the spam, and after i asked them again they simply removed the topics.

Very unfriendly support, disgusting people…they punished me for contacting them too much. You think that is bad try having national health care where if you have any criticism it will take 5 years to change if they do it at all. At least in a private business you can choose not to go there and they will naturally fail going bankrupt while still possibly blaming the customers then a new business takes over that does it right.

I asked StackOverflow to delete my account today which is idiotically difficult to do. When posting a question, after hours of googling and researcyng my problems, to what should be a community of helpful like-minded people, I expected helpful and polite responses. In stead I recieve messages about how wrong the question is and that it has been asked before — accompanied of course by a storm of votes sending my score, which to some probably equals my value as a programmer, down to the bottom. It makes me incredibly sad and angry at the same time.

The only thing stackoverflow is good for is taking the spirit out of beginners, while maintaining the egos of the people at the top who know how to play the game — which is all it is. SO is a pretty high level programming site, and, TBH, many beginners questions simply do not make sense.

Therefore, do not take the down voting personally. Have a look at the link given and learn.