How to Make Healing Herbal Tinctures (Herbs and Spices Book 8)

They are a good source of iron, which is essential for energy production and metabolism. Cumin is also a key mineral in keeping our immune system healthy. The benefits to digestion have long been known but only recently being proven scientifically. Research is now also showing that cumin may stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, compounds necessary for proper digestion and nutrient assimilation. Cumin seeds may also have anti-carcinogenic properties, especially liver and stomach. This may be due to cumin's potent free-radical scavenging abilities.

It may also increase the liver's detoxification enzymes, which in itself means it will have many ways to heal as the more effective our liver is at detoxing, the healthier we will be. Use the organic seeds or powder in your cooking by adding them to your dips, roast veggies and slow-cooked meals like curry, soups and casseroles. Powdered cinnamon is often mixed with white sugar, ground walnut shells, galanga rhizome.

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To control blood sugar, take 1 gram capsules of standardized cinnamon extract daily, or 1 to 6 g daily when treating high cholesterol. The tincture is useful for heavy periods, or indeed absent periods. It has primarily been used in the West to assist and flavor other drugs, and is helpful in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and to relieve flatulence. This gorgeous smelling herb likes little attention in the garden.

How to Make Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches

Giving it lots of love is not the answer here. Ignore it and it will thrive. It likes dry, well-drained soil, which is why you see it growing wild on cliffs in the Mediterranean. Its medicinal uses are many and varied. The two main ingredients that give this herb its therapeutic qualities are caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid - both being potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. These two acids reduce the inflammation associated with asthma, and improve liver function and heart health. It helps prevent the brain aging and is now proving an important defense against cancer, as research has found that rosemary extract can significantly help to protect DNA against free radical damage.

By blocking estrogen, rosemary helps prevent breast cancer. Its other benefits are in reducing age-related skin damage, and acting as a mild diuretic to help reduce swelling.

  1. 8 Of The Best Herbs And Spices For Natural Healing.
  2. Seasons of Solace: A Story of Healing through Photos and Poems.
  3. ;

Rosemary is also thought to stimulate our adrenal glands to provide energy while lifting our mood and relieving stress. Take as a capsule, liquid herb from a herbalist, or drink the fresh leaves in a tea. Ginger is your go-to spice to prevent nausea, no matter the cause - be it pregnancy, motion sickness, food intolerances, anxiety or chemotherapy.

A powerful antioxidant, ginger works by blocking the effects of serotonin, a chemical produced by both the brain and stomach when you're nauseated. It also stops the production of free radicals, another reason we might feel nauseous. These same anti-inflammatory powers help powdered ginger kill ovarian cancer cells as well as, or better than, traditional chemotherapy, at least in the test tube. Ginger helps to regulate blood flow, which may lower blood pressure and decrease blot clots during menstruation. Ginger extract has been proven to significantly reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee.

For a therapeutic dose take capsules from your health food store or the liquid extract from a herbalist or Naturopath. Sage is one of my favorite herbs, and for so many reasons. Try drinking the tea or get the liquid extract for more severe flushing. To whiten your teeth, pick a fresh leaf and rub it over your teeth a few times each week. It also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle, is a natural deodorant, sore throat tonic when gargled , antiseptic and astringent. When mixed with rosemary, it can darken graying hair. Make a tea and rinse though your hair and leave it on, a few times a week.

Raw sage has traditionally been used to treat warts, skin cancers and tumors.

Yes, a pretty fabulous herb. Dried sage has played an integral part in ancient, as well as current ceremonies. Many Native American Indians, because of its effect on purifying energy, hold sage sacred. When burned, the smoldering smoke offers various remedies for many physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental imbalances.

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How to Make Healing Herbal Tinctures (Herbs and Spices Book 8) - Kindle edition by Miriam Kinai. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, . Editorial Reviews. From the Author. In this, the first book on making tinctures, I lead the novice How to make tinctures and heal your body naturally - herbal remedies from medicinal herbs and tinctures - Kindle these scientifically integrated medicinal herbs & spices may enhance your life . Showing of 39 reviews.

Happiness Healthy Home View All. Breakfast Mains Sweets Juices Smoothies. Salads Snacks Drinks View All. Here are 8 of the most incredible ones for healing your body naturally: Saffron - Crocus sativus Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus".

Turmeric - Curcuma longa Turmeric is part of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is solid below a certain temp. I love coconut oil for my skin anyways!

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I was surprised when I first used it! Hi, This Yasar… i want to start a small business in Balm for headache n heeling liquid items… can help me in this…. It is available on amazon for about 15 bucks a pound.

You can quickly infuse oils over low heat on the stove for 2 hours, or a few hours in the crock pot if you need them in a hurry. Hi, I was wondering if I could use coconut oil instead of beeswax?

best medicinal herbs images on Pinterest | Healing herbs, Herbalism and Herbs

I already use coconut oil to help control my psoriasis. I think you could — the consistency might be off though, it would probably end up more of a cream than a balm. I am still new to herbalism and natural remedies.

  • How to make herb-infused balms.
  • How to Make Herb-Infused Balms for Healing + Headaches | Hello Glow;
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For the headache balm do you rub it on your temples or where? Also do you have any remedy for joint pain, such as in the knee? I infuse comfrey and calendula in olive oil with some vitamin E to solve the rancidity issue. I also use beeswax for the thickener.

PS — I source my containers from a local bee supply business that also markets salves etc or from a larger distributor when necessary — http: I like Specialty Bottle Company. Does anyone have a suggestion on a book to purchase that has many recipes for old time healing remedies? We need a homeopathic specialist near us in Kitsap County, Washington, so we may as well be reading up on it ourselves and make healing medicines ourselves.

Rosemary Gladstar has several good books. She comes from generations of herbalists and has her own school. You should be able to get it through Amazon. The first part of the book explains 10 natural healing methods: Then the second part of the book describes 50 common health issues, and then gives remedies from each of the 10 healing methods.

Diane Stein lives not too far from me here in Florida, and I used to know the naturopath who was her resource before he died. These are reputable people, and I have used several of the remedies in this book. It is my first resource before I go to anything else for natural healing. Try this recipe for Vaseline, then add drops of essential oils to it: There are faster ways to infuse oils with herbs. A crock-pot is only hours.

The best smelling cure for a headache or itchy skin ever! I love calendula, it works so well x. Your email address will not be published.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to primary navigation Skip to content Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer Every time I got sick as a kid, my dad would bring out the echinacea. I made several infusions: Have you ever made an herb-infused balm? Ingredients Dried herbs peppermint , lavender , chamomile , calendula , etc Carrier oil olive, almond , jojoba , etc.

Instructions Infuse oils for weeks in a tightly sealed container. If you see mold growing, you need to toss it and start again. Strain out the herbs Combine oil and beeswax in saucepan or double broiler over low heat When melted pour into clean containers and add essential oils if desired Let salve cool and harden Store in lidded container in cool, dry place.

Total Facebook Tweet Pin Email. Comments i like it. Hi Jenny — I would definitely still use it!