L’educazione alla bioetica in Europa (Italian Edition)

Centre for Studies in Ethics and Politics (CeSEP)

The course develops a proposal concerning the theoretical problems in moral action.

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The course aims to discuss the epistemological status of political philosophy. Within these paradigms the focus will be on the relationships between theory and practice, on the role of contingency and necessity in political theory, legitimization and justification. This course aims to examine in depth the ethical aspects of several social and political questions raised by the pluralism of values and cultures as characterizing contemporary societies.

It aims at introducing the historical development of the philosophical reflection on morality, from its appearance to the contemporary age. This course is devoted to analysing the various theories concerning human rights and discussing the controversy concerning their universal validity. The debate concerning the tradition of human rights — as considered as inviolable individual rights — and the more recent debate concerning the attempt to enlarge this tradition with the integration of so-called collective rights will be introduced.

The Centre hosts and develops research projects in all areas of practical philosophy, focusing on issues of metaethics, normative ethics, bioethics, political and social philosophy, history of moral and political philosophy, neuroethics and the ethical implications of experimental research in Psychology and Neurosciences. In these areas the Centre also organises conferences, workshops, seminars, and public events. Meetings of the Laboratory of Practical Philosophy: PhD students and visiting guests from other Italian universities or from abroad discuss their current work and on-going projects.

Seminars on public issues: Discussion of matters of public interest such as issues of bioethics, social policy, national and international politics. The Centre contributed to initiate and hosts the Italian Society for Neuroethics https: The Centre hosts, moreover, a laboratory on Film and philosophy: The course consists of philosophical analysis of issues ranging from the status of the image to content that can be transmitted through it, and of a practical part, in which technical aspects and film language are at issue.

His research and teaching activities range from issues in metaethics to normative ethics, neuroethics and bioethics. She teaches Philosophy and human rights BA in Philosophy , Ethics of scientific research inside the course of Logic of innovation and of scientific research, MA in Biotechnology , Introduction to moral decision theory inside the course of Philosophy of science and bioethics, BA in Psychology.

Her research focuses mainly on moral responsibility in collective actions especially in relation to climate change. She is the present coordinator of CeSEP. Research Assistant at J. Her research project investigates the issues of cultural psychiatry. The theme of his research examines the relationships between the concepts of biopolitics and care of the self in Michel Foucault philosophy, through two main research axes: His research in the field of history of ideas and contemporary philosophy, drawing from the works of Michel Foucault and Lionel Trilling, focuses on the relationship between ethics, subjectivity and storytelling.

Moral Philosophy, Bioethics and History of Ethics. In particular, her current research deals with the idea of embryo in the Ancient and Medieval World, in order to understand the way in which the idea of embryo has come to be of interest to the Ethics even now. Her research involves the analysis of the problem of distance in morality and its role in generating moral obligations.

She concentrate her analysis on global ethical issues, in particular poverty, distributive justice and humanitarian intervention. Italian L2 for migrant women between linguistic needs and the desire for integration. How is an Italian L2 course organized for migrant women? Why are these courses different from other classes designed for adult immigrants?

The three interviews in the appendix, from three different centers which offer Italian L2 courses to immigrant women, tell about how these indications can be put into practice to satisfy the desire for the integration and social inclusion of these students, making the language class more than a. Lingua franca of personality - Taxonomies and structures based on the psycholexical approach. Data sets from seven original trait taxonomies from different languages, American English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Czech, and Polish, are used for a crosscultural study.

The taxonomic procedures, involving culling trait terms from the various lexicons and the construction Of. Dalla grammatica alla pratica della lingua. Approcci linguistici medievali e umanistici. Full Text Available Recensione diLa pratica e la grammatica. The demand for internationalization puts pressure on Danish universities to use English as the language of instruction instead of or in addition to the local language s. The purpose of this study — though proceeding from the belief that true internationalization seeks to exploit all linguistic This case study concerns Danish university teachers' spoken discourse and interaction with students in a Danish-language versus English-language classroom.

The data are video recordings of classroom interaction at the University of Roskilde, Denmark. The focus is on the relationship Full Text Available In a wide-ranging theoretical framework, principally based upon discourse analysis and the studies on language and identity, this article explores the construction of identity in a corpus of oral narratives collected among the Spanish speaking communities in Milan, by means of sociolinguistic and biographic interviews, seen as a complex event in which both parties act as active participant-observers.

More specifically, the case studies will enquire, on the one hand, into the processes by which ELF users transfer typological, textual, lexical and logical features of their native languages and cultures to the domain-specific communication they are involved in, thus affecting their pragmalinguistic behaviours and interpretative strategies, leading ultimately to communication failure. Lo spazio della ricerca nell'area kushi Nigeria: Full Text Available There are two questions that fieldwork researchers committed to the documentation and description of a minority language ask themselves before venturing into the depth of their projects: As trivial as they might appear, these two questions require a minimum of research to produce an answer able to define - without necessarily framing it - the target community and the role a researcher can play in it.

This paper focuses on the case study of the Kushi, a Chadic speaking group of north-eastern Nigeria.

Emmanuel Agius

Full Text Available In the case of the Galician language, the translation of comics is quite important, because it contributes to the normalization of use of the Galician language and allows young readers to become familiar with the norm. The article focusses on an analysis of the Galician translation with the French original and a Spanish version of the text. The analysis focuses on the different language of the diaries and the functions that Antonia Pozzi gives them, functions that are both existential and poetic.

In the intimate diary, in particular, the writing is on the one hand configured as a pharmacon, rising above contingencies to address philosophical and literary issues, but it is also a place to fix images, reflections and impressions in view of a future poetic revision, as shown by the precise correspondences present between them. Through a brief analysis of the meaning of multilingual speakers and multilingualism, this article examines how an education to multilingualism in teaching contexts is carried out and, in particular, if and how the use of the L1 can be a helpful tool for the foreign language teaching and learning.

For this purpose the data collected at Coventry University during Italian L2 classrooms for English students were examined. The more common and meaningful phenomena of linguistic contact between L1 and L2 were grouped according to the speaker and to their functions. Il saggio considera entrambi i cardini della questione: Spelling book and little vocabulary by Antonino TrainaThe title of this contribution epitomizes the praxis of the post-unification legislation concerning primary school, particularly about orthoepy, and the reception of that legislation by the authors of textbooksfor primary school.

After having exposed the guidelines of the legislation about the relation between Italian and dialects and about correct pronunciation, this article analyzes two teaching tools a spelling book and a vocabulary, that can be used by both teachers and students.

Finally, from their analysis it is deduced the model proposed for the relation between Italian and dialects in classrooms. The interest in horticulture is the production of marketable fruit. In such experiments , phytomass and the number of fruits are commonly measured variables. However, these variables have a particular characteristic related to their absence or presence at harvest time. This attribute is represented by zero values for these variables, generating some variability and affecting the variance analysis.

This work aimed to define an appropriate data transformation for the variables observed in experiments with the zucchini culture, realized in protected environment, designed to stabilize the variability values generated by the presence of zeros in harvest multiple fruit. The analysis was based on. Full Text Available The author examines the incorporation of this painting into the collections of the Prado Museum in , which generated the scrutiny of the state of knowledge concerning the painter at the time and the consolidation of his artistic reputation.

The painting probably came from Naples, thereby explaining the idiosyncratic Italian iconography, common in the Viceroyalty. Full Text Available The recent history of Italian cinema includes several women directors who have contributed to the diversity and variety indispensable in any artistic discipline. However, these directors have received relatively little public recognition and the distribution of their films has been limited.

The fact that production by women remains relatively unknown implies that there is only partial knowledge of contemporary Italian cinema. Therefore, this article attempts to highlight this lesser known part of this industry through the analysis of the main Italian women filmmakers of the last two decades, their common universe and individual peculiarities.

An interview with director Costanza Quatriglio is also included as an epilogue. She sets out the keys to her work and offers a previously unpublished reflection on the current state of Italian film and the role of women directors in it. Crystal ; McArthur ; Seidlhofer and diverse lingua -cultural backgrounds Cogo et al. Previous research into its syntax Mauranen and Ranta has undoubtedly shed light on some recurrent features of intercultural communication in immigration and asylum contexts e.

This paper is based on the analysis of a corpus of transcripts published on the internet by the Minnesota Historical Society. The site, Becoming Minnesotan, collects excerpts from oral interviews conducted between and with recent immigrants to Minnesota usually fleeing civil war and strife, and their American-born children. By adopting the quantitative research methodology typical of corpus linguistics Biber et al. Italian lessons for american english-speaking students: It is analyzed from a glottodidactic point of view through the detailed description and evaluation of its structure, the linguistic-communicative objectives and the didactic.

Isabella as the Italian Super-Woman. It, subsequently, became the subject of speculation and a riddle which scholars have been trying to solve ever since. The term gradually came to represent a cultural principle regarding the image of femininity and it reached its Romantic apex, in the 19th Century, when various female archetypes were fused into a singe heroine. A thorough reading of her character suggests an aesthetic approach that makes use of certain Romantic aspects of the Eternal-Feminine principle.

The present article focuses specifi cally on the Cruda sorte! Eppure, i nomi sono perfettamente funzionali: Pratiche di Social Networking: Quando "falha a fala" e "fala a bala": Scripting Fonetico nuove risorse per leggere il greco antico mediante la sintesi vocale. This paper deals with the so-called Italian neomarxist school, which began its activity as a research team Seminario di Antichistica of the Istituto Gramsci in the mid-seventies of the xxth century. Schiavone's La storia spezzata, first published in they have outlined a new view of the history of Rome.

The interest in theoretical and methodological problems, a new interpretation of the slave mode of production in Roman Italy and a critical approach to the classical tradition are also specific features of this school. The paper finishes with some remarks on the relationship between classicism and postmodernity. The Concept of "Rural" as a Micro- Collectivity. Full Text Available The intention of this work is to analyze, in the years of the sociological study from the period after the Italian unity to the present, the concept of rurality through the contexts of reference on the subjects that have marked a period of "project" and emancipation, and, above all, a marginal growth rate that made the fortunes of Western society at the expense of the other parts of the same society.

Valutazione della ricchezza nazionale italiana negli ultimi cinquant'anni. Evaluations of Italian national wealth in the last 50 years. Full Text Available The present work analyses wealth in Italy over the past 50 years. It is chiefly devoted to the main work by Corrado Gini from , which has constituted a model and source of inspiration for scholars in this field for many years. This work was recently brought up to date by a group of statisticians of the Italian Central Institute of Statistics, who have taken into account new material that has been added to the body of knowledge.

Here, the author draws upon this work and occasionally on other studies by Gini to refer to several outstanding points: Il riconoscimento sociale del fenomeno delle persone scomparse e la risposta italiana delle istituzioni e del terzo settore. Full Text Available In Italy, there are about Especially in the last 10 years the media have conveyed more and more accurate information on this phenomenon and have contributed, albeit not without critical elements, to overcome many stereotypes. The disappearance of a person, to date, is perceived not only as a private matter of the family concerned, but as an event that requires a collective responsibility, the concrete action of subjects with different skills and an effective dialogue between social systems.

Even if it is at the beginning, the joint work of institutions and third sector forces in the study and intervention activities coordinated by the Government Special Commissioner for missing persons is our country's answer to the problems of missing people and their families. This paper outlines its relationships and functions, with particular attention to the association Psicologi per i Popoli.

Full Text Available This essay focuses on the process of entrechment in the Italian collective imagination of the figure of Primo Carnera, World Heavyweight Champion from to , and on the evolution of his image from the years of his first wins to the beginning of XXI century. In the end, the essay shows how the figure of Carnera regained favour after the fall of the fascist regime reappropriating or, more rarely, being distorted of its original traits.

The study has been carried out through the comparison of a selection of cartoons, caricatures and illustration from the popular press dedicated to Carnera, official portrayals of him during the fascist regime and comic books more or less expressely inspired by the figure of the boxer. Full Text Available The work assesses the role of monetary policy in Italy.

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Buy L'educazione alla bioetica in Europa (Italian Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - www.farmersmarketmusic.com L'educazione alla bioetica in Europa (Italian Edition) and millions of other books are Perfect Paperback; Publisher: SEEd; Language: Italian; ISBN

An overall definition of the operational indications arising out of monetarism is provided before they are compared with the objectives and strategies of Italian monetary policy. The author examines how far this evolution is justified by the corresponding evolution of the financial system. Mailing list italiana sul logo. Full Text Available Information and contacts related to Logo, a programming language created to be accessible to beginners and can also be used by children and at the same time, provide ample opportunity to expert.

Os documentos produzidos a partir das narrativas docentes pertencem a dois acervos: No momento da colheita, avaliaram-se: Full Text Available Unlike contact between Spanish and other languages such as Catalan, contact between Galician and Spanish, two closely related Ibero-Romance languages, has hardly been studied at all. Studies of contact between Galician and American Spanish are rarer still. While contact between Spanish and immigrant languages such as Italian, French, German or even Danish in the Rio de la Plata area and Argentina in particular has been the topic of numerous studies , Spanish-Galician contact is generally ignored.

This fact seems to be related to gen- eral cultural prejudice against Galicians in the Rio de la Plata area. Examples are presented of the influence of Galician on Argentinian Spanish. The article is based on a detailed study of the existing linguistic literature and a number of recent empirical studies in the framework of a research project on language contact among Ibero- -Romance Languages in the Department for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies at Leipzig University. Tesi di Laurea in Lingua Inglese. A study investigated the features of discourse in the written student-teacher interaction in dialogue journals.

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It was assumed that such an activity would encourage the negotiation of meaning and roles, and that the data would provide evidence of that negotiation. Data were drawn from 32 journals written by toyear-old students in an Italian…. Reflections about cohabitation with diversity in italian schools.

The article considers the so called Basaglia's law that closed the asylums as a watershed in the Italian society. It regards the approach to the theme of diversity. Based on an experience of three years in the Italian schools the article examines the practice of another law that foresees the attendance by all children, normal or handicapped, in regular schools instead of special ones. It poses the problematic of the current concept of diversity and proposes from the reading of Foucault on the right to health, a mobile line for the understanding of diversity.

TESOL declares that it is a global organization. This trend leads the author to conclude that even if U. The objective of this work was to quantify the growth rates, dry matter production and distribution of summer squash grown in raw rice husk medium with recirculating nutrient solution, in two crop seasons: Each treatment corresponded to a sampling date and dry matter production was evaluated at 18, 32, 46 and 68 days after setting DAS in springsummer, and 15, 29, 43 and 55 DAS in the summer-autumn crop season.

Dry matter production was highest in high solar radiation availability conditions. Unha lingua de signos galega? Following a historical process of campaigning by the deaf community, the new legislation acknowledges two sign languages in Spain. However, a Galician sign language LSG has received no recognition at either regional or state level. A historical and emic analysis of the language planning process in Galicia through ethnographic methods reveals how linguistic diversity was managed in the community, showing that following Spanish oralization of the deaf community, linguistic uniformity was sought, resulting in a lack of recognition for different variants, including a Galician one.

Finalmente, se analizan someramente las fuentes de las que se sirve Bento Pereira. This paper discusses the syntactic premises of Ars grammaticae pro lingua lusitana addiscenda Lyon by Portuguese Jesuit Bento Pereira. First, the role of syntax during the 16th and 17th C. Based on information gathered from a sample of twenty-six students through a questionnaire, the article outlines a portrait of the learners and analyzes their past and present experience regarding language learning, contact they have with Italy and Italian speakers and the cultural, professional and personal reasons that brought them to study the Italian language.

Dostoevskij e il sillogismo. Lifestyle and specific dietary habits in the Italian population: In order to collect information on food intake, lifestyle and health status of the Italian population, a random cohort of about adults was selected in collaboration with the Italian society of general practitioners' network SIMG. Cohort subjects underwent a full clinical evaluation, by their family doctor, who also collected anthropometric data and information on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors; they were also administered diary forms developed to assess dietary use of simple sugars, of sugar-containing food and of selected food items.

In addition, no correlations were found, in this low-sugar-consuming cohort, between sugar intake and weight, body mass index and waist circumference. Prospective data, from cohorts like the LIZ one, might shed further light on the contribution of simple sugar intake to health in countries like Italy. Propaganda between school and Church: Full Text Available The Italian community in Portugal between the two world wars was made the subject of efforts to promote the Fascist Regime among Italians abroad through the regimentation in mass organizations and the appeal to the fascist civil religion.

The myths of the universality of fascism, of the common Latin and Catholic origins, of the empire, of the uomo nuovo and the dissemination of the achievements of fascism had the dual goals of enhancing the consent of the Italian immigrants and attract the sympathies of the local elites for the fascist political model. The network of fasci and Italian schools abroad were the main instruments of this action. A crucial help came from the ecclesiastical structures, part of the community. Growth and yield of summer squash: Full Text Available With the objective of evaluating the effect of different ionic concentrations of the nutrient solution on growth of summer squash cultivated in raw rice husk substrate with leaching recirculation, two experiments were conducted in two crop-seasons: Four ionic concentrations of the nutrient solution based on electrical conductivity - EC were studied: Crop growth was determinated by accumulated dry mass production and partitioning among the different above-ground plant organs leafs, stem and fruits at the end of the crop-seasons.

Fruit yield was also evaluated. The obtained results indicate that ionic concentrations equal or lower than 1. The effect of high ionic concentration of the nutrient solution above 2. The lower solar radiation availability of the summer-autumn crop season minimized the effects of the different concentrations of nutrient solution on dry mass production and partitioning to the fruits, as well as on the yield.

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Fruits represented the largest sink of assimilates of the plant only at 2. According the mathematics models, the electrical conductivity that maximizes dry mass production and yield is approximately 3.

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LIPSI was compiled using computational linguistics methods based on materials collected in the field. It is the result of a four-year study carried out as part of OLSI Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana , an institution which promotes the language and culture of Canton Ticino. Some possible scenarios for the Italian economy in the second half of the s. In recent years the supply of labor in Italy, as in other European countries, has not produced an expansion of employment opportunities. This despite the fact that during the last recession Italy saw a smaller reduction in the levels of activity compared to the average of the EU, and was thus able to limit, more than elsewhere, the negative impact on the labor market.

The present work presents scenarios of development for the Italian economy through , without forecasting what will happen in the next few years. Rather, it is intended to simply to emphasise the need to address the problem of internal growth, in the presence of a probable modest expansion of the world economy, identifying the difficulties and problems that economic policy will encounter in order to foster a stable recovery and a gradual increase in the employment rate.

Terminologia della degustazione e tipi di testi. During the last decade newer cardiac markers have been introduced and immunological test systems developed for their quantification. Among these new markers, a prominent role has emerged for cardiac troponins T or I. These technological advanced assays have shown greater sensitivity compared to "conventional cardiac enzymes;, thereby identifying patients with small--at times, microscopic--infarcts who would not have met defining criteria for myocardial infarction in an earlier era. Another major advantage shown by both cardiac troponins with respect to "conventional cardiac enzymes" is their ability to predict clinical outcome over a short- or long-term follow-up in patients with acute coronary syndromes, and this appears to be particularly relevant in patients with micronecrosis, who constitute a high-risk subgroup of unstable angina patients.

Recently, myoglobin has also been widely applied as a marker. Although lacking in myocardial specificity, it is the earliest marker to show an increase after coronary occlusion. Thus, the combined use of myoglobin and a cardiospecific structural protein such as troponin T or I may prove an attractive strategy for biochemical testing in chest pain patients.

With the routine use of these novel cardiac markers, fascinating opportunities are now open in the field of diagnostic classification making the World Health Organization definition of myocardial infarction obsolete and risk stratification in chest pain patients; opportunities that were unforeseen in the era of cardiac enzymes. However, the use of these markers has also posed some important questions on: Determinants of career structure and advancement among Italian cardiologists. An example of segregation and discrimination against women? Studio Condizione Italiana Cardiologi.

The aim of this study was to analyse the processes through which job, career and research-related choices are determined in Italian cardiology, focusing on characteristics such as productivity, gender and family.

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In June , a questionnaire surveying individual and career-related data was mailed to all members of the Italian societies of cardiology. Returned questionnaires numbered For both hospital and academic careers, advancement in rank was influenced by variables denoting productivity, family and individual characteristics.

However, men and women showed slightly different patterns. Promotion to the upper ranks of the hierarchy was highly dependent upon time once the effects of the covariates were eliminated. This situation is typical of the internal labour market, that is, in institutions in which staff members are ranked on a hierarchical scale according to formal criteria that are 'rigid' and institutionalized, partially sheltered from competition.

Therefore, once a member has gained access to the bottom of the hierarchy, the professional career is 'pre-determined' and seniority has an appreciable influence on promotion decisions; in this context, women appear to be at a disadvantage. Copyright The European Society of Cardiology. As a result, between the two imaginary cities, each with a six-month winter and a Tecnologia italiana per il vuoto spinto. Jupiter, Saturn, and the Fixed Stars — with a further sphere beyond: Primum Mobile, the source of the motion of all the others, revolving with extreme speed within the infinite Empyrean Heaven, the abode of the blessed enjoying the eternal vision and love of God.

In this enclosed world — eventually discarded through Full Text Available Quality control is the guaranty that experimental error is kept under acceptable levels, and the definition of the proper size and form of experimental plots ensures acurate experimental planning. This paper aims to determine the proper plot size and shape for the culture of the Italian pumpkin in protected environments.

Two experiments were set in plastic green house in distinct crop seasons: The experiment comprised eight, m long lines with 20 plants each, and fruit weight was considered the main performance parameter. Estimates of best plots size and shape were obtained by the maximum curvature, variance comparison and Hatheway methods. As estimativas do tamanho e da forma da parcela variaram. Although there seems to be a wide held assumption that transnational higher education programs have to be taught in English to be legitimate "international" programs, there are a few examples globally of international branch campuses that teach in languages other than English.

Using seven institutional case studies from around the world,…. Full Text Available For the first Jesuits, the Peruvian Province has been a place of experimentation of educational practices and inculturation. The presence of a culture as complex as that of the Incas posed to the Society some crucial theological and political problems. To solve these problems, some of its members undertook grammatical, anthropological and historical studies that are still essential for understanding the peoples of the Andes. Both were opposed to the policy of forced conversion of the Indios, but they proposed two different ways to educate the natives to Christianity.

This paper aims at investigating the plots of these pathways, understanding them as two pedagogies strategically different, but not in opposition to each other. The use of biomass in power generation is one of the important ways in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Specifically, the cofiring of biomass with coal could be regarded as a common feature to any new build power plant if a sustainable supply of biomass fuel is readily accessible. IEA GHG has undertaken a techno-economic evaluation of the use of biomass in biomass fired and co-fired power generation, using post-combustion capture technology. This report is the result of the study undertaken by Foster Wheeler Italiana. Vol 14, No 2 , Apprendere una lingua straniera: LIRA is a multimedia repository of e-learning materials aiming at recovering, preserving and developing the linguistic, pragmatic and cultural competences of second and third….

Esaminiamo tre di essi: Saul Israel, scienziato nato a Selanik Salonicco e autore di un. A Discussion of Sociolinguistic Variation in the Lexicon. Following a well-established tradition going back to the s cf. LIS is becoming more and more visible, and its status as a minority language…. Dai suoni alla lingua in uso. Being able to understand and produce the sound system of the target language is a building block in the process of language learning. Discusses the development and implementation of a student exchange program between the University of Leeds in England and the Institut fur Praxis der Theorie der Schule in Kiel, Germany.

Ten Leeds students participated in the program, which was designed to give students an appreciation of German culture, language, and vocational teaching methods. Full Text Available This text brings to the fore certain matters concerning the relationship between Italian opera singers and members of the Spanish Nobility towards the end of XVIII and the beginning of the XIX centuries, based on the example to be gleaned from the surviving correspondence attributed to the Duquesa de Osuna. The said documentation underlines the importance of the system of patronage and protection accorded to Italian music and musicians in the Iberian Peninsula within the framework of the consolidation of Italian Opera in Spain.

Despite the liberty enjoyed by non-Spanish musicians they were still obliged to seek out the protection of the most noble families to be found in Spain at that time. The example shown by the Duquesa de Osuna can be seen as emblematic in this regard. A model that could be favourably compared to other relations of patronage and protection as practised in the rest of Europe.

Comparative morphometrical and histological study of lingual papillae in two different ages of the Iraqi buffalo Bubalus bubalis.

ITALIA VS EUROPA video divertente!!!

Full Text Available Twenty two tongues of buffalo collected from the slaughter house of Mousl city 11 tongues for adult animals years and11tongues for small ages 1 weake-2 monthes. Two groups were used in this study , twelve samples for anatomical study and ten samples for histological study , in each group of this study , the tongues were divided into four regions from apex to the end of the root. The tongue is a muscular organ which consists of dorsal and ventral surfaces, it is formed from three parts apex, body and root. The lingual fossa and torus linguae both appear on the dorsal surface.

The total average of the tongue length in adult animals The total length in small ages was The investigation of the normal anatomical structures of the tongue distinguished four lingual papillae filiform, fungiform, conical and circumvalate while the lenticuler papillae absent in both age groups. The filiform and fungiform papillae spread over the dorsal surface and ventro-lateral surface terminat abruptly at the ventro-lateral border forming a distinct straight line from apex to the torus linguae in both ages.

The present work reveals that the highest average of filiform papillae in both surface dorsal and ventro-lateral surface founds in second region in adult group, while in small group founds in first region. The highest average of fungiform papillae in both surface of both age groups are in the apex of tongue.

The highest average of conical and circumvalate papillae in both age group adult and young were on torus linguae. The histological study has been used the shape, diameter and the type of epithelium which covered the papillae in both groups. The filiform papillae are long fine projection beading. The workers cross-bred T1 accepted more transferred larvae They deposited more P Intellectuals networks in front of the fascism: Full Text Available This work sets out to release some of the threads that tile the plot of our political culture using like via of entrance the conflicts and combats that get rid at that time in the world.

Multiple indications of the effects caused by the putting in use of the racial laws of the Italian fascism in and exiles derived from the same ones emerge in publications of the Italian daily press, of Argentine newspapers and the cultural magazines. Their echoes not yet stop. I corsi svolti nel dagli Istituti Italiani di Cultura sono in tutto 6. Per questo articolo ci si sofferma sulle indicazioni linguistiche e testuali che si ricavano dal testo libero previsto per il livello avanzato: There were 6, courses offered in by the Italian Cultural Institutes, compared to the data collected in.

Questo e non altro il principio di diritto affermato dalla Corte di giustizia: Fisica dello stato solido. First, we will examine his stance on this topic, particularly on his writings during Weimar Republic. After this analysis, we will follow the traces of the impolitic philosophy on this subject in the work of Mass It is a curious language which also uses jargon, dialects, colorful and unusual forms that are part of the non-official Italian language. The paper examines a large number of linguistic forms between Italian, dialect, slang, idioms and loans, collected by the authors who participated in the conference.

The last part examines the use of nouns and their function sometimes like a cage in the integration process of the various ethnic groups. Energy saving actions in the Italian industry: In this work the consequences of an energetic diagnoses campaign, lead by ENEA in about small-medium Italian factories, have been analysed. The goal of the study is to determine the amount of global energy saving that the national industry can achieve, and, in addition, to specify the most efficacious actions for every productive field.

Besides economic and energetic savings, positive environmental consequences owing to energetic diagnoses have been considered. Juegos marciales en las ciudades italianas antes del Renacimiento: This study examines some of the most characteristic and significant examples of competitive physical games that took place in the cities of the centre and the north of Italy in the Middle Ages.

The article assesses if these games can be considered sport in the general sense of the term according to modern usage, as well as consider its relationship with traditional festivities and military training activities in the context of urban life in the Italy of that time. Full Text Available Riassunto: Il saggio si divide in tre momenti: This chronicle is part of a majorcultural context, that of the Venice of the XVI century, very active in the emerging publishingbusiness with personalities such as Giolito and Ulloa.

Centre for Studies in Ethics and Politics (CeSEP) - UNISR

The essay is divided into three sections: Es un tiempo lleno de cambios: The purpose of this research is the birth of graphic advertising campaigns orchestrated by the fruitful collaboration between employers, publishers and illustrators between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Italy.

Understanding and treating patients with eating disorders. The world is very small. The future of dentistry in a world without mercury: A year in review. Live Webinar Quand coller? Live Webinar Stay out of Jail: Avoid Coding Errors 12 Feb , Latest issue DT Italy No. Sei sicuro di essere in regola? Un dovere verso il paziente e verso se stessi 06 - 07 Teknoscienza 12 - 13 Notize dalle Aziende 14 - 15 Protesi fatta o no dal dentista: Progetti Aio nei tre anni del mandato Delogu 05 - 05 Intervista: La Komet in nove decenni 10 - 11 L'intervista: Storia ed evoluzione di un percorso difficile 13 - 14 Cellule staminali da grasso Condizioni per un legittimo utilizzo 14 - 14 Ortho Tribune 18 - 30 Il raggio laser della Lambda: E se i soldi fi niscono?

DT Italy Amici di Brugg: No - alla voce! Arriva il nuovo Scudo Fiscale 18 - 18 Management 19 - 19 Dove sta il segreto di un successo aziendale? DT Italy Odontoiatria al femminile?

DT Italy No. 12, 2018

I corsi svolti nel dagli Istituti Italiani di Cultura sono in tutto 6. Understanding and treating patients with eating disorders. The goal of this article is to re define key terminology in the study of English as a lingua franca ELF. Dalla grammatica alla pratica della lingua. La narrativa italiana racconta la politica contemporanea. Presents the results of a questionnaire administered to students of Italian at the School for Foreigners of Siena to determine the following:

DT Italy Cancro orale: Ma che significa soprattutto in campo odontoiatrico?