Porvenir regulatorio del mercado de valores de la República Dominicana (Spanish Edition)

Most of regional neonatal centres in Chile do not have this therapeutic alternative. To determine the cost effectiveness of inhaled nitric oxide in the treatment of respiratory failure associated with pulmonary hypertension of the newborn compared to the usual care, including the transfer to a more complex unit. A clinical decision tree was designed from the perspective of Chilean Public Health Service. Incremental cost effectiveness rates ICER were calculated, deterministic sensitivity analysis was performed, and probabilistic budget impact was estimated using: TreeAge Pro Healthcare software.

By sensitising the results by incidence, it was found that from 7 cases and upwards treated annually, inhaled nitric oxide is less costly than the transfer to a more complex unit. From the perspective of a Chilean regional hospital, incorporating inhaled nitric oxide into the management of neonatal respiratory failure is the optimal alternative in most scenarios.

The role of gut hormones in glucose homeostasis and weight loss achievement and maintenance after bariatric surgery appears to be a key point in the understanding of the beneficial effects observed following these procedures. An exploratory prospective study which enrolled 11 individuals who underwent RYGB and were followed-up for 12 months. There was no significant correlation between the pre and postoperative levels of the areas under the GLP-1 and GLP-2 curves with the percentage of weight loss reached after one year. The Central Ebro River Basin NE Spain is the most northern area of truly semi-arid Mediterranean climate in Europe and prehistoric human occupation there has been strongly influenced by this extreme environmental condition.

Modern climate conditions single out this region due to the harsh environment, characterised by the highest absolute summer temperatures of the Ebro River Basin. We propose that this "archaeological silence" was caused by the regional impact of the global abrupt 8. Available regional paleoclimate archives demonstrate the existence of an aridity crisis then that interrupted the humid Early Holocene. Coherently, archaeological sites persist during this crisis in the nearby Iberian Range Maestrazgo and the North Ebro River area Pre-Pyrenean mountains and along the northwestern Ebro Basin.

An analysis of modern pollen rain from the Maya lowlands of northern Belize. In the lowland Maya area, pollen records provide important insights into the impact of past human populations and climate change on tropical ecosystems. Despite a long history of regional paleoecological research, few studies have characterized the palynological signatures of lowland ecosystems, a fact which lowers confidence in ecological inferences made from palynological data. We sought to verify whether we could use pollen spectra to reliably distinguish modern ecosystem types in the Maya lowlands of Central America.

We collected 23 soil and sediment samples from eight ecosystem types, including upland, riparian, secondary, and swamp bajo forests; pine savanna; and three distinct wetland communities. We analyzed pollen spectra with non-metric multidimensional scaling NMDS , and found significant compositional differences in ecosystem types' pollen spectra.

High percentages of pine Pinus , oak Quercus , and the presence of Byrsonima characterized pine savanna. Despite its limited sample size, this study provides one of the first statistical analyses of modern pollen rain in the Maya lowlands. Our results show that pollen assemblages can accurately reflect differences between ecosystem types, which may help refine interpretations of pollen records from the Maya area. Bases para la elaboracion de unidades didacticas de calidad en el area de ciencias Fisica y Quimica 3 deg ESO.

Este Trabajo Fin de Master tiene como objeto, el estudio previo de la educacion de la ciencia en la actualidad y mas destacable, del diseno de las unidades didacticas segun las metodologias mas frecuentes aplicadas por los diferentes sistemas educativos en el area de las Ciencias teniendo en cuenta la importancia y el efecto de la psicologia del alumnado y todo ello como no puede ser de otro modo bajo el corse de la Legislacion aplicable, Estatal, Autonomica y europea.

Con estos antecedentes, se extrae cuales son las preguntas que deben contestarse en la elaboracion de una unidad didactica de calidad en el contexto, generacional edad y sexo , del Proyecto Educativo de Centro, y de la Programacion del Departamento, discutiendo y justificando cada uno de los apartados en que estructuradamente dividiremos dicha Unidad, con un formato manejable, util, y dinamico en el tiempo que sea un verdadero instrumento educativo de aula. Teniendo en cuenta estas premisas, se procede a hacer una recopilacion de una misma unidad didactica publicada por diferentes editoriales, elegidas no al azar, sino en funcion de su penetracion editorial en nuestros centros de ESO, siendo las elegidas SM y Oxford.

Habitus furibundo en el gueto estadounidense1. Muchos residentes buscan alianzas en redes sociales que los comprometen a participar en intercambios solidarios de violencia auxiliar. Maternal perception of their child's nutritional status at less than three years old. Assessing maternal perception of their children's nutritional status and identifying associated factors. Nutritional status was classified in percentiles of body mass index for age and maternal perception was assessed using the scale of verbal descriptors very thin, thin, healthy weight, fat, very fat.

Logistic regression was used to identify the associatedfactors. For effective child care in primary care, healthcare professionals should consider maternal perception and helpmothers to identify the nutritional status of children in childcare consultations and growth monitoring.

Peirce, Sherlock Holmes, Sigmund Freud and modern neurobiology]. A diagnostic hypothesis is a causa ficta. It is an assumption, suitable to explain phenomena, which are not yet proven to be the only and valid explanation of the observed. One of Wilhelm Hauff's faitales illustrates how a hypothesis is generated.

It is based on the interpretation of signs. Signs are of an ikonic, an indexical or a symbolic nature. Peirce, a hypothesis is created by abduction, to Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes by immersion into thoughts, and to S. Freud by free floating attention. The three procedures are alike. Neurobiological structures and functions, which correspond to these processes, are described; especially the emotional-implicite memory. The technique of hypothesis-generation is meaningful to clinical medicine. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD SILEX is a Web-based application for collection, quality control, presentation, and analysis of data available from the hospital system for surveillance of injuries from external causes created by Ministry of Health of El Salvador with data from the hospital emergency services.

This system maintains comprehensive information on the injured person-type of injury, intention, injury site, activity being performed at the time of injury, risk factors, etc. This experience is an example of what can be done to close the information gap on injuries by external causes in the Region of the Americas. Heavy metals, arsenic, and pesticide contamination in an area with high incidence of chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes in El Salvador. Chronic kidney disease of non-traditional causes is epidemic in Central America, Southern Mexico and other regions of the world such as Sri Lanka, where the origin of the illness is attributed to exposure to agrochemicals and arsenic in soils and groundwater.

In Central America, several causes have been suggested for this illness including: Previous research using step-wise multivariate regression in El Salvador found statistically significant correlation between the spatial distribution of the number of sick people per thousand inhabitants and the percent area cultivated with sugar cane, cotton, and beans, and maximum ambient temperature, with sugar cane cultivation as the most significant factor. This study aims to investigate the possible effects of agricultural activities in the occurrence of this illness looking at heavy metal, arsenic and pesticide contamination in soil, water and sediments of a community located in Bajo Lempa region Ciudad Romero, El Salvador and heavily affected by this illness.

Ground and surface water, sediment and soil samples were collected in the village where the patients live and in the agricultural areas where they work. With respect to the heavy metals, lead and cadmium where detected in the soils but below the standards for cultivated soils, however, they were not detected in the majority of surface and groundwater.

Of the inorganic contaminants, arsenic was present in most soil, sediments, and water samples with some concentrations considerable higher than the standards for cultivated lands and drinking water. Statistically different concentrations in soils were found for the village soils and the cultivated soils, with arsenic higher in the cultivated soils. For the pesticides, results show a significant pollution of soil and groundwater of organochlorine pesticides.

Los PLF analizados fueron: Por tanto, su consumo puede recomendarse en forma moderada. Interview with Irving W Wainer. Wainer has published over scientific papers, 10 books, 25 book chapters and holds 11 patents. Wainer's research includes the development of new therapeutic agents for the treatment of congestive heart failure, cancer, pain and depression, many of which are in the later stages of drug development.

His laboratory has also continued the development of cellular membrane affinity chromatography technology, and recent work includes the development of columns containing immobilized forms of the breast cancer resistance protein found in cellular and nuclear membranes and mitochondrial membrane columns. Wainer's laboratory has also continued its study of the effect of disease progression and aging on drug metabolism in critically ill and terminal patients. I valori delle concentrazioni sono significativamente inferiori rispetto a quanto riscontrato in zone ad alto impatto ambientale a causa della presenza di impianti industriali.

Generate cost-effectiveness information to allow policy makers optimize breast cancer BC policy in Mexico. We constructed a Markov model that incorporates four interrelated processes of the disease: The strategies included in the optimal method for expanding the program produce a cost per life-year saved of less than two times the GNP per capita and hence are cost-effective according to WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health criteria.

To analyze medicine utilization and expenditure and associated factors in Mexico, as well as to discuss their implications for pharmaceutical policy. Analysis of a sample of , individuals from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey Probability and amount of expenditure were estimated using logit, probit and quantile regression models, evaluating three dimensions of access to medicines: Factors associated with the use and expenditure on medicines indicate that inequities in the access to medicines persist.

To identify environmental, demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with the desire to quit, estimate the willingness to pay WTP for smoking cessation treatments SCT and to identify associated factors with this valuation. Logistic and multiple lineal regression models allowed to identify associated factors with the desire to quit and the WTP for SCT. Between those who wanted to quit, This evidence supports policymakers in the design of smoking cessation interventions improving national health system interventions for quit smoking.

To determine the prevalence, location, mechanism, and characteristics of peripheral nerve injury PNI in trauma patients. A retrospective study of medical records with PNI diagnosis secondary to trauma in the period of The following information was collected: The prevalence of PNI is 1. The PNI are commonly present in people of a productive age. Neurotmesis was the most frequent degree of lesion. The patients stayed at hospital 2. To estimate changes in prices associated with the implementation of the tax to sugar sweetened beverages SSB and to nonessential energy dense food in Price data were collected in rural and semi-rural areas in December , and April and December Fixed effects models were used to estimate changes in prices of beverages and nonessential energy dense food, stratified by region, retailer and package size.

The SSB tax did not pass completely through prices: For nonessential energy dense food, the tax passed completely or was overshifted for cookies, cereal bars and cereal boxes. The potential effect of the taxes on consumption could be attenuated in rural areas as the pass through prices was incomplete. Describe the resources for the treatment of breast cancer in Mexico. These 23 centers provide medical care for breast cancer including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy; all of them validated by the Seguro Popular.

An adequate medical infrastructure is in place to treat breast cancer in Mexico. The costs are high due to late diagnosis of the disease. Early detection of breast cancer is a high priority for optimal control of this disease in Mexico. Official reports and surveys were analyzed.

SPSS covers a capita of 2 Mexican pesos , equivalent to 0. The state contribution is in deficit while family contributions tend not to be charged. SPSS has not built funds specialized in strategic purchasing, capable of transforming historical budgets. The autonomy of providers is key to reduce out-of-pocket spending through the supply of quality services. Bariatric endoscopic techniques are minimally invasive and induce gastric volume reduction to treat obesity.

To evaluate endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty Apollo method using a suturing method directed at the greater curvature, as well as the perioperative care, two year safety and weight loss. Prospective single-center study over patients females using the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty procedure under general anesthesia with overnight inpatient observation.

Of the initial patients, were available for 1-month of follow-up, for 6-month, 64 for month and 28 completed the 24 month assessment. Follow-up was carried out by a multidisciplinary team nutritionist and psychologist. There were no mayor adverse events intraprocedure or during the 24 months of follow-up.

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty with regular monitoring by a multidisciplinary team can be considered an effective, safe and well tolerated procedure for obesity treatment, at least for two years of follow-up. To analyze the correlation between CTV and GW in an adult LDLT population and provide a systematic review of the existing mathematical models to calculate partial liver graft weight. Between January and January , 28 consecutive donors undergoing right hepatectomy for LDLT were retrospectively reviewed.

All grafts were perfused with HTK solution. Estimated graft volume was estimated by CTV and these values were compared to the actual graft weight, which was measured after liver harvesting and perfusion. Median actual GW was Median estimated graft volume was Life cycle assessment of Mexican polymer and high-durability cotton paper banknotes.

This study compares the environmental performance of Mexican banknotes printed on high-durability cotton paper HD paper and thermoplastic polymer polymer through a life cycle assessment to appraise the environmental impacts from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of the banknotes. The functional unit was defined considering the next parameters: Accordingly, pieces for the HD paper and 71 pieces for the polymer banknotes were analyzed.

The results favor the banknotes printed on polymer substrate primarily because of the longer lifespan of this type of material; however, there is a considerable environmental impact in the stages of distribution, followed by the extraction of the raw materials crude oil during manufacturing. Regarding the HD cotton paper, the major impact corresponds to extraction of the raw materials, followed by the distribution of the banknotes. The inclusion of the automatic teller machines ATMs in the life cycle assessment of banknotes shows that the electricity required by these devices became the largest contributor to the environmental impacts.

Additionally, the sensitivity analysis that the average lifetime of the banknotes is a determining factor for the environmental impacts associated with the whole life cycle of this product. The life cycle stages that refer to the extraction of the raw materials, combined with the average lifetime of the banknotes and the electricity required during the usage stage, are determining factors in the total environmental impact associated with Mexican banknotes.

The performance of 18 private Health-promoting EPS and Family Compensation CCF entities, as well as their general balances for , and , were studied to determine the profit margins achieved by EPS's in their work of administering health insurance. The average behavior of each EPS balance sheet was analyzed to reduce the effect produced by extreme cases; each EPS's value was thus weighted by the number of its affiliated people. The expected behavior of the costs and expenses of companies whose main business is providing health insurance could thus become determined.

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Subsidized regime participation and that of other sources of income has decreased year by year. By contrast, public EPS's have shown decreasing participation in income obtained from UPC contributive and subsidized and growing dependence on other sources of income; this can be interpreted as being a symptom of weak commercial management. Income received from the ISS amounted to 1. At prices, the total amount of operational income was 4. Cigarette smoking and quit attempts among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. Injection drug use and cigarette smoking are major global health concerns.

Limited data exist regarding cigarette smoking behavior and quit attempts among injection drug users IDUs in low- and middle-income countries to inform the development of cigarette smoking interventions. We conducted a cross-sectional study to describe cigarette smoking behavior and quit attempts among IDUs in Tijuana, Mexico. IDUs were recruited through community outreach and administered in-person interviews. Multivariable Poisson regression models were constructed to determine prevalence ratios PRs for quit attempts. Of the participants interviewed, Of these, median number of cigarettes smoked daily was 10; One out of 5 IDUs attempted to quit cigarette smoking during the previous 6 months.

Additional research is needed to improve the understanding of the association between drug use patterns and cigarette smoking quit attempts, including the higher rate of quit attempts observed among IDUs who smoke marijuana or heroin compared with IDUs who do not smoke these substances. Cost-effectiveness of a primary care treatment program for depression in low-income women in Santiago, Chile. The authors compared the incremental cost-effectiveness of a stepped-care, multicomponent program with usual care for the treatment of depressed women in primary care in Santiago, Chile.

A cost-effectiveness study was conducted of a previous randomized controlled trial involving eligible women with DSM-IV major depression who were selected from a consecutive sample of adult women attending primary care clinics. The patients were randomly allocated to usual care or a multicomponent stepped-care program led by a nonmedical health care worker. Depression-free days and health care costs derived from local sources were assessed after 3 and 6 months. A health service perspective was used in the economic analysis. After we adjusted for initial severity, women receiving the stepped-care program had a mean of 50 additional depression-free days over 6 months relative to patients allocated to usual care.

The stepped-care program was marginally more expensive than usual care an extra Chilean pesos per depression-free day.

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The stepped-care program was significantly more effective and marginally more expensive than usual care for the treatment of depressed women in primary care. Small investments to improve depression appear to yield larger gains in poorer environments. Simple and inexpensive treatment programs tested in developing countries might provide good study models for developed countries. Medical care costs incurred by patients with smoking-related non-small cell lung cancer treated at the National Cancer Institute of Mexico. Smoking is a public health problem in Mexico and worldwide; its economic impact on developing countries has not been well documented.

The aim of this study was to assess the direct medical costs attributable to smoking incurred by lung cancer patients treated at the National Cancer Institute of Mexico INCan. The study was conducted at INCan in We carried out a cost of illness COI methodology, using data derived from an expert panel consensus and from medical chart review. A panel of experts developed a diagnostic-therapeutic guide that combined the hospital patient pathways and the infrastructure, human resources, technology, and services provided by the medical units at INCan.

A incident cases diagnosed with any type of lung cancer were analyzed. The medical care costs of lung cancer attributable to smoking represent a high cost both for INCan and the Mexican health sector. These costs could be reduced if all provisions established in the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization were implemented in Mexico.

Methods for economic evaluation of a factorial-design cluster randomised controlled trial of a nutrition supplement and an exercise programme among healthy older people living in Santiago, Chile: The CENEX study was designed to evaluate the impact, cost and cost-effectiveness of the PACAM and a specially designed exercise programme on pneumonia incidence, walking capacity and body mass index in healthy older people living in low- to medium-socio-economic status areas of Santiago.

The purpose of this paper is to describe in detail the methods that will be used to estimate the incremental costs and cost-effectiveness of the interventions. Methods and design The base-case analysis will adopt a societal perspective, including the direct medical and non-medical costs borne by the government and patients. The cost of the interventions will be calculated by the ingredients approach, in which the total quantities of goods and services actually employed in applying the interventions will be estimated, and multiplied by their respective unit prices.

Relevant information on costs of interventions will be obtained mainly from administrative records. The costs borne by patients will be collected via exit and telephone interviews. To test the robustness of model results, we will vary the assumptions over a plausible range in sensitivity analyses. Discussion The protocol described here indicates our intent to conduct an economic evaluation alongside the CENEX study. It provides a detailed and transparent statement of planned data collection methods and analyses.

The base-case analysis will adopt a societal perspective, including the direct medical and non-medical costs borne by the government and patients. The protocol described here indicates our intent to conduct an economic evaluation alongside the CENEX study. Little is known about Latino parents' perceptions of weight-related language in English or Spanish, particularly for counseling obese youth. We sought to identify English and Spanish weight counseling terms perceived by Latino parents across demographic groups as desirable for providers to use, motivating, and inoffensive.

Latino parents of children treated at urban safety-net clinics completed surveys in English or Spanish. Parents rated the desirable, motivating, or offensive properties of terms for excess weight using a 5-point scale. We compared parental ratings of terms and investigated the association of parent and child characteristics with parent perceptions of terms.

A total of surveys met inclusion criteria English, Spanish. Spanish survey respondents found "demasiado peso para su salud" highly desirable, highly motivating, and inoffensive, and respondents valued its connection to the child's health. Parents' ratings of commonly used clinical terms varied widely across demographic groups, but more desirable terms had less variability. Latino parents' positive perceptions of these terms occurred across parent and child characteristics, supporting their use in weight counseling.

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Latino parents' perceptions of weight terminology used in pediatric weight counseling. To identify which English and Spanish terms Latino parents consider motivating, as well as culturally and linguistically appropriate, for provider use during weight counseling of overweight and obese Latino youth.

Latino parent perceptions of common Spanish and English terms for overweight were discussed with 54 parents in 6 focus groups 3 English, 3 Spanish. An initial codebook was used to code passages for English and Spanish terminology separately. Subsequent changes to the coded passages and creation of new codes were made by team consensus.

English-speaking parents had mixed reactions to "unhealthy weight," "weight problem," and "overweight," finding them motivating, confusing, or insulting. Parents found "fat" "gordo" and "obese" "obeso" consistently offensive. Most participants found growth charts and the term "BMI" confusing. Parents consistently reported that providers could enhance motivation and avoid offending families by linking a child's weight to health risks, particularly diabetes. Linking a child's excess weight with increased health risks was motivating and valuable to many parents regardless of language spoken.

Stages of change of behavior in women on a multi-professional program for treatment of obesity. The intervention lasted 16 weeks, and included the practice of guided physical activity three times a week, and health education once a week. The application of the questionnaire on stage of readiness for behavioral change, and the anthropometric evaluations, were undertaken at two points - before and after the period of intervention. The statistical analysis involved tests of comparison and association.

However, significant difference was only observed in relation to weight, body mass index BMI , waist circumference and waist-hip ratio and readiness for change among the members of the intervention group. La legalidad del aborto aumenta la importancia de la consulta prenatal. Trato a la plaqueta como tejido viable. No suturo la plaqueta. Desanclar una sola vez. In this paper will be introduced a method of astrophotography using a non-reflex photographic camera a low-cost method.

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It will be revised some photographic processes commonly used nowadays for comparison with the aims of this paper. This was a community-based effort at constructing an educational proposal orientated towards self-empowerment aimed at improving the target population's sanitary, housing and living conditions through cooperative learning. A constructivist approach was adopted based on a programme called "Habitat community manger". Twenty-one poor housing-related epidemiological indicators were identified which formed the basis for defining specific problems and establishing a methodology for designing an educational proposal.

The course which emerged from the cooperative learning experience was designed to promote the community's skills and education regarding health aimed at improving households' living conditions and ensuring a healthy environment which would allow them to develop an immediate habitat ensuring their own welfare and dignity. El gas natural abastece cerca de Los vehiculos de gas natural NGV, por sus siglas en ingles son una buena opcion para las flotas de vehiculos de alto kilometraje, tales como autobuses, taxis, vehiculos de recoleccion de basura, los cuales son alimentados centralmente u operan dentro de un area limitada o a lo largo de una ruta con estaciones de servicio de gas natural.

Quantitative landslide risk assessment and mapping on the basis of recent occurrences. A quantitative procedure for mapping landslide risk is developed from considerations of hazard, vulnerability and valuation of exposed elements. The approach based on former work by the authors, is applied in the Bajo Deba area northern Spain where a detailed study of landslide occurrence and damage in the recent past last 50 years was carried out.

The method is based on a susceptibility model developed previously from statistical relationships between past landslides and terrain parameters related to instability. Extrapolations based on past landslide behaviour were used to calculate failure frequency for the next 50 years.

A detailed inventory of direct damage due to landslides during the study period was carried out and the main elements at risk in the area identified and mapped. Past direct monetary losses per type of element were estimated and expressed as an average 'specific loss' for events of a given magnitude corresponding to a specified scenario. Vulnerability was assessed by comparing losses with the actual value of the elements affected and expressed as a fraction of that value From hazard, vulnerability and monetary value, risk was computed for each element considered.

The final result is a risk map and table combining all losses per pixel for a year period. Total monetary value at risk for the Bajo Deba area in the next 50 years is about 2. Volutidae from Northeastern Peninsula de Araya, Venezuela]. Voluta musica is a dioecious marine gastropod endemic of the South Caribbean. The goal of this work was to determine the imposex incidence in V.

For this, we selected three sites Isla Caribe, Isla Lobos and Bajo Cuspe and made monthly samplings of 15 snails in each site, during one year, and determined: We also performed histological analysis of the gonads, and measured TBT and Cu concentrations in sediments from the studied localities. Our results showed that the total number of sampled females affected by imposex was In sediments, Cu was detected mostly in Isla Lobos. The female gonads with imposex did not show any development of male cells in any of the sampled sites.

The higher percentage of females with imposex matched with the higher boat traffic locality, and higher TBT level Isla Caribe. No esterilization was evident in this work, nevertheless, the presence of TBT and Cu in the sediments and females with imposex were considered as a potential threat to V. In Venezuela there is no control over this particular issue, possibly because of the lack of information and research in this topic, but certainly, this information will be useful in biodiversity conservation policies.

Potential distribution of mosquito vector species in a primary malaria endemic region of Colombia. Rapid transformation of natural ecosystems changes ecological conditions for important human disease vector species; therefore, an essential task is to identify and understand the variables that shape distributions of these species to optimize efforts toward control and mitigation.

Ecological niche modeling was used to estimate the potential distribution and to assess hypotheses of niche similarity among the three main malaria vector species in northern Colombia: Results showed that An. The model for An. The riparian ecosystems in this region and the potential for rapid adaptation by this species to novel environments, may favor the establishment of populations of this species. Apparently, the three main Colombian Anopheles vector species in this endemic area do not occupy environments either with high seasonality, or with low seasonality and high NDVI values.

Estimated overlap in geographic space between An. Dispersal ability of these species and their ability to occupy diverse environmental situations may facilitate sympatry across many environmental and geographic contexts. These model results may be useful for the design and implementation of malaria species-specific vector control interventions optimized. The plutonic-volcanic connection in porphyry copper deposits: Porphyry Cu deposits represent the interface between plutonic and volcanic domains of upper crustal magmatic systems.

These deposits are typically composed of multiple porphyritic intrusions which constrain the duration of ore formation to a maximum of several years [1] and are commonly intruded into the base of volcanoes. This approach has the two-fold benefit of screening for inherited cores, and obtaining texturally defined geochemical information, prior to dissolution of the zircon crystal for CA-ID-TIMS analysis.

We use this information to establish temporal and geochemical links between studied volcanic and porphyry units in the FNVC. The results of this study suggest a close temporal and genetic link between the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu deposit and the late stage volcanism at the FNVC. Voluminous explosive volcanism immediately following porphyry formation has important implications for the thermal and rheological state of the magma that is parental to the porphyries and fed the eruption.

Analisis experimental de la propagacion en redes de area corporal para la banda de ultra wideband. Diferentes dispositivos capaces de obtener informacion sobre parametros fisiologicos, cinematicos o contextuales del cuerpo pueden interconectarse de manera inalambrica dando lugar a las denominadas Redes de Area Corporal Inalambricas WBAN, Wireless Body Area Networks.

El diseno de sistemas centrados en el cuerpo requiere de modelos de canal que describan de manera precisa la propagacion de senales en este tipo de entornos. Esta tesis se plantea con el objetivo de contribuir al estudio experimental de la propagacion en sistemas centrados en el cuerpo operando en la banda UWB.

En primer lugar, se presenta un marco introductorio a las redes WBAN, sus elementos constitutivos, bandas de frecuencia, estandarizacion y modelos de canal. Ademas, se introducen los fundamentos de la tecnologia UWB y sus aplicaciones en este area. Seguidamente, se analiza en terminos de las perdidas de propagacion y la dispersion de retardo la propagacion en el canal off-body entre un transmisor fijo y un dispositivo receptor colocado sobre la superficie del cuerpo de un sujeto. Se considera la influencia de diferentes aspectos, tales como el entorno de medidas, la posicion de colocacion de una antena sobre el cuerpo y la postura adoptada por un sujeto.

Finalmente, se analiza el canal de propagacion in-body considerando el movimiento relativo entre dos dispositivos causado por efecto de la respiracion. Las condiciones de propagacion en el interior del cuerpo se emulan por medio de un phantom liquido para UWB y la caracterizacion se plantea tanto en frecuencia, en terminos del modelado de la forma y el ensanchamiento del espectro Doppler, como en tiempo, por.

The silence of the layers: Archaeological site visibility in the Pleistocene-Holocene transition at the Ebro Basin. The Ebro Basin constitutes one of the most representative territories in SW Europe for the study of prehistoric societies during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. The correlation of palaeoenvironmental and geomorphological proxies obtained from sedimentary records with chronologically well-constrained reference archaeological sites has allowed defining this time frame precisely, such that three main pilot areas haven been broadly depicted: Local environmental resources were continuously managed by the prehistoric communities in the different areas of study.

In fact, the Ebro Basin acted during those millennia as a whole, developing the same cultural trends, industrial techniques and settlement patterns in parallel throughout the territory. This is partially related to prehistoric sites in particular lithologies and geological structures that could have partly been lost by erosional processes, especially during the Early Holocene. The interdisciplinary research archaeology, geomorphology and palaeoclimatology discussed in this paper offers clues to understand the existence of fills and gaps in the archaeological record of the Ebro Basin, and can be applied in other territories with similar geographic and climate patterns.

Abundance, behavior and entomological inoculation rates of anthropophilic anophelines from a primary Colombian malaria endemic area. Malaria vector incrimination and the characterization of entomological parameters will allow for a better understanding of malaria transmission dynamics and the design of effective vector control strategies for this region. C and deg. In all the cases the thermal cycle produces tensile residual stresses during dwells at deg. One of the tube-plate specimens was used as a benchmark for validating the strain based creep fatigue procedures and subsequently as part of a CEC co-operative study.

This benchmark work is described in this paper. The inelastic behaviour of the material was described using the ORNL constitutive equations. A creep fatigue assessment using the strain based procedures has been compared with an assessment using the RCC-MR inelastic rules. Preliminary application of the draft code case for alloy for a high temperature component. But the draft Code Case is still in an incomplete status, lacking necessary material properties and design data.

In this study, a preliminary evaluation on the creep-fatigue damage for a high temperature hot duct pipe structure has been carried out according to the draft Code Case. It was shown that many data including material properties, fatigue and creep data should be supplemented for the draft Code Case. RNR catalyzes the last and rate limiting step of the deoxyribonucleotide biosynthetic pathway.

The dysregulation of RNR has been related to higher mutation rate Within this protein family Dif1 from S. These proteins were previously found to interact with and regulate the activity of RNR and Spd1 was also linked to PCNA dependent signaling for degradation DNA damage induction of ribonucleotide reductase. RNR 2 encodes the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the pathway for the production of deoxyribonucleotides needed for DNA synthesis.

RNR 2 is a member of a group of genes whose activities are cell cycle regulated and that are transcriptionally induced in response to the stress of DNA damage. This article provides unpublished documentation and new information regarding the conception of the project, the international references that served as models and the complete dating of the sales for the various installments of the series.

Safety report concerning Melusine after power increase to 4 MW. Volumes 1 and 2; Rapport de surete de ''melusine'' apres augmentation de puissance a 4 MW. Tomes 1 et 2. Construction of Melusine was started in January , It first diverged on July 1, Various modifications have been made since the reactor was built.

The resin regeneration equipment has been completely modified. A chimney has been installed. So many changes have been made that the reactor now bears only a slight resemblance to the initial model. It has appeared necessary to make a brief review of these improvements in order to be able to judge more effectively the installations present safety characteristics; these latter are furthermore fairly well known as a result of the experiments carried out not only by the Thermal Transfer Service in Grenoble but also at Cadarache Cabri and Toulon the work of Mr.

Sa premiere divergence a eu lieu le 1er juillet Elle a fonctionne a: Diverses modifications ont ete apportees depuis la construction. L'installation de regeneration des resines a ete entierement modifiee. Une cheminee a ete installee. L'ensemble a si profondement evolue que le reacteur n'a plus que de lointains rapports avec la realisation initiale.

The first three books of the Conica deals with the basic elements of the theory of conical sections, before Apollonius turns to particular problems in the following books. A close study of the Arabic texts of books 2 and 3 leads to the same conclusion as that which, as a result of the new edition, was reached for the first book: This volume provides a first. Energy crisis can be avoided by the use of anticipation policies. After an examination of the technologies, concerning the energy production and more particularly the electricity, the energy conservation, the new transport modes and the new houses architecture, the authors noted that these policies exist, but need time to implement.

In this framework this report aims to defines the situation and bring some recommendations and answers to implement a real policy. Sao Tome pre and post-independence. Este artigo apresenta dois argumentos. Niger Republic Mineral Planning: Part IV - first volume: Main mineral substances specific study and their geological context; Plan Mineral de la Republique du Niger: Tome IV - 1er volume: Etude specifique des principales substances minerals et leur contexte geologique. This volume contains the detailed study of mineral substances industrially exploited to date: Niger Republic mineral planning: Part four Second volume: Main mineral substances specific study and their geological context; Plan mineral de la Republique du Niger: Etude specifique des principales substances minerales et leur contexte geologique.

This volume describes Niger Republic mineral substances capable of rising economic interest. After relating minerals occurrence , indices and deposits types, conclusions and recommendations have been made for mineral prospecting. Mineral substances described are: Copper, lead and zinc, molybdena, iron, manganese, titanium, vanadium, nickel and chrome cobalt and platinoid , lithium, lignite, diamond and diverse substances rare earth, beryllium, silver, bismuth arsenic and antimony, barytine, alunite, talc and asbestos graphite and diatomite [French] Ce volume decrit les substances susceptibles de presenter un interet economique au Niger.

Apres avoir relate leurs occurrences , indices et types de gisement auxquels elles appartiennent des conclusions et recommendations ont ete faites pour la prospection. Les substances ainsi decrites sont: The Review of Public Risk Management: Full Text Available This book consists of twelve contributions plus an introductory contribution by one of the book's editors, with those contributions separated into three Parts: A risk management process in the public sector - theoretical and practical issues. Different areas of risk management in the public sector - methodical approach.

Managing risk in the public sector in selected countries - results of empirical work. Le vocabulaire disponible du francais, Tome 1. Le vocabulaire concret usuel des enfants francais et acadiens: The first of a two-volume study of the relative accessibility of French vocabulary in French-speaking Canada presents statistical data concerning the frequency, distribution, valence, and accessibility of vocabulary related to 16 fundamental centers of interest found in normal conversation.

The scope, procedures, and results of the study are…. Synthesis on the long term behavior of spent nuclear fuel. The aim of this report is to present the major objectives, the key scientific issues, and the preliminary results of the research conducted in France in the framework of the third line of the Law, on the topic of the long term behavior of spent nuclear fuel in view of long term storage or geological disposal.

Within this framework, this report presents for every possible scenario of evolution closed system, in Presence of water in presence of gases what are estimated to be the most relevant evolution mechanism. For the most relevant scientific issues hence defined, a complete scientific review of the best state of knowledge is subsequently here given thus allowing to draw a clear guideline of the major R and D issues for the next years.

This report presents in a detailed way the evolution of the French industry and energy financial supplies for Charbonnages de France situation, naval construction, reconversion of coal mining and steelmaking industries funds and conversion companies ; 6 - economic and financial situation of Electricite de France EdF: The central enzyme on the de novo pathway for synthesis of DNA precursors, the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, is ribonucleotide reductase RNR. Deoxythymidine triphosphate dTTP has a key role in control of RNR activity shifting the specificity from pyrimidine to purine nucleotide reduction Production of deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis is an essential and tightly regulated process.

In catalyzing the reduction of ribonucleotides, two of the cysteines of RNR become oxidized, forming a disulfide bond. To regenerate active RNR , the cell uses thioredoxins and glutaredoxins to reduce the disulfide bond. Strains that lack thioredoxins 1 and 2 and glutaredoxin 1 do not grow because RNR remains in its oxidized, inactive form.

However, suppressor mutations that lead to RNR overproduction allow glutaredoxin 3 to reduce sufficient RNR for growth of these mutant strains. We previously described suppressor mutations in the dnaA and dnaN genes that had such effects. Here we report the isolation of new mutations that lead to increased levels of RNR. These include mutations that were not known to influence production of RNR previously, such as a mutation in the hda gene and insertions in the nrdAB promoter region of insertion elements IS1 and IS5.

Bioinformatic analysis raises the possibility that IS element insertion in this region represents an adaptive mechanism in nrdAB regulation in E. We also characterize mutations altering different amino acids in DnaA and DnaN from those isolated before. The objective of the present paper is to provide first hand experimental data and analysis on the low cycle fatigue LCF performance of a commercial heat of Indian reduced activation ferritic-martensitic IN-RAFM steel. In the present work, various cyclic parameters that are useful for the design oriented fatigue analysis are derived as per the systematic procedure given in the RCC-MR design code.

The physical significance of each design parameter such as elasto-plastic corrections based on Neuber analysis has been explained and correlated with the material behavior such as the cyclic softening nature of the RAFM steel. Weld metal design data for L N. The data presented include those of the low temperature L and high temperature grades, as well as, the more readily available grade Weld metal properties data for all three grades are collected, sorted and analyzed according to the French design and construction rules for nuclear components RCC-MR.

Particular attention is paid to the type of weld metal e. Design allowables are derived for each category of weld and compared with those of the base metal. They are part of the documentation that when combined with codification and inspection documents should satisfy ITER licensing needs. In most cases, the analyses performed, go beyond conventional analyses required in present international codes and pay attention to specific needs of ITER. These include, possible effects of exposures to high temperatures during various manufacturing stages e. HIPing, and effects of irradiation at low and medium temperatures.

Assessment of the high-temperature crack behavior for a L stainless steel structure with defects. An assessment of creep-fatigue crack initiation and growth for a L stainless steel structure has been carried out according to the current edition and previous edition versions of the French RCC-MR A16 procedure.

Some significant changes have been made in terms of the formulae and material properties, which may cause big differences in the assessment. In this study, the changes in the A16 guide have been quantified for a L austenitic stainless steel structure, and the assessment results were compared with those of the observed images from a structural test for a welded component.

Austenitic stainless steels, status of the properties database and design rule development. In parallel with the new tasks initiated to substantiate the existing database for the reference structural material type LN-IG of ITER, interim design criteria are being developed to guide subsequent design stages. This paper presents the current status of materials data and design rules for type LN-IG steel and describes how the irradiation effects are taken into account. A fluorimetric readout reporting the kinetics of nucleotide-induced human ribonucleotide reductase oligomerization.

Human ribonucleotide reductase h RNR is a target of nucleotide chemotherapeutics in clinical use. Currently, both knowledge of and tools to interrogate the oligomeric assembly pathway of RNR in any species in real time are lacking. This information is currently unavailable, despite the pharmaceutical relevance of h RNR oligomeric regulation. Ribonucleotide Reductase RNR is an important anticancer chemotherapy target. It has main key role in DNA synthesis and cell growth. Therefore several RNR inhibitors, such as hydroxyurea, have entered the clinical trials.

Based on our proposed mechanism, radical site of RNR protein reacts with hydroxyurea in which hydroxyurea is converted into its oxidized form compound III, and whereby the tyrosyl radical is converted into a normal tyrosine residue. In this study, docking and molecular dynamics simulations were used for proposed molecular mechanism of hydroxyurea in RNR inhibition as anticancer agent. The docking study was performed for the crystal structure of human RNR with the radical scavenger Hydroxyurea and its oxidized form to inhibit the human RNR.

This helps to understand the functional aspects and also aids in the development of novel inhibitors for the human RNR 2. Both of the studied compounds stayed in the active site. The results of MD simulations confirmed the binding mode of ligands, accuracy of docking and the reliability of active conformations which were obtained by AutoDock. MD studies confirm our proposed mechanism in which compound III reacts with the active site residues specially Tyr, and inhibits the radical generation and subsequently inhibits the RNR enzyme.

Studies of ribonucleotide reductase in crucian carp-an oxygen dependent enzyme in an anoxia tolerant vertebrate. RNR requires a thiyl radical to activate the substrate. The crucian carp Carassius carassius is one of very few vertebrates that can tolerate several months completely without oxygen anoxia, a trait that enables this fish to survive under the ice in small ponds that become anoxic during the winter. Previous studies have found indications of cell division in this fish after 7 days of anoxia. This appears nearly impossible, as DNA synthesis requires the production of new deoxyribonucleotides and therefore active RNR.

We have here characterized RNR in crucian carp, to search for adaptations to anoxia. The mRNA levels of these subunits were measured with quantitative PCR and were generally well maintained in hypoxia and anoxia in heart and brain. A long half-life of the tyrosyl radical during wintertime anoxia could allow for continued cell division in crucian carp. French recent developments in support to rules for creep and creep-fatigue analyses. RCC-MR proposes Design rules for creep and creep-fatigue damage evaluation in zones with no geometrical discontinuities. Rule for Weld are proposed in the paragraph relative to shell design rules and reduction coefficient due to material properties are given in Appendix A9.

For fatigue analysis, last version of RCC-MR has proposed a reduction factor on fatigue curves Jf value , derived from preliminary tests performed within European program. Studies have been carried out in order to have a better understanding of the phenomena involved in these fatigue reduction factors. Tests have been performed on large plates, with varying applied displacements, weld geometry, plate thickness, weld direction. It appears that material effect is not the only purpose to be considered but that it is necessary to think about the geometrical effect, linked to the welded zone dimensions, and the elastic follow-up effect between the two materials: As a first approach, simplified calculations have been achieved with precise material characterization.

Roche's method and Zarka method's give conservative result in comparison to tests results. Design assessment of triangular support bracket for manufacturability. The triangular support is connected structurally and hydraulically with the inner shell of the vacuum vessel and its main role is to keep plasma vertical stability during operational disruptions.

Korea is responsible for the procurement of sectors 1 and 6 of the main vessel including triangular support. This paper presents the results on various designs for triangular support bracket in terms of manufacturability considering both easiness of non-destructive evaluation and fabrication efficiency.

The several designs are proposed and evaluated under the most critical loading condition using elastic and limit analysis with fatigue evaluation. This result is reconfirmed by cross-checking in comparison with the baseline of integrity that already had been determined by ITER Organization. The design deviation requests of triangular support bracket have been submitted to ITER Organization and Agreed Notified Body for approval, and their verification is currently under discussion. Ryu, Woo Seog; Kim, D.

In addition the scope and fields for research and development is needed in the future have been defined. For assessing the high temperature creep cracks, time dependent fracture mechanics TDFM parameters of the C and Ct were analyzed. The creep propagation data were obtained from the creep crack growth tests for type LN stainless steels, and creep crack growth testing machine for Gen-IV system up to C was set up. Damage mechanism and causes for creep-fatigue were investigated. The difference between prediction creep-fatigue life and experimental life were investigated. Material properties for analysis creep-fatigue damage were recommended.

Ultrasonic wave signal against creep ruptured specimens of type LN stainless steel was obtained. It was identified that creep damage can be evaluated by ultrasonic method. The NDT techniques evaluated include Barkhausen noise, magnetic hysteresis parameters, positron annihilation, X-ray diffraction and small angle neutron scattering. Experimental procedure and evaluation method of material integrity were developed through the fracture toughness test of Cr-Mo steel. This revision supports ITER's licensing by accommodating requests from the French regulator to maintain consistency with the plasma physics database and our present understanding of plasma transients and electro-magnetic EM loads, to investigate the possibility of removing unnecessary conservatism in the load requirements and to review the list and definition of incidental cases.

Experimental analysis of ratchetting in elbows. But nobody in our knowledge has taken care in experimental validation of design rules against ratcheting. The first results were published by M. They have been completed by additional tests and improved by a better material characterisation. Full Text Available Drosophila yakuba is widespread in Africa. The strains each had different CHC profiles: Bioko and Kounden were the most similar, while Mayotte and Sao- Tome contained significant amounts of 7-heptacosene.

The CHC profile of the Sao- Tome population differed the most, with half the 7-tricosene of the other populations and more 7-heptacosene and 7-nonacosene. We also studied the characteristics of the mating behavior of the four strains: We found partial reproductive isolation between populations, especially in male-choice experiments with Sao- Tome females. Redundant nerve roots of cauda equina in clinically neurologically asymptomatic patients.

A clinical and radiographic study. A radiographic study was conducted to determine the incidence of redundant nerve roots of the cauda equina RNR in neurologically asymptomatic patients, and to clarify whether RNR has an impact on the clinical symptom. They didn't have neurological symptom such as sciatica, leg numbness, and motor weakness of lower extremities. There were 18 men and 32 women, and their mean age was RNR was found in 18 of the 50 patients We concluded that RNR was only a morphological change of the cauda equine and had little effect on the neurological symptom.

Full Text Available African trypanosomiasis is caused by infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. During infection, this pathogen divides rapidly to high density in the bloodstream of its mammalian host in a manner similar to that of leukemia. Like all eukaryotes, T.

As an essential enzyme for the cell cycle, RNR is a common target for cancer chemotherapy. We hypothesized that inhibition of RNR by genetic or pharmacological means would impair parasite growth in vitro and prolong the survival of infected animals. Our results demonstrate that RNR inhibition is highly effective in suppressing parasite growth both in vitro and in vivo. These results support drug discovery efforts targeting the cell cycle, not only for African trypanosomiasis but possibly also for other infections by eukaryotic pathogens. Redox-sensitive alteration of replisome architecture safeguards genome integrity.

DNA replication requires coordination between replication fork progression and deoxynucleotide triphosphate dNTP -generating metabolic pathways. In this work, we investigated the influence of RNR levels on B. Since RNR is essential in this bacterium, we engineered a conditional mutant of strain B. Moreover, genetic inactivation of ytcG, predicted to encode a repressor NrdR of nrdEF in this strain, dramatically increased the expression levels of a transcriptional nrdE-lacZ fusion.

The frequencies of mutations conferring amino acid prototrophy in three genes were measured in cultures under conditions that repressed or induced RNR -encoding genes. We also found that nrdEF expression was induced by H 2 O 2 and such induction was dependent on the master regulator PerR.

These observations strongly suggest that the metabolic conditions operating in starved B. Results presented in this study support the concept that the adverse metabolic conditions prevailing in nutritionally stressed bacteria activate an oxidative stress response that disturbs ribonucleotide reductase RNR levels.

Such an alteration of RNR levels promotes mutagenic events that allow Bacillus subtilis to escape from growth-limited conditions. Aspects of ribonucleotide reductase regulation and genome stability. An elevated, as well as a reduced dNTP pool is shown to lead to an increase in spontaneous mutation rates, hence regulation of RNR is very important in order to maintain genomic stability. No human inhibitory proteins have yet been identified to regulate RNR consists of two subunits: R1 and R2, both of which are essential. The activity of RNR is strictly regulated to control the dNTP pool, both by allosteric feedback control and transcriptional and translational controls.

Four inhibitory proteins of RNR have been identified in yeast: In this study regulation of human RNR was investigated using a fission yeast strain that depended solely on the human genes of R1 and R2 for dNTP synthesis. Even though this strain could grow like wild-type fission yeast it was hypersensitive to hydroxyurea HU and depended Post-surgical functional recovery, lumbar lordosis, and range of motion associated with MR-detectable redundant nerve roots in lumbar spinal stenosis. T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images MRI can reveal lumbar redundant nerve roots RNRs , a result of chronic compression and nerve elongation associated with pathogenesis of cauda equina claudication CEC in degenerative lumbar canal stenosis DLCS.

The study investigated effects of lumbar lordosis angle and range of motion on functional recovery in lumbar stenosis patents with and without RNRs. A retrospective study was conducted of 93 lumbar spinal stenosis patients who underwent decompressive surgery. Poorer surgical outcomes in patients with RNRs indicated that elevated lumbar lordosis angle and range of motion increased risks of RNR formation, which in turn may cause poorer post-surgical recovery, this information is possibly useful in prognostic assessment of lumbar stenosis complicated by RNRs. An elevated temperature structure design and analysis is one of the key issues in the VHTR Very High Temperature Reactor project to achieve an economic production of hydrogen which will be an essential energy source for the near future.

Since the operating temperature of a VHTR is above C, the existing code and standards are insufficient for a high temperature structure design. Thermal fatigue behaviour for a L type steel. This paper deals with initiation and growth of cracks produced by thermal fatigue loadings on L steel, which is a reference material for the first wall of the next fusion reactor ITER. Two types of facilities have been built. As for true components, thermal cycles have been repeatedly applied on the surface of the specimen. The first is mainly concerned with initiation, which is detected with a light microscope.

The second allows one to determine the propagation of a single crack. Crack initiation is analyzed using the French RCC-MR code procedure, and the strain-controlled isothermal fatigue curves. To predict crack growth, a model previously proposed by Haigh and Skelton is applied. This is based on determination of effective stress intensity factors, which takes into account both plastic strain and crack closure phenomena. It is shown that estimations obtained with such methodologies are in good agreement with experimental data. French administrative practice and design codes for nuclear vessels.

French regulations on boilers and pressure vessels have prevailed for a very long time, the first measure having been promulgated on 29 October Restraining the attention to nuclear pressure vessels it must be pointed out regulations and enforcement by public authorities are more stringent than they are for conventional pressure vessels.

The paper summarizes the structural analyses performed in order to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of the HNB PMS under operation combined with seismic event. The RCC-MR Code is used to validate the design, assuming creep is negligible, since the structure is expected to be at room temperature. P-type damage is assessed. Status of the ITER vacuum vessel construction. Manufacturing designs of the VV have been being completed, component by component, by accommodating requirements of the RCC-MR edition.

Manufacturing of the VV first sector has been started in February in Korea and in-wall shielding in May in India. EU will start manufacturing of its first sector from September and Russia the upper port by the end of A cycle combining method for creep fatigue analysis. During the design phase, the order of succession of transients is not known. In that case, the codes require to take the order of events which leads to the maximum damage, but they don't give the detailed rules to perform it. The method we present here consists in building the totality of possible loading histories.

The choice of the most severe loading history is done a posteriori. In practice, we are lead to uncouple the calculation of V and W. We proceed as follows: Build all the loading histories able to masimize V. For each of these loading histories, maximize W. Choose a posteriori the most damaging loading history. A simplified approach for ratcheting analysis in structures with elastic follow-up.

In the framework of an elastic analysis, the RCC-MR design code uses the concept of the efficiency diagram to assess the behaviour of a structure relatively to ratcheting. This diagram was obtained from a lot of experimental results and allows to cover many reactor situations. However this approach needs to classify stresses between primary and secondary stresses and for a few cases, in particular for structures with significant elastic follow-up, this classification is not obvious.

After a recall of elastic follow-up definition and a few considerations on the way to evaluate it, an approach is proposed to take it into account in an elastic analysis verifying the avoidance of ratcheting. An experimental program has been developed to study this interaction between elastic follow-up and ratcheting. The first results are presented together with interpretations with the proposed method. Design standard issues for ITER in-vessel components.

Unique requirements that must be addressed by a structural design code for the ITER have been summarized. They may be used either as a guide for developing a design code for the ITER or as interim standards. However, new rules will be needed for handling the irradiation-induced embrittlement problems faced by the ITER blanket components. Design standards developed in the past for the design of fission reactor core components in the United States can be used as guides in this area. Design rules to prevent from elasto-plastic bucking. The development of fast neutron reactors requires the construction of mechanical structures which are subject to thermal transients.

These structures being thin, there is a risk of important buckling. Studies developed in the general framework of dimensioning propose a simplified method. This method is based on the determination of the elastic critical load of the perfect structure and its correction by a reduction coefficient which takes into account the effect of tolerances, plasticity and a possible instable post-critical behavior. This paper presents this method and its experimental validation, as also a comparison with the rules proposed by the CODAP 80 C4 41 for structures subject to an external pressure load.

This method has been introduced in the French Rules of design and construction of fast neutron reactor mechanical components RCC-MR [fr.

On behalf of the commission of the National Defense and the armed forces, on the law project of finances for no. Defense - nuclear deterrence; Au nom de la commission de la defense nationale et des forces armees, sur le projet de loi de finances pour no. Defense - dissuasion nucleaire. This analysis deals with the nuclear weapons situation in the world. It presents a new and coherent deterrence tool with an evolutive doctrine.

It presents also the financial aspects of the problem and the dismantling of fissile materials production installations. It takes stock on the simulation program of nuclear weapons already engaged. Report on the draft of the law No. General discussion and Examination of the articles; Rapport sur le projet de loi no. Discussion generale et Examen des articles.

Division de Recherche Experimentale. Using the National Satisfaction and Responsiveness Survey ENSATA , which includes a representative sample of public hospitals in Mexico in , the availability of 83 essential medicines in the hospital pharmacies at the day of visit, the proportion of prescriptions completely filled for patients when they are discharged and their out-of-pocket expenditure during their hospitalization were analyzed. Results showed early sexual relations, and an elevated number of STD's diagnoses. The interpretation and suggested geologic history from this study demonstrate the importance of transpressive tectonics both local to Roatan and regionally throughout geologic history. Heat flow at the Platanares, Honduras , geothermal site.

This report on the draft of the law No. The first part contains the following three sections: The electricity, a commodity as others? The stride towards liberalization; III. France and the opening of electricity market. In turn, the first section addresses the following two subjects: The 'classic' approach or recognizing the peculiarity of electricity; B. The European approach or the trend of trivializing the electricity. The second section addresses the subjects titled: A long and severe bargaining; B. The stage of implementation throughout the member states.

The third section presents the current juridical framework and the main problems stipulated in the draft of the law concerning the Revamping and Expanding Domestic Electricity Supply. The second part of this report is devoted to the debates in the Commission of Production and Exchanges and contains the following three sections: The examination of the articles of the law concerning the Revamping and Expanding Domestic Electricity Supply. Appendices and Table of abbreviations; Rapport sur le projet de loi no. Annexes et Table des sigles.

The third volume of the Report on behalf of the Production and Exchange Commission on the draft of the law No. It contains the chapters titled: Expected heterozigosity H e results were similarly low for both populations. A moderate differentiation was revealed by the F ST index between both populations, and two putative clusters were defined through a structure analysis. The main cluster grouped most of samples from Honduras and Nicaragua, while the second cluster was smaller and included all the samples from the Siuna community in Nicaragua.

This result could partially explain the stronger linkage disequilibrium LD in the parasite population from that country. These findings are congruent with the decreasing rates of malaria endemicity in Central America. First report of Dolabra nepheliae associated with corky bark disease of Rambutan and Pulasan in Honduras. Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum L.

In the last decade these crops have become popular as exotic fruit for export to North A Cultural Capital and Innovative Pedagogy: This article introduces case studies of innovative approaches to pedagogy among indigenous Mayan communities in Chiapas Mexico and Lencan communities in Intibuca Honduras. Innovative approaches to researching alternative theories and practices of pedagogy are used by the author to develop an epistemology of critical pedagogy and its potential…. A new extant species of Electribius Crowson from Honduras Coleoptera: A new extant species of Electribius Crowson, E.

This new species lacks one of the supposed autapomorphies of the genus; therefore the definition of the genus requires modification. A revised key to the known extant species is presented, and their known distributions are mapped. Biofuels may contribute to both rural economic development and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Gota Verde Project in Yoro, Honduras , attempts to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of small-scale biofuel production for local use by implementing a distinctive approach to feedstock production that encourages small farm….

A total of haplotypes were identified by the 12 Y-STR loci of which 98 were unique. The haplotype diversity Genetic distances were calculated between Honduras and other populations from Southern and Central America, Europe and Africa. A scoping review and prevalence analysis of soil-transmitted helminth infections in Honduras. Full Text Available Honduras is endemic for soil-transmitted helminth STH infections, but critical information gaps still remain on the prevalence and intensity of these infections as well as on their spatial distribution at subnational levels.

Firstly, to review the research activity on STH infections in Honduras and secondly, to carry out a national prevalence analysis and map the geographical distribution of these infections in children. A systematic search was conducted of the published and grey literature to identify scientific work on the impact and prevalence of STH infections done between May and June 30, International databases and Honduran journals were searched.

Grey literature was gleaned from local libraries and key informants. Select studies conducted between and were used to produce prevalence maps and to investigate association between STH prevalence and socio-economic and environmental factors. Of identified studies, Municipalities with lower human development index, less access to of potable water, and with higher annual precipitation showed higher STH prevalences.

This is the first study to provide a comprehensive historic review of STH research activity and prevalence in Honduras , revealing important knowledge gaps related to infection risk factors, disease burden, and anti-parasitic drug efficacy, among others. Our decade-long prevalence analysis reveals geographical differences in STH prevalence and these. Post-introduction economic evaluation of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Ecuador, Honduras , and Paraguay. A decision-analytic model was constructed to evaluate the economic impact of post-introduction pneumococcal conjugate vaccine PCV programs in Ecuador, Honduras , and Paraguay from the societal perspective.

Hypothetical birth cohorts were followed for a year period in each country. Estimates of disease burden, vaccine effectiveness, and health care costs were derived from primary and secondary data sources. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the impact of model input uncertainties.

Several model parameters influenced the results of the analysis, including vaccine price, vaccine efficacy, disease incidence, and costs. The economic impact of post-introduction PCV needs to be assessed in a context of uncertainty regarding changing antibiotic resistance, herd and serotype replacement effects, differential vaccine prices, and government budget constraints. Drug resistance associated genetic polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax collected in Honduras , Central America.

In Honduras , chloroquine and primaquine are recommended and still appear to be effective for treatment of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of resistance associated genetic polymorphisms in P. Blood samples were collected from patients seeking medical attention at the Hospital Escuela in Tegucigalpa from to as well as three regional hospitals, two health centres and one regional laboratory during Single nucleotide polymorphisms in P. One patient with parasites acquired on a Pacific Island had pfcrt 76 T and pfmdr1 86Y alleles.

The results indicate that P. This suggests that chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine should be efficacious for treatment of uncomplicated P. However, genetic polymorphisms associated with chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine tolerance were detected in local P. Honduras is endemic for soil-transmitted helminth STH infections, but critical information gaps still remain on the prevalence and intensity of these infections as well as on their spatial distribution at subnational levels.

Our decade-long prevalence analysis reveals geographical differences in STH prevalence and these findings. Hydrogeochemical investigation of six geothermal sites in Honduras , Central America. We conducted detailed hydrogeochemical investigations at six geothermal sites in western Honduras: None of the sites is associated with Quaternary silicic volcanism, although El Olivar lies adjacent to a small Quaternary basalt field and Pavana is part of a belt of hot spring activity parallel to and 35 km east of the Central American volcanic arc. None of the sites contains acid-sulfate waters indicative of vapor-dominated conditions.

Stable isotope analyses of the water show that recharge to the geothermal systems generally occurs from areas of higher elevation adjacent to the sites. Tritium contents of apparently undiluted thermal fluids range from 0 to 0. Various geochemical indicators show that mixing of hot and cold end-member fluids occurs in the system at Platanares and, to a lesser degree, in the systems at San Ignacio and Azacualpa. Boiling is the dominant process responsible for subtle geochemical variations at Azacualpa and, possibly, San Ignacio.

The estimated power output of the three hottest sites is 45 thermal megawatts at Platanares, 14 thermal megawatts at San Ignacio, and 13 thermal megawatts at Azacualpa. Burden of diarrhea among children in Honduras , To estimate the annual burden of diarrhea and of diarrhea that is associated with rotavirus RV in children who are treated at public clinics and hospitals in Honduras. Data were collected from computerized records of all children Honduras and neighboring countries provided estimates of detection rates of RV amo Enero de a diciembre de A descriptive study was conducted among all the patients under 15 who were diagnosed a neoplastic disease in the province of Cienfuegos from January to December, The data base was obtained at "Paquito Gonzalez Cueto" Provincial Pediatric Teaching Hospital of Cienfuegos, and at the national reference centers for the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases in the provinces in order to characterize mortality from infantile cancer.

Data were analyzed according to the rates per inhabitants under 15 in the province and to the variables. The mean annual mortality rate was 5. The group aged was the most affected 7. Updating peasant competencies to mitigate poverty in the Chorti community, Copan Honduras. The main results were: Potential impacts of climate variability on dengue hemorrhagic fever in Honduras , Climate change and variability are affecting human health and disease direct or indirectly through many mechanisms. Dengue is one of those diseases that is strongly influenced by climate variability; however its study in Central America has been poorly approached.

In this study, we assessed potential associations between macroclimatic and microclimatic variation and dengue hemorrhagic fever DHF cases in the main hospital of Honduras during However, it is necessary to extend these studies in this and other countries in the Central America region, because these models can be applied for surveillance as well as for prediction of dengue.

Rickettsial infections in ticks from reptiles, birds and humans in Honduras. Ticks were collected from captive reptiles, wild birds, and incidentally from humans at two locations in Honduras and part of these were tested for the presence of Rickettsia using polymerase chain reaction. The following species of ticks were found: Amblyomma dissimile on Iguanidae reptiles, Amblyomma longirostre and Amblyomma nodosum on birds, and Amblyomma mixtum Amblyomma cajennense complex on humans.

This study provides the first report of rickettsial infections in ticks from reptiles, birds and humans in Honduras. New host - Amblyomma tick associations are documented. Leaf litter copepods from a cloud forest mountain top in Honduras Copepoda: Five different species of Copepoda were extracted from a leaf litter sample collected on the top at m a. Three of them, one Cyclopidae and two Canthocamptidae are new to science, and are described herein. The concept of a "Moraria-group" is considered to be an artificial grouping and is limited here to the genera Moraria and Morariopsis only.

The distributional range of this group is essentially Holarctic, with the mountainous regions in Honduras , and probably in west Nicaragua, as the southernmost limits in the New World. The Environmental School Program PEA, for its Spanish acronym , a dengue control initiative focused on primary schools that took place during in several cities in Honduras , is described. The environmental health program was designed to increase knowledge and develop skills in the identification and control of Aedes aegypti breeding sites, as well as in water and solid waste management.

The results, as measured by behavioral change and reduced larval indices, were satisfactory in the majority of the participating schools. The initiative involved not only children, but also their parents and teachers. In addition to reducing larval indices, PEA was successful in promoting community participation in environmental issues, particularly Aedes control. The inclusion of this educational content in the primary school curriculum in Honduras remains pending.

A research capacity strengthening project for infectious diseases in Honduras: Full Text Available Background: In Honduras , research capacity strengthening RCS has not received sufficient attention, but an increase in research competencies would enable local scientists to advance knowledge and contribute to national priorities, including the Millennium Development Goals MDGs. The primary objective was the creation of a research-based graduate program for the continued training of researchers. Parallel objectives included institutional strengthening and the facilitation of partnerships and networks.

Based on a multi-stakeholder consultation, an RCS workplan was designed and undertaken from to Due to unexpected adverse circumstances, the first 2 years were heavily dedicated to implementing the project's flagship, an MSc program in infectious and zoonotic diseases MEIZ. In addition, infrastructure improvements and demand-driven continuing education opportunities were facilitated; biosafety and research ethics knowledge and practices were enhanced, and networks fostering collaborative work were created or expanded.

The project coincided with the peak of UNAH's radical administrative reform and an unprecedented constitutional crisis. Challenges notwithstanding, in September , MEIZ admitted the first cohort of students, all of whom undertook MDG-related projects graduating successfully by Importantly, MEIZ has been helpful in expanding the School of Microbiology's traditional etiology-based, disciplinary model to infectious disease teaching and research. By fulfilling its objectives, the project contributed to a stronger research culture upholding safety and ethical values at the university.

The resources and strategic vision afforded by the project enhanced UNAH's overall research capacity and its. Jewel scarabs Chrysina sp. Jewel scarabs, beetles in the genus Chrysina Kirby Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae , receive their name from the bright, often gold, green elytra that reflect light like a precious stone. Jewel scarabs are commonly observed at light traps in Mesoamerican cloud forests, and their association with mountain forests makes them potentially interesting candidates for cloud forest conservation monitoring.

The absence of survey protocols and identification tools, and the little ecological information available are barriers. The aim of this overview is to provide an easy to use identification tool for in the field, hopefully stimulating data collection on these beetles. Based on the data associated with the collection localities, elevation distribution of the species in the park was analyzed. The limited data points available were complemented with potential distribution areas generated with distribution models based on climate and elevation data.

This study is aimed at initializing the development of a survey protocol for Chrysina species that can be used in cloud forest conservation monitoring throughout Central America. A list of Chrysina species recorded from Honduras so far is provided. The six identified and one unidentified species recorded from CNP are easy to identify in the field based on color and straightforward morphological characteristics.

Literature research revealed ten species currently recorded from Honduras. This low species richness in comparison with surrounding Central American countries indicates the poor knowledge of this genus in Honduras. Chrysina species richness in CNP increases with elevation, thereby making the genus one of a few groups of organisms where this correlation is observed, and rendering it a suitable invertebrate representative for cloud forest habitats in.

More controversially, he has created a new police force within the military, the Military Police of The resources and strategic vision afforded by the project enhanced UNAH's overall research capacity and its potential contribution to the MDGs. The influence of traditional and complementary and alternative medicine on medication adherence in Honduras. Adherence to medication is a worldwide problem and deserves country-specific attention. Honduras , like many other countries, has allopathic providers, traditional medicine TM , and complementary and alternative medicine CAM.

Understanding a population's health behaviors is essential to satisfactory integration of these systems and successful patient care. The objective was to identify factors that influence medication adherence in Honduras. The research team administered a cross-sectional, item questionnaire to various neighborhoods based on national demographic statistics in order to obtain a quota sample. The prevalence of use of TM was Background In Honduras , research capacity strengthening RCS has not received sufficient attention, but an increase in research competencies would enable local scientists to advance knowledge and contribute to national priorities, including the Millennium Development Goals MDGs.

Methods Based on a multi-stakeholder consultation, an RCS workplan was designed and undertaken from to Results The project coincided with the peak of UNAH's radical administrative reform and an unprecedented constitutional crisis. Conclusions The resources and strategic vision afforded by the project enhanced UNAH's overall research capacity and its potential contribution.

This study develops a sustainable housing model for the Mosquitia region of Honduras , aimed at improving the living conditions of indigenous communities and reducing their vulnerability to the effects of climate change. The improved housing efficiency and resilience will contribute to strengthen sanitation and hygiene, improve the living comfort and reduce environmental impact, particularly focusing on preserving the forest biodiversity. The project was developed following the criteria of env A new species of crinoid-associated Periclimenes from Honduras Crustacea: A new species of crinoid associated Periclimenes, P.

The species associates with the swimming crinoid, Analcidometra armata and displays a unique colour pattern. Morphologically, the new species is closely related to the other known crinoid associates in the Caribbean, specifically Periclimenes crinoidalis, from which it can be distinguished by a suite of relatively minor morphological features. Le CRDI appuie des chercheurs honduriens depuis Hospital Arzobispo Loayza Enero - Julio Development of a point-of-use fortification technology for delivery of micronutrients in Honduras.

Micronutrient deficiencies continue to afflict children rural populations around the world. A micronutrient delivery vehicle MDV was developed as a point-of-use technology for fortification of meals for school-age children beneficiaries of the Healthy Schools Program HSP in Honduras. MDV combines micronutrient powder through a traditional dough-making process, using staple flours wheat and nixtamalized corn , oil and water as ingredients.

After mixing the ingredients and kneading, dough is extruded through a specially designed hand press into noodles. This is a feasible point-of-use fortification technology for improvement of meals provided by the HSP in Honduras. Testing road surface treatments to reduce erosion in forest roads in Honduras [Tratamientos de la superficie de rodadura para reducir la erosion en caminos forestales en Honduras.

Testing road surface treatments to reduce erosion in forest roads in Honduras. Using forest roads produces more erosion and sedimentation than any other forest or agricultural activity. This study evaluated soil losses from a forest road in central Honduras over two consecutive years. We divided a m segment of road into 8 experimental units, each 50 m in length. Soil movement was measured daily during the rainy seasons. The highest soil loss occurred in the control road, around m3 km-1 per year, while the road treated with BMP lost approximately m3km-1 per year.

Full Text Available The recreational use of alcohol is very frequent in the life of college students. A descriptive study was carried out with nursing students in Honduras , where the use of psychoactive substances represents a considerable health problem, especially the use of alcohol.

This study identified that Nevertheless, the study focused on drinkers, whose consumption pattern may be changing over time. According to the sample characteristics, most subjects were young working women, students, and Christians. These variables should be considered in the investigation of protective factors against drinking, and in designing preventive actions in the university context.

El uso recreativo de alcohol esta muy presente en la vida de los universitarios. The hawksbill sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata has a circumtropical distribution and plays an important role in maintaining the health of coral reefs. The hawksbill is considered Critically Endangered, and researchers are coordinating worldwide efforts to protect this species. One country where we lack knowledge regarding hawksbills is Honduras. This study aimed to increase our understanding of hawksbill nesting ecology in Caribbean Honduras.

Characteristics of hawksbill nesting activity and a nesting beach on the island of Utila were elucidated using satellite telemetry, beach profiling, vegetation surveys, beach monitoring, and nest temperature profiles. We affixed satellite transmitters to two nesting hawksbills, and found the turtles migrated to different countries. One turtle traveled km to a bay in Mexico, and the other traveled km to a Marine Protected Area off Belize. This study presents the first description of hawksbill migration routes from Honduras , facilitating protection efforts for turtles that traverse international waters.

To investigate nesting beach and turtle characteristics, we conducted beach monitoring during the nesting season. Nesting turtle carapace sizes were similar to worldwide values, but hatchlings were heavier. To measure nest temperatures, we placed thermocouple data loggers in four nests and four pseudo-nests. Data suggested metabolic heating may be maintaining nest temperatures above the pivotal temperature. However, large temperature fluctuations corresponding to rainfall from Hurricane Ernesto as determined using a time series cross-correlation analysis make it difficult to predict sex ratios, and underscore the impact stochastic events can have on nest temperatures.

We created topographic and substrate profiles of the beach, and found it was m long, yet hawksbills. A 6-Year Report on Trends. Central nervous system CNS malformations, including neural tube defects NTDs , are the second most common type of birth defects worldwide and are major causes of childhood disability and mortality. Data from all patients with congenital CNS malformations and total live births for the period were obtained through institution and regional registries from all 3 public referral hospitals in Western Honduras , representing 67 municipalities.

Birth prevalence was calculated as cases per 10, live births. Six-year birth prevalence of CNS malformations was The nationwide birth prevalence of NTDs in rural Honduras may have decreased since the implementation of prenatal health policies in However, we identified regions with unexpectedly elevated prevalence, indicating high regional prevalence that could be targeted for improved preventive efforts, ultimately decreasing the burden of these conditions.

Woodman, Neal; Matson, John O. Short term surveys for small mammals in Guatemala and Honduras during — provided important new records for 12 taxa of shrews from 24 localities. These locality records expand the known geographic distributions for five species and for the genus Sorex Linnaeus, In addition, the first record of potential syntopy among C.

Allen, , is reported at an elevation of m in the Sierra de Celaque, Honduras. Information associated with these records contributes substantially to knowledge of habitat use, elevational distributions, reproductive patterns, diet, and parasites of the species encountered. General patterns include the first evidence that Neotropical species of soricids have smaller litters than their temperate congeners.

An economic prefeasibility study of geothermal energy development at Platanares, Honduras. Estudio economico de prefactibilidad del desarrollo de energia geotermica en Platanares, Honduras. The expected economic benefits from development of a geothermal power plant at Platanares in the Department of Copan, Honduras are evaluated in this report. The economic benefits of geothermal plants ranging in size from a MW plant in the shallow reservoir to a , , , or MW plant in the assumed deeper reservoir were measured by computing optimal expansion plans for each size of geothermal plant.

Savings are computed as the difference in present value cost between a plan that contains no geothermal plant and one that does. Los nuevos registros son: Tillandsia mateoensis Bromeliaceae, Diastema affine Gesneriaceae, Scutellaria costaricana Lamiaceae, Miconia contrerasii Melastomataceae, Acianthera violacea, Dendrophylax porrectus, Epidendrum santaclarense, Lepanthes enca-barcenae, L.

Por otra parte, Potosia guatemalensis es sinonimizado bajo S. A new Nototriton Caudata: The highlands of northeastern Honduras remain under-characterized in terms of biological diversity, as exemplified by the regularity of new amphibian and reptile taxa discoveries. This new taxon, Nototriton mime sp. Intimate partner violence as a predictor of antenatal care service utilization in Honduras. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate effects of physical and sexual IPV on the outcomes, controlling for women's age, education, literacy, residence, household size, religion, parity, wealth, husband's age, and husband's education.

Honduras has one of highest rates of interpersonal violence of any nation in the world. Conclusions Honduras has one of highest rates of interpersonal violence of any nation in the world. Transmitted drug resistance and type of infection in newly diagnosed HIV-1 individuals in Honduras. Transmitted drug resistance TDR reduces the efficacy of antiretroviral treatment and is a public health concern. To gain insight in the epidemiology of TDR in Honduras by evaluating the amount of TDR in a representative sample of newly diagnosed individuals and by determining whether these are recent or established infections.

Specimens were classified as recent or established infections using the BED assay. The TDR prevalence was higher in recent than in established infections, which may indicate that TDR is increasing over time. Molecular diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from patients with tuberculosis in Honduras. A better knowledge of the molecular characteristics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains will contribute to understand the transmission dynamics of the disease within the country. The aim of this study was to provide an insight of the genetic biodiversity of M.

Genotyping was performed using spoligotyping and RFLP. In addition, 16 patterns corresponded to orphan, previously unreported isolates. Only one Beijing strain was identified 0. A total of 35 different RFLP-fingerprints were detected, of which 6 patterns corresponded to the same number of clusters comprising 14 strains.

Conclusions The findings obtained in this study show that tuberculosis transmission in Honduras is due to modern M. Risk factors associated with the presence and severity of food insecurity in rural Honduras. To identify factors associated with the presence and severity of food insecurity among a sample of Honduran caregivers of young children. Cross-sectional study in which the dependent variable, household food insecurity, was measured using a fourteen-item questionnaire developed and validated in a population of similar cultural context.

Two-hundred and ninety-eight Honduran caregivers of children aged months. Ninety-three per cent of households were classified as having some degree of food insecurity mild, moderate or severe. Our results also found that child anthropometric status was not associated with the presence or severity of food insecurity. These results show that among the sociodemographic factors assessed, food insecurity in rural Honduras is associated with maternal education. Understanding key factors associated with food insecurity that are unique to Honduras can inform the design of interventions to effectively mitigate the negative impact of food insecurity on children.

Porvenir Regulatorio del Mercado de Valores de La Republica Dominicana (Spanish, Paperback)

Background Tuberculosis persists as a public health problem in Honduras. Water sanitation, access, use and self-reported diarrheal disease in rural Honduras. Inadequate drinking water quality is related to diarrheal illness, which in Honduras contributes to The purpose of this study was to examine and compare access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as self-reported diarrheal disease incidence among three proximal communities in the Department of Yoro area of Honduras.

An item language-specific, interviewer-administered, anonymous questionnaire was administered to randomly selected adults attending a June medical brigade held in the communities of Coyoles, La Hicaca, and Lomitas. Chi-square with Fisher exact tests were utilized to compare water access, sanitation, and self-reported diarrheal incidence among these communities. Coyoles and La Hicaca used private faucets as their primary water sources.

Coyoles had the greatest use of bottled water. Lomitas used rivers as their primary water source, and did not use bottled water. Mostly, females were responsible for acquiring water. Usage of multiple water sanitation methods was most common in Coyoles, while no sanitation method was most common in Lomitas. In Lomitas and La Hicaca, water filters were mostly provided via donation by non-governmental organizations. Lomitas had the highest reported incidence of diarrhea among self and other household members.

Critical differences in water access, sanitation, and self-reported diarrheal incidence among three geographically distinct, yet proximal, communities highlights the need for targeted interventions even in geographically proximal rural areas. Obstetric referrals from a rural clinic to a community hospital in Honduras. We reviewed patient charts to review diagnosis, referral, and treatment times at both sites to understand the continuity of care. The remaining 66 patients were our study population. The most common diagnoses requiring referral were non-reassuring fetal status, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and preterm labour.

The time spent in the rural clinic until transfer was 7. No system was in place to give feedback to the referring clinic doctors regarding their primary diagnoses. Further research is needed for reform of emergency obstetric care management, targeting both healthcare personnel and medical referral infrastructure.

The example of Honduras can be taken to motivate change in other resource-limited areas. Despite this agreement, accelerating levels of hunting and habitat loss continue to pose a threat to Baird's tapir in Honduras. An ongoing study in Cusuco National Park in northwestern Honduras has been monitoring changes in population dynamics of Baird's tapir since through the collection of occupancy data. The study has identified an increase in hunting pressure, coinciding with a drastic decline in the encounter rate with Baird's tapir spoor. The predictions of the theoretical population models are compared to observed changes in occupancy levels.

We found that non-intervention resulted in the local extinction of Baird's tapir within a very short time frame, but that various intervention models enabled the population to recover to near carrying capacity. Occupancy and extinction probability were shown to respond markedly to the increase in hunting pressure; and occupancy models supported the future population predictions generated by VORTEX. Our study suggests that immediate intervention is required to reduce hunting pressure to near historical levels to prevent the imminent local extinction of the species.

We Broke the Law. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de una gran variabilid Structural policies for the development of the energy sector of the Republic of Honduras. The development of the energy sources in the Republic of Honduras is discussed. A program has been instituted that is intended to raise productivity, competitiveness and domestic and export production within a free market system and in a stable economic environment. The key elements of the program include the adoption of a market system for exchange rate adjustments; reduction of the fiscal deficit by limiting government spending and increasing local revenues; significant reduction in the level of import protection; liberalization of prices; termination of all state subsides; and liberalization of the investment regime.

A four-year surveillance program for detection of Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance in Honduras. Full Text Available Countries could use the monitoring of drug resistance in malaria parasites as an effective early warning system to develop the timely response mechanisms that are required to avert the further spread of malaria. Drug resistance surveillance is essential in areas where no drug resistance has been reported, especially if neighbouring countries have previously reported resistance.

Here, we present the results of a four-year surveillance program based on the sequencing of the pfcrt gene of Plasmodium falciparum populations from endemic areas of Honduras. Short-term service trips and the interprofessional team: These trips often uniquely define goals as related to changes in the host population and overlook the valuable benefits potentially incurred by the trip volunteers. The Honduras Outreach Medical Brigada Relief Effort utilizes an interprofessional team approach to develop the dual goals of improving health and quality of life in host communities and improving interprofessional teamwork values and skills among participants.

This article outlines details of this program, describes on-going evaluation work and discusses the interprofessional implications from this project. Comparison of molecular tests for the diagnosis of malaria in Honduras. Laboratory diagnosis is a very important factor for adequate treatment and management of malaria.

In Honduras , malaria is diagnosed by both, microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests and to date, no molecular methods have been implemented for routine diagnosis. However, since mixed infections, and asymptomatic and low-parasitaemic cases are difficult to detect by light microscopy alone, identifying appropriate molecular tools for diagnostic applications in Honduras deserves further study.

The present study investigated the utility of different molecular tests for the diagnosis of malaria in Honduras. A total of blood samples collected as part of a clinical trial to assess the efficacy of chloroquine were used: Sensitivity and specificity of microscopy was compared to an 18 s ribosomal RNA gene-based nested PCR, two single-PCR reactions designed to detect Plasmodium falciparum infections, one single-PCR to detect Plasmodium vivax infections, and one multiplex one-step PCR reaction to detect both parasite species.

Of the 69 microscopically positive P.