Affirmation de soi (L): Une méthode de thérapie (PSYCHOLOGIE) (French Edition)

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SMA US department of health and human services http: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners: Anger Management for Everyone: Ebbesen, Birt Duncan, Vladimir J. Konecni, Effects of content of verbal aggression on future verbal aggression: Je dois utiliser encore davantage le guide avant de pouvoir vous faire des commentaires constructifs. Qui ne correspond pas non plus. Vous pourriez le contacter pour en savoir plus. Voici son adresse et son courriel: Raymond Tafrate Professor R.

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Service de Psychologie Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive

Merci pour ce partage. Un guide pareil, qui fasse la jonction clairement sans trop de prudences lexicales existe-t-il? Nous avons un projet de guide TSPT mais il en est encore aux premiers balbutiements. Guide de pratique TOC oct. Le principe fondamental Chapitre 4: Les attitudes dysfonctionnelles de base Chapitre Twitter Facebook Google Courriel. Merci de votre retour. Encore merci pour vos apports! Feuillets pour les patients: Bonjour Chlelia, Voici quelques suggestions: Je vous remercie vivement, Bien cordialement, Laura.

Vous faites un excellent travail. Courriel obligatoire adresse strictement confidentielle. Impossible de partager les articles de votre blogue par courriel. Spatial pattern learning in the radial arm maze. Spatial competences in Williams syndrome: International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 27 3 , Radial maze performance in young and aged mice: Spatial memory in dogs Canis familiaris on a radial maze.

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1 , Cognitive Brain Research, 3 , Hamsters' Mesocricetus auratus memory in a radial maze analog: Watermaze, Morris swimming pool, Morris water-maze, swimming pool navigation tasks. Spatial localisation does not depend on the presence of local cues. Visits to starts, routes and places by rats Rattus norvegicus in swimming pool navigation tasks.

Journal of Comparative Psychology, , Rats alternate on a dry-land but not a swimming-pool Morris task place task: Behavioral Neuroscience, , Inescapable shock and attention to internal versus external cues in a water discrimination escape task. Animal Behavior Processes, 14 3 , A comparison of rats and mice in a swimming pool place task and matching to place task: The effects of pre-exposure on escape from a Morris pool.

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54B, Interaction between piloting and beacon homing by rats in a swimming pool. Animal Behavior Processes, 23, Applications of the Morris water maze in the study of learning and memory. Brain Research Reviews, 36, Neural Computation, 10 1 , Locating an invisible goal in a water maze requires at least two landmarks. Beacon training in a water maze can facilitate as well as interfere with subsequent room cue learning.

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Animal Behavior Processes, 33, Blocking in the Morris swimming pool. Animal Behavior Processes, 25, Analyste de Laplanche, Mannoni, Olivier et Pontalis. Professeur d'Anzieu et de Wilden. Fonction et champs de la parole et du langage en psychanalyse: Les formations de l'inconscient. The area of faith in Winnicott, Lacan and Bion. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 62, Some remarks on adolescence with particular reference to Winnicott and Lacan. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 70, Collaborateur de Rachlin et Schwartz.

Psychological conflict and human nature: The case of behaviorism and cognition. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 10, Behaviorism, intentionality, and sociohistorical structure. On the limits of radical behaviorism: Teleological behaviorism and altruism. The behavioral scientist qua scientist makes value judgements. Sciences, valeurs et pluralisme chez Hugh Lacey. Claude Ryan et la violence du pouvoir: Aspiring to a fairer globalization.

Development, 48 1 , Lack David Lambert Oxford: Evolution of the Galapagos finches. The significance of reproductive isolation. Simpson Eds , Genetics, paleontology and evolution. The evolution of reproductive rates. Ford Eds , Evolution as a process. Ecological adaptations for breeding in birds.

The numbers of species of hummingbirds in the West Indies. Les troubles de Shawinigan, ans d'histoire. De l'effervescence au renouveau. Stimulus modality and stimulus-resonse compatibility in absolute identification. The roles of stimulus and response set size in the identification and categorisation of unidimensional stimuli. Absolute identification of temporal intervals: The International Society for Psychophysics.

Choice and response time processes in the identification and categorization of unidimensional stimuli. Decision-tree models of categorization response tmes, choice proportions, and typicality judgments. Psychological Review, 4 , Reasoning about apparent contradictions: Providing race models with a connectionist learning rule.

Connection Science, 15, Attentional blink differences between adolescent dyslexic and normal readers. The origin of exemplar effects in rule-driven categorization. Ladd George Trumbell Ladd. The relationship between peer acceptance and children's ideas about helpfulness. Child Development, 50, Having friends, Keeping friends, making friends, and being liked by peers in the classroom: Predictors of children's early school adjustment? Friendship quality as a predictor of young children's early school adjustment.

Child Development, 67, Peer relationships and social competence during early and middle childhood. Annual Review of Psychology Vol. Does chronic classroom peer rejection predict the development of children's classroom participation during the grade school years? Child Development, 79, Ladd Trumbull George Painesville Elements of physiological psychology.

Philosophy of the mind. Psychology, descriptive and explanatory. Ladd, Elements of physiological psychology. American Journal of Psychology, 1, Ladd, Psychology, descriptive and explanatory. American Journal of Psychology, 6, Biochimiste et psychiatre anglais.

Habituation of the psycho-galvanic reflex in patients with anxiety states and in normal subjects.

The opium of the masses? The Neuroscience, 3, Psychological effects of buspirone. Long term effects of benzodiazepines. Neuropharmacology, 22 4 , History of benzodiazepine dependence. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 8, Problem solving and problem orientation in generalized anxiety disorder. Cognitive treatment of pathological gamblers. Behavior Research Therapy, 36, Symbols presentation modality as a determinant of gambling behavior.

Journal of Psychology, 4 , Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 49, Controlled gambling for pathological gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies, 21, Lafargue Paul Santiago Draveil: La religion du capital. Laffer Arthur Betz Youngstown Vertical integration by corporations, A formal model of the economy. Journal of Business, 44 3 , The number of firms and competition.

American Economic Review 62 4 , An explication of the Laffer curve in a two-factor model. In The financial analyst's guide to fiscal policy p. The end of prosperity: The true nature of sovereignty. L'un des promoteurs de la psychanalyse freudienne en France. Le super-ego individuel et collectif. Lafortune Louise Lafortune Mireille Lafortune. Collaboratrice de Gaudet et Potvin. Bulletin AMQ, 25 2 , Psychologie clinique et science. Lagache Daniel Paris Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

La folle du logis: La psychanalyse comme science exacte - Les oeuvres 1 ; Les hallucinations verbales. La jalousie amoureuse; psychologie descriptive et psychanalyse. Collaborateur de Pelham, Rhee, Waldman et Willcutt. The development of antisocial behavior: An integrative causal model. Age and gender differences in oppositional behavior and conduct problems: A cross-sectional household study of middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, , Waxing and waning in concert: Dynamic comorbidity of conduct disorder with other disruptive and emotional problems over seven years among clinic-referred boys.

Archives of General Psychiatry, 62, Public health significance of neuroticism. American Psychologist, 64, Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, , Psychiatre et chef de file de l'antipsychiatrie. Collaborateur de Cooper et Esterson. An existential study in sanity and madness. A decade of Sartre's philosophy Sanity, madness, and the family: The politics of the family and other essays. Wisdom, madness and folly. Psychotropic drugs in mother's milk: Journal of Psychopharmacology, 13, An interpretation of autoshaping and related phenomena in terms of stimulus-incentive contingencies alone.

Pratiques innovatrices de collaboration par Internet: Lakatos Imre Hongrie Londres: Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes. The methodology of scientific research programmes: Mathematics, science and epistemology: History of science and its rational reconstructions.

Imre Lakatos's Philosophy of Science. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 30, World views and their influence on psychological theory and research: Appraising and amending theories: The strategy of Lakatosian defense and two principles that warrant it. Psychological Inquiry, 1, Against Lakatos' "sheer leap of faith".

Center for Philosophy of Science: Collaborateur de Chomsky, Gallese et Turner. Linguistique et logique naturelle. Conceptual metaphor in everyday language. Journal of Philosophy, 77 8 , Women, fire and dangerous things: University of Chicago Press. Philosophy in the flesh: The embodied mind and its challenge to western thought. Where mathematics comes from: How the embodied mind brings mathematics into being. Ta, ta, ta, ma, ma, ma Lalli Joseph Sebastian Collaborateur de Borrero, Mace et Vollmer. Linking descriptive and experimental analyses in the treatment of bizarre speech. Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, 24 3 , The paradox of preference for unreliable reinforcement: The role of context and conditioned reinforcement.

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 28 3 , Treatment of multiply controlled problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29 3 , Functional analysis and treatment of eye poking with response blocking. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29 1 , The effect of reinforcer preference on functional analysis outcomes. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31 1 , Cognitive therapy for bipolar illness: Dysfunctional assumptions in bipolar affective disorder.

Journal of Affective Disorders, 79, Relapse prevention in patients with bipolar disorder: American Journal of Psychiatry, 2 , What can we conclude from studies on psychotherapy in bipolar disorder?

The British Journal of Psychiatry, , Psychological therapies in bipolar disorder: Bipolar Disorders, 11, Collaborateur de Chase, Greenspoon et Windholz. A cogent critique of epistemology leaves radical behaviorism unscathed. Three metacontingencies in the pre-Perestroika Soviet Union. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31 4 , The Behavior Analyst, 23, Social institution or business?

Recherches sur l'organisation des corps vivants. Lamarckian mechanisms in darwinian evolution. Attachments, social networks, and developmental contexts. Human Development, 48, Developmentally appropriate interview techniques. Victimization of children with disabilities. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77, Assessing the effectiveness of the NICHD investigative interview Protocol when interviewing French-speaking alleged victims of child sexual abuse in Quebec. The role of the father in child development.

Archive de Psychologie, 29 , Archives de Psychologie, 31 , La comparaison des grandeurs projectives chez l'enfant et chez l'adulte. Archives de Psychologie, 33 , Archives de Psychologie, 34 , Archives de Psychologie, 35 , And recommendations for future research.

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Psychological Bulletin, 85, The effectiveness of psychotherapy. John Wiley and Sons. Research summary on the therapeutic relationship and psychotherapy outcome. Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 38 4 , The efficacy and effectiveness of psycho therapy.

Providing feedback to psychotherapists on their patients' progress: Clinical results and practice suggestions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61, Lambon Ralph Matthew A.

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A new form of acquired dyslexia. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 13, 5 , Acquired phonological and deep dyslexia. The Neural Basis of Cognition, 6 2 , A neuropsychological perspective on speech production. No right to speak? The relationship between object naming and semantic impairment: Neuropsychological evidence and a computational model. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13 3 , Generalization and differentiation in semantic memory insights from semantic dementia.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, , La Mettrie julien Offray de Saint-Malo Laming Donald Richard John: Testing the idea of different storage mecanism in memory. International Journal of Psychology, 34 5 , An improved algorithm for predicting free recalls. Cognitive psychology, 57 3 , Psychological Review, 1 , Serial position curves in free recall.

University of Hertfordshire Press. The rise of the Indian rope trick: Critically thinking about paranormal belief.

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Paranormal belief and the avowal of prior scepticism. Where science and magic meet: Review of General Psychology, 14 1 , Lampl-de Groot Jeanne Schiedam Amsterdam: The pre-oedipal phase in the development of the male child. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 2, On masturbation and its influence on general development.

Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 5, Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 15, Ego ideal and superego. Psycoanalytic Study of the Child, 17, Collected papers of Jeanne Lampl-de Groot, M. Edmonds, Ellsberg, Manning, Snowden, Ryan. The relationships among beliefs, organizational position, and whistle-blowing status: Academy of Management Journal, 27 4 , Do the ends justify the means?

Nursing and the dilemma of whistleblowing. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23 1 , Articles Potential Predictors of Whistle-Blowing: A Prosocial Behavior Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 10 4 , An examination of correlates of whistleblow- ing intentions, actions, and retaliation. Journal of Business Ethics, 62 3 , The case of whistle-blowing. Individual and situational correlates of whistle-blowing. Personal Psychology, 41 2 , The incidence of wrongdoing, whistleblowing and retaliation: Results of a naturally occurring eld experiment. Michigan Law Review, 8 , Who blows the whistle and why.

The journey of a corporate whistleblower. Retaliating against the whistleblower.

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Acta Psychologica, , American Educational Research Journal, 34 1 , Effects of an aggressive model on the behavior of college student and prisoner observers. Who blows the whistle and why. Scientometrics, 94 1 , Dysfunctional assumptions in bipolar affective disorder.

Risk Management, 39 8 , Out of sympathy with the whistleblower. British Medical Journal, , Antecedents and Outcomes of Retaliation against whistle-blowers: Gender Differences and Power Relationships. Organization Science, 19 2 , Relationships among value congruence, perceived victimization, and retaliation against whistle-blowers: The case of internal auditors. Journal of Management, 20 4 , Wrongdoing, whistle-blowing and retaliation in the U. Review of Public Personnel Administratio 28, Explaining the whistle-blowing process: Suggestions from power theory and Jjustice theory.

Organization Science, 4 3 , Predicting employee reactions to perceived organizational wrongdoing: Human Relations, 65 8 , What happens to whistleblowers and why. Classics in Social Medicine, 16 4 , The Academy of Management Review, 20 3 , An international comparison of the incidence of public sector whistle-blowing and the prediction of retaliation: Australia, Norway, and the US. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 72 4 , Journal of Management, 22, 3 , Some implications of the voice literature for research on whistle-blowing.

Overcoming fear, fostering courage, and unleashing candour pp. The effects of interpersonal closeness and issue seriousness on blowing the whistle. Journal of Business Communication, 34 4 , The whistleblower's dilemma and the fairness-loyalty tradeoff.


Teaching Business Ethics, 3, Whistleblowing, accountability and ethical accounting. Clinical Risk, 6 3 , How the SEC's new whistleblower program changes the securities fraud class action debate. Northwestern University Law Review, 4 , Whistleblowers and the Narrative of Ethics. Journal of Social Philosophy, 32 4 , Conceptualising and distinguishing bell- ringing behaviour. Bulletin of Medical Ethics, , The psychology of whistleblowing. Current Opinion in Psychology, 6, Ethical judgment and whistleblowing intention: Journal of Business Ethics, 43, Does type of wrongdoing affect the whistle-blowing process?

Business Ethics Quarterly, 14 2 , What managers should know about whistleblowing. Business Horizons, 59, Algorithmization in learning and instruction. Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors, 26 3 , Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34 9 , Impact of an anxious social situation on emotional facial expressions EFEs recognition in children.

Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive , 17 2 , Clinical outcomes of a new self-help booklet for premature ejaculation. Journal of Sexual Medicine , 9 , Performance on an everyday life activity in persons diagnosed with alcohol dependency compared to healthy controls: Relations between a computerized shopping task and cognitive and clinical variables.

How do auditory verbal hallucinations in patients differ from those in nonpatients? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 6 , The characteristic features of auditory verbal hallucinations in clinical and nonclinical groups: Schizophrenia Bulletin , 38 , An individualized and everyday life approach to cognitive rehabilitation in schizophrenia: Rehabilitation Research and Practice , Rehabilitation of executive functions in a real-life setting: Goal Management Training applied to a person with schizophrenia.