Her Perfect Assistant - Erotic Short Story for Women

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The narrative is beautifully written with a first person prospective from the female protagonist, Lina Jones. The dialogue is smart, snappy, seductive, well executed, at times humorous, and flowed effortlessly. But my favorite element of this book is the wonderful cast of engaging, sexy as sin characters. I fell head over heels for the two protagonists, beautiful intelligent executive assistant, Lina Jones and handsome brooding businessman, Aiden Wright.

They were intriguing, engaging, realistic and completely relatable. Their attraction was electric and their sexual chemistry was smokin' hot! They were absolutely flawless and played off each other brilliantly. Gray skillfully combines every single one of these elements to craft an extraordinary contemporary romance filled to the brim with gripping emotion, sultry passion, heartbreaking angst and heartwarming love. Executive assistant Lina Jones has been having daydreams and nightdreams about her wealthy boss, Aiden Wright for the last three years but Lina knows the handsome businessman would never be interested in woman like her, a woman with real curves.

Nope, not when the man in question could have any woman he wants. Oh well, it never hurts to dream, right? Especially when the gentleman in question is a brooding, dark hearted slave driver who may just harbor a secret desire for his beautiful, curvy assistant. Lina doesn't do one night stands and Aiden doesn't do dating, and he certainly doesn't do relationships. He has his reasons, so never the two shall connect, right? And hearts just may be broken No spoilers from me but I will say this Beautiful, sassy, intelligent and curvaceous assistant-check!

Handsome, wealthy, cold hearted, domineering and seemingly uninterested slave driver boss-check! A couple of adorable dogs named King and Daisy-check! Sultry passion, sweet romance and lots of steamy dreamy sex-you bet! That and a whole lot more! Fabulous entertainment and an awesome read! Deliciously cute, sinfully sexy and divinely entertaining! When reviewing a book I always ask myself five questions. First, what did I love about this book? I pretty much loved everything about the Assistant. It's a delightfully entertaining, light hearted, fast paced romance that is sure to capture your heart and make you smile.

I love how it was written in the first person and I'm always a sucker for a book that revolves around the two primary characters and Ramona Gray is a master of her trade as well as a very gifted and talented wordsmith who knows how to entertain her readers. Second, I ask myself, what didn't I like about this story?

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Truthfully, not a darn thing but it was just so darn good, I would have loved for it to be a little longer. I wanted to keep reading about this great couple who totally stole my heart.

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View all 3 comments. Little does he realize she's misread this familiarity and believes he's in love. Is it the disingenuous friend? Only one big thing I really wish was ,I wish at some point Lina had had the where with all to have been about to step back and see Aiden's words and actions didn't line up.. Audible Download Audio Books.

Third, would I recommend this book? You bet and I am but only for adult readers since it does contain quite a few exquisitely written sex scenes. Fourth, I always ask, will I read this author again? Just as soon as she releases her next book, I'll be the first in line to get my copy! And finally, was I entertained? I was definitely entertained! Once I started reading, I simply could not stop. I laughed, I cried, I empathized and I even screamed and shook my fists in anger but by the end, I was left with a big smile and a case of the warm and fuzzies.

And isn't that what entertainment truly is? Enjoying the story so much that you get completely caught up in the story and the lives of the characters I know it is for me. So yes, in my opinion this book definitely deserves five stars. On a more personal note, I'd like to share something quite amusing about my experience with this book.

Chardine Taylor-Stone, 31, who works in the arts in London

Her Perfect Assistant - Erotic Short Story for Women eBook: Diana Vega: Amazon .in: Kindle Store. inside this book. Relighting the Flame - Erotic Short Story for Women by [Keller, Angela] . Her Perfect Assistant - Erotic Short Story for Women Kindle Edition.

While reading this story, an old country music song entitled Daydreams About Night Things originally performed by Ronnie Milsap in kept replaying in the back of my mind. Yeah, I'm that old, lol Anyway, the lyrics for the chorus of the song fit this story perfectly: I'm having daydreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon and every night, you make my daydreams come true.

Once again, I ask you, isn't that the true definition of entertainment? Being so caught up in the characters and their lives that you relate their story to a happy time in your life. It is for me. It was truly a pleasure to read this book. Once I started, I simply could not stop. The pages flew with the hours passing seemingly as minutes until I reached the very last line.

So yes, I wholeheartedly recommend this book and quite possibly, it may just be the reason for you to take a wonderful stroll down memory lane. Complimentary copy received in exchange for review. Mar 27, Viola rated it did not like it. What is going on? The premise is sort of ridiculous.

The Assistant by Ramona Gray

Lina is Aiden's assistant. She has worked for him for three years. Linda has a crush on Aiden. She daydreams about him while keeping up with her demanding job. Aiden is her difficult boss, who we find out has been sexually attracted to Lina for three years. Linda also has poor self esteem " about being fat with big breast" and bad in bed. How can someone sit around for three years and be attracted to you and not act on it?

Linda i So, cliche! Linda is single and so is Aiden. So, what's the problem? Oh, lest not forget that he verbally abused her, underpaid her, overworked her, made her cry. The list could go on. So what kind of attraction was that? I really tried to read this book. I skipped all the way to the back to read the epilogue. This book just didn't do it for me. Can I get my money back?

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  • The Assistant?

Aug 23, Rachael rated it it was ok. I don't know what to think of this book It had no dialogue what so ever, it was just sex. To be honest I think I'm being too generous giving this book 2 stars. I'm not mad I read it though only because I got it for free on my e-reader so yeah, that's about it. Jul 03, Al rated it really liked it. Couldn't put it down. Nov 14, TSN rated it did not like it Shelves: Apr 07, Emery rated it did not like it Shelves: I can't believe I even finished it.

Jun 11, Book Lover rated it it was ok. Once tragically orphaned, and displaying a compulsive use of anti-bacterial hand lotion, Ms.

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Davis is extremely devoted to Mr. She wants to take the place of his hospitalized wife and be a mother to cute little Veronique Natale Szalankiewicz as Isabelle. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Not that bad guilfisher-1 13 November Although the leading lady played by Josie Davis was a bit over the wall, she still brought that evil doings expected in these "perfect" films on LMN. Cold steel blue eyes and manner, she traipsed through the film undaunted.

You could hardly wait for her demise. I loved it when she didn't get what she wanted. That's how good she was. Evil, evil and more evil. Although I do challenge in what hospital a stranger can walk in at night without a nurse questioning her and then do her evil. I thought monitors were for keeping tabs on patients, yet no one came to the rescue when the lady's monitor went crazy. Oh, well, that's show biz. Natural in his acting and believable with a difficult role. Unlike Perry King who always seems to succumb to his evil ladies. Rachel Hunter brought a likable maturity to the fold.

Both were not actresses but a freak of nature. All in all, thanks to Davis, Potter and Hunter it wasn't that bad. This movie was terrible. The lead character Josie Davis was about a C- throughout the entire time. There was not one scene in which I found her believable or even interesting. And as soon as I saw Sophie Gendron walk on the screen, I groaned. Having suffered through a movie with her once before, I was hoping her role would be very brief.

Gendron is badly in need of a coach, or perhaps another profession. While these two roles were desperately in need of recasting, Chris Potter was absolutely fantastic. He played a difficult part, and did it exquisitely. Every scene of his had just the proper amount of inflection and purpose. He was completely believable and his contribution kept me from giving this movie fewer stars. I also enjoyed Judith Manion, and think she did a great job.

She and Chris Potter completely outshone the others. However, this movie is not worth the two hours it took to watch to the end. Save your time and do something more worthwhile. Having watched more than my share of Lifetime movies, I am constantly surprised at the creative ways the filmmakers switch things up. There is a format that these movies follow and it must be challenging to consistently find ways to keep them fresh--and more importantly, with this channel, entertaining.

I think part of the reason why The Perfect Assistant was so enjoyable is that it features a collective of actors who work pretty consistently in these movies, and much like a basketball team that has played together for a long time, they have a fun time with what they are doing. While the user above pointed out Sophie's performance I have to say I completely disagree. Not only is she hot, but she brings a spark to the screen.

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If they were recasting Dallas, she'd fit right in. I've enjoyed a few movies she and some of the other cast have been in for Lifetime, and part of that enjoyment is seeing what type of character they'll be playing this time around. Is it the disingenuous friend? The co-worker with a nefarious plan? The roles are just "parts" to an actor. But in a cable TV movie, each of these roles is a part of the plot machinery that must move the story forward. So watching what choices fine actors like Ms. Potter make with these roles is part of the delicious fun of watching the films.

If you are a fan of puzzle movies, or cable drama thrills, than The Perfect Assistant is certainly going to be very satisfying. If not, then you might want to watch something else. The the story is "seen before" - all the script is like written to morons. The acting is under the Zero- "thinking loudly" is typical for a weakly acting in a soap opera or "if i can't express it, let me say it"; too much overacting. Few good looking faces but not future stars , some intrigues, a stupid husband and stupid doctors not questioning the curious death of a "getting better" patient.

At the end, it seems to me as the movie has been made in "give me something to sell" way.

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There are many enough and good enough new novels to make a movie on them, or even many enough interesting news and stories from all over the world. But they need to be found and read over. I can't believe I watched the whole thing. For fans of any kind of thriller or suspense films, or any kind of drama, you are going to be seriously disappointed with this one. We have all seen the "trusted assistant is nutty stalker" movie a hundred times, so we expect something different when a new version is foisted on us. Every single second of this movie was predictable, from the start to the finish.

There is not one surprise. Based on other comments here I stuck it out to the end, but oh did I regret it. We've seen it all before. Read more Read less. Kindle Edition File Size: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Get to Know Us.

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