Matter, Gravity and Dark Energy

Dark matter

Nonetheless, there have been some scattered successes for alternative hypotheses, such as a test of gravitational lensing in entropic gravity.

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Roughly 70% of the Universe is made of dark energy. Dark matter The universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together. 4 days ago The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity.

The prevailing opinion among most astrophysicists is that while modifications to general relativity can conceivably explain part of the observational evidence, there is probably enough data to conclude there must be some form of dark matter. In philosophy of science , dark matter is an example of an auxiliary hypothesis, an ad hoc postulate that is added to a theory in response to observations that falsify it.

It has been argued that the dark matter hypothesis is a conventionalist hypothesis, that is, a hypothesis that adds no empirical content and hence is unfalsifiable in the sense defined by Karl Popper. Mention of dark matter is made in works of fiction. In such cases, it is usually attributed extraordinary physical or magical properties. Such descriptions are often inconsistent with the hypothesized properties of dark matter in physics and cosmology.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hypothetical form of matter comprising most of the matter in the universe. Not to be confused with antimatter , dark energy , dark fluid , or dark flow. For other uses, see Dark matter disambiguation. Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation. Religious interpretations of the Big Bang theory.

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Simulated Large Hadron Collider CMS particle detector data depicting a Higgs boson produced by colliding protons decaying into hadron jets and electrons. String theory Loop quantum gravity Loop quantum cosmology Causal dynamical triangulation Causal fermion systems Causal sets Event symmetry Canonical quantum gravity Superfluid vacuum theory. This section needs additional citations to secondary or tertiary sources such as review articles, monographs, or textbooks.

Please add such references to provide context and establish the relevance of any primary research articles cited. Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed. December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Type Ia supernova and Shape of the universe. What is dark matter? How is it generated? Is it related to supersymmetry? Not to be confused with Missing baryon problem. White, The evolution of large-scale structure in a universe dominated by cold dark matter.

Alternatives to general relativity. Dark matter in fiction. See Baryonic dark matter. Strictly speaking, electrons are leptons not baryons ; but since their number is equal to the protons while their mass is far smaller, electrons give a negligible contribution to the average density of baryonic matter.

Baryonic matter excludes other known particles such as photons and neutrinos.

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Hypothetical primordial black holes are also generally defined as non-baryonic, since they would have formed from radiation, not matter. The Dallas Morning News. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Planck Collaboration 22 March Retrieved 21 March An invisible, essentially collisionless component of matter that makes up about 25 percent of the energy density of the universe Retrieved 10 June Evidence, candidates and constraints". Towards a new paradigm for structure formation". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. It is incidentally suggested that when the theory is perfected it may be possible to determine the amount of dark matter from its gravitational effect.

Three Parts Dark Matter. The New York Times. Retrieved December 27, Retrieved 6 August Observational evidence and detection methods". Reports on Progress in Physics. It is basically the same except that dark energy might depend on scale factor in some unknown way rather than necessarily being constant. Retrieved 8 December Physics for the 21st Century. Rik Myslewski, The Register. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Retrieved 9 January See Wayne Hu The Astrophysical Journal Supplement. Low 12 October Modern Physics Letters A.

The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Did the Bullet Cluster withstand scrutiny? Retrieved 16 March Retrieved 9 February Swinburne University of Technology. Retrieved 9 April Cooking up the first light elements " in: An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology.

Limits on Baryonic Matter in the Galactic Halo". A Way to Cool Dark Matter".

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The fact is gullibility is a watchword of "science" devotees. First quantum machine But it would finally leap from a theoretical model to an applicable model. Forget gravity and look at the rotation of galaxies under expansion theory - it fits. Wave-particle duality is a moving particle and its associated wave in the supersolid dark matter. He estimated that the cluster had about times more mass than was visually observable. Why would you launch into another theory for which there is no evidence?

One widely held belief about dark matter is that it cannot cool off by radiating energy. If it could, then it might bunch together and create compact objects in the same way that baryonic matter forms planets, stars, and galaxies. Observations so far suggest that dark matter doesn't do that—it resides only in diffuse halos As a result, it is extremely unlikely there are very dense objects like stars made out of entirely or even mostly dark matter.

Henry Holt and Company. MACHOs can only account for a very small percentage of the nonluminous mass in our galaxy, revealing that most dark matter cannot be strongly concentrated or exist in the form of baryonic astrophysical objects. Although microlensing surveys rule out baryonic objects like brown dwarfs, black holes, and neutron stars in our galactic halo, can other forms of baryonic matter make up the bulk of dark matter?

The answer, surprisingly, is no Retrieved 6 January Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. Retrieved 26 December Dark-Matter Wind Sways through the Seasons". Retrieved 7 January Scientists at Kavli MIT are working on Retrieved 16 June Observations, Models and Searches. Retrieved 20 June While their existence has not been established with certainty, primordial black holes have in the past been suggested as a possible solution to the dark matter mystery.

The LIGO findings, however, raise the prospect anew, especially as the objects detected in that experiment conform to the mass predicted for dark matter. Predictions made by scientists in the past held that conditions at the birth of the universe would produce lots of these primordial black holes distributed approximately evenly in the universe, clustering in halos around galaxies. All this would make them good candidates for dark matter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics.

Retrieved 23 April AMS Collaboration 3 April Retrieved 3 April Pavel Kroupa; et al. International Journal of Modern Physics D. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Retrieved 20 February Retrieved 14 February Baryonic dark matter Cold dark matter Hot dark matter Light dark matter Mixed dark matter Warm dark matter Self-interacting dark matter Scalar field dark matter Primordial black holes. Cuspy halo problem Dark fluid Dark galaxy Dark globular cluster Dark matter halo Dark radiation Dark star Dwarf galaxy problem Halo mass function Mass dimension one fermions Massive compact halo object Mirror matter Navarro—Frenk—White profile Scalar field dark matter.

Dark energy Exotic matter Galaxy formation and evolution Illustris project. The powerful telescope was able to pick out details that the Hubble observation hadn't caught: The new data reveal the location of previously undetected dark matter around the collision. The new picture that has emerged indicates that most of the galaxies' dark matter stayed with them during the collision.

This suggests that dark matter either exclusively feels the effects of gravity or that it interacts only weakly via other forces. Alternatively, the cluster could be moving toward Earth, in which case we wouldn't expect to see any sideways displacement in the dark matter, the scientists said in the statement. If this were the case, the dark matter would have shifted either in front of or behind the cluster, making the offset hard to detect.

Astronomers worldwide continue to look to the sky for clues about the nature of dark matter.


What is not fully understood is what is the cause of this phenomenon. A discredited theory that might be making a comeback, like the cosmic constant seems to be. What is referred to geometrically as curved spacetime physically exists in nature as the state of displacement of the supersolid dark matter. The state of displacement of the supersolid dark matter is gravity. The supersolid dark matter displaced by a galaxy pushes back, causing the stars in the outer arms of the galaxy to orbit the galactic center at the rate in which they do.

If we define energy as spacetime curvature per unit distance, and particles as essentially complex standing waves composed of light, alot of things start to make sense. Wave particle duality for one, and the equivalence of energy and matter for another. Mass does not curve spacetime, mass IS curved spacetime! What exactly is curving, when spacetime is curved? Ordinary matter displaces the supersolid dark matter. There is evidence of the supersolid dark matter every time a double-slit experiment is performed as it is the supersolid dark matter that waves. Wave-particle duality is a moving particle and its associated wave in the supersolid dark matter.

In a double slit experiment the particle always travels through a single slit and the associated wave in the supersolid dark matter passes through both. As the wave exits the slits it creates wave interference which alters the direction the particle travels as it exits a single slit. Over time the particles form an interference pattern. Strongly detecting the particle exiting a single slit destroys the cohesion between the particle and its associated wave, the particle continues on the trajectory it was traveling and does not form an interference pattern.

The supersolid dark matter ripples when galaxy clusters collide and waves in a double-slit experiment, relating general relativity and quantum mechanics. When you change the paradigm and redefine the units, such as defining what energy actually IS and not as a base unit in itself , it is meaningless, perhaps, in terms of current theory, yes.

NOT, however, in terms of the new structure. Not if you really know the true nature of reality, if you only think about current paradigm then you are correct. If we define particles as condensed dark matter which exist in and displace the dark matter, then we define spacetime curvature as the state of displacement of the supersolid dark matter and we define wave-particle duality as a moving particle and its associated wave in the supersolid dark matter.

But not exactly Occams Razor though, is it?

How do waves propagate in a supersolid? Actually what IS a supersolid? A supersolid is a material that has properties of both a fluid and a solid. For example, if you place a bowling ball into a tank filled with a supersolid the bowling ball displaces the supersolid. If, prior to placing the bowling ball into the tank, you put tape around the tank at the water line, and then place the bowling ball in a corner, the supersolid will be displaced above the line of tape where the bowling ball is more so than it will the further from the bowling ball you get.

Think of the supersolid as really, really cold, but not frozen, honey. If you place the bowling ball into the corner of a tank filled with really, really cold, but not frozen, honey, the honey will not be immediately displaced everywhere equally by the bowling ball. Now, if the honey remained in this state regardless of what temperature it was, you would be on your way to having a supersolid.

The other important property of a supersolid is that there is no loss of energy in the interaction of an object with the supersolid. You are in a swimming pool filled with a supersolid. You push the bowling ball through the supersolid. The bowling ball displaces the supersolid. The bowling ball requires energy, your pushing it, to displace the supersolid. As the supersolid fills-in where the bowling ball had been the supersolid displaces the bowling ball ie. The supersolid returns the same amount of energy to the bowling ball as the bowling ball had used to displace the supersolid and the bowling ball will move forever through the supersolid.

Is the bowling ball displacing the supersolid, or is the supersolid displacing the bowling ball? Both occur simultaneously with equal force and the bowling ball moves forever through the supersolid. The more compact the cluster the greater the displacement of the supersolid dark matter connected to and neighboring the cluster, the greater the displaced dark matter pushes back and exerts pressure toward the cluster, the faster the stars in the cluster move.

I recently saw a presentation of astronomers explaining that one galaxy had about no dark matter and a similar galaxy did have. Which is what I was referring to in my previous post. There is dark matter associated with both galaxies. One galaxy is too diffuse to displace the supersolid dark matter into a halo.

The galaxy is too diffuse to displace the dark matter to such an extent that it displaces the supersolid dark matter to a point where the dark matter is able to push back and cause the stars in the outer arms to speed up. The stars in the compact clusters displace the dark matter to such an extent that it is able to push back strongly and cause the stars in the cluster to move faster than expected.

I was talking about galaxies being considered equal, they should defuse DM equally. If I want to explain the observed phenomenon with diffusion, what would diffuse the DM in one scenario and not the other? If they are equal then they would displace the dark matter equally, the displaced dark matter would push back equally, and the stars in the outer arms would rotate about the galactic center at the same speed.

This is not what the two articles are referring to. In one article the stars are group together in clumps. In the other, the galaxy itself is diffuse. What the astronomers mistake for the amount of dark matter is the state of displacement of the supersolid dark matter. The astronomers are mistaking this for the galaxy not having any dark matter. If the stars exist in compact clusters then they displace the dark matter a lot and it pushes back with a greater force, causing the stars to move faster than expected.

What the astronomers mistake for the amount of dark matter associated with a galaxy is actually the state of displacement of the supersolid dark matter. What physicists mistake for the amount of dark matter is the state of displacement of the supersolid dark matter connected to and neighboring the galaxy. We used to think that stars near the center of galaxy would orbit much faster about the center of the galaxy than stars out at the edge.

Observations showed the stars out at the edge orbiting the galaxy much faster than they should, almost like the galaxy was asolid disk. The observation included hydrogen extending another third galactic radius beyond the visible edge — the Tully-Fisher relation. You have ended special relativity, quantum mechanocs and quantum field theory, and statistical mechanics. I have came up with a simple equation to answer this whole issue.

The particles we know as cosmic-rays are largely made of alpha particles like protons and a small portion of heavy element nuclei such as iron or other radioactive super heavy particles. Now the second part of the equation that is my take on it. These particles on their own are in unknown locations at any moment and not of sufficient mass to for matter or pro to matter of any complexity to be seen in a static location affecting visible matter.

This would create an object in space of gravitational pull where in reality there is no object. In this model we should see the galaxy as a huge pond and all stars are constantly and infinitely like rock dropping in the water, not once to create a ripple but repeatedly until the whole system is awash in gravitational anomalies. Gravitation , Charles W. Lol best comment ever. Though that text is somewhat dated by now. Wikipedia has a good graphics about what proportion of DM is explained by various kind of rays, including photons light mass.

I like this possible explanation. So, perhaps the affects of gravitational waves interacting at the edge of galaxies produce the observed results. My two books and a dozen papers in vixra archives peerally talk anout the theory of everything and its conclusions and predictions. One if them is that dark matter and dark energy do not exist. The theory of everything however does explain what they could be using a different concept. The book will be published by early next year. Numerous science papers in so called well publicized journals have been reported as fake. For such reasons among others most European countries are going for free access.

My first relativity paper in SAJS was vetted by one world renowned scientist who published a book wit Hawking. I have good reasons to prefer free access for my Theory of Everything papers. I dont trust several reviewers. You are entitled to your views. The modern tendency is to go towards open access publications. The whole world academics is taking that trend. My first Einstein relativity paper was refereed by a world very famous cosmologist who coauthored a major book by Hawking and the paper was accepted within three days of submission to SAJS.

Dark matter is a special form of hydrogen called hydrino. Randell Mills is making a dark matter engine called the Suncell which is going to change everything. The giant flying spaghetti monster filling the whole universe with its noodley presence is dark matter. Resurrected Mormons ruling planets are dark matter.

Dark matter is an apparition fomented by the Devil to fool us. Dark mater is an observational anomaly caused by the Earth being truly being flat and cylindrical so the oceans to not spill. And hey, they just discovered that the insides of neutron stars have been touched by The Noodly Appendage. And a cork at the top Thanks for the picture.

In dense aether analogy of space-time the dark matter corresponds the collective effects of tiny ripples and turbulences at the water surface: These fluctuations are of unparticle character of random noise. We can also observe many dark matter analogies in socioeconomical phenomena like the ignorance of breaktrough findings and ideas. The hype curve of dark matter acceptation by scientific community therefore exhibits its own dark matter effect.

Humans will always be limited by human perception. We have been likened to eternally living in a dark cave, seeking to explain the shadows we see on the walls from the outside world. The search for understanding has given us many new hypotheses, each one raising new questions, but we, the latest great apes, can never really separate ourselves as detached objective observers of this weird universe that apparently has no reason to exist. We can however, like the spiders in the cave, utilize our localized experience to build our webs, and exploit the local environment. I can imagine an empty space: According to Einstein, if you take everything out, there will be no space.