Training and Conditioning: The Most Effective Exercise In The World (Metabolism Programming - Book 3)

The Problem with Metabolic Resistance Training

For example, Boudou et al. A summary of the results of studies examining the effects of HIIE on subcutaneous and abdominal fat, body mass, and waist circumference is illustrated in Table 1. As can be seen studies that carried out relatively brief HIIE interventions 2 to 6 weeks only resulted in negligible weight loss. However, the majority of subjects in these short-term Wingate test studies have been young adults with normal BMI and body mass.

Given that greater fat loss to exercise interventions has been found for those individuals possessing larger initial fat mass [ 54 ], it is feasible that HIIE will have a greater fat reduction effect on the overweight or obese. Thus, more studies examining the effects of HIIE on obese or overweight individuals are needed.

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  • 1. Introduction;

Possible mechanisms underlying the HIIE-induced fat loss effect include increased exercise and postexercise fat oxidation and decreased postexercise appetite. As mentioned, Gaitanos et al. That increased venous glycerol accompanied HIIE in both trained female cyclists and untrained women [ 15 ] supports the notion that acute HIIE progressively results in greater fatty acid transport. Also Burgomaster et al. It is feasible that the catecholamines generated by HIIE Figure 1 could influence postexercise fat metabolism.

The elevated GH levels documented after a bout of HIIE [ 25 ] may also contribute to increased energy expenditure and fat oxidation. It is also feasible that HIIE may result in suppressed appetite. In rats, hard exercise has been repeatedly reported to reduce food intake [ 56 ]. The mechanisms underlying the anorectic effects of exercise are not known but exercise may reduce food intake by facilitating the release of corticotropin releasing factor CRF a potent anorectic peptid [ 56 ].

It has been shown that hard running and swimming exercise results in elevated levels of CRF in rats [ 57 , 58 ] and increases in indirect markers of CRF in humans [ 59 ]. Rivest and Richard [ 57 ] and Kawaguchi et al.

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Human studies also show a considerable decrease in subjective hunger after intensive aerobic exercise [ 56 ]. Mechanisms underlying this effect in humans are undetermined but could include the CRF peptide effect previously discussed and an exercise-induced redistribution of splanchnic blood flow. In summary, there is evidence to suggest that regular HIIE results in increased fat oxidation during exercise; however, the effects of HIIE on postexercise fat oxidation and appetite suppression have not been examined. Research examining the effects of HIIE has produced preliminary evidence to suggest that HIIE can result in modest reductions in subcutaneous and abdominal body fat in young normal weight and slightly overweight males and females.

Studies using overweight male and female type 2 diabetic individuals have shown greater reductions in subcutaneous and abdominal fat. The mechanisms underlying the fat reduction induced by HIIE, however, are undetermined but may include HIIE-induced fat oxidation during and after exercise and suppressed appetite. Regular HIIE has been shown to significantly increase both aerobic and anaerobic fitness and HIIE also significantly lowers insulin resistance and results in increases in skeletal muscle capacity for fatty acid oxidation and glycolytic enzyme content.

This protocol, although remarkably short in duration, is extremely hard and subjects have to tolerate significant discomfiture. A challenge for future research is to identify the minimal dose of HIIE for the maximum health benefit.

As discussed earlier, reducing the length of HIIE training from 15 to 12 weeks still resulted in significant subcutaneous and abdominal fat loss [ 46 ]. Thus, more research is needed to identify the optimal length and intensity of the HIIE protocol for achieving varying health outcomes. With regard to modality, studies have primarily utilized a stationary cycle ergometer, thus, little is known about the effects of other potential HIIE modalities such as rowing, walking, running, stair climbing, and swimming.

That insulin resistance has recently been shown to primarily be located in leg muscle [ 62 ] suggests that HIIE exercise that focuses on the legs is likely to show the greatest insulin sensitivity increases. How leg muscle adaptations to HIIE impact on subcutaneous and abdominal fat loss and other health markers compared to other regional adaptations is undetermined.

It is unclear if the increase in insulin sensitivity following HIIE training is simply a response to the last exercise session or a result of more permanent skeletal muscle adaptations. They assessed insulin resistance 24 hours and 72 hours after the sixth HIIE session in a two-week training program. In contrast to these results, Babraj et al. Why these similar HIIIE protocols produced differing results differ is not clear and also whether HIIE programs lasting longer than two weeks display a similar effect has not been established.

Individual variability in fat loss to HIIE and other forms of exercise is an important issue for future research. For example, in the intervention previously described [ 5 ] there were significant individual differences in the fat loss response to HIIE. If fat loss responders alone were examined in this study women who lost rather than gained fat , then average fat loss was 3. As there are likely to be responders and nonresponders in every exercise, fat loss trial calculating mean fat loss alone hides the significant fat loss achieved by some individuals.

Boutcher and Dunn [ 63 ] have highlighted a range of program design factors and individual factors that are behavioral, inherited, and physiological in origin that may affect individual fat loss response to exercise. Therefore, research is needed to identify the major individual factors that both enhance and impede fat loss response to HIIE-based interventions. A small number of studies have examined the effects of HIIE fat loss and health of special populations and patients. These have included overweight adolescents [ 3 ], older adults [ 6 ], type 1 [ 7 ] and type 2 diabetic individuals [ 8 ], paraplegics [ 9 ], intermittent claudication [ 10 ], chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [ 11 ], and cardiac rehabilitation patients [ 12 ].

Encouragingly, these studies have shown that HIIE appears to be both safe and beneficial for these patient groups. Future research needs to establish the most beneficial HIIE protocol that is both optimal and sustainable for different types of patients.

In conclusion, regular HIIE produces significant increases in aerobic and anaerobic fitness and brings about significant skeletal muscle adaptations that are oxidative and glycolytic in nature. HIIE appears to have a dramatic acute and chronic effect on insulin sensitivity. The effects of HIIE on subcutaneous and abdominal fat loss are promising but more studies using overweight individuals need to be carried out. Given that the major reason given for not exercising is time [ 64 ], it is likely that the brevity of HIIE protocols should be appealing to most individuals interested in fat reduction.

The optimal intensity and length of the sprint and rest periods together with examination of the benefits of other HIIE modalities need to be established. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List J Obes v. Published online Nov Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Jun 3; Accepted Oct 5. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The effect of regular aerobic exercise on body fat is negligible; however, other forms of exercise may have a greater impact on body composition. Introduction Most exercise protocols designed to induce fat loss have focused on regular steady state exercise such as walking and jogging at a moderate intensity.

Acute Response and Chronic Adaptations to High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise Acute responses to HIIE that have been identified include heart rate, hormones, venous blood glucose, and lactate levels, autonomic, and metabolic reactivity. Open in a separate window. Conclusions and Clinical Implications Research examining the effects of HIIE has produced preliminary evidence to suggest that HIIE can result in modest reductions in subcutaneous and abdominal body fat in young normal weight and slightly overweight males and females.

Exercise for Overweight or Obesity. Long-term effectiveness of diet-plus-exercise interventions vs. Aerobic interval training reduces cardiovascular risk factors more than a multitreatment approach in overweight adolescents. Extremely short duration high intensity interval training substantially improves insulin action in young healthy males. The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women. International Journal of Obesity.

Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients: Sprint training increases muscle oxidative metabolism during high-intensity exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes. Absence of exercise-induced variations in adiponectin levels despite decreased abdominal adiposity and improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic men.

High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss

European Journal of Endocrinology. Interval training program on a wheelchair ergometer for paraplegic subjects. Effective training for patients with intermittent claudication. Interval versus continuous training in patients with severe COPD: High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior to moderate intensity exercise for increasing aerobic capacity in patients with coronary artery disease. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. David Stensel , at the University of Loughborough, cautions that although the benefits for physical fitness are well established, when it comes to preventing disease more research is needed.

Besides, he says, "you're not going to persuade large numbers of middle aged people to do that form of exercise on a regular basis. I don't think it's going be the answer from a public health standpoint. And there is quite good evidence now that resistance training, if it's done in the right way, can be beneficial to cardiovascular health. Strength training has also been shown to help ward off diabetes, arthritis and depression.

Resistance training is important for the elderly because it helps to maintain muscle mass. With the ageing population, one of the big concerns is people getting frail, says Timmons, who is studying weight training with elderly people. If you keep going to 80 then you tend to have weak muscles and bones," he says.

The government guidelines on exercise recommend two sessions a week, for instance lifting weights at the gym or merely carrying shopping bags. The subjects in his research spend time weight training at the gym like anyone else.

Metabolic Resistance Training: A Closer Look

What is he looking at? For some reason I thought I read you refer to Jade with a female pronoun at some point in the post so I wouldn't have made the connection it could have been him. But this short-term heart damage could be a red flag to more sustained damage if this cycle is repeated over a number of years. Adapted from Trapp et al. Please let me know how I can get a copy. Skeletal muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase activity during maximal exercise in humans.

Timmons hopes his research will help shed light on why a quarter of people don't seem to improve their muscle strength at all despite the training. One of the most widely touted benefits is the idea that weight training, including increasingly popular choreographed weights classes such as Body Pump, is that lifting weights keeps your metabolism stocked up for hours after you leave the gym. Lifting weights could also help boost your metabolic rate — the calories you burn without doing any exercise — just going about your daily business.

This is partly to do with replacing fat with muscle, because muscle is a more metabolically active tissue that fat, which means it will burn through more energy just at rest. The more you have the more energy it will consume, plus, you will have to use more energy to carry it around although the same could also be said for fat of course. Yes, but how much energy muscle mass burns is often overstated. A common myth is that each kilogram of muscle burns about calories per day, so if you gained, say, 1kg of muscle through weight training you would burn an extra calories a day without needing to lift a finger plus all the calories you have spent getting the muscles in the first place.

Sadly, those figures are inflated, according to the experts, and the real figure is a fraction of that, although it is pretty hard to measure precisely. But in the long term, even a small effect is not to be sniffed at, says Timmons. There is no doubt that cycling is a great workout — both building muscles in the legs and improving cardiovascular fitness. What's more, cycling is low- impact, which means it's easier on the joints than running.

Studies in countries where commuting by bike is common show just how good regular cycling can be. Another study found that Chinese women who cycled to work were less likely to die from all forms of cancer than those who didn't. So far, it's not clear whether things are different in the UK, which might be because the Danish and Chinese cycle so much. The Danes average three hours a week and the Chinese women almost six.

A large study in Norfolk found that commuters spent only an hour a week on their bikes in total. That said, even in the UK, people who commute by bike do seem to do more overall moderate to intense physical activity than those who don't, which means cyclists do not reduce the amount of exercise they do the rest of the time to compensate. Of course, because each participant is in control of their own resistance dial, it's clear some people might be feigning the intensity to which they follow the class.

But the opportunity to go hard, which might not be possible on the roads especially in cities, could be beneficial. One study of cyclists in Denmark found that to get significant reduction in all-cause mortality and coronary heart disease, you need to cycle vigorously, rather than slowly. Measuring people as they do spinning classes suggests it could. This is the case even though overall activity during the class is moderate, including the downhills or the cooldown periods, because there are extensive periods during a spinning class where when the intensity is so high that it could even be considered a useful way to increase the fitness off athletes off-season.

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One study of 20 healthy students for instance measured their VO2max — a common measure of physical fitness which involves measuring the maximum volume of oxygen that your body consumes while you exercise at maximum capacity. After measuring this on a treadmill, the students had their VO2 and heart rate measured during two spinning classes.

The researchers were astonished at the intensities reached during significant portions of the class. They concluded that despite the overall moderate intensity of the class, spinning had to be categorised as a high intensity activity. Yes, but not if you are totally unfit — as well as the potential for spinning to really boost physical fitness through these high intensity bursts, the authors also warn that there could be associated risks: They are certainly on to something — running is cheap and easy and probably one of the easiest ways to burn calories and lose weight.

But it's not for everyone — running is high impact and puts a massive strain on joints. March 17, at 3: March 17, at 1: March 14, at 2: March 13, at March 24, at 4: March 13, at 7: March 13, at 5: March 13, at 3: March 12, at 6: March 12, at 5: March 12, at 9: March 12, at Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. And How to Fix It. Posted by John Romaniello. Want More Awesome Shit? Sign up for our newsletter and get automatically notified when we post new face-meltingly rad articles.

There are a lot of definitions floating around, but my favorite comes from Eric Cressey: This, of course, is partially the point. If I may quote the great Jimmy Dugan: In the world of gen-pop fitness training, people who utilize MRT tend to laud it for its efficiency: A Lesson from the Bar: Work capacity needs to be cultivated before it can become the keystone upon which programming rests. About the Author John Romaniello is a level 70 orc wizard who spends his days lifting heavy shit and his nights fighting crime.

Comments for This Entry. T workout, as in see ya later rustyness, hello shiny new day. I Have three of the for words, can you help me out Mr. Romaniello, Chief Bro King?

No pain, no gain? Getting the most out of exercise

Alisha Allison Does this deal still apply? Rad Heal what if your cell voltage drop bellow millivolts? Subscribe here for more details: Please email support romanfitnesssystems. Did you purchase it through RFS's link? If so, please email support romanfitnesssystems. Did you purchase it through John's link? If you purchased it through John's link, please email support romanfitnesssystems. I checked my inbox and spam. Please email me MRUT to my email jtran gmail. John Romaniello Hi Alycia! You most certainly can. John Romaniello Was sent out last week! Please let me know how I can get a copy.

Have to check it out, but I can already say I like it. The other point of note is that I'm putting together a Jenn Sinkler incidence table. By my early estimates I can't get through three hours of my day without running into Jenn's name or mention of her new book. Add that one to the reading list too. At this rate, with all of this content, my workouts are suffering. I'm going to recommend these books move to MP3 formats with good background tunes so we can all listen while we lift.

Thanks March 17, at 3: John Romaniello Hey Adam, Thanks so much for the support. Jade Teta Genius article as always bro.

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