La grande évasion: Le vrai scandale des paradis fiscaux (LES LIENS QUI L) (French Edition)

La Grande Évasion

En moyenne, le contribuable a soustrait 2. On nous parle de laxisme. Bruno, Yann, Margherita, Charlotte. L'administration fiscale allemande dispose de moyens humains beaucoup plus importants qu'en France. Et passe sous silence les vrais responsables: Dans le sud de l'Italie, l'Etat est absent ou trop affaibli par les clans mafieux.

En dehors d'eux, point de salut.

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La Grande Évasion has 2 ratings and 1 review. Gabriel Start by marking “La Grande Évasion” as Want to Read: Published by LLL, Les liens qui libèrent La grande évasion: Le vrai scandale des paradis fiscaux (French Edition). Le scandale des biens mal acquis (CAHIERS LIBRES) (French Edition). £ La grande évasion: Le vrai scandale des paradis fiscaux (LES LIENS QUI L).

Ne nous voilons pas la face. Since the Commission has been monitoring 3 objectives established for administrative simplification for start-ups, namely the existence of one-stop-shop for start-up procedures, time and cost to start up a company. Member States are invited to update information on these figures annually.

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All information on this issue and year-on-year progress for each country can be found at: Situazione ambientale al villaggio ambrosiano. A tal proposito, il piano d'azione per il settore dell'olio d'oliva, presentato nel giugno , intende, fra le altre cose, migliorare i metodi di analisi dell'olio d'oliva. The University of Calabria has responded to the dubious accusations put forward in a well-known American daily newspaper regarding Made in Italy extra-virgin olive oil, according to which oil passed off as Italian is in fact being imported from Spain, Greece, Tunisia and Morocco and then adulterated, blended and bottled as Italian.

Researchers at the above University have perfected a magnetic resonance control technique which allows the freshness and origin of the oil to be established with certainty. The method makes it possible to identify and measure trace elements in the oil, which in turn makes it possible to pinpoint the area of cultivation, removing any doubt concerning the provenance of the product.

In the light of this new methodology, can the Commission answer the following questions:. Does it envisage the possibility that this new methodology can be optimised throughout Europe once a patent has been filed? The Commission is not aware of this research carried out by the University of Calabria using the magnetic resonance control technique.

We would welcome receiving further details regarding the control of the chemical or organoleptic characteristics of olive oils in order to evaluate its applicability with EU and IOC International Olive Council experts. Nuove scoperte nel campo della fusione atomica. In questo modo sono riusciti a creare condizioni simili a quelle presenti sulle stelle come il Sole. A detta degli scienziati, si tratta solo di un primo passo, ma comunque i risultati hanno superato di gran lunga le aspettative.

La riuscita dell'esperimento segna comunque un decisivo passo avanti lungo la via verso la creazione di una fonte di energia controllata, a basso costo e potenzialmente illimitata. Il primo di tali approcci presenta ancora importanti questioni irrisolte prima che possa diventare una fonte di energia elettrica continua e competitiva.

A scientific journal has announced that last autumn some American scientists were able to instigate a process of nuclear fusion, from which they obtained more energy than the energy consumed to trigger it. They in fact created a tiny man-made star. The laboratory experiment involved targeting laser beams at a miniscule sphere, generating a fusion reaction which triggered a vast quantity of energy in a fraction of a second.

By this means the scientists have created conditions similar to those present on stars such as the sun. According to the scientists, this is only a first step, although the results have by far exceeded expectations. The success of the experiment at any rate signals a decisive step forward towards the creation of a controlled, low-cost and potentially unlimited energy source.

With regard to this experiment, can the Commission answer the following questions:. Fusion has the potential to become an important source of carbon-free electricity with practically unlimited sustainability. There are two approaches: There are still many fundamental issues to resolve in IFE before it can be a source of continuous and competitive electricity. In MFE, the Joint European Torus JET already demonstrated fusion energy in the s, with a power output only slightly lower than the power injected to trigger the reaction. ITER, the international fusion research reactor under construction in France, will achieve a factor 10 net gain in power for several minutes.

Wurde die Kommission von der bulgarischen Regierung zu dem Gesetzentwurf konsultiert oder von ihr in Kenntnis gesetzt, bevor der Entwurf der bulgarischen Nationalversammlung vorgelegt wurde? Die Kommission kann daher zu diesem Sachverhalt nicht Stellung nehmen. The Bulgarian Government has recently presented a draft law reforming the rules of governance of the Bulgarian National Audit Office.

In particular, it appears that the following provisions would represent serious breaches of these principles:. The members of the Audit Office, composed of a college of nine members, will not be required to have any special experience of auditing activities. The draft law provides for auditing divisions which will be managed by the members of the college, for whom no professional requirements are stipulated.

The draft law repeals the requirement that auditors must hold a certificate proving their professional capacity and qualifications as required by the current legislative act. Under the draft law, the annual report of the Audit Office would be subject to a vote in the National Assembly, thus creating the possibility of a vote of no confidence in the Audit Office executive.

Has the Commission been consulted or notified of the draft law prepared by the Bulgarian Government ahead of its presentation to the Bulgarian National Assembly? In light of the serious breach highlighted above, could the Commission provide comments and recommendations to ensure that the planned provisions do not put at risk the effectiveness of the audit and political independence of the Bulgarian National Audit Office from EU funds and Bulgarian public assets? As regards the first question of the Honourable Member on the compliance of the measures and provisions laid down in the draft law with international standards, and also in reply to the second question, the Commission would like to point out that it has not been consulted upon the full draft law which is now under scrutiny by the Bulgarian Parliament.

As a Member State, Bulgaria is not under legal obligation to consult or to notify the Commission in such cases.

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The Commission cannot therefore take a position in this regard. The Commission, however, is aware that some members of the Bulgarian National Audit Office have concerns about the composition of the proposed college and the eligibility criteria set for its members. Concerning comments and recommendations the Honourable Member calls on the Commission to make in the third question, it again would like to underline that, as explained above, it has insufficient information to provide an opinion.

It is clear however that the acquis applicable to Bulgaria upon its accession in , including organisational, functional and financial independence of the State Audit Institution towards the executive, remains valid. Armut, Obdachlosigkeit und eine neue Immobilienblase. Welche Programme aus den Mitgliedstaaten sind der Kommission bekannt, die konkret dieser Entwicklung entgegenwirken?

Hat die Kommission Empfehlungen an die Mitgliedstaaten herausgegeben, die diese Problematik zum Inhalt haben und wenn ja, welche Strategien erachtet die Kommission als geeignet, diesen Entwicklungen entgegenzuwirken? Der Kommission ist bekannt, dass es in mehreren Mitgliedstaaten viele obdachlose Menschen und gleichzeitig viele ungenutzte Wohnungen gibt. Das ist nicht nur eine ineffiziente Nutzung von Ressourcen, sondern gibt auch Anlass zur Besorgnis.

Unquestionably, this is firstly a matter of private property and secondly a responsibility of the Member States. Nevertheless, when this figure is set against a total of over four million homeless people, one is compelled to speak of a significant discrepancy. How does the Commission view the trend whereby homes are increasingly redefined as a form of investment property?

What programmes is the Commission aware of in Member States that specifically counteract this development? Has the Commission issued recommendations to the Member States in respect of this problem and, if so, what strategies does the Commission regard as suitable for counteracting these developments? The Commission is aware of the large number of homeless people in several Member States, together with a large number of housing remaining unoccupied.

This constitutes not only an inefficient use of resources but also a source of concern. While the competence for housing market policies lies with the Member States, there are nevertheless implications of housing markets with a community relevance: The Commission has called Member States on various occasions to switch taxes from labour to other sources, such as recurring taxation of property, also reflected in Country Specific Recommendations.

By raising the opportunity cost of owning an unoccupied property, these taxes also create incentives to use well and to rent out property. The purchase of a home can be a wise life time investment for citizens who can afford it. Adequate housing is key for social inclusion. Clear-cut, transparent eligibility and allocation criteria for social housing ensure that public funds are used properly and are in the interest of the beneficiaries because they prevent those most in need from being excluded from social housing.

Moreover, turbulences in the housing and mortgage markets may lead to evictions threatening thousands to fall into homelessness. To address this issue in the Social Investment Package the Commission called on Member States to develop housing-led approach which offers a more effective solution to homelessness such as using vacant houses. School leavers or young people completing their professional training, in particular those in less favoured circumstances, women wishing to resume their careers after a break for childcare and overs seeking professional reconversion frequently encounter difficulties regarding access to the employment market.

Valuable contributions can be made by every participant, in particular those approaching retirement and wishing to transmit the work experience they have gathered from the outset and throughout their careers. Accumulated individual experience of this kind could provide a point of departure for extending the scheme on a regional or cross-border basis. What measures are being envisaged by the Commission to support such projects, particularly those involving cooperation between local and regional authorities with NGOs or private educational infrastructures in the services sector and elsewhere, including cross-border projects?

Also, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships promotes quality apprenticeships which can effectively ease young people's transition into jobs. Further to the case of traineeships, it is the task of the Public Employment Services PES in Member States to offer individual support and guidance to workers where they deem it necessary after a thorough assessment of options to integrate the persons' into the labour market. Improved provision of guidance including promoting new methods is a part of PES strategy which was formulated by the European PES Network with the support of the Commission.

It is implemented by employment and work integration services and provides information, recruitment, matching and placement support. Young people and small and medium-sized organisations may receive financial support to help the candidates' relocation and integration process. The expert opinion on these expulsions is that they are not covered either by international treaties or by the Spanish law on immigration.

However, the immediate expulsions that have been carried out by the Spanish authorities over the past twelve years do not involve any prior identification of the immigrants concerned. As a result of the public concern arising from the recent incidents in Ceuta, the Spanish Government is working on an upcoming reform of the law on immigration to legalise these practices. In that letter, the Commission invited Spain to look into the use of force and the alleged summary return of migrants to Morocco.

The Commission has welcomed this initiative by Spain and will wait for the outcome of that inquiry. Ashton y dejar de apoyar a Israel a toda costa. According to Lebanese sources, the Israeli air force fired rockets near the village of Nabi Chit. Once again Israel violates practically the whole of international law and continues in line with its unilateral declaration of war against Hezbollah.

For years now Israel has been bombing positions in Lebanon as it pleases, completely unilaterally and with no fear of any judicial persecution. In this way, war criminals and perpetrators of genocide die in their beds without being brought to justice for their crimes, as happened in the case of the recently deceased Ariel Sharon, who was guilty of genocide.

However, the repetition of such criminal acts cannot lead to their normalisation so far as the international community is concerned.

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Does she intend to suspend the Association Agreement with Israel until it abandons this policy? The EU has been aware through media reports of the last Israel air strikes near the Lebanese-Syrian border. We are not contemplating the use of sanctions in the context of bilateral EU-Israel relations, since sanctions should only be considered when there is no other instrument at reach, which is not the case on bilateral EU-Israeli relations.

El CESE, en su dictamen, sostuvo que: This opinion welcomed some current advances with respect to the specific problems of the food supply chain, which for a long time now has been causing enormous injustice to agricultural producers. We are of the view that a solution to unfair practices based on a code of good practices is practically an oxymoron, and that it fails to make clear how the Commission is going to act in order to solve the problems of the food supply chain. In the same answer the Commissioner said he took note of the proposal to include farm-gate prices on the labels of food products, so as to inform consumers about the conditions of the food supply chain.

We consider, in line with the views of organisations such as COAG, which compiles the IPOD, that a measure of this nature may be the least expensive and most transparent way of solving the problem of unfair practices in the food supply chain. The Commission took note of the proposal to display the farm-gate price on labels. Does it intend to include this initiative when drawing up the documents it will shortly be publishing in relation to this matter?

The Commission supports the Supply Chain Initiative launched by stakeholders from the supply and retail side of the food chain to establish principles of best practice for contractual relations. The Commission closely monitors the initiative and is currently finalising its assessment whether the initiative may need to be complemented by additional measures. The new Common Agricultural Policy CAP provides a wide array of measures that have the potential to address concerns in a flexible manner, based on the diverse needs of different Member States and regions.

En la actualidad, el plazo depende de cada Estado miembro. At present, driving private cars between Member States gives rise to certain problems. In fact, EU citizens are obliged to re-register their vehicles after six months of roaming or residence in another country. In addition, they have to take out a new insurance policy in that country, although there are exceptions to this rule: Bearing in mind the principle of the free movement of persons — the Schengen Agreement -, which gave rise to a borderless Europe, with border controls at the common frontiers of EU Member States being removed and at the same time allowing the free movement of goods and services, would it be possible to reduce or abolish the numerous bureaucratic impediments to being able to drive a vehicle from one Member State in another for more than six months?

Does the Commission intend to propose the creation of a system of automatic recognition of registration plates among Member States of the Union, so that it would no longer be necessary for vehicle owners to re-register when they stay for more than six months in another Member State? The Commission is aware of the problems faced by citizens when trying to re-register a vehicle from another Member State. The proposal is still subject to the ordinary legislative procedure. The proposal intends to reduce the bureaucratic barriers by several means. It clarifies that a Member State may only require registration on its territory of a vehicle registered in another Member State if the holder of the registration certificate has their normal residence on its territory.

It limits the cases in which physical checks to the vehicle could be requested and the reasons for refusal of registration. It also contains a provision that states, in cases where the holder of the registration certificate moves their normal residence to another Member State, they shall request registration within six months. Currently this period varies within Member States. The above is complemented by provisions simplifying the procedures for the re-registration of vehicles through an electronic system for the exchange of information between Member States which would imply less paperwork for citizens and quicker and more efficient procedures.

The agreement provides for the establishment of transnational cooperation mechanisms and regular consultation between the parties to protect the environment of Prespa and the creation of a more specific working group on water management involving the relevant water management authorities of the four parties.

According to recent studies, the water quality of the Lakes is threatened by eutrophication. Furthermore, because the water from the Prespa Lakes flows downstream to Lake Ohrid, the Black Drin and Lake Skadar and eventually into the Adriatic, the state of this water can affect the entire length of the river basin until it flows into the sea. Although the national water management plans for the Prespa basin have now been drawn up by all the countries concerned, with the exception of Albania, broader cross-border and regional planning and integrated river basin management — as required by international and European rules — are still lacking.

Does it have any information about why the Greek Government has delayed for so long the ratification of the international agreement to protect the Prespa Lakes and whether it intends to ratify it or not? Can the Commission clarify whether there is any existing legislation to protect those living on caravan sites in the EU? Are there any rules at EU level regarding tenure periods for caravan owners and related costs and charges?

There is no specific EU legislation protecting persons living on caravan sites or regulating tenure periods for caravan owners and related costs and charges. Voli charter e tutela dei passeggeri. Il problema si complica nel caso di tratte lunghe verso paesi extraeuropei. Le compagnie aeree collaborano in vari modi: Detto regolamento prevede inoltre il diritto del vettore aereo operativo di chiedere un risarcimento a chiunque, inclusi i terzi, conformemente al diritto applicabile.

Furthermore, this happens mostly with flights connecting small towns and minor airports, which are difficult to reach and where there are no possible alternatives, leaving passengers utterly at the mercy of the airline companies. The problem becomes more complicated in the case of long-haul flights to countries outside Europe. What passenger protection rules apply when someone buys a ticket for a flight that is then subcontracted to a partner company?

Does it think the legislation should cover in more depth the question of responsibility when certain air routes are subcontracted to associated companies?

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Airlines cooperate in various forms. Some airlines create their own subsidiaries to operate routes on certain geographical markets; some airlines lease aircraft with crew from other airlines; other airlines cooperate through code-share agreements; yet other airlines are organised in so-called alliances.

In order to ensure the effective application of this regulation, the obligations that it creates rest with the operating air carrier who performs or intends to perform a flight, whether with owned aircraft, under lease, or on any other basis. This regulation also foresees the rights of the operating air carrier to seek compensation from any person, including third parties, in accordance with the law applicable. Onlangs werd bekend dat Norwegian Air International van plan is met een Ierse licentie vluchten aan te bieden tussen West-Europa en de Verenigde Staten.

Piloten en cabinepersoneel worden gevestigd in Thailand en tijdelijk ingehuurd via een Singaporees uitzendbureau. Kan de Commissie garanderen dat de veiligheid van de vliegtuigen van NAI voldoende wordt gecontroleerd? Welke instantie is in dit specifieke geval verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid van deze vliegtuigen en is mede-aansprakelijk bij een ongeval door een verwijtbare technische oorzaak? Piloten moeten in het bezit zijn van een passend en geldig EU-vliegbewijs wanneer zij in dienst zijn van een EU-onderneming. Individuele gevallen van vermeende belastingontwijking en fiscaal misbruik worden behandeld door de nationale autoriteiten en de Commissie heeft geen bevoegdheden op dit gebied.

Het is daarom voor de Commissie onmogelijk het bedrijfsplan waarvoor NAI heeft gekozen, te beoordelen vanuit fiscaal perspectief. Luchtvaartuigen die zijn geregistreerd in een lidstaat, vallen onder de bevoegdheid van die lidstaat. De Commissie heeft geen aanwijzingen dat de toezichtsactiviteiten van de IAA op enige manier tekortschieten. It was recently announced that Norwegian Air International intended to offer flights between Western Europe and the United States under an Irish licence. Pilots and cabin crew would be based in Thailand and hired temporarily via a temporary employment agency in Singapore.

Does the Commission consider it desirable and acceptable that a Norwegian airline should use an Irish subsidiary to offer flights between Western Europe and the United States with crews based in Thailand employed on temporary contracts governed by Singapore law? Does the Commission consider that a genuine link should exist between the main place of employment and establishment of the employees and the country whose law applies to the employment contracts? If not, does the Commission not consider there to be any risks of social dumping, in disregard of high European employment standards?

La corruption n'est pas une exception culturelle française

In this specific case, which authority is responsible for the safety of these aircraft and will be jointly responsible in the event of an accident due to a technical cause entailing culpability? According to the information provided to the Commission by the company, NAI will be operating flights from Asia to Europe, its main base in Asia being Bangkok. Pilots must hold an appropriate and properly maintained EU pilot licence when flying for an EU operator.

Individual cases of alleged tax avoidance and abuse are dealt with by national tax authorities, and the Commission has no powers in this area. Therefore, it is not possible for the Commission to assess the business plan for which NAI has opted from a tax law perspective. Aircraft registered in a Member State fall within the responsibility of that Member State. The Commission has no indication that the oversight exercised by IAA is in any way defective.

The previous programme, Youth in Action, was a tool for change in many local communities. For years, actions were implemented under this programme that changed the lives of many young people, especially those who were socially excluded. This state of affairs constitutes a blatant act of discrimination against citizens and organisations that do not know the English language.

Perinatal care — i. Mothers and newborns are a high-risk group and therefore require special care. Parliament is in the final stage of adopting the third multiannual programme of EU action in the field of health for The main objectives of this general programme are: What steps is the Commission — specifically the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers — intending to take, as part of the Health for Growth programme, with a view to raising perinatal care standards in the European Union?

What proportion of funding is the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers intending to set aside for activities connected with raising perinatal care standards in the European Union as part of the Health for Growth programme? The Programme pursues four general objectives: The programme further puts forward a set of 23 thematic priorities. The Commission will implement these priorities through Annual Work Programmes and the subsequent calls for grants and procurement. The Commission is currently preparing the Annual Work Programme All'inizio di febbraio , Human Rights Watch HRW ha riferito di torture perpetrate dalle forze di sicurezza irachene ai danni delle mogli di sospetti insorti iracheni.

L'organizzazione ha interrogato 27 detenute in prigione, unitamente a dipendenti dell'amministrazione penitenziaria irachena, del ministero degli Interni e del ministero per i diritti umani, al fine di raccogliere informazioni per la propria relazione. Un giudice intervistato ha parlato di quattro colleghi giudici — tutti con stretti legami con il primo ministro iracheno Nouri al-Maliki — i quali hanno fornito una copertura giuridica agli abusi contro i diritti umani.

Le donne detenute hanno dichiarato che per settimane sono state picchiate, violentate e sottoposte a elettrocuzione da parte degli interroganti, i quali le hanno anche minacciate con l'arresto delle loro figlie. Durante la loro detenzione sono stati incappucciati dalla polizia e hanno accusato sintomi di soffocamento, alcuni sono stati sottoposti a elettrocuzione e altri persino percossi.

In un altro caso una giornalista, accusata di essere sposata con un presunto membro di al-Qaeda, riferisce di essere stata legata e stuprata ripetutamente da un interrogante. Si tratta di atti intollerabili. The organisation had interviewed 27 female detainees in prison, along with employees from the Iraqi prison service and from the Ministry for the Interior and the Ministry for Human Rights, in order to gather information for its report.

One judge interviewed spoke of four fellow judges — all with close links to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki — who had provided legal cover for human rights abuses. Women who have been detained claim to have suffered weeks of beatings, rape and electrocution by interrogators, who sometimes threaten to arrest their daughters.

During their detention, police put bags over their heads until they began to suffocate, and some were electrocuted and even beaten. In another case, a female journalist accused of being married to an al-Qaeda member alleged that she had been tied up and repeatedly raped by an interrogator. Such acts should not be tolerated. She has raised on several occasions the shortcomings of Iraq's criminal justice system with Iraqi interlocutors at the highest level.

As each Member State has different practices when it comes to waste management and other labels are already in use, this new logo could confuse European consumers. Has the Commission considered the disruption to the internal market which the use of this label on all products could cause for operators whose products are sold in France and the problems which could be caused for consumers in other Member States, who are used to other forms of labelling?

In light of the information available to the Commission this measure, which will require most products to be labelled in a specific way for the French market, has not been adopted yet. In the Commission's view, the envisaged measure might constitute a barrier to the free movement of goods within the internal market. Such rules, however, must be necessary in order to attain legitimate objectives, and in conformity with the principle of proportionality, whereby the least restrictive measure is to be used. The Commission has not assessed such an impact.

The Commission will examine this case in the framework of an investigation when, and if, the measure is formally adopted. The issue is also causing concern in the pig sector, since these plants provided a use for untreated pig slurry, which seriously contaminates the subsoil. Thousands of jobs are also at stake. Los ciudadanos deben ser conscientes del costo de contar con una red adecuada de carreteras de alta capacidad: No obstante, es importante distinguir entre impuestos y tasas, que son dos instrumentos distintos. Wie die Kommission am 5.

Ein faires System zur Finanzierung einer nachhaltigen Infrastruktur sollte auf die Zahlung durch die Benutzer und nicht durch die Steuerzahler setzen. Teilt die Kommission die Auffassung, dass ohne Eurovignette das Risiko einer Doppelbesteuerung besteht? Citizens must be made aware of the cost of having an adequate network of high-capacity roads: These costs are inevitably borne by the taxpayer, via taxation, or by road users. The European Union aims, in its transport policy, to harmonise the conditions of competition for the different modes, so that each bears the costs associated with it.

A system for financing equitable and sustainable infrastructure should be based on payment by users, not by taxpayers. Does the Commission think that without the Eurovignette it is possible to speak of a level playing field for all consumers in the single market? Does the Commission agree that without the Eurovignette there could be a risk of double taxation? In most of these Member States plans are in place to implement road user charging systems as well. The existing charging systems, which consist of either time-based vignette or distance based schemes, represent a patchwork of different systems with the exception of the Eurovignette Benelux, Sweden and Denmark.

The full implementation of EETS will ensure interoperability between distance-based charging systems. It is however important to distinguish between taxes and user charges, which are two different instruments. Juni vorgelegt werden soll. On the other hand, the application of the Eurovignette would be a good means of making savings for national budgets, as it would create a constant flow of revenue.

Is the Commission going to make a country-specific recommendation on the correct implementation of the Eurovignette as a means of increasing the stability of public finances? The country-specific recommendations that will be proposed to the Council for adoption will address key issues in each of the concerned Member States and of the euro area as a whole. The country-specific recommendations will be underpinned by thorough analysis in the accompanying staff working documents, which are part of the Spring Package.

However, it would be premature to speculate on the exact nature of the country-specific recommendations at this point in time. Sin embargo, constituye un objetivo no vinculante. Habida cuenta de la respuesta dada a la primera pregunta, no procede responder a la segunda. Allerdings handelt es sich dabei nicht um ein verbindliches Ziel. Revenue from infrastructure charges should be reinvested in the sector itself, so as to ensure the maintenance and improvement of infrastructure.

It is however a non-binding objective. Member States are free to decide how to dispose of revenues generated by road user charging schemes. Given the answer to the first question, there is no need to reply to the second question. The Commission is continuously monitoring the compliance of national legislations with EU legislation and disposes of necessary powers to investigate the possible infringements brought to its attention. Il premier Netanyahu ha espresso le sue scuse nei confronti della popolazione turca per il raid navale, soddisfacendo in questo modo la prima condizione imposta dalla Turchia per la normalizzazione delle relazioni.

Israele ha deciso di pagare un risarcimento alle famiglie delle vittime, ma il controllo esercitato da Hamas sulla striscia di Gaza rende difficile al governo israeliano soddisfare la terza condizione imposta dalla Turchia. La Turchia potrebbe anche fungere da cliente chiave per il gas naturale israeliano scoperto recentemente. Gli Stati Uniti esprimono soddisfazione per l'avvicinamento, in quanto vorrebbero che i due paesi collaborassero sulla questione iraniana e siriana. Come valutano i funzionari dell'UE le possibili ripercussioni del miglioramento delle relazioni turco-israeliane per la regione del Medio Oriente?

La Commissione condivide la valutazione dell'onorevole deputato. La Turchia e Israele sono partner di fondamentale importanza per l'Unione europea. Reconciliation between the two countries would therefore be beneficial with regard to intelligence-sharing on Syria and Iran, improved economic ties and, for Israel, the possibility of greater cooperation with NATO.

Turkey could also serve as a key customer for recently discovered Israeli natural gas. The United States is keen for a rapprochement, since it would like both countries to cooperate on the issue of Iran and Syria. What is the assessment of EU officials regarding the possible repercussions of improved Turkish-Israeli relations for the wider Middle East? The Commission agrees with the assessment of the Honourable Member. The HRVP strongly welcomes and commends the steps towards rapprochement between the two countries and encourages both sides to move forward and step up their efforts to improve ties.

The EU stands ready to assist in this process if invited by both parties. Shabaani Nejad, appartenente alla minoranza degli arabi iraniani Ahwazi, era un insegnante, poeta e attivista per i diritti umani. Era membro di al-Hiwar, un'organizzazione culturale dedita alla promozione e alla comprensione della cultura e della letteratura arabe in Iran. Quali misure sta adottando l'UE per indurre il governo iraniano ad attuare una moratoria sulla pena di morte? Come rileva l'onorevole deputato, la situazione dei diritti umani in Iran continua a essere fonte di grande preoccupazione per l'Unione.

L'Unione europea si augura che gli impegni assunti dal nuovo governo iraniano volti a migliorare il rispetto dei diritti umani nel paese si concretizzino quanto prima. L'UE ha chiesto inoltre ripetutamente al paese di abolire la pena di morte e sospendere le esecuzioni capitali. L'Iran deve tener fede agli obblighi assunti in materia di diritti umani, soprattutto per quanto riguarda il rispetto e la tutela delle minoranze etniche e religiose.

Shabaani Nejad, who belonged to the Iranian Arab Ahwazi minority, was a teacher, poet and human rights activist. He was a member of al-Hiwar, a cultural organisation which promoted an understanding of Arabic culture and literature in Iran. Neither their attorneys nor their families were informed of the details. However, the country is still the global leader in executions per capita. Since President Rouhani took office, an estimated are believed to have taken place, as opposed to the officially announced by the government.

Minors may be sentenced to death for certain crimes, but the authorities detain them until they reach the age 18 in order to execute them legally. Powell Fed , November 18, Understanding the weakness in global trade. What is the new normal? Artus, 29 septembre Cardiac arrest or dizzy spell: Ayhan Kose, Franziska L.

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  • Harpsichord Pieces, Book 4, Suite 21, No.4: La Harpée Piece dans le goût de la Harpe;

Macroeconomics 2, July Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: Pourquoi faut-il conserver une industrie de grande taille? Time to Get Unconventional?

Artus, 26 juillet Bloomberg, July , Artus, 27 juillet Globalisation and whose recovery? Michael Roberts, July 24, Global Trade and Income: Verduzco-Gallo, World Development Vol. The Future of The Global Economy: Towards a Long Boom? Does the Global Trade Slowdown Matter? Yannick Jadot, AlterEcoPlus , 12 mai Panama Papers Offshore Leaks Database. Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy: Martin Anota, avril White, Bloomberg, February 9, Rethinking the Financialisation of Non-Financial Corporations: Posen eds , Peterson Institute, March Martin Anota, 6 mars G Seminar on Structural Reforms: Morgan, February 11, Can we avoid the oncoming world recession?

Michael Roberts, February 9, The Financial Wealth of Corporations: Patrick Artus, 9 novembre The Decade of Adjustment: Big Players Out of Synch: Morin, Contretemps , 9 Octobre Is the unthinkable becoming routine? Corporate leverage in emerging markets—a concern? Labor Reallocation and Productivity Dynamics: Ponce del Castillo in Social policy in the European Union: The Global Trade Slowdown: The consequences of fiscal stimulus on public debt: Theodossiou, Cambridge Journal of Economics , The Core of the Apple: Johnson, Journal of Economie Perspectives , vol.

Bernard Marx, Regards , Juin Whither Partnership, Which Economic Consequences? Patrick Artus, 6 mai Return of the Great Moderation? George Magnus, Llewellyn Consulting, 4 June Low investment is the cause of low growth: Michael Roberts, 8 April Where are we headed? La catastrophe du TTIP?

Jacques Sapir, 4 avril Why Is investment weak? Tailwinds driving a modest acceleration… but storm clouds on the horizon? Shadow Economies All Over the World. The End of Bank Secrecy? Economic Policy , 6 1. The Missing Wealth of Nations: Are Europe and the U. Net Debtors or Net Creditors?

Has sustained growth decoupled from industrialization? Dani Rodrik, February Why does financial sector growth crowd out real economic growth?


Alternative measures of offshorability: Regulating Capital Flows at Both Ends: Visualization by Max Roser. Are global imbalances at a turning point? Is it time for an infrastructure push? Risk Taking, Liquidity, and Shadow Banking: Sean Starrs, International Studies Quarterly 57, december Contents, Sources and Methods. Ostry, Andrew Berg, Charalambos G. Tsangarides, FMI, April In Search of the Global Middle Class. Vehicle Ownership and Income Growth, Worldwide: Wallach, Le Monde diplomatique , Novembre Zucman, American Economic Journal , February The missing wealth of nations: Accord secret de Partenariat Trans-Pacifique: Migration and Remittance Flows: