That Strange Intimacy

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Gather up your adult beverages and your chocolate or cookie supplies, this one is not to be approached without a serious stockpile of brain tranquilizers.

The h is a widow with a teenage Spawn of Satan for a daughter. To get out of the evil influence of her Jewish mother in law and AM doesn't hold back on the bigotry there, the h takes a job in small villag Re Strange Intimacy - Anne Mather outdoes herself on the bigoted, elitist, biased, misogynistic, Devil Spawn of Satan tropes with this one. To get out of the evil influence of her Jewish mother in law and AM doesn't hold back on the bigotry there, the h takes a job in small village Scotland as the medical secretary for an old friend's father.

The H is the alcoholic local Lord of Manor, complete with the droit du seigneur attitude that he should be able to lurve club the h when in the mood.

Strange Intimacy

The heroine has been in town for about 5 minutes when her "friend" warns her off the Laird. Hatch, Match, and Dispatch. To view it, click here. Overall book rating Rating. The hero is an alcoholic brooder motivated by guilt over his dead sexless wife who died in childbirth. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

His attitude for most of the book is he can't understand why the plain and jelly blobule h is so attractive to him, but it is her serf's duty to spread at his convenience and he gets irate when she refuses to do so. Add in stereotypical condescending and against outsiders villagers, a snobbish Lady of the Manor H mother and another pit viper Lady of Another Manor OW and there is not one likable character in this entire book. The H thinks he can't possibly love the h because he loved his frigid Lady of the Manor wife, until she died along with their unborn child.

After various small town incursions and excursions, including the Demon Spawn of Satan skipping school and almost drowning in the local loch-which the H rescued her from, the H convinces the h to let the Demon Spawn go torment the h's mother in law. They also have a big lurve club moment which the H dismisses as animal attraction to a peasant, but he wouldn't mind swiving around in the muck with the little plain Jane h again.

The h, for all her willingness to lay in the gutter for the H, does at least want to be a good mother. Unfortunately her lack of calcium all her life has made good parenting more a distant dream rather than a reality. So when the H intervenes and convinces the h to let her daughter go back to London with the mother in law, the h finally shows him to the door and closes the mud pit. Then of course the Devil Spawn of Satan skips out on her grandmother via some underhanded and dubious means, cause Granny is a martinet and the h is a doormat waiting to be stomped on.

The Devil Spawn of Satan insists that the h go and apologize to the H for whatever, so the h dutifully trots off and the H decides that she is the perfect accessory brood mare for a son and heir. The H does a decent I love you to the h declaration. He is thinking that if the h provides him with a son, he can finally really stick it to his Ice Witch Snob mother and his Ice Witch Jr.

See a Problem?

The h is only to happy to throw herself into the muck to be trodden on once again and the Demon Spawn happily continues to spread her misery around. We get a little epilogue where the H gets his heir and the h is delighted to be tromped on for the big HEA.

I had no patience for this sad excuse for a book. At times I felt bad for the h, but really she was a non event in the overall story line. The Demon Spawn is going to be an Evil OW extraordinaire, and as much as I detested her, she probably was the most interesting character in the book. Everyone else should have just descended back to the sub-sewer they slithered out of, as this was not a good experience for an HPlandia outing and probably should be avoided before it bites you. View all 6 comments. Sep 03, Anuradha rated it liked it.

The characters were honest, relatable and their relationship was simple and ethical! Which is a big thing in itself for an Anne Mather story. Her heroes and heroines almost never have a relationship that isn't forbidden by societal norms. However, some of her earlier work was less convoluted and I believe this book is one of them. A young widow, with a 13 year old unruly daughter comes to work in a small Scottish town. The landlord and boss in town takes a liking 3. The landlord and boss in town takes a liking for this new mother daughter duo and helps them settle down in their new life.

In the process, he discovers simple pleasures of ordinary life.

  1. Die Rezeption von fiktionaler Gewalt im Fernsehen und deren mögliche Auswirkung (German Edition).
  2. Account Options.
  3. Broken (This Book 1).
  4. Strange Intimacy?
  5. The Dead Have No Shadows.

Which are denied to him due to his exalted status in that town. Both the leads have a history, with their respective spouses having died, after not very happy marriages. But now they find succor in each other. Its all very well, but the only grudge I have is that the relationship that develops between them is overwhelmingly sexual.

Hardly any meeting of minds or personalities is shown. Even their goal of marrying eventually is only to find pleasure in bed and raise more kids. Somewhat stunted view of life, it appears.

Overall book rating

Nevertheless, a tale well told. Jun 21, Roub rated it liked it. This felt like your standard harliquin but it a more dated modern-day setting. There was a lot of no-no-yes-noing and fighting, and sick teenagers.

Strange Intimacy - Anne Mather - Google Книги

Also sexy talk about making her pregnant at the end. Yes, that always get's me hot too. Along with the heorine's ex mother-in-law. I enjoy reading about rich snobby old ladies. May 20, Tia rated it really liked it. Read in April, I can honestly say I don't remember much about this novel, given the fact that I am going back and reviewing all the Anne Mather books I've read.

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Judging by my rating it was a great novel and I shall have to go back and read it again. Jun 06, Usagi Tsukino rated it did not like it Shelves: Eunice rated it really liked it Apr 27, Akshatha Kulkarni rated it liked it Apr 02, Livvie rated it really liked it May 17, Beeg Panda rated it it was amazing Dec 04, Theo rated it liked it Jan 10, Carmela rated it really liked it Aug 04, Sherry rated it liked it Sep 06, Ns2np5 rated it it was ok Jan 02, Inori Hardin rated it it was ok Mar 14, May 23, Shari Kay marked it as not-my-thang.

Jun 17, Reader's Palace added it.

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Take a look inside the book. Strange Intimacy Anne Mather.

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That Strange Intimacy [Hannah Blue Heron] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A journey from the innocence of a college lesbian love. Strange Intimacy has 62 ratings and 11 reviews. Naksed said: I had no patience for the heroine, a jelly-spined ninny who lets her thirteen year old Demon.

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