Wealth and Poverty: A New Edition for the Twenty-First Century


  • Bestselling Series
  • Bestselling Series

    Apr 13, Lori Tian Sailiata rated it liked it. If you prefer to look at evidence in order to arrive at a conclusion, there is not one iota of evidence in this book. Not only are the book's economic data woefully outdated, given that it was written in the early s, Gilder's preening about minorities, singles, women, etc. I understand this was an important exposition of supply-side economics in the early s and that it influenced Reagan. Even though I am polar to him in political persuasion, we do have points of commonality:

    Something like an electrical fire ball had seemed to explode inside his head. On the hillside above, white rime begins to melt off the rooftops. How clever it was for the elfmaid to have been rid of me so easily, they said.

    Politics Book Review: Wealth and Poverty: A New Edition for the Twenty-First Century by George Gi...

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