La psychanalyse face à ses détracteurs (Champs Essais) (French Edition)

Les 10 essais les plus marquants de 2015

L'Europe est morte, vive l'Europe! Interview de Julia Kristeva sur Umberto Eco. Une rencontre permanente Psychologies Magazine, septembre Julia Kristeva Philippe Sollers "Chaque jour est une rencontre". Shanghai Jiao Tong University Letter of appointment - New York Times Books: Yet the pieces work together to create a kind of wisdom literature for what Ms. Kristeva likes to call the third millennium". Prix Nobel de la Paix pour Malala Yousafzai. Prix Simone de Beauvoir Bruxelles, 17 juin Come un padre che ama. Julia Kristeva, Fudan University Shanghai, Marianne du 7 septembre Julia Kristeva: La Bulgarie, l'Europe post-totalitaire et moi.

La Repubblica 10 aprile " Accuse false e tossiche". Le Journal du Dimanche, 22 avril Reading Between the Lines of the Police Archives. L'horreur du vide par Samuel Dock. Les Inrockuptibles, 4 avril A Jar, a Blouse, a Letter. London Review of Books. Julia Kristeva responds to slander,.

L'officier ou Julia Kristeva: Cahiers Bernard Lazare, mars Julia Kristeva et balancetonporc: The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. N'ayons pas peur du besoin de croire. A Life in Time". The humanities can help thwart the destructive depression that feeds fanaticism Haaretz , Gaby Levin, Jun 15, Julia Kristeva, entretiens avec Samuel Dock. New Forms of Revolt, essays on Kristeva's intimate politics. Sabato 06 maggio Ora inizio: L'Eco di Bergamo 3 maggio Je me voyage, Oltre il lettino.

She earned a university degree in philosophy, before emigrating from occupied France to Mexico in When the party leaders required the members to dissociate themselves from the Freudian theory, the Kestembergs as well as Serge Lebovici signed a manifesto in , in which psychoanalysis was condemned to be a reactionary ideology.

Later they retracted their position and left the Communist party. The same year she and her husband adopted a little girl, Catherine, who later became herself an analyst. She integrated techniques of group therapy into her analytic practice and together with Diatkine, Lebovici and others created individual psychoanalytic psychodrama. In her writings she devoted herself particularly to the problems of adolescents, the anorexia and the "cold psychosis", i.

Typical for the anorexia is the denial of the real body and its idealizing as an unreal and inaccessible object. The satisfactory incorporation is replaced by the lust of hunger and emptiness. With the cold psychosis the ego is pervaded by the ideal ego, and the external object constitutes a projection of the ideal ego.

The only possible relation is a fetishistic relation to the object. Julia Kristeva stands as one of the foremost French proponents of post-structuralism. She was born in Sliven in Bulgaria as the daughter of Stoyan and Christine Kristev; her father was a physician and a theologian. After studying linguistics at the University of Sofia, she came to Paris at the end of Under the supervision of Lucien Goldmann she completed her doctoral thesis Le texte du roman in She joined Tel Quel , a literary journal inspired by Jacques Derrida, and was a leading member of the editorial board from to , the year of the journal's discontinuation.

Hoping to connect the aesthetic avant-garde with the revolutionary political movement, the Tel Quel group was in contact with the Communist Party and visited Mao's China in Following this trip Julia Kristeva wrote her book Des chinoises , in which she compared the role of women in Chinese and Western culture.

In the midst of the s she went into analysis with Ilse Barande. Kristeva's theoretical work centres on the investigation of the social symbolic systems. With the help of psychoanalysis and self-reflective structural linguistics, she explores the unconscious mechanisms of symbolic structures, especially those of the language.

For Kristeva the symbolic is not a static system but a process, which only functions by excluding something that she identifies, like Lacan, with the feminine. The excluded undermines the structures and evades a positive definition.

Jean Carbonnier

Julia Kristeva presented the basic ideas of her complex thoughts in her most comprehensive theoretical work, Revolution in Poetic Language , which gave her an international reputation. Thus she makes visible the trace of the pre-symbolic - the bodily ground of speech and desire - within the symbolic. According to her, the unconscious is not only structured like a language, as Lacan postulated, but in addition it also contains the memory of the pre-lingual. Kristeva called this infantile pre-symbolic - first undifferentiated and then accentuated by drive cathexis - the semiotic maternal "chora".

After the entry into the symbolic order, the ego remains furthermore exposed to the operations of the semiotic - a source of psychosis as well as of creativity. Based on her distinction between the semiotic and the symbolic, Kristeva developed her theory of abjection in the s. Abjection originates in the primal repression, when the child has to separate from the mother in order to become subject of the symbolic.

What has been the mother, will turn into an abject. Kristeva's later texts are more concrete and more personal: Psychoanalytic case studies and literary analysis complement each other. Her studies on famous women, especially her trilogy Female genius about the philosopher Hannah Arendt, the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein and the writer Colette, as well as her novels can also be read as autobiographical projects. According to Kristeva, the analyst writes his "secret autobiography" as metamorphized in each of his interpretations The secrets of an analyst. Paulette Erikson [Erichson, Erickson, Ericson], the daughter of a pharmacist in Colmar in Alsace, was a teacher before she began practising psychoanalysis.

In Paulette Laforgue had to undergo a hysterectomy and subsequently could no longer bear children. At the instigation of her husband she also underwent analysis with Sokolnicka and became an analyst herself. Her control supervisor was Heinz Hartmann.

Henri Broch - L'art du doute (Les Lois de l'Attraction Mentale)

She first taught mathematics, when she married Serge Lebovici in , who later became a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and president of the IPA. After the end of the war Ruth Lebovici decided to train as a psychoanalyst. She underwent training analysis with Marc Schlumberger and was supervised by Jacques Lacan. Particularly known is Ruth Lebovici's paper Perversion sexuelle transitoire au cours d'un traitement psychanalytique about a patient with phobia, who developed a transitory sexual perversion in the course of a psychoanalytic treatment.

Lacan discussed in an exemplary way Lebovici's case study in his Seminar IV on object-relations , proposing that the analyst's interpretation of the transference triggered the acting out of the patient's perverse fantasy. Such sort of "artefacts pervers", he argued, were the outcome of an analysis in which the place of the symbolic in the relation analyst-analysand was ignored. At the same time she worked at the Fondation Parent de Rosan in Paris, a public institution for the temporary care of young children who had been abandoned by their mothers.

Within the frame of a research project on hospitalism directed by Jenny Aubry , Rosine Lefort conducted the treatment of several psychotic and autistic infants, beginning in Two of these cases Nadia and Robert were presented by Rosine Lefort at Lacan's Seminar, and they are regarded as remarkably lucid examples of the clinical application of Lacanian concepts.

Rosine Lefort worked closely together with her husband, the psychoanalyst Robert Lefort , with whom she published her books. Rosine Lefort's case reports show clearly the existential function of the signifier in the subjectivation. According to the Lacanian terminology, the psychotic is stuck in an unmediated relationship with the Real and cut off from meaningful structures, which proceed via the signifier of the Other. For Lefort the analysis of the preverbal infant is particularly suited to show that the subject, before it speaks, "speaks in the Other", where it finds its significant place.

Anne Levallois was a jurist before she turned to psychology, anthropology and psychoanalysis in the early s. The mother of three children her married name was Colot , she participated at that time in literacy campaigns in Senegal. After her return to Paris she completed her diploma in clinical psychology and trained as an analyst with Serge Leclaire.

Together with Myriam David and others she explored the relation of single mothers to their first child and subsequently worked as a psychologist at a Salvation Army institution for single mothers. In she established a psychoanalytic practice in Paris, shortly before she divorced.

From to she directed the journal Psychanalystes. Anne Levallois was particularly interested in the relation between psychoanalysis, biography and history. Levallois' study on Urbain elucidated the effects of traumatising social conditions on subjectivation. Further main points of Anne Levallois were tranference phantasies and the signifiers of femininity. An anthology of her texts between and was published posthumously under the title Une psychanalyste dans l'histoire. She spent her early childhood in Colombo, Ceylon, where her father was general consul of the Netherlands.

The return of her family to Europe in signified for the little girl the loss of her childhood paradise. She forgot her mother tongue English and the Singhalese words of her nurse when she lived with her French speaking grandfather, and in her unloved new residence in Amsterdam she had to learn Dutch.

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These experiences shaped Maud Mannoni's central question: After attending a convent school in Antwerp, Magdalena van der Spoel studied criminology in Brussels. During World War II she worked with psychotic adolescents at a psychiatric clinic and decided to train as a psychoanalyst. In she married the philosopher and psychoanalyst Octave Mannoni , an analysand of Jacques Lacan and a left-wing intellectual. During the s Maud Mannoni and her husband engaged themselves in fighting for the independence of Algeria. In she met Jacques Lacan, with whom she had her second analysis, and became a Lacanian.

During a stay in London she became acquainted with the concepts of Donald W. Winnicott and Melanie Klein and the anti-psychiatry of Ronald D. Maud Mannoni was able to realise her ideas in by founding the Experimental school of Bonneuil along with Robert Lefort, a residential community for psychotic, retarded and troubled children and adolescents in Bonneuil-sur-Marne. It was the only anti-psychiatric project in France inspired by the British model. As the directrice of this school she put into practice Lacanian psychoanalysis, anti-psychiatric ideas and Winnicott's concept of a "supporting environment".

For Mannoni the disturbed child is a "spokesperson" for the dysfunctional family, whose history is written in the child's symptoms and expressions. In her view this pathogenic development is reinforced by social exclusion mechanisms. At Bonneuil the children were encouraged to give voice to their fears, destructive feelings and fantasies.

Central to Mannoni's therapeutic approach is the cultivation of the capacity to play that makes loss bearable. She seeks to free the child from the suffocating effect of the anxiety and desires of the Other - first of all his mother - by helping him find a personal language in the symbolic order. Following her study of psychology in Dunedin, Joyce Carrington worked as a vocational and family counsellor in Dunedin and Auckland.

In the family settled in England. She met Donald W. Winnicott and attended his course in woman's psychosexuality. She underwent training analysis with Marc Schlumberger and was appointed training and supervising analyst of the SPP in In she became the scientific secretary of the SPP. She underwent another analysis with Michel Renard. In the early s she met Sidney Stewart , an American writer and psychoanalyst, who became her second life partner after her separation from Jimmy McDougall. She established a child-therapeutic practice and analysed, under the supervision of Serge Lebovici, a nine-and-a-half-year-old psychotic boy, whose case she described in her book Dialogue with Sammy.

Main themes in here writings are: In her first book Plea for a Measure of Abnormality she suggested her renowned revision of the Freudian concept of perversion. In Joyce McDougall's view the classical division into neurosis, psychosis and perversion is too rigid to understand sexual deviations, which are linked with narcissistic personality disorders. Instead of "perversion" she prefered the term "neosexualities", i. Joyce McDougall was convinced that all sexual behaviour so bizarre and strange as it might be serves for psychic survival.

She pleaded to accept "deviant" sexuality and not to adapt it to norms by psychoanalysis. In Joyce McDougall's work psychic reality appears like a stage on which the narcissistic and oedipal dramas are played out. Referring to Melanie Klein and Piera Aulagnier , she conceived the metaphor of an inner theatre particularly in her books Theaters of the Mind and Theaters of the Body. Her book The Many Faces of Eros deals with the varied forms of human sexuality basing on an inborn bisexuality.

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For McDougall female homosexuality, for instance, is no pathological deviation, because homosexual wishes of a girl toward her mother are a fundamental component of female development. Only the shaping of these wishes is different in the lives of homosexual and heterosexual women.

She died at the age of 91 in London. At the time of Judith's birth her mother was still married to Georges Bataille, whom she divorced in Jacques Lacan got divorced from his first wife in and married Sylvia Bataille in Unlike her half-sister Laurence Bataille who had received formal psychoanalytic training, Judith Bataille-Lacan did not undergo analysis, but formed part of the circle of Lacan's disciples since her teens.

Judith Miller played an important role in the Lacanian movement. She studied philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris, before she began an analysis with Jacques Lacan in , which lasted eight years. During her analysis she became his lover. She left the ECF in She stated that pedagogy which bases on psychoanalysis must end up in a blind alley, because the position of a child analyst is not compatible with that of a pedagogue.

The latter cannot represent a neutral mirror, for he always has - consciously or unconsciously - an educational intention. Unlike the pedagogue, a psychoanalyst has no certainties or solutions to offer, unless it is the realization of an indelible lack and thus the liberation from depending on the look of the Other. Well known are Millot's theses on transsexuality. In her essay on transsexuality, Horsexe , she maintains that a woman's transsexuality reveals a hysterical process, while a man's transsexuality bases on a psychotic identification with the ideal woman, i.

Further subjects of Catherine Millot's work are the conditions of literary creativity as well as perversion or homosexuality in the literature. Beside her books she published numerous articles in the Lacanian journals Sicilet and Ornicar? Stein in the Seminar of Jacques Lacan, which was the beginning of her theoretical examination of femininity.

In it, Montrelay takes up the s Freud-Jones controversy about femininity from a structural psychoanalytic perspective and sketches her concept of a precocious "concentric" circular oral-anal-vaginal femininity. She shows that the girl, in contrast to the boy, cannot differentiate herself from the body of the mother, because the real of the maternal body remains present in her own body. Thus the symbolic castration i. The result is a concentric psychic economy, which is, according to Montrelay, characterized by idle representations and plenitude in the real.

The privileged relationship of women to the body however implies also a frightening too great closeness to the objects. The women's access to symbolization depends on the transition into the phallocentric economy by substituting the phallic signifier for the concentric representatives.

Thus femininity is repressed and can be symbolized. In Lacan forbade her to conduct a seminar on male sexuality at his institute at the University of Vincennes, declaring that if women are not entirely governed by the phallic function, they can have nothing to say about it.

She is married, has three children and lives in Paris. Sophie Morgenstern, one of the pioneering figures of child psychoanalysis in France, was born into a Jewish family in Grodno in Poland. She was married to Abraham Morgenstern, her daughter Laure was born in She held the position from until her death in Like Anna Freud , she believed that children's neurosis had the same structure and the same origins as those of adults. She stressed that the children's drawings gave the analyst access to their unconscious and psychic conflicts in a similar way as the dreams and free associations of an adult would do - an insight less familiar at her time than nowadays.

The symbolic sense of the imaginative creations of the child was the subject of her main work Psychanalyse infantile , published in and dedicated to her daughter Laure. Laure Morgenstern had died during an operation in , and Sophie Morgenstern never got over the loss of her only child. On 13 June she committed suicide, one day before German troops entered Paris.

Marie Moscovici was the daughter of Jewish-Polish parents who immigrated to France shortly before her birth. The family survived the German occupation under a false name. She was working as a sociological research intern at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique CNRS in Paris, when she married Serge Moscovici , a Romanian-Jewish social psychologist with whom she had two sons.

Their eldest son Pierre, later a well-known politician, was born in In Marie Moscovici graduated with a thesis about social change and family organisation. The concept of inactuality, understood as the continuance of a past event in the unconscious, was one of the main subjects of Marie Moscovici's writings.

Du cinéma à la psychanalyse, le féminin interrogé (Le regard qui bat) (French Edition)

Referring to Sigmund Freud's thoughts about murder, war and violence, she explored the inscription of historical events into individual histories and its unconscious transmission from one generation to the next. In the s Gisela Pankow converted to Catholicism. After giving a series of conferences in Australia and spending a year of research and teaching in the United States, she returned to Paris in Gisela Pankow's main area of interest was the analysis of psychosis.

According to Pankow the body image serves two symbolic functions: The first ensures the recognition of spatial and formal structure incorporating a dialectic of inside and outside, and part and whole , the second involves the content and meaning of that structure. Thus the body image is the basis of the ego and its relation to the other.

The body image of a psychotic is disturbed. It is radically dissociated in "nuclear psychoses" schizophrenia with disturbances of the first function, whereas in "marginal psychoses" hysterical psychoses , which concern the second function, the body image is only partially affected.

The objective of the cure is the restoration of the symbolic structures of the body image through a reintegration of the excluded. For this purpose Gisela Pankow introduced her original technique involving modelling clay as a mediating element. Her study L'ordinaire du psychosomaticien is considered as an eminent contribution to the psychosomatic metapsychology. Catherine Parat's work centres on masochism, female sexuality, and the importance of the affect.

Best known is Catherine Parat's conception of "basic transference" "transfert de base" , designating the patient's spontaneous positive cathexis of the person of the analyst. Parat stressed the kinship between such a transference cathexis and Sigmund Freud's narcissistic object-choice.

Based on a Kleinian approach, Catherine Parat stated a normal feminine masochistic move at the time of the Oedipus complex. According to Parat, femininity is achieved when the girl adopts actively the passive or receptive aim, thus diverting earlier active sadistic impulses directed toward the father's penis. The French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Ginette Raimbault, born in Belfort Algiers as the daughter of a teacher, passed her childhood in Algeria. After receiving a M. While studying medicine, she trained as a psychoanalyst and underwent training analysis with Jacques Lacan.

Ginette Raimbault took up her psychiatric training with Jenny Aubry , with whom she worked together for about twenty years. In she attended Balint's seminar at the Tavistock Clinic in London and subsequently started, along with her husband, one of the first Balint groups in France. In she received her licence as a psychiatrist. Ginette Raimbault's main area of interest is the psychology of the ill child. She was working with dying children in the nephrology clinic of the Hopital des Enfants-Malades in Paris since and published several books on themes like mourning, illness and death from the point of view of children and parents.

Ginette Raimbault was suffering from Alzheimer's and died at the age of 89 in Paris. Blanche Reverchon, born in Paris, studied philosophy and medicine and later specialised in neurology under Joseph Babinski. She practised as a psychiatrist in Geneva, when she met the poet Pierre Jean Jouve in In they settled in Paris and were married in After visiting Sigmund Freud in Vienna, who obviously encouraged her to become an analyst, she continued her psychoanalytic training supervised by Rudolph Loewenstein. At the time of the split, Reverchon-Jouve, although a physician herself, was one of the opponents of the medicalization of psychoanalytic training.

Blanche Reverchon-Jouve introduced her husband to psychoanalysis and supplied him with the clinical material from her psychoanalytic practice, which he transformed to his novels about mad women. His novel Vagadu , for instance, is drawn from his wife's analyses with Sokolnicka and Loewenstein and from the case history of Mademoiselle H. Blanche Reverchon-Jouve's analysands were mainly wealthy patients and artists, among them the Belgian author and psychotherapist Henry Bauchau, who depicted her as "Sybille" in his first novel La dechirure. She was born in Paris as the daughter of the psychoanalyst Jenny Aubry and her first husband Alexander Roudinesco.

Her father was an immigrated Romanian-Jewish physician, who had converted to Catholicism. She was a member of the EPF until Lacan dissolved his school in During the same time she was a member of the KPF. Some of her most important books are a history of psychoanalysis in France, the biography of Jacques Lacan and a dictionary of psychoanalysis with Michel Plon.

Monique Schneider was born in Mirecourt in Lorraine. At the beginning of her teaching career she suffered from insomnia caused by diabolical phantasmas from her childhood, which led to her first analysis. Monique Schneider works at the intersections of psychoanalysis, cultural critique, and philosophy. She has been concerned with questions of trauma, the status of constructions of sexual difference in social discourse and practices of exclusion by psychoanalysis as a patriarchal theory.

Patriarchal metaphors reduce masculinity to phallic symbols of verticality by excluding a devaluated feminine, which is associated with uncontrollability. The result of this is a gap between a man's representation of pleasure as a conquest and his experience of it as an absence of mastery.

This "supplementary room" allows another symbolism of femininity than the devaluating phallic metaphor of the feminine sex as a cavity. She came from a cultivated Jewish family that had fought for the liberation of Poland. Her mother Paulina Flejszer played such an important role in the uprising that she was honoured with a state funeral. Eugenia Kutner's father, Maurycy Kutner, was a banker. She returned with him to Warsaw and was married in After Jung's break with Sigmund Freud she choose the Freudian camp and went to Vienna to have a three months long analysis with Freud in She attended the sessions of the Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung and became a member in During this period she separated from her husband.

According to Ferenczi, Sokolnicka showed feelings of superiority as well as symptoms of paranoia and depressive tendencies accompanied by suicide threats. But Ferenczi also vaunted her capacity as an analyst. Sokolnicka's analysis with Ferenczi was obviously more successful than that with Freud, who did not like her very much.

In she returned to Paris to found the psychoanalytic movement in France as Freud's legitimate representative. In it he referred to Sokolnicka's famous healing of a childhood obsessional neurosis , which he turned into an abject failure. During a six-week analysis Sokolnicka revealed the sexual implication of the boy's symptoms, which disappeared after that. This rapid cure encouraged Sokolnicka to create a minimal analysis, which sees as its end the disappearance of symptoms, while a maximal analysis includes the freeing of the ability to love and the avoidance of repetition.

She set up in private practice, but her clientele diminished over the years. In the beginning of the s she played no longer an important role in the French psychoanalytic movement. Poverty, growing depressions, the threat from Nazism in Germany and a sense of rootlessness weighed on her and, in , she took her own life.

When Hitler came to power, her father Heinrich Stern, a Jewish-German psychiatrist and Marxist, emigrated with his family to France in Anne-Lise Stern began to study medicine, but in she was arrested and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. From there she was sent to Bergen-Belsen, Raguhn and Theresienstadt. She survived the concentration camp and returned to France in Inspired by the student movement, she participated from to in the Laboratoire de psychanalyse in Paris for the treatment of patients without means, financed with German reparation money.

From to she was appointed as a psychotherapist in the department for drug addicts led by Claude Olievenstein at the Marmottan hospital. The upsurge of Holocaust negationism in France caused Anne-Lise Stern to establish a seminar in , where actual contemporary documents and its relations to the Holocaust were discussed.

In she moved to Paris, where she trained and worked as a chemical technical assistant. In the beginning of the s she studied psychology at the Sorbonne, received a bachelor's degree in and then worked as a psychological counsellor in nursery schools. In she met the Hungarian-Jewish philosopher and analyst Nicolas Abraham , who became her companion. Torok and Abraham developed a phenomenological psychoanalysis and taught it in a seminar they led together from to in Paris. Originating in the work of Ferenczi, they conceived their theory of the "crypt" and the "phantom", in order to explain the psychopathogenic potential of unspoken secrets and traumas transmitted to the next generation.

Those unbearable experiences are removed from associative links to the rest of psychic life by "preservative repression" and entombed in a "crypt" that functions within the ego as a false unconscious. The children, who unwittingly inherit the secret of their parents by "endocryptic indentification", are haunted by phantoms which cause great disruption in their psychic life.

In her well-noticed essay The illness of mourning and the fantasy of the exquisite corpse Maria Torok described the "illness of mourning" as an effect of unspoken "incorporations" with traumatic effects, by which a subject tries to regain a lost or prohibited object through the magic of hallucinatory. In contrast to the introjection that allows a process of mourning, the incorporation blocks the libidinal cathexis of new objects and thus the psychic development.

Sympathizing with Jacques Derrida's approach of deconstruction, Maria Torok wrote numerous articles for the journal Confrontation. Like Ferenczi she championed a closer contact with the patient, a position that upset her fellow members of the SPP. She made an important contribution to the critic of Freud's concept of femininity with her early paper The meaning of the "penis envy" in women , where she stressed the symptomatic character of the penis envy: The "false" wish for an idealized penis is a defence against masturbatory fantasies by which the girl appropriates the position of her mother.

In Maria Torok began to collaborate with Nicholas Rand, an American analyst and professor of French literature, whom she married in She died from leukaemia at the age of Nathalie Zaltzman was born in Paris as the only daughter of Russian-Jewish immigrants. Her family survived the Second World War hidden in the south of France.

Nathalie's father Abram Zaltzman, who had been a lawyer in St. Petersburg, owned a papeterie in Paris and a large private library. They divorced in , a year after their son Alexis was born. Her training analyst was Serge Leclaire. Beginning in , Nathalie Zaltzman occupied several positions in the group and was elected President in From to she was an influential member of the editorial committee of the group's journal Topique , where most of her texts were published. Her main interest centered on the effects of the psychoanalytic cure and the connection between individual and collective destinies.

She renewed Sigmund Freud's notion of "Kulturarbeit" cultural work as a basis of psychoanalytic healing. For Zaltzman cultural work means an intrapsychic and trans-individual process that modifies individual development and the evolution of human beings in general. Starting again from the idea of cultural work, Nathalie Zaltzman examined in her book L'esprit du mal the dimensions of evil as an unevolving constant of the human condition and the concept of a "crime against humanity". Psychanalyse et Psychose Nr. Paris [Psychotic Temptation.

Rev fr psychosom Nr. Bulletin de la SPP Nr. Foreword in "La tentation psychotique" von Liliane Abensour. Psychanalyse et psychose Nr. Paris , Psychanalyse et langage. Paris ; La famille: Paris [Das Spiel in der Kinderpsychotherapie. Entretien avec Annie Anzieu. Paris [Jacques Lacan. Oxford Segal, Naomi: Didier Anzieu, Gender and the Sense of Touch. Amsterdam; New York Wikipedia In Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse Paris , f [International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. Histoire de la psychanalyse en France, Bd.

A History of Psychoanalysis in France, Chicago ] Roudinesco, Elisabeth, and Michel Plon: Courtesy of Elisabeth Roudinesco. Paris , La perversion comme structure. Paris [The Violence of Interpretation. From Pictogram to Statement. Hove, East Sussex ] Les destins du plaisir. Paris Naissance d'un corps, origine d'une histoire. J psychanal enf No. Piera Aulagnier et le concept de violence primaire. Paris Leiser, Eckart: Das Schweigen der Seele. Paris Mijolla-Mellor, Sophie de: Wien, New York Roudinesco, Elisabeth: Histoire de la psychanalyse en France, vol.

Brève biographie de Michel Henry

£ Kindle Edition. La psychanalyse face à ses détracteurs (Champs Essais) (French Edition). £ Kindle Edition. Books by Vannina Micheli-Rechtman. Chronologie et sélection bibliographique de la psychanalyse et de ses critiques dans son contexte historique, social et culturel, en France, en Europe et dans le monde Une première version de cette bibliographie a été également annexée à A quoi . Guir, Jean, "Des problèmes psychanalytiques face aux phénomènes .

Paris Je serai qui je serai. Le Monde des Religions Nr. Le Figaro, 17 August Raitiere, Anna: Freud and the Hidden Fault of the Father.

En savoir plus

Three years prior she met Jacques Lacan, whose ideas she shared on the central role of language and the linguistic structure of the unconscious. The researchers accompanied these children until their fourth year. Lausanne Menahem, Ruth: She attended school in Grasse and Nice and subsequently studied philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris. Marie Bonaparte's theory of female sexuality. Nous vivons dans un monde — politique, social, etc.

Translated by Ned Luckacher. Johns Hopkins University Press, La psychanalyse et la Bible. Interview with Marie Balmary. Psychologies, February Robinson, Paul A.: Freud and his Critics. Wien, New York key word: Fragmenta, 26 March Senk, Pascale: On devient humain par la relation. Psychologies, Octobre Stein, Dominique: Une lecture psychanalytique de la Bible. Le sacrifice interdit de Marie Balmary.

RFP 38 4 , , Le maternel singulier. Paris Poursuite du dialogue avec Nicolas Abraham. Jb Psychoanal 21, , ] Freud im Zauderrhythmus. Paris and Robert Barande Histoire de la psychoanalyse en France. Toulouse and Robert Barande Psychoanalyse in Frankreich. In Dieter Eicke ed. Die Psychologie des Freud und die Folgen 2. Lyon with Robert Barande et al. In Bataille , ] Incidences de l'oeuvre de Lacan sur la pratique de la psychanalyse.

D'une pratique de la psychanalyse. Paris [Der Nabel des Traums. Von einer Praxis der Psychoanalyse.

Derniers numéros

Entretien avec Laurence Bataille. Chicago ] Roudinesco, Elisabeth: Oxford ] Simon-Goulletquer, Catherine: Entretien avec Laurence Bataille ; s. Entre biologie et freudisme. Colloque Histoire des sciences par en bas. Juni Bourgeron, Jean-Pierre: Paris , [International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. Borel, Adrien Alphonse Alcide. Paris pseudonym A. Zwei Beispiele zur psychoanalytischen Kasuistik. Wien Edgar Poe: Sa vie - son oevre.

London [Five copy-books written by a little girl between the ages of seven-and-a-half and ten, vols London ] Mythes de guerre. London ] Monologues devant la vie et la mort. Paris Chronos, Eros, Thanatos. Paris Psychanalyse et biologie. Paris Psychanalyse et anthropologie. Als Marie Bonaparte sich taub stellte London [Die Frauen Sigmund Freuds. Paris ; [Marie Bonaparte. Die Geschichte der Psychoanalyse in Frankreich, Bd. The problem of female sexuality. New York , Stephan, Inge: Stuttgart Stouten, Hanna: Freuds prinses zoekt haar dode moeder.

Amsterdam Thompson, Nellie L.: Marie Bonaparte's theory of female sexuality. RFP 47, , Fantasme originaire et surmoi. Rev fr psychosom No. Psychiatrie de l'enfant 12, , [Arbeiten zur Kinderpsychotherapie. Paris and Michel Fain La nuit, le jour. Essai psychanalytique sur le fonctionnement mental. Paris and Michel Fain The phallic shadow.

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Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Femininity and Masculinity. C'est le contraire de la physique quantique. Les mille et une nuits vues depuis une loge de concierge…. Apprenant cela, Bloch, qui se trompe toujours, lui dit comprendre la raison pour laquelle il ne sort jamais de chez lui. Dictionnaire amoureux de Stendhal, Plon, Denis Westhoff, Sagan et fils,. Le jour, c'est un monstre, ce sont des rendez-vous.

Cela n'en finit pas. J'aime voir le lever du soleil avant d'aller dormir. Avec mon meilleur souvenir, Mais, je tangue pas mal. Finalement, ils avaient beaucoup de points communs: Ses romans ne se trouvaient plus — ou presque — en librairie. Propos recueillis par L. Paris, 6 mars Le dernier livre de Philippe Sollers Les "coups de foudre" sont rares, les coups de nuit encore plus. J'arrive toujours avec dix minutes d'avance. Vous allez alors me demander: Nietzsche, et surtout cette formule de Heidegger qui est la suivante: Tout le monde se trompe sur le compte de Manet.

Comment la nature serait-elle coupable? C'est la question de l'innocence. Et cela, le gros animal ne le comprend pas, mais le sent! Dans un de mes romans, je me moque de Musil, on me fait alors le reproche: C'est sur le bord et non pas l'acte. Tsvetaieva , Akhmatova, Pasternak, et Mandelstam. Je sais ce que je lui dois! Le Bruit du Temps, Connaissez vous la filmographie. Je ne pouvais pas expliquer alors ce que j'ai compris depuis. C'est cela qui explique la fin du roman: Paris, vendredi 2 octobre Au contraire, les moments de rapport social me semblent beaucoup plus extraordinaires et particuliers.

Je dois faire un effort conscient pour communiquer dans un groupe Vous passez de l'apprentissage d'un texte au partage de ce texte. Dans le texte, pour ce personnage qui parle, c'est absolument vrai. Dans un sens plus large, c'est cela aussi. Ces personnes souhaitent miner la poursuite intellectuelle qui justement est tout le contraire. Il faut aller vite et comme disait Christine Lagarde, il faut travailler plus et penser moins!

C'est un peu le cas de la petite histoire de Kafka, la terrible histoire des portes de la loi avec cet homme qui reste toute sa vie au seuil de la salle de la loi et qui, avant de mourir, voit soudainement ces portes se fermer. Derniers ouvrages parus chez Actes Sud: Par ailleurs, me trouvant dans une situation difficile, et puisque j'avais fait une psychanalyse didactique, je me suis dit que je pourrais exercer. On peut donc dire que je suis devenu psychanalyste un peu par hasard! Il doit faire un effort pour qu'en lui leurs places restent ouvertes. C'est le voyage de la vie, c'est le voyage du destin… Je pense qu'il s'agit d'une oeuvre ouverte, vers l'avenir ou bien vers l'oubli Je ne sais pas!

C'est en ce sens qu'une transmission est possible. Mais avant tout, cela se transmet comme une belle histoire! Nous sommes tous natifs de nos ruines surgissantes.