Oops, A Revelation! Crossroads To Time

We end our iBelieve series the way John ended His Gospel, with a reminder of the responsibility of the Church to feed and take care of the people of God. At our Son Rise Celebration we celebrated and rejoiced in the fact that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, the redeeemer of Israel and all humanity. Jesus Provided Forgiveness For Humanity. The appearances of Jesus after the resurrection are our evidence of the forgiveness of our sins and our reconciliation to God.

Jesus Died For Us. Despite the false arrest, trial, and sentencing, Jesus willingly choose to die for us. Clean Video iBelieve X: As promised, Jesus does not leave us alone, but equips His followers to do the work that God has called them to do. The Death of Jesus Matters.

As we begin this season of Lent, more than ever, the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ matters.

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“Oops, A Revelation! Crossroads To Time” is volume one of a seven-part “Oops, A Revelation!” series with a message of hope and a plan to liberate this world. The Wheel of Time Re-read: Crossroads of Twilight, Prologue, Part 2 . Oops? Anyway. On with the show, eh? Yukiri: Though she of course is completely (well, Anyway, blasé attitude or not, I did find the revelations here.

Despite what the critics of Christianity may say, God can and does heal people. Clean Video iBelieve VI: Jesus Doesn't Condemn Us. We don't get to judge and condemn others, but we do get to help them and hold them up if they fall. Clean Video iBelieve IV: We All Need Help. Everyone of us could use some help, especially the kind that God provides.

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Many Christians struggle with connecting with God, but the Apostle John reveals why they don't have to struggle. That Jesus Is God. The Apostle John makes it pretty clear that Jesus is God. The burden that God shares through Malachi to God's people, then and now, is to hold on, God is coming! Clean Video Christmas Day Celebration. The unprecedented birth of God in human flesh gave way to unprecedented faith in God and blessings from God.

Clean Video Christmas Eve Celebration. A very special Christmas Eve Celebration. As we give God what He deserves, worship and glory, He gives us what is naturally ours, His blessings. The book of Malachi contains the very 1st pre-Christmas message, God's communication to the nation of Israel before the birth of Christ. God's will is that all humanity would receive His love and spend eternity with Him but for those who reject Him, God honors their choice. We apologize in advance for the poor audio quality of this recording.

One of the biggest feasts and celebrations celebrates one of the biggest harvest, but it's not what you think. God spoke to a divided, rebellious, and frustrated nation, dealing with racial tensions and unachieved dreams and told them to stop and to celebrate and worship Him. Christ followers are not required to keep the Biblical Feasts but we gain a better knowledge of God and love for Him, His purpose, and His plans for humanity if we understand them. Despite what most Christians think, God isn't looking for America to be obedient to Him. What would King Solomon say to Americans heading to the polls in our day?

God's confirmation of His sovereignty over a nation rought with injustice and violence was so compelling it caused one prophet to share it and encourage others to praise God in song. Clean Video Superheroes of the Bible. The audio and video from this week's message includes the children joinins us on stage as we answer their questions before they start their new series Superheroes of the Bible. Clean Video Just Sayin: There is a time to remain silent and a time to speak out but for the Church to do so effectively it must be united. Clean Video Just Saying: There is a Biblical template for how we should communicate with one another At some point we have to move towards sharing the Gospel with the people we invite into our lives.

Clean Video You're Invited Too. Inviting others to a Sunday Celebration or an event doesn't mean anything if we're not willing to invite people into our lives. Clean Video You're Invited. Although it may be difficult to start conversations around inviting others to Sunday Celebrations or events within our congregations if someone asks us a question that opens the door we should be ready to dive right through! Our faith in God can trump governments, provide protection and strength, break down walls, and redeem and rebuild lives.

A friend of Pastor Floyd shares her continuing journey as she lives out her faith in a small village in the Himalayan mountains. In good times, bad times, trial, and tragedy, our faith can guide us in making the tough and unpopular decisions Clean Video Forsee The Future. The horrific and tragics acts of humanity against one another will not disrupt or stop God's plans and purpose for the future of His people. We're celebrating faith, family, and freedom on this 4th of July weekend celebration.

Clean Video Raise The Dead. For anyone contemplating any type of life altering changes in their life this message is for you! In this special Father's Day message we see how hope says things may work out if all of the circumstances line up whilst faith says God is able Our faith not only draws us closer to God it allows us to persevere even when we are at our lowest and don't see God at work in our lives.

Clean Video Move Mountains. There is so much we could accomplish as Christ followers if we have the faith to achieve what God has equipped us to do. Jude, the servant and brother of Jesus Christ, wants us to know the truth, receive it, worship the one who reveals it through His Word, and share that truth with others.

Clean Video The Whole Truth. Jude had a reason for his passion for the truth of God's Word Clean Video The Truth. More important than encouraging one another in our Chritian walk is the issue of contending for the faith entrutsed to us by God. Clean Video Civil War: The author of 1 and 2 Kings documented the mistakes Israel made in detail in hopes that other God honoring nations wouldn't repeat them.

God doesn't give up on us even we reject and disobey Him. Every Christ follower, Christian leader, and every congregation has to ask themselves the question that God asked of the leaders of Israel and will one day ask of us: The United States is better together than we are separated by racism, classism, and denominational and political guidelines. Clean Video Because He Lives: Like any good parent God's desire is that we would spend time with Him, in God's case that means eternity. All Fear Is Gone. There are different ways to move on with our life whilst we grieve. I Can Face Tomorrow.

Grieving the loss of a loved one is normal no matter how long it takes; not moving on with your life is not normal, but God can comfort us and enable us to do so. You don't have to be a pastor, priest, prophet or leader to be used by God. Are we committed to living our lives in accordance with the mission that God has for us? Clean Video Fulfill Your Mission. Whether for short term tasks or for life, it is possible to live for God and fulfill the purpose for which He has called you.

Let God light the initial spark that gets you going and using your spiritual gifts to serve Him and others. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead resides in you If we were to implement at least two of these last 3 habits, or several of the 7 habits overall, our lives and congregations would be unstoppable. Most of these habits we are already doing we just need to do them regularly and consistently.

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Insead of new years resolutions why not focus on getting better at living out basic Bible principles? Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Joy To The world. The single most important event in the universe was meant to bring mega extreme joy into our lives. For some, there are painful memories or tragic loss that makes the holidays anything but joyous.

Clean Video Dinner With Jesus. Jesus invites every single one of us to sit with Him and dine looking forward to an eternity of food and fellowship with Him. More important than who would Jesus eat with is the question who would we be willing to share a meal with.

God's plan for humanity was quite simple. It is hard to wait for something when we don't know the outcome but sometimes it is even harder to wait when we do know the outcome. The struggle for churches to be the Church in a culture that is against the Church is very very real Although many would not admit it we can acknowledge that at one time or another or maybe even right now the struggle is real financially.

Our youth and young adults need us in their corner cheer leaading them on through life The struggle is real and personal for all of us because whether we admit it or not, we all have issues. For every mixed, blended, step, empty nesting, dysfunctional family For our sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and single dads For our daughters, our sisters, our wives, our grandmothers, our mothers, and single moms Even some who disagree with Christianity agree that this is the most important thing you can do.

Don't just invite people to the Sunday Celebration, invite them into your life. It's your story, the most important one ever written, and it's worth sharing with others. Yes, He most definitely can! You will be surprised at what God really wants from you and what He really wants you to do with your money. You will be surprised and angry at what God has done to respond to and to stop the suffering of humanity.

Our DNA, which contains coded messages, proves humanity is no accident but the intentional design of a loving Creator. To the friend who says the earth is millions of years old I say God doesn't tell us how old it is but He does tell us to help those on the earth and to reveal His love to humanity. To the friend who says the Big Bang created the universe, I say there is not one scientific fact that refutes, disagrees with, or disproves anything in the Bible To those who say the Bible is fake, the response is it is a book filled with the true life events and history of very real people living very real lives filled with joy and pain, and doing so in the presence of a very real God.

To the friend who says "There is no God", I say "Are you willing to take the journey and seek the truth to find out? Clean Video No Worries. Worry can burden us down but we have a God that can lift us up. Clean Video Live With Passion. We take a short break from our series on the Holy Trinity to hear from Christian Oliveros, a missionary living in Chile, about living our lives with full on passion.

Clean Video What's On Second. Jesus Christ is not just a man who claimed to be God, He was fully man and is fully God. The reason it is so difficult to come up with an accurate analogy of the Holy Trinity is because there is absolutely nothing like it in the universe. As the one who created, equips, and maintains the Church what Jesus has to say about the Church matters more than what anyone else says We apologize for the poor sound quality of this recording.

Jesus gives the body of Christ great feedback, correction, and criticisms on being the body of Christ. Clean Video The Prayer Closet: The Case For Prayer. There are those times and those issues in life when all we can do is go into a room, close the door, and pray in faith that we need God more than even. The Place For Prayer.

By CrosssRoads Community Church of Jefferson Hills

Answering questions is a part of helping to spiritually feed congregations. Jesus invites every single one of us to sit with Him and dine looking forward to an eternity of food and fellowship with Him. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Clean Video Because He Lives: Hathaway sounded a sour note when she reflected on the dour prospects that faced her cause:

We all need a place and time to sit and enjoy the closeness and intimacy that comes from time alone with God. Clean Video Ignite The Fire. One little spark can change your world. Clean Video Shaping The Future. God doesn't just call us to love our neighbor, but to love even the difficult neighbor like we love ourselves. Clean Video The Amazing Race. Mr Rogers had it right. Not a myth, a dream, a crutch, or an idol fantasy; we worship El Chay, the Living God.

He is the all knowing, all powerful, all loving God Almighty-El Shaddai. No matter how you see God, it doesn't change how He, El Roi, sees you. When we give a name to someone it is out of expectation or experience. Apart From The Church.

Growing In Godliness Blog

The greatest resource God gives us besides His Holy Spirit is other spirit filled believers. After work and sleep, home is where we spend most of our time. Since we spend most of our waking hours at work shouldn't we at leasts enjoy the work we are doing? Clean Video The Interview. One of the most important conversations in history can change the way you view This Christmas Eve message centered on celebrating the gift that matters most. A Gift To Die For. Whilst many will be rejoicing the birth of Christ others will be mourning the loss of a loved one.

You can give great gifts, honor God, maintain your sanity and not go broke this Christas. Clean Video Coming Soon. In this season of Advent looking forward to the birth of Christ, let us not forget to look forward to the return of Jesus Christ. Clean Video The Hunger Games: No matter what task or issue we face God equips us, not just to deal with it, but to overcome!

Every revolution, even one against hunger, starts with a spark. Clean Video The Hunger Games. It's about more than just a movie. What Heaven Is Really Like. Not from a movie or from "A" book but from "THE" book we take a biblical look at how one gets to Heaven, who gets to go, and what Heaven is really like. One of the top things people wondered about in our summer survey was why is there so much violence in the world. Don't Worry Be Happy. The 1 and 2 areas of worry in our suvery were finances and the salvation of others.

If we all we did in extending forgiveness to others was remember to forgot their transgressions against us we would be so much closer to understanding how God firgives us. You really have to check this message out for yourself. Clean Video Is Enough Enough? I'll Be Back Part 3. Despite the full blown crazyness going on in the world, our nation, and in our communities, God ensures and guarantees us that He is with us I'll Be Back Part 2. Whilst Jesus is gone, if we who are Christ follwers celebrate Jesus and serve others people will be saved.

Jesus didn't just promise His return, He guaranteed it. Everyone that Jesus raised from the dead died again physically but lives forever eternally. Do Not Be Afraid. This is the Gospel: This Is The Gospel: Only hot or cold. God will vomit out of His mouth those who are lukewarm Revelation 3: When you boil it all down, there is one defining feature that distinguishes the worldly character from the godly one: Worldliness, at its core, is selfish.

Godliness, on the other hand, at its core, is selfless. One looks inward, the other looks outward. Scripture uses multiple analogies to describe the drastic nature of the distinction between godliness and worldliness. Consider three of them:.

Another Oops by the Virginia Flaggers – Crossroads

Thus, light is a defining feature of Christ Himself, not just His message. Because God defines Himself as light, and bestows this light upon all who faithfully follow Him, everything that stands in opposition to Him must necessarily be described as darkness:. Just like Christ defines Himself by light, He also defines Himself by truth: Because God is truth, everything that stands against Him is described as the opposite of truth.

Crossroads - Ep 24 - Full Episode - 27th July, 2018

Whereas Scripture indicates that it is impossible for God to lie Titus 1: So, just as godliness and worldliness are as different as night and day, they are also as different as truth and a lie. Purity is yet another defining feature of God Himself 1 John 3: As a result, everything that emanates from Him is also pure, including His words Psalm Who then is qualified to associate with God? Those who have adopted a godly character and have purified their hearts Psalm Thus, just as godliness and worldliness are as different as night and day and truth and a lie, they are also as different as purity and defilement.

At The CrossRoads

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