Saurus Street 3: The Very Naughty Velociraptor

Books by Nick Falk

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Illustrator, Tony Flowers draws dinosaurs from new series Saurus Street

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The very naughty velociraptor, Nick Falk and Tony Flowers

Five years later, it was time to start writing some of them down! But, Violet will miss her terribly and six weeks is a long time. Her name is Rose and she has a pink and white bedroom and a doll's house. Eventually, they grow closer. The Everything Kids' Dinosaurs Book.

We appreciate your feedback. Plunging pterosaurs, squiggling squid and massive meteors are all part of the greatest adventure since the Cretaceous period! Saurus Street Saurus St is just like any other street Just when Sam's finished his homework a pterodactyl flies through the window and steals it. It's the fifth piece of homework he's lost this month. He's got to get it back.

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With the help of big brother Nathan, S am builds a pterodactyl suit and sets off for Saurus Hill. But there's an egg-shaped surprise in store for them up there! Saurus Street 4 Saurus St is just like any other street When Susie won't hand over her pocket money to her mean cousin Walter, he locks her in the attic.

But when a gigantic meat-eating dinosaur turns up, Walter's the one who gets scared. And when the dinosaur gobbles up Uncle Colin, it's t ime for Susie to save the day.

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  • Saurus Street 3: The Very Naughty Velociraptor - Nick Falk - Google Книги.

Romans, rampaging triceratops and magic door handles are all part of the wildest Saurus Street adventure ever! Saurus Street 3 Saurus Street is just like any other street Tom and Tam are horrified when they find out Great Aunt Gertrude is coming to stay.

The Very Naughty Velociraptor

She's got bad breath, smelly feet and her false teeth like to bite. It's time for the twins to put their thinking caps on.

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They need to get rid of her, fast. Luckily they've got a secret weapon their very own velociraptor but it's a naughty one and it keeps getting them into trouble.