The devil has warped and twisted the minds of people as he has denied, perverted and twisted the Word of God. All this looks very grim, and it is. The kingdom does not belong to Satan ultimately. It belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. He legally purchased it back with His own blood at Calvary. The Resurrection put Gods seal upon the contract!

Now is the judgment of this world: Are your sins under the blood of Christ? Are you saved by the power of the blood? Jesus breaks the power of cancelled sin, as the hymn says. His blood can make the foulest clean. His blood availed for me. Even if it costs me my life. We overcome the devil when we who have received Christ as Lord and Savior take up and put on the whole armor of God. Before any pilot—commercial, private, or Air Force fighter jet—takes off, he runs through a checklist.

Here is your checklist! Turn to Ephesians 6 again, reviewing verses Are you wearing each piece of this armor? Notice he says here the whole armor, not just part of it. A soldier protected in one spot but vulnerable in another was going to be killed. Any time God says something once, we should pay attention. But when he repeats it twice in one paragraph , we should sit up and be on the alert!

The antidote for that is the truth.

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What did the helmet protect? He gets our thinking processes warped and tangled up when we are not seeing life through the prism of the Word of God. How does salvation protect our minds, our thinking? Salvation gives us an entirely new worldview. Did you know that the Word of God is a sword, able to take out the enemy? In all this armor, note that the Word of God Sword of the Spirit is our only offensive weapon. All the other armor is protective. But this armor goes on the offense. The Word of God is your best offensive weapon.

This is why you need to be 1 Reading the Word daily and 2 committing it to your memory. This is why Bible memorization for children is so important. Get that Sword firmly in their grasp while they are young. Quoting Scripture out loud to the devil is a battle cry he dreads. Make his minions shrink from you when you begin wielding the Sword of the Spirit and brandishing it boldly!

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Speak His Word to the devil. Speak it out loud. Here are your weapons against the devil. Here is how you overcome him: The Blood of the Lamb Are you saved? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? If so, you are under the blood and clothed in His righteousness. He sets the prisoner free! His blood can make the foulest clean! The devil hates the blood of Jesus Christ and recoils from it. The Word of your testimony Speak it boldly.

Testify directly to the devil and his minions what God has done for you. They are already a defeated foe! The Armor of God Consciously put on the armor.

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Dress yourself for the battle. Everyone can do that if you choose to. Because if we can keep them from praying, we can beat them every time. But if they pray, they'll beat us every time.

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They start to have a steady consistent walk with the Lord. It determined who would marry whom and who would do business with whom. The kingdom does not belong to Satan ultimately. You're born of a low family you're going to be no-account. I think he just meant to be insulting, like when he called Herod a fox, or when he called them blind leaders of the blind.

Which missiles have been fired recently and how far they can reach. But Adrian Rogers has famously compared prayer to a guided missile. You may want to print this off and tape it to your mirror or place it in your Bible as a reminder that you literally have at your fingertips a guided missile against the devil. Prayer is like an intercontinental ballistic missile. This kind of prayer is unstoppable. The devil can't stop me from praying.

He cannot keep my prayers from being heard.

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And he cannot keep God from answering. Then you need not fear! You need not flee! You can stand in the name of Jesus. But you're not going to stand apart from prayer. The battle is won through the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, the armor of God, the sword of the Sprit, and prayer. Turn to Matthew Who was Hell prepared for? But he is not there yet.

Write these names together as a group now to get a more complete picture: Turn to 2 Corinthians 4: What does the Bible call the devil here? How did he get to be the devil? Did God create the devil? The last part of verse13 reads: His Chief Weapon Deception. His Mode of Operation Turn to John Again, Jesus is speaking of the devil: His motive is murder.

His method is the lie. He deceives that he might deprave, destroy, and damn. Turn to 2 Corinthians 2: The apostle Paul said, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: Turn to 2 Timothy 2: His Power He has great power.

Turn to 2 Thessalonians 2: The Amplified Bible makes it clearer: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly [supernatural] places. We are not fighting against humans.

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We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world. Far from being confined somewhere in Hell, Satan operates from high places. We human beings have difficulty fully getting a grasp on who our enemy is. The battle may be within man, but it's never between men.

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The devil is a personality. He may have five thousand heads, but he has one heart.

Who is Satan?

If you question that, consider this: On the Island of Patmos, the apostle John had a vision. He saw one of the most grotesque images ever witnessed in the spirit. John wondered what these frog-like spirits were. God revealed that in the next verse.

Satan - Wikiquote

Pay attention to this: Remember 2 Corinthians 4: Your enemy is not a human being. So often the reason we don't win the battle is, we never show up for the war! We're not wrestling against flesh and blood. Turn to Revelation 9: Al this about him, taken together, tells me the devil is a master of media. The dark, somber cord of Satan's revolt. The crimson cord of blood redemption. The golden cord of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

It is the Master of the devil, the Lord Jesus Christ. You must know Christ. You must know the Master of the devil if you would overcome the devil. And you can know Him. Here is how we overcome. God gives us these power tools: What is going to happen to Satan? Now turn to Revelation Take your place and stand your ground, your feet firmly planted in the Word of God. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus… Philippians 2: The importance of the Word of God and memorizing it is a separate message all in itself!

Dear friend, you can launch this missile and… First, it can be fired from any spot, at any time, day or night. Second, it travels silently, undetected. Third, it travels swiftly—at the speed of thought. Fourth, it hits the target every time. Fifth, it can be fired with delayed detonation. He wants people to worship him and follow his evil ways. He opposes Jesus Christ —God who took on the form of a man to redeem humanity from their sin, 18 and restore their relationship with Him.

Bible Of The Devil - Flee Finale

A comparison between Jesus and Satan is given in the table below. The Bible says that Satan will continue in his rebellion against God until the very end. Near the end, a "beast" world ruler will arise from the "sea" the gentile nations , having been given power by Satan to perform signs and wonders for the world. Satan is then thrown into the Lake of Fire hell to "be tormented day and night for ever and ever. The apostle John says that believers can overcome Satan when "the word of God abides in you.

In addition, Paul tells us that the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, is our only offensive weapon against the Satan Ephesians 6: In the parable of the sower, Jesus said that there were those who heard the word of God, but failed to take it in, and so were led astray by the devil the seed that fell by the side of the road. Satan is often comically portrayed as a guy in a red devil suit. He probably likes it this way, since most people including Christians are apt to disbelieve in his existence.

As a "non-existent" force in people's lives, Satan is free to influence them without being discovered as the cause of many of their problems. However, the Bible says that Satan is a beautiful and powerful fallen angel, who would like to do nothing more than take away the joy of Christians through deception, and lead people into rebellion against God. Although Satan is destined for the Lake of Fire, biblical prophecy indicates that he will deceive entire nations and kingdoms before he is relegated to eternal damnation , along with the other fallen angels he led into rebellion against God.

Jesus replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. Reflections We are what we think. Evidence for God from Science: Apologetics Answers for Atheists Design vs. Bookmark Report page errors. Page Links Introduction Who is Satan? Satan's appearance Fall of Satan Satan's rebellion Jesus vs.

Nostradamus Predictions Something Instead of Nothing? The Trinity Who is Jesus Christ?