
Then invite them to list on the board the names of leaders in the ward, including their quorum presidency.

What does it mean to sustain my Church leaders?

What are the young men doing to sustain these people? Following the inspiration of the Spirit, select one or more that will work best for your quorum: Divide the quorum into groups, and assign each group a section of President James E.

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Synonyms for sustained at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for sustained. Definition of sustain - strengthen or support physically or mentally, undergo or suffer (something unpleasant, especially an injury), cause to continue fo.

Invite them to share what they find and to share stories from the talk that illustrate these blessings and warnings. Ask the young men to read Exodus How does this story relate to us as we sustain our Church leaders? How are we like Aaron and Hur when we sustain our quorum president and other leaders? Ask them to share their stories and explain what they teach about the consequences of rejecting or honoring Church leaders.

A capacity of a musical instrument to continue the resounding of a note or tone. The judge sustained the lawyer's objection. Switch to new thesaurus.


To keep in a condition of good repair, efficiency, or use: To keep from yielding or failing during stress or difficulty: To put up with: The branches could hardly sustain the weight of the fruit. The thought of seeing her again sustained him throughout his ordeal.

What are the Meanings of Objection Sustained and Overruled? Colorado Attorney D. J. Banovitz

References in classic literature? Pretense cannot sustain blind power.

I sustain myself with the love of family Epictetus: All philosophy lies in two words Sustain and Abstain. The votes will be there to sustain a veto, no question. Popularity rank by frequency of use sustain Please enter your email address: Are we missing a good definition for sustain?