Curvy Girls Do It Naughty: Short Erotic Romance

Buxom having a voluptuous bust and full figure. Carnal relating to the sexual and physical desires. Chesty having a well-developed or large chest or bust. Come-hither playfully expressing or showing sexual interest; seductive; alluring; coquettish.

by Ulriche Kacey Padraige

Concupiscent filled with or having a strong sexual desire; amorous; lustful. Coquettish flirtatious; playfully seductive.

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Flirtatious expressing a playful and teasing sexual attraction. Customers who bought this item also bought. Snowflake is a lovely nickname for someone that gets offended easily. Chesty having a well-developed or large chest or bust. Amazon Renewed Refurbished products with a warranty. Thank you for your feedback.

Coy acting shy or modest especially in a flirtatious way. Curvy curvaceous; buxom; having a large bosom. Delicious greatly pleasing to the eyes or senses. Desirable arousing sexual desire.

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Dirty sexually lewd, wild, shameless and libertine. Dolled up very beautiful woman; wearing make-up and fancily dressed in order to look highly attractive. Dreamboat exceptionally sexually attractive and beautiful. Enchanting fascinating; charming; alluring; ravishing. Engaging attractive and charming especially of a behavior. Enticing alluring; tempting; attracting. Erotic giving sexual pleasure or to be sexually arousing. Exquisite extremely pleasing and beautiful. Fascinating possessing the power to allure, charm or captivate.

Fetching highly attractive and capturing interest. Flirtatious expressing a playful and teasing sexual attraction. Flirty expressing a playful and teasing sexual attraction. Foxy sexually attractive woman. Frisky sexually playful, lively or stimulated. Frivolous sexually carefree and light-hearted.

Fruity sexually suggestive in style or content. Full-bosomed having a well-developed bust and pleasing womanly curves.

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Gamy sexually lively or suggestive. Glamorous stylishly beautiful and alluring; attractive in a romantic, fascinating and mysterious way; chic. Good-looking attractive or pleasing in appearance; beautiful; handsome. Handsome good-looking especially of a man. Hedonistic engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; devoted to pleasure. Horny highly sexually aroused, arousing or exciting; sexually animated or wild. Hot sexually attractive, beautiful, exciting, lively or passionate. Inviting alluring, tempting or attractive as of offering the promise of enjoyable experience. Juicy sexually or temptingly appealing.

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Curvy Girls Do It Naughty: Short Erotic Romance - Kindle edition by Ulriche Kacey Padraige. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or. Curvy Girls Do It Married and Dirty: Short Erotic Romance - Kindle edition by Ulriche Kacey Padraige. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, .

Junoesque beautiful and stately like the goddess Juno. Kinky given to or involving peculiar sexual behavior; open to new sexual experiences. Knockout an extremely attractive, beautiful or impressive person. Lascivious exciting or feeling an overt sexual desire or interest. Lewd sexually bold and promiscuous. Libertine sexually free from restrains and societal morals. Libidinous having, exhibiting or showing excessive sexual desires. Licentious sexually unrestrained as of ignoring societal standards. Lovely very attractive, beautiful, pleasant or enjoyable; an attractive female.

Lubricious sexually stimulating or arousing; wanton. Luscious sexually very attractive; seductive. Lustful showing or having a highly passionate sexual desire. Lusty showing or having a highly passionate sexual desire.

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Passionate characterized by strong sexual desire; amorous. Petite cute, attractive and slender used of a woman or girl. Piquant attractive; charming; appealingly and pleasantly provocative. Playful expressing or giving pleasure and amusement. Prepossessing appealing or attractive in appearance. Pretty attractive and pleasing in a graceful or delicate manner. Profligate openly sexually bold or flirtatious. Promiscuous unrestrained in sexual behavior. Provocative intending or intended to arouse sexual interest or desire.

Prurient having an eager desire in matters of sex. Pulchritudinous having great physical beauty and appeal. Radiant emanating great love or joy. The following are sexy and dirty nicknames you can call a guy or a lady; boyfriend, girlfriend, or any lover:. Even if you are not the possessive type, this is a fairly good pet name. It sounds a little odd, but this could work if you want to mix things up a bit. Although I have never really heard this used before, it sounds like an awesome name for a cute, quirky lover. This sounds like a rather good name for someone with blonde or light brown hair.

If you want a sexy way to tease this person, about cheeky underwear, use this. Maybe this will work for you, but Chocolate seems to lack a cuteness factor. If you are worried about using the wrong name, Cuddle Bear is a safe bet. Dearest will make her think of old-timey films and classic romances. Always an excellent choice. I like the sound of it, although you would have to give this name any real meaning. If she arrives in a red shirt and thigh-high boots, this name is for her.

Not every relationship is a good one. Use this name if you plan on not having a girlfriend for very long. It sounds adorable, but Fruit Loop sounds like an underhanded way to call her crazy. If you need something that is appropriate around your parents, try this one. A sexy name you can call a person that can sweet-talk anyone into doing their bidding.

This nickname is a bit silly, and it may not always work if you are around family members. Hot stuff is a cute nickname that still shows that you find your guy attractive. If you are growing tired of using the same old pet names, mix it up with this name. In addition to being beautiful, this pet name happens to be an accurate descriptor. This sounds extremely cute.

Curvy Girls Do It Married and Dirty: Short Erotic Romance (Electronic book text)

This could be offensive if you use it in the wrong context, so be careful. For your passionate lover, Passion Fruit is a fairly good pet name. This is adorable, but should never be used for someone who is insecure about their weight. If you are southern, this may be your version of Pumpkin. Or if you cannot say your Ps. I have no clue who uses this pet name. It sounds like a weird mix of adorable and offensive. For relationships that are primarily sexual, Sex Kitten is a great nickname. For a great lover, with a sexual drive that never seems to run out of juice.

For the casual relationship, Sexy is a great pet name. It can be modified with almost any word to create an entirely new pet name. Sexy Diva, Sexy Man.

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Snowflake is a lovely nickname for someone that gets offended easily. Keep it short and simple with just Snuggles.

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If you are trying to make fun of her, you can use this. Otherwise, you should avoid it. If you are in the US, a biscuit is a cookie.


If you are in the UK, a biscuit is delicious. This sounds too much like a cuss word to be a good nickname but it is a hot name. If you like pet names that involve the word kitten, this should work for you. There are so many ways to modify Sweet. This is one of the best pet names if want to have the option of mixing it up easily.