Opening to the Infinite

Natural Remote Viewing

Words are powerful clues, but the spaces between the words are often even more potent. But it was deeper than that. I could sense the guilt and shame she carried; she felt like a failure as a mother. She had no idea just how deep her struggle was; she was lost in it, and had lost sight of how to find her true self again. I just want to end it.

Opening To The Infinite

I wanted to reach through the phone and give her a well-deserved hug—I wanted to give back her true self. We must each reach for ourselves. Sometimes my work is to comfort the afflicted, but often it is to afflict the comfortable—to shake up the familiar, albeit limited, patterns. It can be the only way to find your true self. I let that sink in, expecting a mini-rebellion.

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As a byproduct, the universal laws will continue to operate to draw to you—or, more accurately, from you—everything you need to achieve your true potential. Hanane marked it as to-read Nov 04, We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The signs of your true Self were there from the beginning. Charles Tart, PhD Author of: Can the nurture argument really explain that?

Instead I got silence. I think she was waiting for the punch line. I nearly killed myself twice trying to improve myself! Like Gandhi said, you must become the change you want to see in the world. Of course, in truth you already are the change you want to see… you just need to know it.

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Many of us have since we lost our true selves. Grab hold of them and they can stop a downward spiral away from your true spiritual self. A perfect pattern and a divine intelligence that knows how to bring it into expression. A pause is a wonderful thing. It allows things to sink in, or things to rise up.

The result is what appears to be more things coming to you, but is really more of you emerging. I knew she wanted to hear a definite yes, and in my heart I wanted to give it to her. She needed to dig deeper if she was going to experience lasting change and rediscover how to find her true self. For her, she attached it all to having a successful business, or more accurately, money. And, in some cases, it works initially. Meaning, she changed the world outside but remained the same inside.

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She was bumping up against a primary problem with many personal development strategies: In other words, instead of struggling physically to manipulate circumstances, the individual struggles mentally and emotionally to achieve the same results. What we create will always be congruent with our current self-image, so any improvement we attempt will still carry the underlying fears and limited beliefs we have about our true selves, which can only lead to the same stress and struggle. At worst, these efforts can actually magnify our underlying issues and create even bigger problems down the road.

In contrast, when we recognize that everything we need is already within us, and begin to reconnect to that feeling of innate wholeness and perfection—the way we felt toward that baby—we lay the foundation for the Law of Emergence to operate a process that is about becoming or rather, revealing more of who you truly are, unleashing your infinite, often imprisoned, potential. On this path, there is never a danger of going the wrong way or hitting a dead end, because, rather than trying to fix, correct, or fill in something that is missing, the Law of Emergence holds that, when you cultivate your inner conditions, your next evolutionary stage will unfold organically.

And because your next stage is already within you, it will arrive whole, bringing with it everything needed for the fulfillment of your true self. As larger paradigms are discovered, previous ideas are often folded into them. Likewise, the Law of Emergence contains the principles of planning, action, attraction, self-awareness, spiritual connection, and all the other elements necessary to creating the life you deeply desire.

As a byproduct, the universal laws will continue to operate to draw to you—or, more accurately, from you—everything you need to achieve your true potential. Just as a tree may need additional support to hold it upright while it grows through certain stages, so do we. Every stage of our development serves a purpose in getting us to the next level. Babies crawl before they walk, cry before they talk, and play with blocks before constructing a building.

The key is to not become attached to or overly identified with any practice or condition. Just keep ascending higher. A growth spurt, if you will.

Opening to the Infinite : Human Multidimensional Potential

Emergence works whether or not you know how or why, but having this foundation tends to make it work better, faster, and more consistently. There may be times when you become confused or frustrated with the ideas being presented. It means that a new, higher idea is trying to emerge through old conditioned thinking. I invite you to use this as an opportunity to dig your roots deeper into your true self through journaling and further contemplation. Often, this results in breakthrough insights, life-changing paradigm shifts, and new ways of seeing and being in the world.

Let the seeds of these ideas fall upon the fertile soil of your soul, water them with your willingness to grow, and keep plowing forward. This is a path of revelation; you will be revealed to yourself. So what happened to Bonnie? The thing she thought she needed—improving her business—did not happen.

Instead, she got a job that paid the bills, which gave her enough relief to get back in touch with one of her true loves—music. We are born blank slates, empty shells, and must make something of ourselves—internally and externally. Whether or not you consciously buy into that B. Meeting our expanding needs is a necessary and even noble goal, but if the underlying beliefs and value systems guiding it are in opposition to the fundamental harmony of the universe, it will ultimately result in more suffering and limitation, and a disconnect from our true selves.

So, what does the acorn principle have to do with this? For one, it reveals how to harness the power of the universe rather than oppose it. Clear, concise, explanations about what science has to say about nonlocal awareness, and how one opens to it using scientifically validated protocols.

The importance of meditation in opening to nonlocal consciousness, as well as a technique for Western minds. How to put these abilities to practical use in fields as diverse as business, medicine, and crime solving.

Opening to the Infinite with Stephan Schwartz

Published first published February 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Opening To The Infinite , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Opening To The Infinite. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Kay rated it it was amazing Dec 20, Ruth Finnegan rated it it was amazing Oct 23, Kirby Coe rated it it was amazing Jan 30, Beth rated it it was amazing Aug 10, Brian Levine rated it really liked it Dec 07, Miguel Baptista rated it really liked it Aug 30, Jewel marked it as to-read Nov 23, Joe marked it as to-read Sep 05, John Lardee marked it as to-read Feb 18, This is the finest course on remote viewing available, and the only one to actually be taught in colleges in the USA and Canada.

Opening to the Infinite By Stephan A. Tuesday , March 16 th , Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google. Follow me on Academia. Nemoseen Media Nemoseen Media offers you print and electronic media concerning extraordinary human functioning, particularly Remote Viewing.

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