Liberale Theologie in Jena (Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann) (German Edition)

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For the function of the Old Testament within the Christian canon, see Grenholm For the biblical impact on modern civilization from a Jewish perspective, see Silvan The importance of certain Weberian facets for the legal history of the Occident is demonstrated by Werner Gephart , — For the religious dimensions to the legitimation of human rights, see van der Vyver and Witte , especially D.

Samuel 1,3; Weber a, — For Caspari, the Yahweh confederation, founded in the desert, originally had a purely cultic character; only later, in Palestine, was it transformed into a military confederacy. Following form-critical insights Koch , 26—31 , Noth treated these traditions as if they only held interest as narratives from the amphictyony.

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The basic structure of the amphictiony hypothesis had already been outlined by Alt But, unlike Old Testament scholarship, this radically critical approach did not achieve success in New Testament studies. The most critical factor affecting this revision in Old Testament scholarship was the archaeological insight that there was continuity in the material culture between the late Bronze Age and the early Iron Age, along with the epigraphic and iconographic real- ization that the religions of Israel and Judah through the seventh century bce were polytheistic and deeply rooted in the religious traditions of the ancient Near East.

For a survey of the ongoing discussions about writing a history of Israel, see Grabbe Dever ; and Ian W. Von Rad, a disciple of Albrecht Alt, was also inluenced by Weber, which can be seen as early as in his study on Deuteronomy von Rad , ; see also Otto d.

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For the state of debate, see Otto a , with additional literature. The interpretation of post- exilic Jewry as an unpolitical religious pariah community was, to some degree, the result of projecting the status of Jewry from Western Christian culture backward into biblical times. The result was an inadequate descrip- tion of post-Exilic Jewry in the Persian province Yehud, which Weber based on Eduard Meyer , , who had a better access to the his- torical sources showing the impact of Persian administration on post-Exilic Judaism than did Julius Wellhausen But any knowledge about the structure of this administration based on actual Persian, rather than bibli- cal, documents was rather fragile at the outset of the twentieth century.

One was Theodor Mommsen, the historian who, like Weber, came from the ield of juris- prudence and again like Weber had used a legal framework to structure his history of Rome. Weber transferred this approach to his sociological account of the inter- actions between social and religious developments in Israel.

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Today this methodology is more important than ever. The function of legal collec- tions, especially in the book of Deuteronomy and Priestly code to name just two important foundational texts , is not just to provide a frame- work for the literary history of the Pentateuch Otto ; they also help give us a new history of religious institutions in Judaism E.

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Otto b, 60 For the state of discussion, see Carter ; Karrer The authors of the post-Exilic Pentateuch were answering the ques- tion: The authors of the Pentateuch solved this problem by combining Deuteronomy with the Priestly Code, using scribal techniques to smooth over the tensions between these two instructions. This post-Exilic challenge became the cradle of Jewish scribal erudition as well as the origin of rabbinic tra- ditions Otto f.

Hence, any irrational charis- matic experience attributed to prophecy must be seen as something hid- den behind a rational interpretation of divine action based on the values of a meta-historical worldview Koch Even more important is the fact that the prophetical books of the Hebrew Bible were not simply col- lections of prophetic utterances but also and primarily literary products of schools and intellectual writers from the Exilic and especially post- Exilic period.

Mohr Paul Siebeck , — It would require another essay to explore that ield more thoroughly. International Law in Antiquity, Cambridge: Amerikanische religionswissenschaftliche Vorlesungen, 2nd edn, Giessen: Shefield Academic Press Series. Society of Biblical Literature. Interpretation und Kritik, Frankfurt am Main: Dempf, Alois , Religionssoziologie, Hochland 18 6 , — Shefield Academic Press, — Finkelstein, Israel and Neil Asher Silberman. Orientalische Literaturen, 2nd edn, Leipzig: Shefield Academic Press, 11— Hanke, Edith and Wolfgang J. Hennis, Wilhelm , Max Webers Fragestellung.

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Untersuchungen zur Religionsgeschichte Israels, Leipzig: Eine Studie zu Symeon, dem neuen Theologen, Leipzig: Ein Beitrag zur modernen Verfassungsgeschichte, 2nd edn, Leipzig: The Work of Antonin Causse, Wiesbaden: Das antike Judentum, Der Jude. Das Judentum im Urteil deutscher Alttestamentler. Zur Kritik theologischer Geschichtsschreibung, Berlin: Institut Kirche und Judentum. Eine Biographie, 2nd edn, Munich: Methodological Foundations, in Johan D.

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Essays in Honour of E. Eine historische Untersuchung, Halle: Covenant and Theology in the Old Testament, Oxford: Altes Testament, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, vol.

Genese und Geltung, Baden-Baden: Annuario di ermeneutica giuridica 4: Interpretazione del sacre e interpre- tazione giuridica, Milan — Otto, Eckart b, Human Rights: Recht- und Literaturhistorische Studien zum Deuteronomium, Wiesbaden: Religion Israels, in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, vol. Otto, Eckart d, Gerhard von Rad als Deuteronomiumskommentator.

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Geburtstags Gerhard von Rads — Heidelberg, Max Weber, Die Wirtschaftethik der Weltreligionen. Schriften und Reden —, ed.

Schriften und Reden —, vol. Schriften und Reden — , vol. Geschichte und Legende, Munich: Die Leidenschaft des Denkens, Munich: Einleitung und politische Geschichte, 4th edn, Leipzig: Zur Zeitgeschichte des modernen Wirtschaftsmenschen, Munich: Ein philosophisch-historischer Kommentar, Basel: Das logische Problem der Geschichtsphilosophie, Gesammelte Schriften, vol. Legal Perspectives, The Hague: Materialien zur Kritik und Rezeption, Munich: Loening, 3rd edn, vol. Die Protagonisten Richard A. Read more Read less.

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