In Psalm 83 , "thy people" is Israel. The following passages support the Church being the "hidden ones," as they describe God's people being "hidden" during the Tribulation:. That is, they will make a "crafty counsel" against His people and against His "hidden ones. Recall that the rapture is possibly the "sudden destruction" on the world when they are trying to force Israel to divide the land for "peace and safety":.

As described in Psalm 83 , Israel's enemies will make a "tumult. A "tumult" describes a violent and noisy uprising. In this case, it is Israel's enemy neighbors making a "tumult. In the first months of the year most of the nations listed in Psalm 83 , and several in the "Gog and Magog War," started uprisings against their political leaders, dubbed the "Arab Spring.

The coming "cruel master" might be the antichrist who eventually conquers the entire Middle East, or possibly the "king of the south" who rules over Egypt before the conquest of the antichrist Daniel Some believe the "Arab Spring" fulfilled the first few verses of Isaiah 19 and they thought President Morsi might become the "fierce king.

I am suspicious of this "Muslim Brotherhood" becoming a major participant in the "crafty counsel" of Psalm 83 along with other radical groups such as ISIS in Syria. Pastor John Courson presented an excellent teaching about Egypt in prophecy and how it ties into Muslim eschatology and history. If you want to better understand what is going on in the Middle East, it is well worth the hour and twenty minutes of your time: When God rescues Israel in the "Great Middle East War," Isaiah tells us that the nations will "rush like the rushing of many waters" and "make a noise like the roar of the seas.

God is the one who judges these nations, but we see in the passages below, Israel is God's weapon: Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope.

Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. For I have bent Judah, My bow, fitted the bow with Ephraim, and raised up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and made you like the sword of a mighty man. From him comes the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler together.

They shall be like mighty men, who tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle. They shall fight because the LORD is with them, and the riders on horses shall be put to shame. I will bring them back, because I have mercy on them.

Israel punished

Those of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as if with wine. Yes, their children shall see it and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the LORD. The theme of "fire" found in many of the parallel passages of the "Great Middle East War," and the destruction described, suggest that Israel will use nuclear weapons. Ironically, every time Israel's enemies have attacked them on a large-scale, it has ended in victory for Israel and their borders have increased; the "Great Middle East War" is no different. The land that Israel gains in the war is the same area of land promised to Abraham.

Lebanon is on the list of nations that God left to test Israel Judges 3: Later Lebanon was an ally during the reigns of David and Solomon. Israel will take Lebanon Zarephath as spoil Obadiah 1: If you compare the map below on the left to the maps of the millennial land grant above, and the greatest extend of the kingdom under David and Solomon, as shown below on the map on the right, you will notice that it is slightly larger and includes Lebanon.

While the eastern extent of the millennial land grant is not really known, the area of Jordan will become a "perpetual waste" Ezekiel 35 , Zephaniah 2: The land expansion for Israel after the war suggests that the Abrahamic land covenant will most likely be the covenant confirmed in Daniel 9 , after the "Great Middle East War. The person that brokers the covenant with Israel will become the antichrist. As shown in the "Nationality of the Antichrist" study, whomever becomes the antichrist will probably come out of the Middle East, from a neighboring country to Israel. I do not believe he will be the Muslim messiah "Mahdi" , as Islam will be severely judged at the beginning of the Tribulation.

The future antichrist could be someone who is prominent today, or someone behind the scenes. I suspect that Iraq is going to become unstable, since the U. It would not surprise me if the leadership collapses, especially if there is nuclear war in the Middle East.

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A strong leader will have to step in quick because we know that Iraq will become a great and prosperous nation during the Tribulation Revelation I believe that the antichrist could initially become the new leader of Iraq after the "Great Middle East War.

The antichrist's global capital will be Babylon Revelation I could see that for the interim period before the start of his global conquest Daniel 11 , the antichrist would rule over what could be called "New Assyria," with its capital being "New Babylon. There is a notion based on John 5: Because many Jews believe that the Messiah will build the temple in the Millennium based on Zechariah 6: Perhaps, the covenant confirmed by the antichrist with Israel will include a disarmament agreement in exchange for permission to rebuild the Jewish temple.

Incidentally, the United Nations continues to push for disarmament across the globe to establish "peace and security" in the world source. In other words, the Middle East would consist of four kingdoms, three of which we find in Daniel Egypt is not listed as an aggressor in Psalm Recall from earlier, Egypt will be in a state of civil war before the "cruel master" takes over Isaiah Egypt embroiled in a civil war may explain their absence in the "crafty council" of Psalm Some believe that the Hagrites in Psalm 83 represent Egypt because Hagar was originally from Egypt, but history and the Bible show that the Hagrites migrated east of Israel:.

I believe it is a stretch to say that the largely unknown Hagrites represent Egypt, as Egypt is otherwise a very prominent country throughout the Bible. Let me explain it in a different way:. The point here is that we need to look at where the Hagrites migrated and settled, not where they originated from.

While Egypt is not listed as an aggressor in Psalm 83 , a parallel passage in Zechariah 10 shows that God will judge Egypt at the same time He judges Assyria. While this passage reaches out to the Millennium , Egypt is still a neighboring enemy of Israel that will receive judgment at some point after the global exile, as shown in the passage below:. The judgment on Egypt seems to have something to do with the Nile River. Here is another unfulfilled prophecy about the Nile that appears to take place at the time of the "Great Middle East War":.

Notice that this battle will come after the people of Israel return from global exile. This battle is against Israel's enemies to the south. Destruction of the tongue of the Nile Delta will occur when Israel comes against the people in the west Palestinians in Gaza? It says that God will destroy it with His mighty wind, or whirlwind. But God also said that He will use Israel to judge the nations around them. Perhaps the mighty wind will be a nuclear blast set off close to the Nile Delta.

Sudan and Iraq also receive collateral damage Zephaniah 2. While it is true that the Assyrians ruled over Babylon before the Babylonian empire rose, the heart of the Assyrian empire covered northern Syria and western Iraq. This is important to note, because Assyria is in the Psalm 83 confederacy.

I do not believe Iraq as a nation will be an aggressor in that conflict. Iraq is better represented by the heart of the ancient area of Babylon, which is not in view in the parallel passages to Psalm However, the area of Mosul is in western Iraq and is the same area of ancient Nineveh which gets destroyed in the "Great Middle East War. In recent history, the Kurds have occupied the ancient area of Nineveh. The Kurds have continuously struggled with both Turkey and the rest of Iraq. There have even been proposals made to allow the Kurds to break away and be their own country.

If this occurs before the "Great Middle East War," I wouldn't rule out their direct involvement in the Psalm 83 coalition, as politically they could be considered the heart of ancient Assyria along with Syria.

Another possibility is that rebels aligned with the other Psalm 83 aggressors take over the western part of Iraq before the "Great Middle East War. Note that Babylon is not mentioned in the Psalm 83 confederacy. So if the Iraq insurgency is prophetic, the rebels will not take eastern Iraq. If this is the case, Nineveh's destruction is not collateral damage, but a target of war.

The last seven years before Jesus returns officially begins when the antichrist brokers a peace covenant with Israel Daniel 9. The book of Revelation describes God's judgment on the earth during these seven years. I believe that the "Gog and Magog War" fulfills some of the Seal judgments, as discussed in Revelation 6. God will supernaturally defeat the remaining Islamic nations in this war, in addition to Russia, as they come against Israel.

A Russian leader known as Gog, will lead this military alliance. There are at least five prerequisites of the state of Israel before the "Gog and Magog War" can take place:. Israel is doing rather well economically and they have recovered from several wars. However, Israel is not living securely with the threat looming by her immediate neighbors. The "Great Middle East War" will wipe out the threat from her neighbors.

In addition, Israel's borders will expand east of the Dead Sea, and as a result, Israel's wealth will vastly increase. Without a doubt, the increase in the size of Israel's real estate alone will dramatically increase their wealth. Joel Rosenberg predicts that the one thing that could really make Israel's wealth increase would be if they found oil. There have been rumors over the past few years that Israel had found a large amount of oil. But recent news reports have said that Israel has discovered enough oil that they could become an exporter of it source.

Russia will hesitantly be drawn into leading the war, probably because of the alliances they've made with Iran, Sudan, and Libya over the last several years. However, if Israel has plenty of spoils for the taking i. The devastation on Israel described in the "Great Middle East War" will be difficult to recover from, especially population-wise. However, the likely rise in anti-Semitism after the war will probably force much of the rest of the world's Jews to move to Israel for safety. God has allowed persecution of the Jews time and again over the past century, to re-gather them home:.

Notice in the passage above, Israel will dwell securely only after God executes judgment on her neighbors who despise them. After the "Great Middle East War," when God judges Israel's neighbors, the Jewish people will feel secure for the first time since their return from exile, as shown in Ezekiel Keep in mind that Israel "dwelling securely" is a prerequisite before the "Gog and Magog War.

In other words, Israel may feel secure, but may not actually be secure after God judges their neighbors. The passages below show that Gog and his defeated armies will have a burial-place in Israel, but east of the Dead Sea, which today is under Jordanian rule. Therefore, Israel will own this land before the "Gog and Magog War": Therefore they will call it the Valley of Hamon Gog.

There is support for this notion in the following passages which describe the covenant brokered by the antichrist:. Isaiah chapters are about God's judgment on Israel and the "whole earth," which places these prophecies in the Tribulation period. It appears that Israel makes the "covenant with death" because they mistakenly believe it will make them secure by becoming a refuge for them.

The problem is that Israel will not seek security in God, even though God will come to their rescue when they cry out to Him during the "Great Middle East War. Israel's immediate neighbors are conspicuously missing from the list, suggesting that the "Great Middle East War" occurs first, before the "Gog and Magog War. However, they have supported the inner-ring of Israel's enemies, including the terrorist groups who have been, in effect, fighting a proxy war for this outer ring of nations, namely Iran. I believe that the kingdoms of the north and the south described in Daniel 11 will form after the "Great Middle East War" as part of the covenant made with Israel.

That could be a reason they are not mentioned in the "Gog and Magog War. Perhaps disarmament of Israel is in the peace covenant, if the United Nations has their say source. If so, the antichrist and "the many" would pave the way for the next war. In other words, the antichrist might say to the Jews: Most of the western world gave permission for Israel to become a nation, but stepped aside when the surrounding Muslim nations came together against the newly born nation. All the nations in these two wars are Islamic, except Russia. However, while Russians largely profess Orthodox Christianity, the government is atheistic and the Islamic population is growing rapidly there.

After God pours out His judgment in these two wars, both Islam and atheism will virtually cease-to-exist:. The void in "religion" made by the rapture, the "Great Middle East War," and the "Gog and Magog War," will allow for the "Mystery Babylon" religion to rise during the first half of the Tribulation.

Putting the prophetic puzzle pieces together

Later, the antichrist will do away with this mystic religion and claim himself as God. The good news, is that many will come to know and worship the true God and not follow the "Mystery Babylon" religion. God will not only "reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth," He will also reveal Himself again to the Jewish people.

A dispensation change will take place because God will call Israel His people again. This supports the "Gog and Magog War" occurring after the Tribulation starts:. God's purpose of the "Gog and Magog War" and the rest of the Tribulation is to bring the Jews to a saving knowledge of Jesus as Messiah before He establishes His earthly kingdom. As God turns back to Israel and pours out judgment and wrath on their enemies, these two wars will likely usher in the Tribulation, where God will test and refine Israel before they accept Jesus as Messiah Zechariah The events of "Daniel's 70th Week" will begin in Israel, expand out globally, and return back to Israel in Armageddon right before Jesus returns.

Israel is clearly the "epicenter" of prophecy:. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. Putting the prophetic puzzle pieces together. Ancient Land of Edom.

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Israel's War of Independence Expanding War from the Epicenter. Putting the prophetic puzzle pieces together The following is a comprehensive summary compiled from the three following studies: First a little history Several prophets foretold that there would be two separate exiles of the two Israeli kingdoms, one to Assyria and the other to Babylon. Our generation has seen fulfillment of the prophecy of the Jews returning to the land in unbelief: Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry.

And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?

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I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.

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They indeed say, 'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off! I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. While the complete fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 will come at the end of the Tribulation, we have already been witness to the people of Israel returning as one nation, under one government; not two nations, as was the case after the reign of Solomon: They shall be safe in their land; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

And they shall no longer be a prey for the nations, nor shall beasts of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and no one shall make them afraid. I will raise up for them a garden of renown, and they shall no longer be consumed with hunger in the land, nor bear the shame of the Gentiles anymore. Wikipedia Due to conflict with the Arabs, Great Britain handed the issue over to the United Nations, who further partitioned the land, as shown on the map to the left. For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown.

I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, all of it; and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bear young; I will make you inhabited as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginnings. Ancient Land of Edom Ironically, it was the improvement in the land after the Jews began their return from exile in the 19th century that drew in the Arab people from the surrounding regions. The wording about deception and laying a trap supports the notion that the "tents of Edom" are pawns, or bait in a trap being set for Israel: How his hidden treasures shall be sought after!

All the men in your confederacy shall force you to the border; the men at peace with you shall deceive you and prevail against you. Those who eat your bread shall lay a trap for you. No one is aware of it. In doing so, they blaspheme the truth of God's Word: I have heard all your blasphemies which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, 'They are desolate; they are given to us to consume.

These "ancient heights" are the Golan Heights and the mountains in the West Bank: Thus says the Lord GOD: The ancient heights have become our possession,'"' therefore prophesy, and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: Thus says the Lord GOD to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, the valleys, the desolate wastes, and the cities that have been forsaken, which became plunder and mockery to the rest of the nations all around - therefore thus says the Lord GOD: My people Israel; they shall take possession of you, and you shall be their inheritance; no more shall you bereave them of children.

However, they are acting in opposition to God's will, so destruction will come on those who try: And they shall not escape. Then it shall be, after I have plucked them out, that I will return and have compassion on them and bring them back, everyone to his heritage and everyone to his land. In other words, the "curse for curse" clause against Abraham and his descendants never expired and continues to this day: This is not the case when God curses a nation as punishment for touching the "apple of His eye," and doing what is necessary to carry out His will and plan: For surely I will shake My hand against them, and they shall become spoil for their servants.

What is yet to come? The "Great Middle East War" Old Testament prophecies predict a war that will threaten Israel's existence to the point that they will have no choice but to unleash what they call the "Samson Option" ; taking down their enemies with massive retaliation in the form of nuclear warfare.

The following scriptures describe this "Great Middle East War": Selah By comparing an ancient map to a current map, it is easy to find the political areas that come against Israel in the "Great Middle East War. While this event appears to be part of the war itself, some believe this event will lead to the "crafty counsel" of Psalm 83 who come together against Israel in the " Great Middle East War ," which God uses to judge Israel's neighbors: Then they shall know that I am the Lord their God.

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