Mestres da Espionagem Digital (Portuguese Edition)

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Modelos de Jornalismo Digital. De acordo com canavilhas Questionou-se aos inquiridos sobre o tempo que despendem no Facebook. Do total dos inquiridos, obtivemos: Bibliograia e fontes consultadas aguado, j. Nuevas oportunidades y nuevos retos para el sector audiovisual. A sociedade de consumo.

Do jornalismo online ao webjornalismo: Hoje pode-se fazer com o celular uma fotograia de futebol, por exemplo. Por isso, ele classiica o fotojornalismo em duas vertentes: Doutor itamar de morais nobre. Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo — sbpjor, v. Nos quadros, semanais e inal, optamos apenas por apresentar os elementos narrativos que tenham sido observados.

Se, como airmam Canavilhas e Satuf , p. Podemos dividir as pautas em dois tipos: Depois disso, o processo torna-se reticular. Como assinalado anteriormente, os proissionais saem em busca de suas fontes para consolidar a proposta. The fundamentals of Multimedia Reporting. Apoiados sobre os resultados da icha, concordamos com as autoras. The Case of Localization. What the Internet Is Hiding from You. Hacia um nuevo sistema digital. Towards a Sociological Theory of the Mobile Phone. Journalism Practice, 6, De medios de masas a medios personales.

Sensemaking of the Mobile Media R evolution. Paulo e Folha de S. Brazilian Journalism Research, 9, Four Dimensios of Journalistic Convergence: A preliminary approach to current media trends at Spain. Qualquer pessoa, a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar, pode testemunhar um qualquer acontecimento que regista e partilha. Differently from action of transpose of content from a media to another. Retrieved November 15, , from http: That is Internet of Things borowicz, However, there is a great dificulty for that the local information is shared and debated in a synergistic manner, despite how the traditional media supports local area in its news portals.

This news business model is not suficient to leverage a conversation about local issues of collective interest. When this condition is fulilled, the concept named Hyperlocal is used to describe it. The deinition to Hyperlocal concept has changed during the last years, altering its meaning to others conceptions. According to Metzgar et al. However, this deinition is well accepted in studies about the representation of communities via networks.

This paper adopts the scope that deines Hyperlocal Communication focused in a small geographic area, allowing the concept of hyperlocal journalism to emerge by connected digital systems that concentrate local information of social relevance. While highly effective dissemination can take place in community forums, face to face, or newsletters, online hyperlocal communication tools can 9 john, p.

When citizens can get relevant local information socially and in a structured way, it allows better decision making and the belonging sensation, bringing the communities together for good decisions. When aggregating these data, an image of a city emerges. When set up for such, another important characteristic this technology is to access information in real time.

The real time is an attribute of great signiicance to information about local events. When detecting these events on a city level, various types should be considered: When it utilizes a mobile service, this fraction fraction of queries with local intent may be twice as high. This approach can be by speciic focus on journalism or not. Why the internet of things narrative has to change. Drawing on mobile crowds via social media.

Multimedia Systems, 18 1 , 53— Durante a semana analisada, os gols dos jogos que envolvem os principais times de porto alegre foram disponibilizados para escuta sob demanda. Aqui desenham-se os peris das emissoras. Datos de libre acceso del Banco Mundial: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture. El consumo de Internet en el mundo. Um resultado que signiicou o aumento de 21 por cento face ao ano transato. Citizen Jounalism - Global Perspetives. Collaborative Online News Production. Amateur Images and Global News.

How Facebook is chaging the way its users consume journalism. Australian Journalism Review 23 2 , pp. Revista Contracampo, 28 3 , Santiago de compostela, espanha: Ela destaca como pontos fundamentais a periodicidade, o formato e a heterogeneidade. Para ela, se enquadram nesta categoria apenas aquelas que foram feitas para ser digitais e competem por leitores e anunciantes online.

The Language of Magazines. A New Deinition of Digital Magazines. Jornalismo em revistas no Brasil: Magazines In The Twentieth Century. The Future of the Digital Magazine: How to develop the digital magazine from a reader and advertiser point of view.

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Mestres da Espionagem Digital (Portuguese Edition) [Master Zion] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Escrito pelo hacker Master_Zion, este . Mestres da espionagem digital - Ebook written by Master_Zion. bookmark or take notes while you read Mestres da espionagem digital. Portuguese.

What is a Magazine? Publishing consultant offers six properties—all platform neutral. O texto em revista. Dispositivo de acesso — Abril de Visitas computadores de mesa desktop Para Palamedi , p. Revistas digitais para Ipad e outros tablets: Os Elementos do Jornalismo. Sur le journalisme, About journalism, Sobre jornalismo, 3 2 , Duas telas, dois caminhos: Design de sites web mobiles e de softwares aplicativos para jornalismo digital em base de dados. Mobile communication and society: Examining the inluences of news use patterns, motivations, and age cohort on mobile news use: Telematics and Informatics, 26, Brazilian Journalism Research, 5 2 , Eu fiz uma descoberta hoje.

Eu encontrei um computador. Ele faz o que eu quero. Ou pensa que eu sou mais inteligente Sim, eu sou um criminoso. Nidin Sanches Designer assistente: It is dedicated to conceiving and producing artistic and commercial works, films, videos, animations, illustrations, photographs, writings, and sounds of varied species. Artist, born in Belo Horizonte, he has joined several exhibitions, artist residencies and have been granted awards and scholarships in Brazil and abroad. He is currently developing the works "Useless Machines" and "Traslador".

Hacking the Future of Money" Pluto Press: Ele bloga no suitpossum. Hacking the Future of Money". He blogs at suitpossum. Trabalha com audiovisual e suportes interativos. Works with audiovisual and interactive media. He has directed short films and two interactive feature films. He is a programmer, with a B. He is a teacher at Oi Kabum! He is born in Belo Horizonte and graduated in Communications. He is an audiovisual artist that works in different media, from paper to video. Toca na banda de hardcore Vulgaris. He plays in the hardcore band Vulgaris. Researcher and articulator of projects related to collaborative and free production networks, independent media, free software and critical appropriation of technology.

Produtora cultural e roteirista audiovisual. Cultural producer and screenwriter. Audiovisual artist and researcher. He lectures at UFRB. Computer scientist, designer, artist, gambiologist. He's the editor of Facta. Foi um dos fundadores do Re: He works since with collaboration, emerging behaviors and remix of several languages in visual arts, design and music. He was a founder of the Re: Foi guitarrista da banda Negroove e do coletivo re: Potiparapernambahian musician, Master in Computer Science from UFPE, researcher of computer graphics, computer music and interactive systems.

He has been a guitar player at Negroove band and Re: Specialized in frontiers, she works within the greatest fields of Art, Education, Technology and Culture. Nasceu em Bilbao, Espanha, em She is an independent cultural researcher, curator and producer working at the crossroads of media, techno-science, gender studies and cultural policies.

He is interested in the crosspollination of the concepts and practices between online and nononline worlds. Member of the Bahian Academy of Science. He is the editor of the entreideias magazine: Author of hundreds of articles in technical magazines of electronics and mechatronics. He has over published books in Brazil and abroad. Conducts research and works in the fields of Anthropology, Arts and Visual Languages, related to urban issues, social and cultural diversity, as well as the occupation of public space. Graphic artist, gambiologist, light designer, art director, collector of collections.

Digital culture activist, programmer, social media consultant and natural born provocateur. He is the LabHacker director. She coordinates and participates in research projects and experimentation in art and digital culture in Brazil and abroad, such as: Artist, Professor and curator. He was the creator of collective projects of experimentation and reflection on electronic art such as FAQ and Arte. Azucrinist who makes sure to waste his time between drawing letters and messing up everything possible as his alter-ego Azucrina!

Em texto amplamente divulgado, diz: Fundado em Em , integrantes do grupo L0pht dissesetembro de , o CCC esteve envolvido ram, diante do Congresso Americano, que eles no primeiro caso de cyberespionagem poderiam derrubar a internet em 30 minutos. Em , Robert Tappan Morris foi condenado por fraude em computadores.

Phreaker Hacker especializado em telefonia. Snowden encontra-se exilado em Moscou. SYSTEMS Currently widespread in the world media, linked to political and economic spheres, the concept of hacker has, in its origin, been used to name makeshifters. The term "hacker" can commonly be associated with the one responsible for that virus that appeared on your computer, with the person or group that invaded a particular site or news network, with who has appropriated sensitive data from a company, with piracy in the virtual environment, with Julian Assange, with the Anonymous.

All these relationships are correct, but the concept of "hacking" is much broader and deeper than cyberactivism on one hand, or digital crime on the other.

Even this antagonism, in fact, narrows the understanding about the hacker culture and practice. Pioneers in line Rewinding history back to the s may help to understand the origins, development, settings and all that now orbits the hacker concept - a term which its lexicon can either mean dry cut, abrupt, or makeshift. It was a group of train modellers from the Tech Model Railroad Club, associated to the MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology , who first embodied the word "hack" to describe what they were doing - basically creating quick, timely and efficient adjustments for rail operational control systems.

An epic TMRC act was when they used a switching telephone station that had been thrown away to control their models deviations, what allowed them to create a much greater model than any other of their time at whimsy cost. The hacker, at that time, was the guy who make changes in electronic relays which control trains.

It wasn't therefore connected to computers, as, in general, it is conceived today. From this origin, one of many possible definitions is that a hacker is someone who makes a system act in a way that wasn't expected by its designer, someone who might be able to master a system behavior, or of a part of it, in addition to what its creator had originally thought. A widely publicized text says: It accomplishes the desired goal without Despite often being at odds with the design of the larger system, a hack is generally quite clever and effective.

Enthusiasts of new technologies came together in to debate the construction of personal computers. These meetings, which continued until , booted the presentation of DIY computer prototypes, for the exchange of hardware parts and information about ongoing projects. The main objective of the Club was to make technology understandable and accessible to anyone, besides encouraging the use of personal computers to perform daily tasks.

Today, the co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, attributes to this first meeting one of the main inspirations for the development of the Apple I. From the 's, this same group plus other enthusiasts expanded the focus, centering the attention not only in hardware but also in software.

With the expansion and popularity of home computers, the fertile ground for the emergence and strengthening of the hacker idea more directly related to the information technology environment was created. Already in that moment it was possible to identify the "good" hacker, which, alike the modelers of the Tech Model Railroad.

Club, created ad hoc adjustments in digital systems, eventually helping to shape or develop software, and the "evil" hacker called "cracker" , which employed their ability to intervene and modify a digital system with malicious intent. Insecurity in the network In the sphere of computing, many hackers share information and collaborate on common projects, including conferences, activism and creation of open software, constituting a community with culture, ideology and specific motivations. This applies both to Anonymous - the global community of activists involved in diverse causes, such as the fight for freedom of expression, and whose emblem is the mask of Guy Fawkes character, from comic books and from the movie "V for Vendetta"- or as the Chaos Computer Club CCC - an association of hackers created in Germany aiming to guarantee freedom of access to information, freedom of expression and transparency of governments around the world.

Founded in September , the CCC has been involved in the first case of international cyberespionage: Since organizations that act independently exist, such as CCC or crackers, there is also concern about security in the technological realm, since companies and governments are possible targets. As the sophistication of the hackers grew, they began to enter police and judiciary radars. In the 80s and 90s, American and British MPs have passed laws allowing hackers to be taken to court. A series of operations followed, culminating in the so-called Sundevil Operation, led by the US Secret Service in But these efforts failed in stopping hackers.

With internet increasingly more present, new groups emerged, always eager to practice their skills. In , members of a group of hackers called L0pht said before the US Congress that they could take the Internet down in 30 minutes. Another, calling himself Dark Dante, used his knowledge to handle phone lines of a radio show so he could be the number to call in a promotional campaign and win a Porsche For Rik Ferguson, researcher of security at Trend Micro, actions such as these show how hackers cross the line between legal and illegal activities. Hackers may have arisen in the United States, but they became a global phenomenon.

In Romania, groups such as HackersBlog have attacked several companies. In China and Russia, it is believed that many hackers work as government agents. For all that, besides security in networks, the spread of viruses or "worms" have also become a global concern. In November , Robert Tappan Morris, student at Cornell University, was at MIT launching what would be considered the first malicious code to be spread on the internet.

The "Morris Worm", as it became known, spread rapidly and load many systems down. The worm has surprised administrators and users as they had never seen a similar attack.

Although the worm had no malicious charge, a problem in its programming overloaded some infected systems, preventing their operation. In addition to initiating the enhancement of security in software, the most notable consequence of this episode was the creation of CERT Computer Emergency Response Team , a team of experts responsible for communicating and handling security incidents. Many countries and even companies have, today, teams with the same goal. Robert Tappan Morris was convicted of fraud in computers in He hasn't gone to jail, but he had to pay a fine of 10, dollars and pay hours of community service.

Today, the "creator of the first virus" is a professor at MIT. If Morris worm has the status of pioneer between Internet viruses, it is by "LOVEYOU", created in , possibly in the Philippines, the title of most harmful, having generated a loss of almost 10 billion dollars. Of all known viruses this was the one that brought more problems and losses around the world.

The reason is obvious: It was estimated that 50 million computers have been infected in only ten days. Beyond ordinary users, large bodies of governments around the world had their PCs affected by the virus. After founding the Wikileaks in , a confidential database built collaboratively, programmer and journalist Julian Assange was involved in the publication of documents on extrajudicial executions in Kenya, toxic waste in Africa and the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, among. On November 28 of the same year, the Wikileaks site began publishing secret telegrams of US diplomacy.

Assange thus became a kind of threat to the US government, which since then has him on target. Today, he lives in exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Edward Snowden, in turn, is a systems analyst, a former CIA and NSA National Security Agency employee who has made public details of several programs that make up the American global surveillance system.

The revelation that the agency spied on governments of "friendly" nations such as France, England and Brazil was a big diplomatic issue. In reaction, the US government accused him of government property theft, unauthorized communication of national defense information and intentional disclosure of classified intelligence information to unauthorized person. Snowden is now exiled in Moscow. Both Assange and Snowden became, by their actions, myths of hacktivism for freedom of information and transparency in the actions of governments worldwide.

On this side of the tropics and beyond In this same context and beyond a strictly technological sphere, it is worth to mention, in Brazil, the Transparency Hacker group, which, according to its own definition, is "a community of practice that brings together hackers, developers, sociologists, clowns, journalists and many more people seeking a new way of doing politics".

THacker was formed in October of , from a HackDay - a day when interested in the hacker practice from various fields meet to develop applications with government information and public data. In June of , THacker launched, through a collective funding platform, the project of the Hacker Bus - a laboratory on wheels in which hackers from different latitudes may board, moved by the desire to occupy Brazilian cities with political actions.

The very Transparency Hacker defines: Amalgamated to the DIY proposition, hacking can be inserted in the everyday life through pedestrian achievements. The concept no longer applies only to computer experts or cybercriminals, but to ordinary people interested in changing, customizing or subverting everyday products to improve their functions, redirect them or just for plain fun. Nowadays, the term applied to the result of this type of interference is called "life hacking", "object hacking" or "product hacking", which is not very different of the idea of makeshifts.

In this sense, "hacking meets the gambiological practice, where a candy tube can turn into a flashlight, an old bicycle wheel into a wall clock, a suitcase into an armchair, forks into hooks, bottles into lamps or cups into musical instruments. It is of a Brazilian hacker from Minas Gerais state the credit for inventing a pet bottle lamp, which, filled with water and bleach, works by sunlight refraction, without electricity. Alfredo Moser's invention is now disseminated through about 15 fifteen countries, including the Philippines, India, Mexico and Colombia.

No object is safe. Internet has contributed to amplify and spread "life hacking" to the extent that it is possible to find on websites, blogs, tutorial forums, videos, photos and texts, how simple and accessible it is for anyone to subvert the function of an object, or of a system. When White Hats find flaws, they usually communicate first to the responsible for the system, just so appropriate actions are taken. Grey Hat - an intermediary hacker between White and Black, someone who, for example, break into systems for fun, but avoid causing serious harm and doesn't copy sensitive data. Newbie - Often abbreviated NB, is the term used in a quite pejorative sense to designate a novice hacker.

Phreaker - a hacker specialized in telephony. Durante o funeral, o Sr. Swarz citou Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, entre outros, que de alguma forma burlaram a lei para desenvolver seus produtos de sucesso. Por exemplo, Naspster e BitTorrent. Aaron Swarz became a celebrity. For the general public, this happened especially after his suicide on January 11 of In a google search we can find around These are texts that detail the portrait of a prodigy child, possessor of a "genius" developed early, when he fostered projects with his other colleagues, such as Infogami which was later incorporated to Reddit , Markdown and RSS.

These reports multiplied after his death, somewhat overshadowing dramatic moments of his life, and in many cases relating his intelligence to depression although no medical diagnosis proves this assertion and making it difficult to understand the scope of the judicial process that he was facing at the moment of his death.

The projects previously cited achieved great commercial success, and Aaron was invited to be a student in a special class at Stanford University in the United States. This clashed with his interest in spaces of free creation and information sharing. And Swarz had already understood that power in the network age was in the hands of those who controlled the channels of information and made some content to the detriment of others available, based on criteria that users themselves would not control.

Scientific research is largely conducted from public funding. But the distribution of this knowledge is in the hands of private indexing systems that often serve as the criteria for measuring the output of academic researchers. It is no longer just about access, but about a framework that validates the science produced in the hands of a few. In the Open Access Guerrilla Manifesto Swartz points directly to the problem of a corrupt and exclusionary structure: The laws under which they operate are ask for this And the politicians they bought support this, passing laws that give them exclusive power to decide who can make copies.

By understanding the systems that permeated the distribution of knowledge produced in universities, Swarz saw the innards of an educational system that hides the typical perversity of the market, and he decided to act. Between late and early , Aaron used an internet connection as a guest within MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology using the codename of Gary Host, which he abbreviated as ghost ghost to download thousands estimated more than 4 million of scientific articles of the JSTOR portal. Notably, the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto was used as evidence by the prosecution that Aaron intended to provide the material downloaded from JSTOR via p2p network and configure their acts as crimes.

David Segal, from the NGO Demand Progress, in which Swarz was a collaborator, compared this prosecution to a desire to arrest someone for "looking at a lot of books in a library. Based on this law, the prosecution was able to increase the charges against Swarz from around 4 to 13, while also increasing his possible sentence to 35 years in prison and a fine of one million dollars.

Upon his bbeing portrayed as a computer genius, the This idea seeks to make invisible or limit the scope of the issues involved, such as the control of information that permeates the case, from access to academic papers to processes like Wikileaks. The fact that the Swarz trial occurred in an almost exemplary maner, with extreme rigidity on the part of the prosecution, shows us that the cause advocated by him was much more relevant and broader than the portraits of prodigy genius. One result is the review of the CFAA law to bear the name of the activist, proposed in by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgreen, which did not receive enough support from Congress to even be voted on this review intends to exclude violations or non-compliance with the terms of service from the list of crimes covered by the law.

According to law professor Orin Kerr from Washington University Law, the review has not raised the interest of the general public, since it would only be of interest of a few, although the lobby of companies such as Oracle against it was public and notorious. The questioning of Swarz in relation to the distribution rules of scientific information is quite simple and is far from being technical or geekie: Can knowledge be compared to a product that is exhausted when someone uses it or rather, does it gain relevance exactly to the extent that it is being shared among more and more people?

The answer seems so obvious that JSTOR itself has publicly clarified that it would make no indictment on the case, and the justification continued after the death of Swarz by saying it's just a tool to increase access to scientific journals and that subscriptions only serve to support the service. However, Lawrence Lessig, professor from Harvard Law School and an expert on copyright, said JSTOR stated, when asked about how much it would cost to leave their database open before the death of Swarz , that the price would be million dollars.

Likewise, according to the rules of the African Access Initiative available on the JSTOR website itself, only registered institutions such as universities, schools, NGOs, museums can access the database, contradicting another JSTOR statement that it allows for free access to the database in developing countries. Similarly, it is possible to find a number of contradictions between the official MIT position and what actually occurred during the construction of the Swarz case by government agents so it could be configured as a crime.

According to Lawrence Lessig, MIT was said to be cooperating with prosecutors in terms of clarifying what data they would need to find to charge Swarz without, however, showing that maybe this was a case that could be resolved internally, since JSTOR itself had decided not to press charges, and no paper had been distributed by Swarz. Several analyses show the prosecution of the Swarz case had been carefully structured to serve as an example to other activists with similar intentions.

What is perhaps more serious after Swarz's death is being unable to see beyond the phantasmagoria around the idea of the genius martyr that is creating specificity instead of the common. Swarz, with his ghost codename, was anything but ghostly; he was the very concreteness of the act of making scientific knowledge available to all.

Obrigar pesquisadores a pagar para ler o trabalho dos seus colegas? Precisamos lutar pela pirataria, como se compartilhar uma riqueza Guerilha do Livre Acesso. As leis sob as quais elas operam exigem isso — seus acionistas iriam se revoltar AaronSwartz por qualquer coisinha. Manifesto Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations.

Want to read the papers featuring the most famous results of the sciences? You'll need to send enormous amounts to publishers like Reed Elsevier. There are those struggling to change this. The Open Access Movement has fought valiantly to ensure that scientists do not sign their copyrights away but instead ensure their work is published on the Internet, under terms that allow anyone to access it. But even under the best scenarios, their work will only apply to things published in the future.

Everything up until now will have been lost. That is too high a price to pay. Forcing academics to pay money to read the work of their colleagues? Scanning entire libraries but only allowing the folks at Google to read them? Providing scientific articles to those at elite universities in the First World, but not to children in the Global South? It's outrageous and unacceptable. The companies hold the copyrights, they make enormous amounts of money by charging for access, and it's perfectly legal — there's nothing we can do to stop them. Those with access to these resources — students, librarians, scientists — you have been given a privilege.

You get to feed at this banquet of knowledge while the rest of the world is locked out. But you need not — indeed, morally, you cannot — keep this privilege for yourselves. You have a duty to share it with the world. Meanwhile, those who have been locked out are not standing idly by. You have been sneaking through holes and climbing over fences, liberating the information locked up by the publishers and sharing them with your friends.

But all of this action goes on in the dark, hidden underground. It's called stealing or piracy, as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were the moral equivalent of plundering a ship and murdering its crew. But sharing isn't immoral — it's a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy.

Large corporations, of course, are blinded by greed. The laws under which they operate require it — their shareholders would revolt at anything less. And the politicians they have bought off back them, passing laws giving them the exclusive power to decide who can make copies. There is no justice in following unjust laws. It's time to come into the light and, in the grand tradition of civil disobedience, declare our opposition to this private theft of public culture.

We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access. With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge — we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us? July , Eremo, Italy. Quando essas redes se estabilizam, tomam a forma de caixas-pretas.

Nessa nova e ampliada rede, o conhecimento acumulado pelo C. Mas precisamos estar atentos. Each of these quick interpretations of actors, several human as the King of Prussia and non-human such as the oil industry waste can spread to much larger and more complex networks, which lead to different understandings of same controversies.

But there is a second moment of opening black boxes, marked by intentionality, which is our focus of interest here. It is the time when the opening is often determined by force, especially when the network in question was stabilized with an energy expenditure by the industry, governments or markets. The colloquial term we use for this job of opening black boxes is "Hacking". For the proper understanding of this text, I ask the reader to take as true the principle set out by French sociologist Bruno Latour: Every network tends to stabilize.

Being it in aerial roots over brackish water in the mangroves, or in the complex combination of social relationships and production. When these networks stabilize, they take the form of black boxes. There are two moments when black boxes are opened. The first is when the error occurs. About it, let us consider, just as an exercise, two possible examples: We can say that the black box of Pernambuco's sugarcane oligarchy was opened in the period in which the sugar industry got into crisis, from the mid-eighteenth century. The combination of the development of a white beet manipulation technique for the production of sugar by the King of Prussia, William III, the expulsion of the Dutch, the abolition of slavery increasingly unacceptable in the eyes of the rest of the world and the competition of a sugar with best quality produced in the Caribbean, generated the first collapse of the sugar industry in the state.

The same applies to the multiplying shark attacks in Recife. The search for reasons and finding a solution bumps, drops and opens a black box made of: This way of opening, understanding and reordering the network so to later close it, is also a critical part of contemporary artistic production. The same can be said of the artist Daniel Santiago trying to buy a fax machine today a magically obsolete media in the early 's and asking the seller if it would be easy to open it, to which followed a dialogue that bordered nonsense, about the need to open this technological black box and its warranty terms.

It was already implicit, in the work of the artist, the necessity to reconfigure this network. Today this practice expands to new areas of knowledge and reaches the biological realm. If the learning of programming languages in digital media enabled hacking, opening and reconfiguring black boxes in the form of software, the use we learnt from Synthetic Biology can open and reconfigure the biological environment.

This leads to a new instrument to deal, with another approach, with old controversies. The first example already appears from a joint proposal between the Advanced Studies and Systems. Center of Recife C. When the joint action can stabilize this network, we have a new virtuous black box: The own initiative itself is a good black box now that it is a stabilized network and one of the most interesting: In this new and expanded network, the knowledge accumulated by C.

With the use of these devices it is possible to identify active markers of cancer that lead to an early diagnosis, vital to the treatment of breast cancer, which would be impossible with traditional methods, such as mammography. If we consider that computer science is the programming of codes in the digital environment and that biology has always been the code programming in the biological environment, the time we live in is the creation of "compilers" for writing that code.

What comes out from there are techniques that make the opening and the construction of biological black boxes increasingly accessible, from the DNA sequencing kits to models of "DNA origami". But we need to be attentive. At this moment, a new network emerges, one that is far from stabilizing. It is formed by biology universities, medical researchers who are also developers of digital codes, software engineering courses looking to biology, ethical concepts, this abstraction called "market" and the hackers.

This new black box is under construction and this is a unique opportunity to participate in its writing. O termo " hacker" tem diversos significados, amplamente discutidos na Internet. No entanto, um microponto numa mensagem, que Bastava derreter ou remover a cera para que ela pudesse ser lida. Persas, precisava alertar um general de forma secreta. Uma imagem RGB em bitmap, por exemplo, usa 24 bits, sendo 8 bits para representar cada cor vermelho, verde e azul em cada pixel.

No entanto, aumentando o brilho dessa mesma imagem em 85 vezes, obtemos a imagem mostrada na figura 3. Neste caso foi apenas um inocente gatinho, mas poderia-se estar embutidos planos de uma arma secreta! Diversos esteganografia para contatar seus agentes. The term " hacker" has several meanings, widely discussed on the Internet. One of them refers to people who can invade a computer, surpassing its safety barriers with criminal or malicious purposes.

The term "cracker" is also used to name this type of person. Another possible meaning is directly connected to the subculture of technology. When we use a program or any unconventional programming resource to achieve a goal, for example, steal data, send messages that can not be intercepted, change a remote computer program, invading it, we are considered hackers. An extremely interesting resource to be used with many different purposes, including by hackers, involves sending hidden messages in text or pictures that have nothing to do with the subject you want to convey.

This is the art of Steganography, which is the subject of this article. Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one knows the message exists.

Universidade Espionagem Digital (old)

It is different from cryptograhy, where a message has its existence known, but no one knows how to decipher it. A scrambled text, as produced by the famous Enigma machine, is an encrypted text. A text "written backwards", as Leonardo da Vinci used to do, in a way that it could only be read with the aid of a mirror is also an example of cryptography.

However, a microdot in a message that no one knows exists is a steganographic message. The word "steganography" is attributed to Johannes Trithemius, spelled Steganographia, as the in the title of his book in which the author dealt with these techniques as "black magic". The reader should not confuse steganography and stenography, which is the technique of writing quickly and short by hand, much used by secretaries who, before the advent of the recorder, had to keep note of everything that was going on at a meeting or even letters dictated by bosses.

To get to a steganographic text, it is common that it is encrypted first, in other words, passed through some type of process that makes it unreadable. Then, the same text is modified in a way that its presence can not be detected. An interesting example of steganography took place in the times of the ancient Greeks.

In those times, boards with secret texts were covered with wax so that the message was So when the wax was melted or removed it could be read. Another example is given by Herodotus, "The Father of History". Facing the Persian invasion, he needed to secretly warn a general about it. He suggested that the king should order to shave a slave's head, where he tattooed a message. After the hair had grown, he sent off the slave to seek the general with the simple order of shaving his head. But today there are very interesting variations to the technology used in steganography that may be being used right now.

A modern example can be given in the files being transferred over the Internet that can hide secret messages in an extremely interesting way. Digital steganography Ordinary information sent through digital media has a feature that easily allows them to be used to encode hidden messages. From the fact that digital images are formed by sets of bits that indicate the percentage with which each color is present, we can use it in a very interesting way, as found in online research. A RGB bitmap image, for example, uses 24 bits, there being 8 bits to represent the color red, green and blue of each pixel.

With 8 bits we have levels of primary colors, which is more than enough for us to combine these levels, obtaining millions of combinations for the final colors. This means that we can use, for example, the last two bits of the proportion in which each color goes into each point to embed a secret text or image. With two bits of each color point, we have 6 bits in each.

So that the reader can have an idea of the potential in which this occurs, we have found in Wikipedia an interesting example of steganography done with a bitmap image, using two bits of each color component. The original image is shown in Figure 2. Removing the last two bits of each color component of this file we obtain a virtually black image. However, if we multiply the brightness of this same image by 85, we have the picture shown in figure 3. In other words, we have an image "embedded" in another, so that no one knows of its existence, unless the receiver of the image.

In this case it was just an innocent kitten, but one can embed a secret weapon plan! This noise, in the case of digital TV and compressed images which can be sent from mobile phones consists of a set of random bits. However, nothing prevents them from being replaced by a non-random sequence to convey a secret message.

Only the receiver who knows about this content can apply the algorithm in order to extractt it. Others won't have a clue that this message exists! For them, those extra bits, if accessed, will be interpreted as noise.

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Other Techniques There are several interesting techniques, some involving electronics, which let you hide a seemingly innocent message in another, or images or objects. Let's name a few: The greater the number of bits used in the transmission of an image, the easier it is to hide a message or a second image without this being realized and with the possibility of obtaining a greater concealment capacity for the secret message.

You can write an innocent letter to a relative and within the lines a secret message with invisible ink. Only those who know of the existence of the second message can reveal it. For this reason, digital images available on the Internet are a "full plate" for the malicious who wish to send secret messages in a practically undetectable way. If the reader likes to experiment with different stuff, you can write a secret message with invisible ink, for which we give the following formula which is far from secret. It is speculated that Bin Laden himself has used this feature to send orders to his subordinates, in a simple way, although this has not been proved.

One only had to apply a simple technique image extraction to immediately reveal the steganographic message or image! Dissolve half-and-half water and detergent, filling an ordinary fountain pen with the mixing. Write the message of disguise with a ballpoint pen and in between the lines write the secret message with the described invisible ink. The most serious part of this technique is that the introduction of secret information in a ordinary image becomes virtually undetectable.

There is pratically no visible change in the image sent that could lead to a possible interceptor to suspect something, as we have seen in the images given as an example. In the transmission of compressed images the introduction. While waiting for the paint to dry off, you will see that the secret message disappears. To reveal it, you just need to wet the paper or burn it slightly with the heat of an incandescent lamp, as shown in the illustration. This is a technique much used by spies before James Bond which is "high tech". Spies in World War II used this feature very much.

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The technique consists of photographing the message or secret plan and then reduce the image to a microdot using. Then, the microdot can be placed under the stamp of a normal letter or even replace the "i" character dot of a given text, already known by whoever receives the message. Several microdots in a message allow for sending long documents and secret plans. Terrorism and Countermeasures It is speculated that the orders given by Bin Laden for the attacks of September 11 have been made through steganographic images published in public sites such as eBay.

The messages were supposed be "lost" over the millions of images online and only those who knew exactly where they were and how to extract them would have access to their content. The terrorists of Al-Qaeda were also supposed to be sending emails with hidden messages, which would easily pass unnoticed in standard texts, as the steganographic techniques teach us. The New York Times itself published articles in stating that Al-Qaeda used steganographic techniques to contact their agents.

However, many of these speculations lost their power when the correspondent Jack Kelley, one of those who claimed the existence of these techniques, was caught in a major scandal in , for inventing fantastic stories and forging nonexistent sources. Later, however, a training manual of that organization was captured and there were no citation of any steganographic technique or it would also be steganographied so no one would know According to the manual, the militants of that organization still relied on old techniques of ciphers and codes for their messages.

Anyway, the fact that we know that this technology exists and that it is possible to steganograph disguised messages in just about anything causes us to rethink our. The analysis of steganographic messages is called "steganoanalysis". A simple way of detecting a hidden message that is available online in the form of an image or any other file is to carefully compare it with its original, detecting changes.

It is obvious that, for this, we must have access to the original file. Considering the fact that any agent can use an image available online to "embed" a message, the discovery of the original image can be of great value to decode the secret message. There are even commercial software that does this.

What can get in the way is that the application of compression algorithms on an image, which in some cases act randomly or depending of the media, make even images that do not carry anything special beyond themselves be different files, according to the location in which they are received. Conclusion Together with cryptography the art of encrypting messages , steganography is a powerful tool for hackers, secret agents, terrorists and spies of all levels.

Has the reader ever considered the possibility of the downloaded wallpaper that now decorates the screen of your monitor can bring a terrible secret able, to end the world?! A amizade entre os Naquele mesmo ano de , a morte de dois foi rompida para sempre. Em contrapartida, contava com suporte para que sua carreira reverberasse cada vez mais internacionalmente.

Pouco tempo antes, no dia 22 de outubro, ele estava em Montreal, se apresentando no Princess Theatre. Diante da resposta afirmativa, esse jovem desferiu violentos golpes contra a barriga de Houdini, sem que este tivesse tido tempo de preparar a musculatura abdominal. Assista a trechos no site da emissora: The fact that he didn't escape death attests this.

Houdini was a skeptic who didn't believe in paranormal events, spiritualism or mediumnity, to the point where, in the s, he became a famous undeceiver, a specialist in exposing charlatans who claimed psychic powers. But, perhaps as a precaution, he settled with his wife, Beatrice Hanner, a password for communication after his death - if someone told her that he or she could speak with his soul, the person should know the password. Beatrice died in , almost two decades after Houdini, saying he had never sent any signals from heavens. By the age of 8 he was already working selling newspapers and shining shoes to help the family budget.

At the age of 13 he moved again with his parents and his four siblings to New York, where he would also work as wells-punch, photographer, contortionist, trapeze artist and blacksmith. These last three crafts eventually underpin his career as a magician. Before that, however, early in his career as a magician he performed as Eric the Great and also as the King of Cards, referring to his ability for tricks with cards. The illusionist skills had shown early and, in this sense, Houdini can be understood as hoodwink or "deprogrammer" of the common view.

It was not effectively about magic, but about the ability to make people believe they were seeing something that was just suggested, to manipulate the senses of the viewer, alike those who handle a system to change its operation. To this skill added physical strength, elasticity, agility and a large lung capacity, which allowed him up to 4 minutes underwater without breathing, and thus, endowed with all these features, allied with a lot of training, he found the lode that would make him famous worldwide: For that, it was also of value the techniques for opening locks that he learned in the blacksmith's trade.

The Torture Cell and another tricks With his shows attracting more and more public, Houdini sophisticated his tricks in unimaginable ways. In he created the "Milk Can Trick", in which he was tied up and locked within a milk can full of water. In , already famous in the United States and Europe, he created what was perhaps the most emblematic and famous escapism trick of all times, known as "Chinese Water Torture Cell": A motif for fascination among magicians, this trick would only be carried out again in The performances of escapism by Houdini did not overshadow others of his magical craft.

In , for example, at the New York Hippodrome, he made an elephant disappear in front of a large audience. From screens to debunking While he impressed audiences around the world with his escapes and illusionism plays, he began a film career, shooting more than ten movies with supernatural and suspense plots, such as "The Master Mystery" or "Terror Island" Most of these movies, however, were lost, with very few remaining.

In , when Scientific American magazine offered a cash prize to anyone who would prove supernatural abilities to communicate with the beyond, Houdini was commissioned to compose the "jury" that would decide the veracity of the statements. As an illusionist, he knew most of the techniques used to deceive multitudes, which allowed him to debunk several candidates for the prize that was offered.

In that same year of , the death of his mother made him to embrace deeper the activity of debunking magicians, psychics and those who considered themselves able to communicate with the dead, as he proved them frauds. This mission which he had set for himself gave. Conan-Doyle strongly believed in the communication with the beyond.

Given the crusade of the famous magician against alleged paranormal and mediumnity, the writer went on to suggest that Houdini was a great medium, the greatest of all, who had been employed to "lock" others and thus preserve supernatural secrets. Their friendship was broken forever. Posthumous clandestinity The worldwide fame and his debunking skills ended up tangling Houdini in another activity, which only came to light in the past decade.

They spent several years researching about , notes and documents that made them come to the conclusion that the career rise of the mythical magician was also due to a more mundane office: According to the text, Houdini kept clandestine contacts with the secret services of the US and UK for years, reporting on what he saw in his many travels around the world.

On the other hand, he expected support for his career to increase internationally. During the early years of the twentieth century, the magician informed the US and British intelligence on the activities of the German police and the Russian anarchists. Tragic death in the dressing-room Houdini died on October 31 of , victim of an inflammation of the peritoneum resulting from a ruptured appendix. Shortly before, on October 22, he was in Montreal, performing at the Princess Theatre.

While preparing for the show in his dressing-room, he hosted a young student who was an amateur boxer fighter. He asked if it was true that he could get punches in his stomach unaffected. In the face of an affirmative answer, this young man struck heavy punches against Houdini's belly, without him having time to prepare his abdominal muscles. As he was already suffering from appendicitis, which he insisted on not handle, it is believed that these punches were responsible for his death, causing the rupture of his appendix.

On the 24th he was admitted in the Grace Hospital in Detroit, where he would make a presentation, and there were no trick that made him come out alive. You can watch a few trailers online at: Batizei o projeto de Thomas LEDson. Encaixe dos componentes para soldar.

Isole o circuito com fita isolante para proteger contra um curto circuito interno. Instale o plugue macho no fio. In this Kabbalistic third edition of Facta thou will learn how to resurrect and transform a burnt out bulb! That's right, the famous Thomas Edison incandescent light bulb, which at this moment is endangered, as its species evolved and this small bulb won't survive the energy efficiency predators, being gradually excluded from its natural habitat: Our video tutorial 3 documents this historic moment of mass extinction of the incandescent light bulb, in an effort to encourage its perpetuation through a Frankensteinian hacker practice of resuscitation, using the LEDV project of our No.

I name this project Thomas LEDson. LED ready to install Fig. And also another wired alternative for another version of the project. How to make a "brainless" burnt out lamp, preparing it to host the resucitator circuit:. Break this pin, you will be able to hear the argon gas coming out of the bulb. Now we have space to house the circuit.

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Schematic assembly of circuit inside the bulb Fig. Sectional schematics of components inside the bulb. Use insulation tape or shrinking tube to isolate the terminals. Fill with epoxi and fit the contacts. One goes on the side and the other pass through the pierced brass disc of the self lamp that you kept. Pass it through and make a safety node so the circuit doesn't move in case of pulls on the wire.

Do isolate the circuit with insulate tape in order to protect against internal short circuit. Attach the circuit in the bulb, screwing the cap on the lamp itself. In case you can't do it, try another cap or give small hits on the screw with a small hammer until the aluminum lowers a bit, allowing for the cap's screwing; be careful not to knead it. Install the male plug on the wire. BR or at Gambiologia YouTube channel. Compilado por Lucas Mafra Spolaor!!!!!: T ggg88gggg ,8' 88 ,8I A T ,8" 88 A A ' ,ggg, ,gggg, ,ggggggggggggggg F Sun, 18 Dec A Rube Goldberg device in hardware or software.

A clever programming trick intended to solve a particular nasty case in an efficient, if not clear, manner. Often used to repair bugs. Often verges on being a crock. Something that works for the wrong reason. To insert a kluge into a program. To avoid by inserting a kluge. Foi-se o Estado, foram-se os governos. Heroes of the Computer me referindo. Desta forma, todos nio: Claro, muita gente com The world is in crisis. Economic crisis, moral, religious, Model crisis. The economic power sending bullets, determining everything.

Large corporations assume, in fact, control of almost everything. The state has gone, Governments have left. In Brazil, the four major telecom operators paralyzed more than congressmen from the end of october to april due to the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet.

It has much more, you simply think a little about the things that are around, the daily life in Belo Horizonte, Bahia, where I live, or in Germany, from where I write now. Unsatisfied with all of this, many people - young people, but not only them - took Brazilian streets in June of And they remain alert, because problems are not lacking.

Contemporary challenges are demanding each and every one of us an attitude that goes beyond complain or indignation.