Teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants

75 Truths in the Doctrine and Covenants

In the Doctrine and Covenants, sections 13, 20, 84, and , are set forth by revelation the rights, powers, and responsibility of priesthood bearers and the organization and functions of the Church as a vehicle for the operation and expression of that priesthood. It stands unique as the only book in the world that does so; yet it is wholly in harmony with what is contained in the Holy Bible.

These sections were received by revelation in the opening of this dispensation of the gospel, when there were but few followers of the new prophet, a compact company of a few score men and women of one race and common background in a New England setting. The Doctrine and Covenants has required no substantial change after a century and a half, and the revelations function as well with three million people scattered in many countries and cultures.

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In the Holy Bible we find references to a covenant people. These references indicate that the children of Israel were placed under covenant to obey the commandments of God, in return for which they were granted certain favors. The nature of the covenant is not generally understood, and it remains for the contents of the Doctrine and Covenants to clarify it. Light is thrown on the nature of the new and everlasting covenant in section , where the power to seal is applied to marriage:.

All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, of him who is anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity … are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.

Unique Teachings from the Doctrine and Covenants

Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. Thus we have a unique contribution to an understanding of the new and everlasting covenant. A covenant people is a people holding the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, with the power to bind and the power to loose among both the living and the dead.

This power is not understood by the world. Yet it is the heart and core of the whole matter.

None of the ordinances that Christians have considered important are of any effect without this sealing by the Holy Spirit of promise. Baptisms and confirmations, the sacraments, and marriage are mere earthly conveniences without the power and authority to bind in the heavens.

Yes, the covenant with God, whereby power is conferred upon men to act in his stead, lies at the foundation of the relationship of God and man. One of the most startling contributions of the Doctrine and Covenants is the announcement of a diversity of rewards in the world to come and the continuation of instructions eternally to all the children of God, except those who become forever the followers of Lucifer. The vision of the heavens given to Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon is no ordinary vision. It is the most revealing vision of the state of man in the resurrection that is to be found in all scripture.

The apostle Paul was given a similar vision but, if he recorded it, the recording has been lost. He alludes to it in a letter to the saints at Corinth, and this allusion adds verification to the latter-day contribution. That Paul understood the nature of the resurrection is plain, and the other apostles must also have understood, but the knowledge was lost. It remained for the latter-day prophet, Joseph Smith, to reveal once again these great truths from the resurrected Lord and Savior and to teach them again to the world.

This is the most reasonable and at the same time the most optimistic doctrine of life after death that has ever been known and preached in the world: But here is the grand summation of the matter: Only the few who, having had opportunity either in this life or in the spirit world to know both Christ and Satan, and having chosen deliberately to follow the latter, will be cast out. For these nothing further can be done.

But for all others, the educational process continues, the most advanced being taught by God himself, and the less advanced by ministering angels. But the progress of all becomes possible. Don't even give me a chance to break out the scriptures. You said you knew LDS doctrine. You got it wrong. Check it out for yourself. I will wait for you to confirm it. What verse in ?

The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants

It is a web link. Paste it in your browser and check it out.

Doctrine and Covenants I got the whole page up. Its talking about Jesus Christ when the father dwelled within him when he was resurrected. No, I am not confused, it says, "The father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as mans Go ask your bishop. You're not reading the whole thing. You mean the whole things says that the Father does NOT have a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's? You're comparing one verse to a entirely different than what it actually means. The Bible says I am in the father and the father is within me and I am flesh and bones as any tangible man this reference is from Jesus Christ.

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Because this section, called "The Vision," departed significantly from the mainstream Christian view of one heaven and one hell, it was not easily received by some at first. He spoke upon the marriage on Cana of Galilee. Mormonism is not the truth. The spirit of man is native to the spirit of truth, which is "plainly manifest" from the beginning verse While its principles continue to guide Latter-day Saints today, its provisions also provide glimpses of Church life in its initial years.

So the verse means that God does NOT have a body of flesh and bones? God the Father is Sprit just like we are and yes if he wanted to consume a body he could. I think you need to do more research on Mormon theology Hank: God is the maker of all things. The issue is that LDS theology says he has a body of flesh and bones. I think you need to go somewhere else with your teachings. Also, ask your bishop if God has a wife? Do you believe that God has a wife as Mormonism teaches? This is getting interesting. I was a bishop and still am until I leave this earth with our Father and accept my new calling.

Well, Bishop, you apparently are unaware of Mormon theology. I seriously suggest you check out the site at www. It has the documentation. You're not only considered an apostate, you find things about other religions and do this to them too right? Look, I was never a Mormon. I am a Christian. Here is the url to documentation on Mormon doctrines.

And god sent you to go out and destroy other churches and your site even has things of the bible that you people says are incorrect. God wants Christians to teach the truth. Mormonism is not the truth. If that's your faith then so be it. You erred on basic Mormon doctrine. How much else are you not aware of? I am aware of that your teachings are false.

I haven't taught you anything yet. I have only repeated Mormon doctrine to you and you have said I am false. So, that means that you condemn Mormon theology Hank: I thought you said my site was forbidden by the LDS church? Have you disobeyed your church and examined my site? Or are you judging it without having looked at the facts? God does not bring confusion. But the devil does deceive. It is you who is confused about LDS doctrine. Let me ask you something, who is the God of this World?

Satan has closed your eye's to the true Church because in the Bible it says there is only one True Church and he built it on a rock. The true church fell to apostasy. Where does the Bible says that? When the 12 apostles got killed Matt: Where does it say that in the Bible? Or are you just listening to what the LDS churches teaches you without checking it out? I await for biblical proof of your statement. Do you have an answer?

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Without looking it up right at this moment with my baby in my arms no. Why are you asking me for the answers? I ask you to back up what you say from the Bible. Who is our Father in heaven? God, not our literal father. Also, the Trinity is not three gods as Mormonism teaches. The Bible says there is only one God.

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But Mormonism teaches there are many gods Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. The trinity is 1 god Matt: In Mormonism, however, it is three gods. The god called Elohim, or the Father. Jesus is a god and the Holy Ghost is a god. That is three gods. Also, do you believe you can become a god?

They are one in purpose. They act the same. So its 1 god. And yes, I believe we can become like god.