150 IT Unternehmer, Leben und Firmen (Lexikon) (German Edition)

Geheimklubs in Cambridge: Erfahrungen am St. John's College

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Neueste Ausstattung wie z. Wir wollen Geschichte schreiben! Devisen, Indizes, Aktien, Rohstoffe. Heutiger Sitz der Unternehmenszentrale ist Gelsenkirchen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt in der Entwicklung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen liegt darin, Unternehmen branchenbezogen bei der digitalen Transformation zu begleiten. Offenheit ist ein zentrales Fundament unserer Unternehmenswerte. Historical and contemporary perspectives" Organizer. Internationalisierung der deutschsprachigen Psychologie. Methodenlehre - Eine Standortbestimmung. The relevance of evolutionary psychology to cognitive science.

An adaptation for frequencies. How minds tame an uncertain world. Workshop on bounded rationality, Bielefeld, December A fast and frugal lens model. Fast and frugal inference: Workshop on Bounded Rationality. University of Bonn, May The Superego, the Ego, and the Id in statistical reasoning. Bestimmendes Element unseres Lebens.

Bayerische Motorenwerke Regensburg, April Department of Ecomomics, Univeristy of Pittsburgh, March How good is satisficing?


Doktorandenworkshop Sozialspychologie, University of Constance, December Introducing satisficing models of inference and how they affect our notions of sound reasoning and rationality. Models of satisficing inferences. Characterizing human psychological adaptations. Ciba Foundation Symposium, London, October Heuristics and biases versus ecological intelligence. Workshop on Economics and Psychology.

Studienzentrum Gerzensee, Switzerland, October Adaptives Verhalten und Kognition. Evolutionary Psychology and Adult Cognition. Symposium "Cognitive development beyond childhood: Wisdom and the pragmatics of life. Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Rationality and ecological intelligence. Rituale im statistischen Schliessen.

Ohio State University, April, The social context of rationality. Conference on "Rethinking -- but not unthinking -- the Enlightenment. New developments in judgment and decision making. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Bochum The illusory grip of "cognitive illusions": How to improve statistical reasoning without really trying. University of Arizona, Tucson, Midwest Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago, The fast and frugal way to near-optimal inference: Bounded rationality the Brunswikian way.

Psychologie des Denkens Five lectures. How to make cognitive illusions disappear. How to make the mind reason the Bayesian way. Mathematics Education Group, University of Chicago, Mental models from a Brunswikian viewpoint. The role of information representation. Pew workshop "Laboratories and research demonstrations in teaching introductory and mid-level psychology courses", Carleton College, MN, Four questions about the cognitive revolution. Workshop "The Cognitive Revolution? Probabilistic mental models and bounded rationality. Beyond heuristics and biases.

Rethinking judgment under uncertainty. University of Austin, TX, Where do we go from here? After heuristics and biases. With a Rejoinder by Daniel Kahneman. Rethinking Judgment under Uncertainty. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Inaugural Conference, Louvain, Belgium, The Role of Statistics in Discovery: Tilburg University, Netherlands, Harvard University, Cambridge, Wie institutionalisierte Methoden zu kognitiven Theorien werden.

Can evolutionary biology help to understand statistical reasoning? Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld, Domain-spezifische Theorien des Denkens: Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Giessen, Where theories come from: How statistical methods turn into theories of mind. University of Bologna, Italy, Kognitive Illusionen - wie wir sie zum Verschwinden bringen. Jenseits von Heuristiken und Biases: Statistical Models of Thinking: How to Make "Cognitive Illusions" Disappear: Beyond Heuristics and Biases.

Beyond Heuristics and Biases: How to Make Cognitive Illusions Disappear. University of California at Irvine, University of California, Santa Cruz, Discovery and Scientists' Tools of Justification. University of California, Los Angeles, Stanford University, CA, Reflections on theory construction in cognitive psychology. On theory construction in cognitive psychology. University of New Hampshire, Durham, How statistics became institutionalized and turned into metaphors of mind. Kontexteffekte im Urteil von Kindern. University of Frankfurt, Vertrauen in das eigene Wissen: Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Marburg, Technical University, Berlin, Alternatives in psychological methodology and its implications for educational research.

City University, New York, Kognition als intuitive Statistik: Wie aus Methoden Theorien werden. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Ulm, University of Trier, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, Die Toleranz von Unsicherheit in der Psychologie. University of Constance, A note on the role of scaling, contextual, and memory effects in psychophysical judgments. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Nuremberg, Am Beispiel von Egon Brunswik und L.

Mathematical models in perception and psychophysics. Pre-Conference for the International Congress of Psychology. University of Bielefeld, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Sind additive und multiplikative Modelle hinreichend? University of Braunschweig, Egon Brunswik and Louis Leon Thurstone: Axiomatisierung von psychologischen Theorien.

Institute for Medical Psychology, University of Munich, Interpretations of variability in the history of psychology. Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Zur Entwicklung von Strategien der Informations-Integration: Hochschule der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, On the role of probability in psychology. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Berlin, Zur Werkzeugfunktion und modellbildenden Funktion mathematischer Methoden in der psychologischen Forschung.

University of Heidelberg, Sprachliche Begriffssysteme in der Personenbeurteilung. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Bochum, Bounded rationality and social intelligence Decisions under uncertainty and time restrictions Competence in risk and risk communication Decision-making strategies of managers, judges, and physicians. The replication delusion and how we got there. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1 , — The psychology of not wanting to know.

Psychological Review, , — How bad is incoherence? Decision, 3 , 20— On the supposed evidence for libertarian paternalism. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 6 , — Decision making in the real world. The foundations of adaptive behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, 62, — Topics in Cognitive Science, 1, — How people cope with uncertainty.

Helping doctors and patients to make sense of health statistics. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 8, 53— Heuristics and the law. How to know when numbers deceive you. Psychological Review, , A heuristic of discovery in cognitive psychology. Psychological Review, 98, The empire of chance: How probability changed science and everyday life. Cognition as intuitive statistics. Reissued in , Psychology Press. University of Munich Ph. Murray re-issued in Psychology Revivals , honoring the most influential scholars of the last years.

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. Statistical thinking and medical research. Urania, Berlin, May Master class in social intelligence. The cement of society. Einstein Forum Potsdam, December Boehringer Ingelheim, November Bildung, Intuition und Querdenken. Verband der Privaten Hochschulen, Berlin, November Kanzlei Wangler, Karlsruhe, October Bauchentscheidungen und Big Data. Management, Intuition und Big Data. Die Kunst der richtigen Entscheidung.

If I started another group today. Der Umgang mit Ungewissheit. Umgang mit Risiko und Ungewissheit. German Association of Actuaries, Berlin, April Keynote, Morningstar Institutional Conference. TurnaroundForum, Cologne, March Berlin University of the Arts, February Der neue Umgang mit Risiken in Zeiten der Ungewissheit. Literaturhaus, Munich, December The rationality of simple heuristics. Association for Consumer Research, Berlin, October Conclusions on Herbert Simon.

Scuola Nazionale di Administratione, Rome, October Aurich, September Die Kunst der richtigen Entscheidung. Management Circle, Frankfurt, July Volkswagen-Stiftung, Hanover, June Entscheiden in Zeiten der Ungewissheit. Helsana, Zurich, May Capital Fund Management, Paris, May Kopf und Bauch — Wie man die richtige Entscheidung trifft.

Keynote, Kongress der Deutschen Marktforschung. Sparkasse Cham, March, Sparkasse Unna, February Das Denken auf Abwegen. Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden, November Museum Wiesbaden, November Risiko, Entscheidungen und Intuition. Davos, Switzerland, July The idol of context-free rationality.

Bankenfachverband, Leipzig, May Ohio State University, Columbus, April Verleihung des Possehl-Ingeneur Preises. Big Data oder Intuition? Allianz Global Investors, Frankfurt, November Symposium Verantwortung in den Wissenschaften. Audi AG Ingolstadt, July Summer Institute for Bounded Rationality. Die Psychologie des Risikos. London, May Risk savvy: Bristol Festival of Ideas, May Ethik in Wirtschaft und Finanzwirtschaft.

University of Munich, May Coface Country Risk Conference. Kalkscheune, Berlin, March Informationstag der Wiener Versicherungsmakler. Workshop mit der Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt. Intuition und rationales Entscheiden. Die Macht der Intuition. Nickel Institute, Berlin, December Verwaltungsakademie Berlin, December Zu Unrecht im Abseits. Lupus Alpha, Frankfurt, November BayWa, Frauenchiemsee, November Braindate, Zurich, November Business Circle, Vienna, October Risiko: Wie trifft man gute Entscheidungen in ungewissen Zeiten?

ConVoco Lecture, Berlin, October TEDx Zurich, October Panel mit Ranga Yogeshwar. Die Psychologie der Entscheidung. Richtig entscheiden mit weniger Information. Climate Forum Berne, September The Max Planck Society. Wie geht man damit um? Ist das noch Wissenschaft? International Max Planck Research School. Die Kunst gutter Entscheidungen. University of Marburg, Studium Generale. Lenzburg, Switzerland, April Urania, Berlin, April Decision making under risk and uncertainty. Sabanci University, Istanbul, March Max Planck Science Gallery.

Staatsspielhaus Dresden, December Engelberg, Switzerland, November Die Kunst guter Entscheidungen. Investment Talk, Wien, November Gothenburg Business School, October Helping doctors and patients make sense of health statistics. Towards a science of heuristics. George Mason University, October Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. Department of Economics, University of Oslo, June Better doctors, better patients, better care.

Heurstics that make us smart. Pfizer External Supply Operating Meeting. Middle Management Leadership Workshop.

Schloss Edesheim, November Risiken verstehen lernen: Are journalists risk literate? Das Einmaleins der Skepsis. How do individuals comprehend and react to uncertainty? Bank of England, London, May Public Lecture, Stadtwaage Bremen, February Salzburg Global Seminar, December Ditzingen, December Bauchentscheidungen: Collective risk illiteracy as a medical problem.

DZ-Bank, Cologne, September Festival filosofia, Modena, September Humbold University Berlin, April Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, February Urania, Berlin, January Parmenides Foundation, Munich, December Worblaufen, Berne, November Herbert Simon Memorial Lecture. Halifax, Canada, June Transparenz in der Risikokommunikation. Clubhaus Free University Berlin, April Urania, Berlin, April Bosch, Stuttgart, February Deutsches Museum Munich, January Keynote, University of Zagrab, December Worlddidac, Basel, October Mindful and mindless statistics.

The role of intuition in decision. University Pompeo Fabra, Barcelona, April Can heuristics be rational? Decision making with heuristics. Berlin School of Mind and Brain, March Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung, Berlin, February How to help doctors understanding risks. University of California, Riverside, February Daimler AG, Berlin, January University of Basel, November Einstein Forum, Potsdam, November Fachhochschule Ludwigsburg, November How to understand risks.

Kunsthalle Stuttgart, October Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. Baiersdorf, Hamburg, January Risk and rules of thumb. Schering, Berlin, March Lernen mit Unsicherheit umzugehen.

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Stochastik-Tagung, Frankfurt, March Horten Zentrum Zurich, Hittisau, February The risks of communicating risks. Ohio State University, November Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, July How rational are hunches. Learning to live with risk and uncertainty. University of Coimbra, Portugal. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, April Markus Krankenhaus, Frankfurt, February University of Hamburg , January Die Illusions der Gewissheit. Judgment and decision making: Thinking and decision making.

University of Munich, June Die Illusion der Sicherheit. Lernen mit Unsicherheit zu leben. Department of Psychology, University of Basel, May Are we fools of chance? Discussion with Nassim Taleb. Burda Media, Munich, March Podium discussion, Kleisthaus, Berlin, September Jugend Forscht, Bonn, August MIT, Cambridge, June Judgment and decision making. Rationality and evolutionary psychology. Harvard Business School, Cambridge, June Cognition and statistical inference. Medical Training "Decision Making.

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Harvard Psychology Colloquium, Cambridge, October University College London, July The psychology of fast and frugal heuristics. Statistische Rituale oder statistisches Denken? University of Dresden, May University of Coimbra, Portugal, May Adaptive Strategien in einer komplexen Welt. Urania, Berlin, December Berliner Evidence Based Medicine Kurs. Einsiedler Symposium , Einsiedeln, Switzerland, May, University of North Carolina, Greenboro, April Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum, Paderborn, March Department of Psychology, Clark University, February Workshop on Optimality Theory, Potsdam, December University of Potsdam, October Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, December Wie rational sind Heuristiken?

Humboldt University Berlin, November Antrittsvorlesung, Free University Berlin, October University of California, Santa Barbara, March Free University Berlin, December My view of rationality. Lund University, Sweden, October Uppsala University, Sweden, October University of Gothenburg, Sweden, October Adaptive Strategien im menschlichen Urteil. Neurokolloquium, University of Ulm, April Dreams, demons, and bounded rationality. Kansas State University, Manhattan, March University of Greifswald, November Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Center for Interdisciplinary Study, Bielefeld, University of Illinois at Champaign, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Are Cognitive Illusions Illusory?

University of Amsterdam, Invited address, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, Piaget in the 90s. Haben Menschen zuviel Vertrauen in ihr Wissen? University of Chicago, University of California, Berkeley, Confidence in One's Knowledge. Haben Menschen zu viel Vertrauen in ihr Wissen? Theory revision in cognitive psychology. Lund University, Sweden, Kognitive Metaphern und Kognitive Illusionen. University of Freiburg, University of Basel, Subjektive Theorien und kognitive Illusionen. University of Mannheim, On the history of significance testing in psychology. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Kognition als intuitive Statistik.

Probabilistic thinking and the mechanization of knowledge. York University, Toronto, University of Berne, Informations-Integrations-Theorie und kognitive Entwicklung. Classification in the wild. Full text Gigerenzer, G. Digitale Welt und Gesundheit: Ulysses Publishing, in press Reprinted Goldmann Verlag.

Business Weekly Publications, in press Japanese translation: Intershift, in press Korean translation: Chungrim, and e-book Italian translation: Come prendere decisioni giuste. Raffaelo Cortina, Finnish translation: Terra Cognita, Russian translation: Intelligence in the world. Aufbruch in ein transparentes Gesundheitswesen. Books 21 Publishing Group Slovak translation: International editions audio book: Tantor Media, UK edition: Bertelsmann, Dutch translation: De kracht van je intuitie. Kindle edition, Spanish translation: La inteligencia del inconsciente.

World Spanish Edition, Ariel, Algoritam, Italian translation: Raffaelo Cortina, Polish translation: La genie de l'intuition. Editions Belfond, Korean translation: Best Seller, Turkish translation: BZD Publishers Chinese translations: Taiwanese translation [complex Chinese]: Locus, Taiwan Bulgarian translation: Cuertea Veche Portuguese translation: Sind Emotionen ein Erfolgsfaktor?

Chapter 6 reprinted in The beauty of theory: Excerpts reprinted in Texte, Themen und Strukturen , by B. Excerpts reprinted in Japanese, Benesse Corporation, Stochastisches Denken [Stochastic thinking] [Themenheft]. Experts in science and society. International editions UK edition: Penguin Books, Kindle edition German translation: Das Einmaleins der Skepsis: Piper, Italian translation: Quando i numeri ingannano: Imparare a vivere con l'intercertezza.

Raffaelo Cortina, Japanese translation: Hayakawa Publishers, Portuguese translation: Aprender a lidar com a incerteza. Gradiva, French translation: Apprendre a vivre dans l'incertitude. Editions Markus Haller Korean translation: Tsinghua University Press, Gigerenzer, G. Publica, Bucharest, in press Polish translation: CeDeWu, Hell, W.

International editions German translation: Das Reich des Zufalls. Ideas in the sciences. Articles and Chapters in press Gigerenzer, G. Review of Behavioral Economics. Mousavi, A fast and frugal finance: Bridging contemporary behavioral finance and ecological rationality.

Rethinking the role of uncertainty in finance. A new approach to financial policies and regulations. Intelligence and decision making. Effect of tabular and icon fact box formats on comprehension of benefits and harms of prostate cancer screening: The ecological rationality of situations: Frequency and causes of defensive decisions in public administration. Mind, rationality, and cognition: Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science , 1 , Eine vermessene Gesellschaft braucht Transparenz.

Wirtschaftsdienst , 98 , Less can be more: How to make operations more flexible and robust with fewer resources. Assessing minimal medical statistical literacy using the Quick Risk Test: A prospective observational study in Germany. BMJ Open , 8: Full text Kruglanski, A. Intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on common principles. Kruglanski, The motivated mind: The selected works of Arie Kruglanski pp.

Natural frequencies do foster public understanding of medical tests: Comment on Pighin, Gonzales, Savadori and Girotto Medical Decision Making , 38 , Voraussetzungen einer den Menschen Nutzen bringenden Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. Risikokompetenz und die Gestaltung der eigenen Zukunft: The barrier to informed choice in cancer screening: Statistical illiteracy in physicians and patients.

US gynecologists' estimates and beliefs regarding ovarian cancer screening's effectiveness 5 years after release of the PLCO evidence. Scientific Reports , 8: The phenomenology of the diagnostic process: A primary-care based survey. Medical Decision Making , 37 , Experimental Psychology , 64 , Can search engine data predict pancreatic cancer?

Can search engine data save lives from pancreatic cancer? BMJ Opinion , June 6 , Technology needs users who can control it. Scientific American , February 25 , Will democracy survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence? Living in terror of terrorism.

Today's most interesting and important scientific ideas, discoveries, and developments pp. Zur Zukunft der Medizin in der digitalisierten Welt. Technik braucht Menschen, die sie beherrschen. A theory integration program. Decision , 4 , Evidenzbasierte Kernkompetenzen mit Fallstudien aus der medizinischen Praxis pp.

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Psychological Review , , A simple heuristic successfully used by humans, animals, and machines: The story of the RAF and Luftwaffe, hawks and ducks, dogs and frisbees, baseball outfielders and sidewinder missiles - oh my! Topics in Cognitive Science , 9 , Authors' reply to Workman. How new fact boxes are explaining medical risk to millions. Digitale Demokratie statt Datendiktatur. Threshold model as a link between signal detection theory, fast-and-frugal trees and evidence accumulation theory.

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  • Gerd Gigerenzer | Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice , 23 , Training medical students how to extract, assess and communicate evidence from an article. Medical Education , 51 , Was tun gegen das Innumeratentum. Biospektrum , 23 , Zwischen Datenschutz und moderner Medizinversorgung. Wirtschaftsdienst , 97 , Heuristics are tools for uncertainty. Homo Oeconomicus , 34 ,