Chemical Attraction


Sure, if you want life to be easy then the path of strong attraction isn't for you Side note: Is there an easy path? I'm still trying to figure that one out. Of course, we all want love to be uncomplicated. But we are complicated! So why would our relationships be anything less? From a spiritual perspective, love is supposed to be a wild ride. This doesn't mean that we stick around in relationships that are abusive or feel horrible to be in. But it does mean we recognize that love will provoke us to grow into fuller versions of ourselves.

And this isn't easy! Feelings such as of insecurity, doubt, fear, jealousy, judgement, and contempt all ego feelings will appear with the people we desire most.

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Because of this, many of us categorize these highly attractive relationships as "bad" or "unhealthy. When we remember that relationships are meant to teach us growth, we approach the "bad" very differently. We know that there is a lesson in every challenge — that lesson is to regain a connection to love. Lessons of love take on many different forms. Sometimes reconnecting with love means leaving the relationship. Sometimes reconnecting with love means sticking around and working through the challenges.

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Sexual attraction feels chemical, like a drug. It's a glorious high unparalleled to anything else in the entire universe. It's intoxicating. It's addictive. We know chemistry when we feel it with another person, but we don't always Fisher has collaborated multiple times on the science of attraction with social.

Sometimes the lesson is learning to forgive your partner. Sometimes the lesson is learning to forgive yourself. Yes, we all want peace in relationships; they're supposed to be blissful and loving. And when they aren't, we know we've fallen off the path of love and we have to get back on track. This is how we grow. Don't bypass or downplay the chemistry you feel; remember that it exists for a reason. The people you're most attracted to are your greatest teachers in love.

Show up for the lessons they have for you. Please leave a comment below about what you've learned from your relationships with the most chemistry. I look forward to hearing from you. Group 8 Created with Sketch. Group 7 Created with Sketch. Email Created with Sketch. There is no hard and fast timeline for how long each phase lasts, as it can vary widely due to gender, age, and other environmental factors, Fisher writes. Additionally, while oxytocin has long gotten the credit for being the love hormone, Prause says that scientists are now "kind of over oxytocin," because it has broader functions than simply bonding.

It also plays a role in the contraction of the uterus to stimulate birth, instigating lactation, and sexual arousal; low levels have been linked to autism spectrum disorders. Now they're focusing on a charmingly named hormone known as kisspeptin no, really. Produced in the hypothalamus, kisspeptin plays a role in the onset of puberty, and may increase libido, regulate the gonadal steroids that fuel the sex drive, and help the body maintain pregnancy.

But Prause says there is a lot more study about the role kisspeptin plays in attraction. Biology may explain our initial attraction and the "honeymoon" phase of a relationship, but it doesn't necessarily explain why a person's love of obscure movies or joy of hiking tickles your fancy, or what makes you want to settle down.

Chemistry and Attraction: When It's Healthy and When It's Not

The Arons' numerous studies on this subject have found connection boils down to something quite simple: In the process of doing research for her book How To Fall in Love With Anyone , writer Mandy Len Catron of Vancouver became her own test subject when she came across the research the Arons are most well-known for: The questions were originally designed to "generate intimacy, a sense of feeling similar, and the sense that the other person likes you," Aron explains. Romantic love wasn't the goal. The Arons first tested their questions by pairing up students during a regular class section of a large psychology course, as they related in a paper in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Some students were paired with someone of the same sex, while others were matched with someone of the opposite sex. Each partner then answered a series of 36 increasingly personal questions, which took about 45 minutes each. In another version of the study, heterosexual, opposite-sex pairs follow the question session with four minutes of staring deeply into each other's eyes.

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Catron decided to test these methods out with a casual acquaintance, Mark, over beers at a local bar one night. They were both dating other people at the time, and no one exclusively. As she answered the questions and listened to Mark's answers, "I felt totally absorbed by the conversation in a way that was unlike any of the other first dates I was having at the time with people I met online," Catron tells Mental Floss. She was ready to skip the four minutes of soulful eye gazing, but Mark thought they should try it.

The process instilled in Catron a deep feeling of trust in Mark and a desire to know him better. Within three months, they began dating in earnest. Now, more than three years later, they live together in a condo they bought. The Arons' questions offer "accelerated intimacy," she says, in a time of increasingly online-driven dating experiences. Because we can't figure it out.

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If you must have a definitive answer to the puzzle of interpersonal chemistry, Prause says to keep this in mind: A new study in the journal Royal Society Open Science reveals that a species of Dracula ant Mystrium camillae , which is found in Australia and Southeast Asia, can snap its jaws shut at speeds of 90 meters per second—or the rough equivalent of mph. This makes their jaws the fastest part of any animal on the planet, researchers said in a statement.

These findings come from a team of three researchers that includes Adrian Smith, who has also studied the gruesome ways that the skull-collecting ants Formica archboldi dismember trap-jaw ants, which were previously considered to be the fastest ants on record. The Dracula ant subfamily is named after their habit of drinking the blood of their young through a process called "nondestructive cannibalism. Instead of closing their jaws from an open position, which is what trap-jaw ants do, they use a spring-loading technique.

They use this maneuver to smack other arthropods or push them away. High-speed cameras were also used to record their jaws snapping at remarkable speeds, which measure times faster than the blink of a human eye. Check out the ants in slow-motion in the video below. Going gluten-free may be a modern diet trend, but people have been suffering from celiac disease—a chronic condition characterized by gluten intolerance—for centuries.

Patients with celiac are ill-equipped to digest products made from certain grains containing gluten; wheat is the most common. In the short-term this can cause gastrointestinal distress, and in the long-term it can foster symptoms associated with early death.

Chemistry (relationship)

Celiac diagnoses are more common than ever, which also means awareness of how to live with the condition is at an all-time high. Here are some things you might not know about celiac disease symptoms and treatments. The bodies of people with celiac have a hostile reaction to gluten. When the protein moves through the digestive tract, the immune system responds by attacking the small intestine, causing inflammation that damages the lining of the organ.

As this continues over time, the small intestine has trouble absorbing nutrients from other foods, which can lead to additional complications like anemia and osteoporosis. These genes help produce proteins in the body that allow the immune system to identify potentially dangerous foreign substances. Normally the immune system wouldn't label gliadin, a segment of the gluten protein, a threat, but due to mutations in these genes, the bodies of people with celiac treat gliadin as a hostile invader. Because it's a genetic disorder, people with a first-degree relative a sibling, parent, or child with celiac have a 4 to 15 percent chance of having it themselves.

About 30 percent of the population has these gene variants, and only 3 percent of that group goes on to develop celiac disease. Patients have to follow strict dietary guidelines and avoid most bread, pasta, and cereal, in order to manage their symptoms. It can also be found in some cosmetics. While makeup containing gluten causes no issues for many people with celiac, it can provoke rashes in others or lead to more problems if ingested. For those folks, gluten-free makeup is an option.

A 1st-century Greek physician named Aretaeus of Cappadocia may have been the first person to describe celiac disease symptoms in writing [ PDF ]. He named it koiliakos after the Greek word koelia for abdomen, and he referred to people with the condition as coeliacs.

When You Feel "Chemistry" With Someone, What's Actually Going On? | Mental Floss

Celiac disease may start in the gut, but it can be felt throughout the whole body. There are at least symptoms associated with celiac disease, many of which overlap with other conditions and make celiac hard to diagnose. Other common symptoms of the disease include tooth discoloration, anxiety and depression, loss of fertility, and liver disorders.