Passion Quotes

The two components offer unique motivations or orientations to work which result in its effects on work and well-being. Inner pressures will hinder performance while work enjoyment will smooth performance. Inner pressures of workaholism have characteristics such as persistence, rigidity, perfectionism, and heightened levels of job stress. This component is also associated [ by whom?

On a more positive note, individuals who enjoy their work will have higher levels of performance for several reasons. These include creativity , trust in their colleagues, and reducing levels of stress.

Burke and Fiksenbaum refer to Schaufeli, Taris, and Bakker when they made a distinction between an individual good workaholics and bad workaholics. A good workaholic will score higher on measures of work engagement and a bad workaholic will score higher on measures of burnout. On the other hand, the opposite kind work hard because they are addicted to work; they see that the occupation makes a contribution to finding an identity and purpose. Passion and desire go hand in hand, especially as a motivation.

Passionate Love Quotes

This suggests that passion is a very intense emotion, but can be positive or negative. Negatively, it may be unpleasant at times. It could involve pain and has obsessive forms that can destroy the self and even others. In an occupation, when an individual is very passionate about their job, they may be so wrapped up in work that they cause pain to their loved ones by focusing more on their job than on their friendships and relationships. This is a constant battle of balance that is difficult to achieve and only an individual can decide where that line lies. In fact, they are inseparable, according to a mostly western way of thinking related to Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine.

These two concepts cause individuals to reach out for something, or even someone. They both can either be creative or destructive and this dark side can very well be dangerous to the self or to others. Hobbies require a certain level of passion in order to continue engaging in the hobby. Singers, athletes, dancers, artists, and many others describe their emotion for their hobby as a passion.

Although this might be the emotion they're feeling, passion is serving as a motivation for them to continue their hobby. Recently there has been a model to explain different types of passion that contribute to engaging in an activity. According to researchers who have tested this model, "A dualistic model in which passion is defined as a strong inclination or desire toward a self-defining activity that one likes or even loves , that one finds important high valuation , and in which one invests time and energy.

The first type of passion is harmonious passion. Furthermore, once an activity is part of the person's identity then the motivation to continue the specific hobby is even stronger. The harmony obtained with this passion is conceived when the person is able both to freely engage in or to stop the hobby.

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Dissecting passionate love into its component parts may seem to take away some of its mystery. But, as psychologists gain greater. This suggests that both passion and love encourage relationship well-being. an increase in sexual desire, which leads to greater relationship satisfaction. But .

It's not so much that the person is forced to continue this hobby, but on his or her own free will is able to engage in it. For example, if a girl loves to play volleyball , but she has a project due the next day and her friends invite her to play, she should be able to say "no" on the basis of her own free will. The second kind of passion in the dualistic model is obsessive passion.

Being the opposite of harmonious passion. This type has a strong desire to engage in the activity, but it's not under the person's own control and he or she is forced to engage in the hobby. This type of passion has a negative effect on a person where they could feel they need to engage in their hobby to continue, for example, interpersonal relationships, or "fit in" with the crowd.

To change the above example, if the girl has an obsessive passion towards volleyball and she is asked to play with her friends, she will likely say "yes" even though she needs to finish her project for the next day. Since passion can be a type of motivation in hobbies then assessing intrinsic motivation is appropriate. The three components of love generate eight possible kinds of love when considered in combination.

It is important to realize that these kinds of love are, in fact, limiting cases: No relationship is likely to be a pure case of any of them. Nonlove refers simply to the absence of all three components of love. Infatuated love results from the experiencing of the passion component in the absence of the other components of love. Empty love emanates from the decision that one loves another and is committed to that love in the absence of both the intimacy and passion components of love.

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Romantic love derives from a combination of the intimacy and passion components. Consummate, or complete love, results from the full combination of all three components. The geometry of the "love triangle" depends upon two factors: Differences in amounts of love are represented by differing areas of the love triangle: The greater the amount of love, the greater the area of the triangle. Differences in balances of the three kinds of love are represented by differing shapes of triangles. For example, balanced love roughly equal amounts of each component is represented by an equilateral triangle.

Love does not involve only a single triangle. Rather, it involves a great number of triangles, only some of which are of major theoretical and practical interest. For example, it is possible to contrast real versus ideal triangles. One has not only a triangle representing his or her love for the other, but also a triangle representing an ideal other for that relationship. Finally, it is important to distinguish between triangles of feelings and triangles of action. Love triangles emanate from stories. Almost all of us are exposed to large numbers of diverse stories that convey different conceptions of how love can be understood.

Some of these stories may be explicitly intended as love stories; others may have love stories embedded in the context of larger stories. Either way, we are provided with varied opportunities to observe multiple conceptions of what love can be. These stories may be observed by watching people in relationships, by watching media, or by reading fiction. It seems plausible, that as a result of our exposure to such stories, we form over time our own stories of what love is or should be.

Various potential partners fit our stories to greater or lesser degrees, and we are more likely to succeed in close relationships with people whose stories more rather than less closely match our own. Although fundamentally, the stories we create are our own, they draw on our experience of living in the world--on fairy stories we may have heard when we were young, from the models of love relationships we observe around us in parents and relatives, from television and movies, from conversations with other people about their relationships, and so forth.

Because the stories we have analyzed were from participants in the United States, our listing is likely to show some degree of cultural biased. Strong anxious attachment; clinging behavior; anxiety at thought of losing partner. Love of partner for physical attractiveness; importance to person of partner's always looking good. Relationships as business propositions; money is power; partners in close relationships as business partners.

35 Inspirational Quotes On Passion

Partner viewed as "fitting in" to some overall scheme; partner viewed in a detached way. Doing things a certain way recipe results is relationship being more likely to work out; departure from recipe for success leads to increased likelihood of failure. Often expects to be saved by a knight in shining armor or to marry a princess and live happily ever after.

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  2. Browse By Tag.
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This has always been my biggest struggle in my previous relationships. My exes have always accused me of being deep, like it was a bad thing. I kind of felt weird and bad about it at times though, because I did not know how NOT to be deep. I tried so hard to have petty conversations about frivolous things with them, but I would always end up taking our conversation to the next level. A sound as primitive as a lion's roar for its mate. Her skin prickled with animal awareness and the breath caught in her throat.

Every drop of moisture evaporated from her mouth. Low in her belly, blood began to beat slow and hard with anticipation. Her face must have betrayed her unfurling arousal.

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Or perhaps, like her, he reacted to the sudden charge in the air, as electric as the pause before a lightning strike. Still without shifting his fierce focus, he set down the box he carried. Then he reached to close the doors and slide the bolt across. Any doubt as to his purpose fled. A delicious thrill rippled through her. The summerhouse was raised on a platform so the windows opened above eye height. With the doors locked, it was a bower designed for private sin. Sin was clearly his aim. Now she looked more closely, she realized it wasn't anger that tightened the skin over the bones of his face.

It was incendiary hunger.

  • Passion (emotion).
  • Passionate Love Quotes ( quotes)?
  • The Mesmerist’s Victim.

Demand he tell her why he was here. But overwhelming need kept her silent and pinned to the window seat. If it doesn't, you've settled. I put my arm around her, marveling at the smoothness of her skin. You don't have to say anything. It took everything I had not to keep you there with me. Her lips were soft, and sweet like fresh Iberian honey. I ran my hands along her back and up into the tangle of her hair.

My thumbs stroked the flesh of her neck and cheeks, and when they pulled away, her lips.