The Fight & The Fire

Fire Fight

To combat one evil or one set of negative circumstances by reacting in kind. References in periodicals archive? Farrell's fireworks warning; Aussie Test will be fierce. But the thing is, we have to fight fire with fire and on a couple of occasions we have done it this year. Yanks for Colorado warning. Those kind of strokes will be more risky on Australia's bigger grounds, according to Ponting, but Pietersen hit back by warning England will fight fire with fire.

Pietersen hands out 'bouncer' warning. Barcelona will fight fire with fire , but recent Champions League experience suggests that theirs could be the first defence to crack. Barca may be in for a shock: Werder Bremen v Barcelona; 7. Pybus said his men would fight fire with fire if Australia try to unsettle Pakistan with verbal abuse. John Godfrey rated it liked it Aug 24, Shannon Sharpless rated it it was amazing Nov 26, Sonja rated it it was amazing Sep 17, Ashleigh rated it really liked it Oct 21, Lacey Mitchell rated it liked it Oct 09, Emma Johnson rated it it was amazing Oct 25, Norma Fraley rated it it was amazing Sep 16, Keri marked it as to-read Dec 06, Mary Edwards marked it as to-read Dec 10, Kendra marked it as to-read Dec 13, J Harris marked it as to-read Dec 14, Michelle marked it as to-read Dec 17, Meagan marked it as to-read Dec 17, Maria Avila marked it as to-read Dec 18, Rhianna marked it as to-read Dec 18, Mickey marked it as to-read Dec 18, Philippa Flynn marked it as to-read Dec 26, Carrie added it Dec 28, Naomi marked it as to-read Dec 28, CloudyEm marked it as to-read Dec 29, Sandra added it Dec 29, In , Worf took a job as regional director of Recreation, Wilderness and Lands in Missoula, where he and Moore got together and agreed that managing wilderness meant leaving some natural fires alone.

They cut into fire scars on ponderosa pine, revealing charred tree rings going back as far as the s, showing that fires had burned there every 10 to 20 years. Those blazes evidently were ground fires that periodically cleared away flammable debris, stimulated regeneration of shrubs and grasses and, in general, did not kill large, healthy trees. Their main concern was to keep wildfires from escaping beyond the wilderness, and they developed criteria for letting a fire burn and provisions for fighting the blaze if things went wrong. The plan was approved. Now all they needed was a fire.

They got their first one within days, but it petered out. It took a year of waiting before they got a big one.

fight fire with fire

I think you were right and that you should take your own advice. Talk about frustration and hopelessness and anger and depression! Although ancient writers from Plato to Erasmus cautioned that one should not add fire to fire, this warning is not incorporated in the idiom, which was first recorded in Shakespeare's Coriolanus. For example, When the opposition began a smear campaign, we decided to fight fire with fire. And then to hear their statements afterward! I think "extinguish" would likely have left the everyday English vocabulary completely, except that we have these things: And there were Bob Mutch and Dave Aldrich, who now looked a bit like members of the Monkey Wrench Gang as author Edward Abbey called a bunch of radical environmentalists in his novel of the same name.

As fire spread over the steep canyon slope along the White Cap, Daniels, Aldrich and Mutch stood by and watched. But up in the ponderosa pine forests, carpeted with thick layers of needles, the fire merely crept along.

Fight fire with fire.

Blue grouse were picking away at the roasted pinecones. Mice and chipmunks scurried about. He saw a bull elk nonchalantly grazing about ten feet from the flames. Mutch noticed a black bear poking along the edges of the fire. Nowhere did they see any animals running scared. But after five days, serenity gave way to shock.

Crews fight fire in home for second time this year

Here, thick stands of highly flammable Douglas fir grew in the shade, surrounded by a heavy buildup of broken branches and other debris. Daniels was called out of a public meeting in Missoula and raced back to the Bitterroot. Mutch was dispatched to brief a team of firefighters, some of them his old buddies, who were called in to stop the blaze. The firefighters wanted to put out the fire on both sides of the creek.

But Daniels defended his turf.

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He designated the escaped fire the Snake Creek Fire and insisted that the firefighters leave his Fitz Creek Fire alone. The unchecked Fitz Creek fire marked a profound change in Forest Service philosophy. In the Bitterroot Wilderness alone, Daniels and his successors have let more than wildland fires burn freely, with impressive results. The Fitz Creek Fire veterans were amazed by what they saw in In , a drought year, when Montana had its worst fire season in nearly a century, the Bitterroot Wilderness turned out to be fire resistant.

A lot of fires got started, burning some 60, acres, but not one firefighter was needed to put them out. As the new fires kept running into places that had previously been allowed to burn, they stalled and expired for lack of fuels on the ground. So far, though, the hands-off approach to fires has been mostly limited to wilderness areas.

Can you really fight fire with fire?

Other national forest areas are generally so dense and so loaded with debris and fuels that letting a lightning strike burn freely would lead to catastrophe. Most Forest Service professionals advocate selling timber from national forests to help thin aging stands and also to defray the costs of noncommercial thinning. But some environmental groups argue that commercial logging does more to destroy the environment than to restore it, and some, like the Sierra Club, have called for an end to all commercial logging in national forests.

Retired forester Bill Worf concedes that his generation was slow to accept the spirit, if not the letter, of environmental protection laws, and he even admits to a bit of creative obfuscation in times gone by.

Indeed, at the same time Daniels was approving fire use in the Bitterroot Wilderness, other parts of the Montana forest were the focus of a national battle over the practice. The chief of the Forest Service, Dale Bosworth, says that clear-cutting is a thing of the past: All this shrill screaming about timber harvests is just a distraction from the real issue, which is about getting these fire-adapted ecosystems back into a healthy condition so they will be more resistant to catastrophic wildfires.

The proposal, which is still being hammered into final form by the Forest Service and Congress, would let forest managers make some decisions about thinning and timber sales with less of the environmental impact analysis and documentation now required by law, and it would also limit the internal Forest Service appeals process, which some environmental groups have used to challenge decisions. Political debate over the initiative has largely followed party lines, although a new Republican-sponsored Healthy Forests Restoration Act passed the House on May 21, , with the support of 42 Democrats.

For their part, Republican supporters say that the bill reflects the current thinking of Western governors and most foresters. Local citizens groups across the West are working with the Forest Service and other agencies, focusing on protecting communities near or within national forests. The sometimes angry debate over healthy forests legislation rings hollow to Klein and many other foresters in the field. Meanwhile, there will be more infernos, she says: Subscribe or Give a Gift.

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