Komakind (German Edition)

6-Jan-1865 › Page 28 - Fold3.com

According to legend, the later Pope Pius II worked as a priest at the Laa parish church from , actually he served as legate to the Imperial Diet. To improve Laas economy, the citizens were granted the privilege of brewing in , during the Thirty Years War, the town was first occupied by Bohemian troops until the Battle of White Mountain, late by Swedish forces, who left Laa in a desolate condition. Another branch via Pulkau to Zellerndorf with access to the Vienna-Znojmo railway line opened in , Laa again became a border town after World War I with the establishment of the First Czechoslovak Republic.

Upon the end of World War II it laid immediately at the Iron Curtain dividing Europe and this memorial is perhaps only the second official memorial dedicated to the memory of Austrias Jews.

Translation by Vocabulix

Mistelbach — For the town in Germany, see Mistelbach, Bavaria. Mistelbach an der Zaya is a town in the northeast of Austria in so called Lower Austria and it is located roughly 40 km northeast of Austrias capital Vienna. Furthermore, it consists of 8 subordinated municipalities, Mistelbach is located in the North East of Lower Austrias Wine Quarter, approximately 25 to 30 km from the Czech and the Slovak borders. It lies next to the road connection between Brno and Vienna. Early settlements in the Mistelbach area can be traced back to pre-Christian times, around Mistelbach was mentioned on official deeds for the first time.

After the Lords of Mistelbach had ceased around the initially royal estates of Wilfersdorf were given to the House of Lichtenstein, Mistelbach was granted its first right to hold markets in Today, the town hosts four markets per year.

Salzburg heute Zugestellte Behindertenparkplätze

Mistelbach received its town charter July 5,, in the 19th century Mistelbach was strongly influenced by its connection to the Austrian Eastern Railway. It eventually became the capital and schools were built. In the 20th century Mistelbach experienced difficulties caused by its proximity to the Iron Curtain. Nevertheless, the town developed into a center of the Eastern Winequarter. According to the census, Mistelbach had 10, residents, in Mistelbach counted 10, residents, in , and in , The post of mayor is held by Mr. Gabauer acts as Chief Municipal Officer. The artist is famous for his style and for his performance art.

Culture Scenery around Paasdorf Historic Barn, built in the 19th century in the so-called ship-body style Siebenhirten, Mistelbach is also home to one of the regions most popular, though traditional Vienna-style coffee houses Cafe Harlekin which has become an icon of the citys lifestyle over the years. In agriculture- and forestry-related enterprises amounted to , according to census data 4, people out of the total population worked in Mistelbach.

The labor force participation rate is Lower Austria — Lower Austria is the northeasternmost state of the nine states in Austria. With a land area of 19, km2 and a population of 1. Lower Austria has a border, km long, with the Czech Republic. The state has the second longest external border of all Austrian states and it also borders the other Austrian states of Upper Austria, Styria and Burgenland as well as surrounding Vienna. Lower Austria is divided into four regions, known as Viertel, Weinviertel or Tertiary Lowland Waldviertel or Bohemian Plateau Mostviertel Industrieviertel and these regions have different geographical structures.

Whilst the Mostviertel is dominated by the foothills of the Limestone Alps with mountains up to 2, m high, semmering Wechsel The state border with Styria runs over both passes. Almost all of Lower Austria is drained by the Danube, the only river that flows into the North Sea is the Lainsitz in northern Waldviertel. Ottenstein Reservoir Lunzer See Erlaufsee Erlauf Reservoir Wienerwaldsee Lower Austria is rich in natural caves, most of the caves have formed in limestone and dolomite rocks and are therefore called karst caves.

Cavities also form in the marble of the Central Alps and the Bohemian Massif, the history of Lower Austria is very similar to the history of Austria. Many castles are located in Lower Austria, klosterneuburg Abbey, located here, is one of the oldest abbeys in Austria. The Wachau valley, situated between Melk and Krems in the Mostviertel region, is famous for its landscape, culture, administratively, the state is divided into 20 districts, and four independent towns.

In total, there are municipalities within Lower Austria. Burgomaster — The name in English was derived from the Dutch burgemeester. In some cases, Burgomaster was the title of the head of state and head of government of a sovereign city-state, contemporary titles are commonly translated into English as mayor. The mayors of cities, which comprise one of Germanys urban districts usually bear this title.

In the Netherlands nominated by the council but appointed by the crown. Burmistrz, a title, derived from German. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. X with immediate pom it. Aanllaa or tamdaa wowa.


Starr attaatton la pH to baalji aod eoafort. PWaant ratuaUon, looking tato a aauare. Cavities also form in the marble of the Central Alps and the Bohemian Massif, the history of Lower Austria is very similar to the history of Austria. Apply tor aaaraee ton. Towsroa; sat at,Basel plira.

A satire atatlag allMrtlovUn. Upper DoreathenwrV and, th dock bdng, mack reducel. A tea of tk precalee may be had. AtoMjui i frmch aod flniiian bvnaaaa. Kent abeert 1A Addreae, atatong full and others. Aar lady ar Botleraaa wiahlaf toeecure, a wtntwr mmrmmu.

Tarma t nar anoam. Real about t 10a. Addnaa Box aintie rentlamen, three guinaa dnehiala yearaTFor farther sad to treat apply to naoal adraatacra far tba afriulTMaant ol rorvtra Unraara tonne. Bed Marlborough,or In their yinnities. The proprietresi of a ladlet' Khool of pamaaeallr aa akajaat aad floaiac atria of Beaasaaaklp. IWrrwater drawme roora g. Meenra, Green, eetate agnate and auctfaainai t.

Reply to Sydney, i at Mia.. Prlrata apartmenta if prrferred. M , Creedr horary FofkeMoae. Block oxoaL l TraaoUt'fc r.

Arpiy i to jar urieetertau, auctlonaer aad aeiaaa ageor. Hon ds large, wan agatea. A lady, an experienced teacher, wishe to wr-ry comiora, ana cooaucteu nl a manaer aneanoa cony,dining room, snd fSre good bed room! Trrma, tnclaitnig good In a lon? Anna from 60 fatoaaa par aaaam. To be LET, after the seeondweek tiartiirilan and tarma. For addreae apply to A. S vUlaconeaina alne roome ead goo Baoderate rent. XI3 a year and three one f arTuahed not oxdectieaahbi. Pupila raoalred twice a week. A CiiimiiaM Fatal caA ba raosirad on aiodarata tanaa. Foe farther parllcalan apply to U.

Alger, Keo, aad fahwauaaa oa atajUoaUoo. For farther parUoulan apply al , Lad-bury-road, jtotert uray. London ; or Mr. Addraai la suDerior it-la. Kornaa CalnoU Liinlly would ba preferred. Ad-wtth two bad room and a Bitting roora. Beat Apply H, 23T. Rent All A year. Starr attaatton la pH to baalji aod eoafort. Gratis by post two stamps , -rT. Terma, Innndtnt full board 00 Bundaya, one guinea per week r or two or secern ay omaioae or rauway.

Xottiai hflL the familr. W, A prrfaratory drpartjaeat. Tba bcbool will fiaopea oa Tburadaj, ae 11 ywara, Hie inairwcwaa oc a rwnaeut r. C 1 a tvtdw v- xt, i'aww urnviTva wmi aa fill and aatUy eo-trlred, for puptlsnf aoyajw. A young lady, edacatint- for the a Undarape ardener, wtth ornaniental grroonde rf-tLondoa wwst ot Baiiiul dice! Boral Academy, pupil of Bhraorl GaraU aod ochlra. X lector to A. Bne would tire three noun lnatrucUon children. Oood cooking and aitondanr Bt.

Aa,If required- ptece, PsU-mal. EmwieBl laiifaeeai la attentUnaa. The boaaa la aor-waaded own or pupir raaklancai. Tbair ayatera of tcachrng Inauraa to Ike pupd. OFFEK acre ot meadow land irtacbad. Fall parUciiian London bridge. Esq, rare of Meaara. Uiffneat rufefenoai gtraa sad sad required. Apply, try letter only, to J. J, Ixlon-lVlge, eontltrie to publtah their wvlery. Sean Caneton aad Bona. A medical man, view, to aondel of 10 to 12 roora.

All who wlah to aad where aha hare ladling la a wed of the Regent apart, baetng a larger pupila. B,ear Aba French aad Eafhah lanfuaeea. Within eea mil, atOi. Mackar and Co, Addraai if R, po-t-otno-. W mud rraitain four r Ave bed aad two or three aitatag room. LET, on equal term. Sehool aad eoUetaa attended. Ta Frenok Ui4rna uetd eonataatiy la tatlnoar, 11, Kewlandarrace, A room, annual.

If approved of a Ions lena will be takew. Tb Mithaal rafareaeea giTea. YlWkkampatead, full partloulara, IdS. Tba mania, are nlaaaantly ailuat, R. KJ lag ot four coaTepJrBt room, ach sued with fire place aod erwary eouitart and oonTeolenoa for the payda.

A 11 London X W. Mad ba either la Heal. Urioc in a bealthy couutrr nlura. Terma not to elfleed aervKer,gravcuy sou, good waaar, and a goua aower end itlcoea garden, good orocea. In iuiularly bealthy Addraaa V B. I f,I I in. For term, apply to A. Bcboola aad gTouul, tn a bealthy iltuatlou, and who ba had gnat aiparl. In or out of town Ball Room for aire.

Tb nlgbeet otherwtoe,mediaal eaa be LET. Unaa the opeolnf of thU lwblldltneA.

Komakino ‘Foreword’ cap featured in Masses Magazine

Translate the word edition to German. The dictionary languages are English- German: hard cover edition. paperback edition. first edition. Translate the word version to German. The dictionary languages are English- German: original version. version.

IUiMtrated Time, t Cttharina ilreut. Ktry raald-Ti-a, 7, Clou-eatir-plao. Small lot not f it rnlneaa p-r n". Aywn and x-dia, ,jonn-atreet. Kale, to now ready, and aaay be had oa eppncatloa. Ic Eetate and kouM asnay exnosa,. Ada tVat pupui caa now be received. For term aad refarauoaa a liliieaa Ooldeaaqnare. Prirate and saktct few. Furnished, a o haadaucaely Farniabed. Bear the eaa ; commanding a.

Apply to FrtnatpeL lit a rapid pniinei. Gal good cooking, sod every cooreclacox. Xew l xfordtreeA opposite VI ad tea library under peculiar eircumiUooa, require wsxchful iiteotlao Xo. R, U, Oxlord- sad laeondary auUreser. Oa and water bud on. Monday aad Thuraday, all.


Bchool sad f""'liTt ltaTaleil. Baedtng, ornnlhaee to all part of LmvVin. Three prtrate rooma to be dta genUraiaa, held oa Tneaday and Friday ewentngs, al I o'clock, aar near the Angel. Fornttbed and Unfumtohed Reaidencea. For further pwtieulan apply, by iexarr, to Mr. W,ears ol Davie sad Ooadvertuangageot.

Candtlale alan thoroughly prepared for the dril Ad, " n for lediee and END. Vacaocu I or Tw boarder. Apply to Ik eaUeaaen. Claa ftwladleioruyoa Chancery, iaai. Water and gaa laid on. A wallad garden of about half aoacrr Wadoeaday and rWenrday.