To Be Men (Ultra Gay XXX)

The ‘gay cure’ experiments that were written out of scientific history
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Even by the standards of the time, these experiments were radical and strange — and they duly caused an uproar. There was another problem: Heath had been encouraged by the initial results of stimulating patients with electrodes: Also, although Heath did not acknowledge it, any improvement may have come about simply because the chosen patients were getting more attention from their doctors. But this did not mean that he was done with his electrodes. He was just getting started.

He noticed that the same jolt to the septal area, in depressed but non-schizophrenic patients, resulted in an intense sensation of pleasure, almost ecstasy. Given the chance to stimulate themselves, some of his patients would do so hundreds of times an hour, just as rats did in similar experiments and as patient B later would.

Soon, Heath was coming up with all manner of uses for those buttons. In , he reported that he was treating two new types of patient. One, with epilepsy, had 51 electrodes implanted into 17 separate brain sites in an attempt to disrupt seizures before they happened.

The other, a year-old nightclub entertainer with narcolepsy, was given a self-stimulation unit with three buttons, each linked via electrodes to a different part of the brain. Like B later on, he quickly settled on the button connected to the septal area as his preferred option.


To Be Men (Ultra Gay XXX) - Kindle edition by Dick Powers. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. Swapping Men (Ultra Gay XXX) - Kindle edition by Dick Powers. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like.

If he felt himself falling asleep, he would push the button — or his friends would give him a jolt to wake him up. But he also learned another use for the button: But even so, his radicalism stood out. Other doctors would implant a few electrodes for a few days; Heath implanted dozens, and left them in for years. Others experimented with animals; Heath experimented with people and animals both, feeding the findings from one set of tests into the next.

Others tested the pleasure reflex under carefully controlled laboratory conditions; Heath handed patients the control boxes and set them loose to juice themselves as they saw fit. Heath was, in other words, a man of extraordinary curiosity — and in a position to follow his muse wherever it took him, or have one of his many subordinates do so on his behalf.

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While septal stimulation was the constant of his career, he engaged in an enormous variety of other work, publishing at least papers. He experimented with dripping drugs deep into the brain down tiny pipes called cannulae, targeting the same regions as his electrodes. He talked a suicidal patient down from a roof. He injected horseradish peroxidase into the brain to see how it carried chemicals. He gave a talk to the Army on electrical stimulation of the brain, after which his department was contracted to test psychoactive drugs on prisoners: At around that time, he began testing the effects of marijuana on monkeys by blowing smoke into their cages: As well as stimulating the schizophrenic brain, Heath was studying it.

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He wanted to know what was different about the tissue, the chemicals, the genes that caused the anomalies he had found. Examining blood samples and brain matter from people with schizophrenia, he discovered a mysterious substance he called taraxein, which seemed to be generated in the septal area. This was, he dramatically announced in , not a by-product of schizophrenia: If you took a serum of taraxein and injected it into monkeys, they started showing schizophrenia-like symptoms. A couple of hours later, they were completely back to normal.

When he tried it on people, the results were the same. The report caused a sensation. And in , Heath doubled down, claiming that further investigation had revealed that taraxein was in fact an antibody produced by the brain. What Heath had discovered — as the global media eagerly reported — was that people with schizophrenia were, in effect, allergic to their own brains. There was talk of a Nobel Prize.

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If he felt himself falling asleep, he would push the button — or his friends would give him a jolt to wake him up. Gay horny student suck his teach Hot gay Mexican latino men fuck The hottest part of waking up is Tom.. Sign in to add this to a playlist. Is there a hunger for the voices of gay men within the feminist movement? Who wants a kind, caring grandpa anyway?

There was just one problem: Or if it did, no one else could find it. But it did not change things in Louisiana: Heath continued to be given awards and positions, to be respected and venerated. Yet a wider backlash against psychosurgery was stirring. Fears of mind control and brainwashing, stoked by the success of the film The Manchurian Candidate , cast suspicion on any research involving drugs and electrodes to manipulate the mind. It caught the attention of Todd Ochs, a member of the Medical Committee for Human Rights which provided care for civil rights activists across the South who was working at a free clinic in the French Quarter of New Orleans — and as a paramedic at Charity Hospital.

Ochs and his committee took up the cause, and he alerted his friend Bill Rushton, a gay rights campaigner and investigative reporter for the local Vieux Carre Courier. And he argued not that Heath was a monster, but simply a bad scientist. He was always interested in results that were spectacular — like finding some protein in the brain that would evoke schizophrenia.

Despite the growing controversy, Heath retained his position and prestige — but Tulane was becoming increasingly worried about its reputation. In the early s, donors to fund the electrode studies became harder to come by, as did official approval for procedures.


Heath even took a brief sabbatical while the bad publicity died down. Yet in terms of his ambitions, and his convictions about the brain, nothing of substance changed. Psychiatrist Marilyn Skinner remembers, as a young resident at Tulane, being given the case of a year-old woman: So he found a sympathetic hospital in California, and when the procedure took place, something amazing happened, Skinner says: She showed warmth, and gratitude — she was able to talk about her feelings, and what happened, and was no longer suicidal or homicidal.

Heath retired as chairman of his department in , after 31 years at the helm, although he continued working for some years afterwards. Even before his death in , at the age of 84, his reputation outside Tulane had become tarnished.

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He was known, if at all, not as the man who was the first to map out the pleasure circuit, or as one of the earliest and most passionate advocates for the biological causation of schizophrenia now the established orthodoxy , but as a man whose work seemed closer to science fiction than practical medicine. How far would you go for a loved one?

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