Talk Like A Pirate (Non-State)

Talk like a pirate day – an essential guide!

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Talk Like A Pirate is a unique, innovative book that takes students sailing on high seas through a dictionary of fascinating words and terms straight from the. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Carole Marsh: Native of Atlanta, Georgia; Professional Talk Like A Pirate (Non-State) by [Marsh, Carole].

So gather 'round, maties, and learn the pirate lingo. Just in case it's been a while since your timbers were shivered, we've compiled a guide to pirate-speak. It all begins with the pronouns. Say "ye" instead of "you," as in "How are ye feeling today? When in doubt, say 'G'yaaaarrrrrrr. He says it just right. Don't confuse 'Ahoy' a greeting, like "hello" with "Avast" technically means "stop," but often used as an interjection, like "hey," as if to say "stop what you're doing, I have something to say". Nothing angers a real pirate like a wannabe who says "Avast" when he really means 'Ahoy.

Say 'aye' in place of yes, but don't say "nay" in place of no - not unless you want to talk like a pirate politician. Booty - Refers to any ill-gotten goods swiped from another party especially jewelry, cash and wedding silverware. Bunghole - The opening in a cask of beer or rum that is plugged with a cork or stopper. Talk Like A Pirate (Non-State) eBook: Carole Marsh: Kindle Store

Use this word sparingly, as it makes middle school boys giggle uncontrollably. Cap'n - Abbreviated form of 'captain. Even in the corporate workplace, CEOs and other bosses secretly love it when their underlings address them as 'Cap'n. Davy Jones ' Locker - Refers to a grave at the bottom of the sea.

Not to be confused with Peter Tork 's Locker, which is where the Monkees kept their valuables while performing concerts on stage.

Dubloon - It's a Spanish gold coin, but you can use the word to refer to nickels and dimes and quarters, as in 'This vending machine just ate me dubloons, and I didn't get me Twinkie in return! Grog - Techincally, it's diluted rum, although you can use the word to refer to just about any alcoholic concoction. The more grog a pirate consumes, the less he sweats the finer semantic details.

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Landlubber - A weak-willed ninny who doesn't have the courage needed to brave the briny deep referring to the ocean, not the pickle jar. Jolly Roger - Pirate flag featuring a skull and crossbones. Johnny Depp - A sarcastic phrase for a baby-faced pirate who dresses a wee bit too fancy. Obviously, Talk Like a Pirate Day is all about the lingo, mateys. The website gives a good rundown of pirate terms, from the basics to advanced — there are even pickup lines. A sense of surprise — stop what you're doing and give it attention.

Never argh, which is a sound of disgruntlement.

Good Pirate, Good Reader: Remnants of a Book Found on Blackbeard’s Ship

There are a few things which translate as "arr," such as "yes," or "I agree. A sense of understanding. Speaking of smartly, if you don't have time to brush up on your pirate jargon, Post Like a Pirate will do it for you. It will even tweet your translations straight to Twittarrr. Sad because your company won't allow you to wear a three-cornered hat and eye patch to work?

That's what Photoshop is for. And if you're going to talk like a pirate, you should look like one too. We've included a few pirate pieces to jazz up your avatar or profile picture. Add a hook, a sword, a hat or go all out. The most hardcore of pirates are probably already using this feature, but you can change your language on Facebook to pirate.

Ye want to talk like a pirate, eh? A pirate vocabulary guide that's plank-walking good

Go to your general settings and select "English Pirate " to join in on the fun. Now that you have the pirate lingo down — or have at least made good use of the translator — it's time to let your colleagues know that you're serious. Pirates have to yell over choppy waters, sails blowing in the wind and other rowdy pirates on the deck. You can't yell in an email, but you can take advantage of the caps lock key.

Want to impress your pirate friends without using the lingo? Add some ascii art at the end of an email where your signature would normally be. No need to spend money and hours fighting back tears at the tattoo parlor — you can make them all yourselves! Jon Barnes shows you tips and techniques for drawing your own tattoos, using markers and imagination. Pirates considered parrots to be souvenirs of the sea.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

They were exotic, brightly colored and could be trained to speak. It's less common for most of us to have a spare parrot lying around.

1. Talk the Pirate Talk

Unless you already have one as a pet, consider improvising, like these guys. Images courtesy of Reddit, c9silver , Sharpwriter , oniaberry.

Every pirate should celebrate the end of the day with a bottle of rum — but, we're not really pirates, so let's drink responsibly. Pirates actually drank grog , which was a special concoction of alcoholic brews.