The Dragonstone: A Novel of Mithgar

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The Dragonstone (Mithgar, book 1) by Dennis L McKiernan

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The Dragonstone A Novel of Mithgar

Preview — The Dragonstone by Dennis L. Welcome to Mithgar, Dennis L. For as long as she can remember, the Elven Lady Arin has been besieged by visions from the past—or the future. But none has ever left her so shaken as the one that foretells the fall of Mithgar: There is more to the prophecy than a warning—riddles within the vision that Arin must decipher if she is to prevent the forthcoming destruction. Paperback , pages.

Published September 1st by Roc first published Mithgar Chronological 1 , Mithgar To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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To ask other readers questions about The Dragonstone , please sign up. Which is the best order to read this series in? See 1 question about The Dragonstone…. Lists with This Book. Sep 18, Max rated it liked it Shelves: I definitely liked this the best out of all the Mithgar novels I've read thus far, but it still only rates about three or three and a half stars. There's some fun world building, since the plot involves characters from fantasy Japan and fantasy Scandinavia. Plus, I got to meet Mithgar's wizards for the first time, which was interesting. I like the idea that they come from another dimension, even if it is somewhat like Tolkien's wizards originating in Valinor.

The bit about dragons and krakens ma I definitely liked this the best out of all the Mithgar novels I've read thus far, but it still only rates about three or three and a half stars. The bit about dragons and krakens mating was kinda silly, though. The plot is a fairly generic quest fantasy in which Arin, an elf with precognitive abilities, has to seek out a bunch of people to aid her in her search for the Dragonstone.

What the Dragonstone does is never made explicit, but presumably it lets the user control dragons, which would be bad news. Things are made more interesting through the varied cast of characters who meet the components of a prophetic riddle. These include a female samurai, two one eyed men one of whom is an alcoholic , and a thief. Generally, the characters were fun and well-developed, even if they were kinda cliche.

I actually enjoyed a fair bit of this book, even if it got off to a slow start.

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However, in the end, there were some things that definitely damaged my enjoyment of it. For one thing, everybody had to get together in nice little couples even though most of them didn't make sense. But the other relationships came out of nowhere, never felt real, and didn't jibe with my idea of the characters. They really took me out of the story and frustrated me. I was also annoyed by the fact that one of the fantasy Middle East countries that the heroes visit has a major religion consisting of Satan worship or at least worship of the local Satan equivalent.

This is a frustrating and kinda racist concept, and so while I do appreciate that McKiernan attempts to be more diverse than Tolkien, he messes it up some. Still, this was definitely an improvement over Into the Forge, and its originality makes The Dragonstone better than all the other Mithgar books I've read, even with its serious flaws. Apr 04, Robert rated it liked it Shelves: I have avoided this writer for decades--multiple references to him by reviewers and readers as a "Tolkien derivative" and akin to Terry Brooks in writing ability.

Well, sometimes you just have to try for yourself. I received this book as a gift and felt compelled to read it. Yes, he is not the writer Tolkien was and yes, it is very derivative.

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However, I found out that the first books in this world the Iron Ring Trilogy he wrote were meant to be "continuations" of LOR, and that he is a fan. We I have avoided this writer for decades--multiple references to him by reviewers and readers as a "Tolkien derivative" and akin to Terry Brooks in writing ability. Well I'm a fan too, and I can't write a successor to LOR, but why not read the books of someone who has. That said, I found this book moderately enjoyable. I felt that somehow he was placing me in a forested environment, with a mission and a layered world of many cultures.

I found that I kept making comparisons to Tolkien's elves, people and histories to the disadvantage of McKiernan, but not to the extent that I wanted to stop.

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Start by marking “The Dragonstone (Mithgar, #1)” as Want to Read: (Mithgar (Chronological) #1) Welcome to Mithgar, Dennis L. McKiernan’s classic bestselling fantasy series of adventure where legends are forged in the fires of sorcery. The Dragonstone: A Novel of Mithgar [Dennis L. McKiernan, Donato Giancola] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Welcome to Mithgar.

I think this is a decent entry to the "traditional" fantasy literature. I could go on, but I find that most people either like and read this author or they don't. Make your own evaluation. Oct 27, Todd R rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a good read, interesting characters and settings that kept me enthralled the way a Fantasy hasn't done in a long time. I like Mckiernan usually, it's classic fantasy with settings that are incredibly detailed and events and people that are always exciting to explore.

It's a nice long fantasy that stands on its own - which is another thing I like about McKiernan's work; you can read them separately and in no particular order, for the most part, and have a rich experience. Oct 02, Ryan Gower rated it it was amazing. This book and ALL of the Mithgar series was given to me by my best friend over 20 years ago. The world of Mithgar played a pivotal role in my imagination and was the backdrop for all of our D and D games.

This book baptized me into this world and for that I owe Mr. I cannot give this work enough praise. It is wonderfully written and is appropriate for all ages. Parents can feel good about their children reading this and need not worry about anything overly graphic or s This book and ALL of the Mithgar series was given to me by my best friend over 20 years ago. Parents can feel good about their children reading this and need not worry about anything overly graphic or sexual.

I have no problems with those topics but, I understand that they are not appropriate for all ages. This book and the following entries in the series helped me become a writer and kept me away from the dreaded TV. Please, get this book and share it with a friend Mar 12, Isabelle rated it it was amazing.

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Slow start, but after around pages of background setting for the story, it really hooked me. It is a great adventure, without any big wars but with couples forming in the company of 7 that makes the story. Dec 08, Cori Thomas rated it liked it. The beginning chronological of the series you don't have to start here. It is a good book that brings in predestination vs. I enjoyed that there are quite a few diverse characters both male and female, as well as, cultural diversity. The author likes to pepper in different languages and dialects for this effect.

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Item s unavailable for purchase. I do enjoy epic tales such as the Shannara book and those by David Eddings. Yes, he is not the writer Tolkien was and yes, it is very derivative. Paperback , pages. The Coming of Wisdom. McKiernan has subsequently developed stories in the series that followed along a story line different from those that plausibly could have been taken by Tolkien.

Most the meaning can be guessed at others are explained I have used a translation app which works for the most part It is easy to grasp The beginning chronological of the series you don't have to start here. Most the meaning can be guessed at others are explained I have used a translation app which works for the most part It is easy to grasp the jist of it. Most of the graphic situations concern fighting. There are a lot if dragging areas where all they are able to do is talk because of travel.

McKiernan loves to begin in the middle of the story backtrack tonite beginning to help with character building etc. At times, this does slow the pacing down. Like almost every Epic Fantasy there are elves, dragons, mages, and so on those who've read Tolkien will either like him or hate it as a knock off. Jun 21, Alianoraree rated it liked it Shelves: It started out okay, if a bit goofy and gross for my taste. Then, to give some new characters context for what the group will need to do next, the elf started telling a story.

One hundred pages and lots of scenery porn later, I gave up. If I had known ahead of time that the beginning was going to be more of a frame story, or if there hadn't been such a huge tone shift between it and the elf's stately journey story, I might have been fine with the book. Maybe this heads-up will help prepare some It started out okay, if a bit goofy and gross for my taste.

Maybe this heads-up will help prepare someone to enjoy it. Jun 10, Jason Hubbard rated it really liked it. A great book for fantasy fans who crave the concept of heroes going on an epic journey to defeat evil. There are some segments in the first pages that drag learning what every river and forest land our heroes journey through is not much fun , but things pick up after a while even though the author could have cut some fat from the narrative.

A high fantasy adventure with well written excitement and memorable characters. I enjoyed this installment of the adventures of Mithgar. This is a fun book to read, a lot of adventure and good verses evil. Oct 31, Lynn Orser rated it it was ok Shelves: It's an OK book for fantasy lovers, was not the best I have read. I do enjoy epic tales such as the Shannara book and those by David Eddings. Maybe some of his later works would suit me better. NOt a bad read so Enjoy. May 10, Danielle Young rated it it was amazing. The characters are enthralling, and the quest will suck you in! You will not want to put this book down!

The Shadow Prison Frostborn Book Three of The Demon Cycle. Song of Dragons The Complete Trilogy. The Coming of Wisdom. A Call to Arms. The Death of Nnanji. A Call to Vengeance. Once Upon a Winter's Night. Once Upon A Dreadful Time. Once Upon an Autumn Eve. Once Upon A Spring Morn. Once Upon a Summer Day. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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The Dragonstone

Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. McKiernan series Mithgar Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. In this series View all Book Ratings and Reviews 0 1 star ratings 0 reviews. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.