Denken und Problemlösen. Kognition C/II/Bd. 8: Bd. C/II/5 (German Edition)

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User-friendly locations of error messages in web forms: The role of visual complexity and prototypicality regarding first impression of websites: Is beautiful really usable? Working towards usable forms on the World Wide Web: Sleep-wake cycles and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. The organization of interaction design pattern languages alongside the design process.

Vertical versus dynamic menus on the World Wide Web: The role of visual complexity in affective reactions to web pages: Effect of drawing hand and age on figural fluency: The effect of methylphenidate on n-back task performance in boys with epilepsy and or ADHD: REM sleep is related to the transfer of implicit procedural knowledge following metacognitive learning. Building an interaction design pattern language: Mental Models for Web Objects: Designing product listing pages: Symmetry and aesthetics in website design: A case study of user-centered design in four swiss RUP projects.

REM-sleep increases transfer of executive knowledge after metacognitive learning. Reduced response to reward in smokers and cannabis users. Error prevention in online forms: The fatigue scale for motor and cognitive functions FSMC: A dichotic listenting study of lateralized working memory.

Advances in Human Computer Interaction. Cognitive load in eCommerce applications: Working memory training in patients with multiple sclerosis: Satisfaction, image and loyalty: The role of education and depression on different aspects of multiple sclerosis related fatigue. Cinematographic techniques in architectural animations and their effects on viewers' judgment. Beyond web content accessibility guidelines: Design of enhanced text user interfaces for blind internet users.

Scientific problem solving in a virtual laboratory: Eye-tracking the cancellation and focus model for preference judgments. Wirksamkeit eines neu entwickelten kognitiven Traningsprogramms bei MS. Usable error message presentation in the World Wide Web: Do not show errors right away. Effects of mood and problem solving in dyads on transfer. How do we learn in a negative mood?

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Dörner em.

Fatigue in multiple sclerosis: Relation between functional brain imaging, cognitive impairment and cognitive rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis. Color similarity in visual search. Anxiety trait modulates psychophysiological reactions, but not habituation processes related to affective auditory stimuli. Therapy-induced plasticity of cognitive functions in MS patients: Tracking the subprocesses of decision-based action in the human frontal lobes. Sleep loss-related decrements in planning performance in healthy elderly depend on task difficulty.

Effects of metacognitive thinking and knowledge acquisition in dyads on individual problem solving and transfer performance. Neurorehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis: Analysis of impairment related functional architecture in MS patients during performance of different attention tasks. Does altered functional activation in MS patients reflect loss or presence of compensatory brain mechanisms?.

Altered functional activation in MS patients with reduced attentional performance demonstrated with functional MRI. John glaubt, dass Mary weiss, dass.. Kognitive Modellierung als Individualdiagnostik: Chess expertise and memory for chess positions in children and adults. Methoden zur empirischen Analyse von Chunks beim Reproduzieren von Schachstellungen.

Learning qualitative and quantitative reasoning in a microworld for elastic impacts. Negative emotion, positive experience? Gratifications of Fearful Game Experience. Informational, but not Intrinsically Motivating Gamification': The Winner Gives It All': Gratifications of Emotionally Moving Game Experiences.

The Role of Interactivity and Appreciation. The impact of interactive visual simulations on learning statistics. Mental models for web objects in different cultural settings. A systematic review of quantitative studies on the enjoyment of digital entertainment games. A diary study exploring game completion and player experience.


Positive and negative transfer effects in groups. Long-term modality effect in multimedia learning. Designing usable web forms: Association for Computing Machinery. Effects of website and advertiser credibility on consumer responses to banners ads. Empirical evaluation of 20 web form optimization guidelines.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression: Die Psychologie und das Problem der Einheit der Wissenschaften. On the Difficulties People have in Dealing with Complexity. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. Lernen des Wissens- und Kompetenzerwerbs. Kognitive Prozesse und die Organisation des Handelns.

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Buy Denken und Problemlösen. Kognition C/II/Bd. 8: Bd. C/II/5 (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Wissen Ǭber dynamische Systeme: Erwerb, ReprÇÏsentation und Denken ( Kohlhammer Standards Psychologie) (German Edition) Nov 06, der Psychologie: Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie - Kognition: BD 5 Kognition C/II/Bd. 8 Psychologie für Bachelor: Denken - Urteilen, Entscheiden, Problemlösen.

The Ecological Conditions of Thinking. Animal Mind - Human Mind. Cognitive Processes and the Organization of Action. Cognitive and Motivational Aspects of Action. Empirische Psychologie und Alltagsrelevanz. The Organisation of Action in Time. Thinking and the Organization of Action. Action Control - from Cognition to Behavior. Verhalten, Denken und Emotionen. Psychologie als Wissenschaft - ihre Aufgaben und Ziele.

Diagnostik der operativen Intelligenz. Diagnostica, Heft 4 32, S. Geburtstag von Gerhard Kaminski. Intention Memory and Intention Regulation. Knowledge Aided Information Processing. Der Wille in den Humanwissenschaften. Heurismen beim Umgang mit einem einfachen dynamischen System.

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Jahrgang, Heft 1, 12 - The prognostic analysis of the AIDS epidemic: Statistical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling of Aids. Jahrgang, Heft 2, 86 - The logic of failure. Human Factors in Hazardous Situations.

B , , Oxford: Psychologie, Naturwissenschaft und die Informationstechnologie. Wider die "Zwei Kulturen". Jahrgang, Heft 4, S. Cognitive Models for Cooperative Work. Strategisches Denken und Stress. Experiment und Empirie in der Psychologie. Psychologische Forschung und Methode: Das Versprechen des Experiments. Strategisches Denken, strategische Fehler, Stress und Intelligenz. Methodologische Grundlagen der Psychologie. Experiments With Computer-Simulated Microworlds: Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.

Strategic thinking and stress. Slips and Errors on Learning Complex Tasks. Memory in Everyday Life.

Entwicklung und Konstruktion im Strukturwandel. Ergebnisse des Ladenburger Diskurses vom Mai - Oktober Eine Systemtheorie der Motivation. Emotionen, kognitive Prozesse und der Gebrauch von Wissen. Planspiel, Pannen und Parcours. Bertelsmann-Briefe, Heft , S. Vom Umgang mit einer komplexen Welt. Die psychologischen Mechanismen und ihre Bedingungen. Probleme - Trends - Perspektiven. Entscheidungsfallen in komplexen Situationen: Effizienter Entwickeln und Konstruieren. Empirical investigation of representations in conceptual and embodiment design.

Vancouver, Volume 4 of 5, pp. On the difficulties of decision making in complex and uncertain domains of reality.