Gut leben mit wenig Geld (ARD Buffet bei Haufe) (German Edition)

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There is a lot of fracking going on all over that area now.

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The nights used to be alive with lightning bugs, crickets, katydids and tree toads. This really needs an investigation. Hi Jeff, the wife and I drove down to Silver Lake, Oregon this last Saturday and the whole front and windshield of the truck got covered with bugs. So, things are good in southeastern Oregon at least! Been listening to your show for about 15 years now I guess.

You are a part of my daily ritual and thank you so much for all the information and wonderful informative guests you book on the show. Bird population came back a little this year from the previous 2 to 3 years of almost no birds at all.

Always asking for donations. Who does REALLY get this money?

They used to be all over the place, flying between the condo buildings and all over the property here in Charlotte, NC. There were blue jays fighting with cardinals over turf, so to speak. We have several ponds on the property that attracted Canadian geese and ducks, and that population is way down as well. In fact, only 2 geese mated and produced 8 little ones, earlier in the summer. They must have moved on after their offspring grew big enough to fly. Also at night there would be dozens of frogs in these ponds, croaking away in the evening and night.

That hardly exists anymore either. Bees have not been around at all for several years. This summer and last. The only thing that seems to thrive around here, are hornets and wasps, since they are heartier insects than the honey bee. They must be protected somehow better than other flying pests. Not many spiders as well, only one had the nerve to build a web on my patio deck this summer. And lawn Rabbits can be seen in the evening and night, hard to tell whether their population is down or not, since they multiply pretty good.

So, it appears they are doing a good job of killing off, the lower forms of life from Coast to Coast. God knows what this means for the human race and life in general on Planet Earth. In August, its understood. If there was a nest right in your face, you had to address it, and the only option was lethal chemicals.

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If there was a nest right in your face, respect would shift from respect for nature to frantic self-preservation. This is the day. One garden spider installed a nest, but she only lasted a week. The red squirrels no longer reach their full size. There are still bees, but their numbers are few. Since spring, at least 30 turtles have left the pond and died at about ft.

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Mosquitoes are terrible, but there have been few days this summer without rain. Poison ivy and briars were growing at astronomical rates even in early spring. And, of course, everything has bloomed and matured 3 to four weeks early. I love knowing what others are experiencing. Is there any other site devoted to this kind of journaling? The garden is like a dead zone.

The butterfly shrub, has no thing on it. This year, to start, there were none. Mid summer a few now and then. To be honest, now, the only place I see butterflies is on television. In my opinion, as a BSC university graduate, the neonicitinoid farming chemicals have created a paradigm shift. Really done some deep down damage that has set the eco system into a death spiral. Spring and parts of early Summer brought waves of songbirds to central Arkansas. Insects were heavy at first, but levels have gone up and down.

I got 8 tick bites around May-June, but not a single one since on the same wild food forest site. Butterflies are common, mosquitos too, in places. They are definitely moving through in small swarms. I live in ND. We also have more bugs and mosquitos than I want! We are having a drought this year, so I give them fresh water every day and when I water my garden. They are all there looking for worms, especially the robins. Our skies are blue and I see very few chemtrails lately.

I can report a lack of bugs here in the north of England. I live in a lush green rural area with plenty of bird life, however very few bugs on the car windshield or radiator grill. A point to note is that this is a cattle and sheep grazing area and very little pesticide is used around here. In the west of England we still have some fields that are contaminated with Ceasium from Chernobyl. No livestock are allowed to be grazed on the contaminated fields.

In the aftermath of Chernobyl we retained our bug population. Never see chem-trails up here the sky is bright blue, much bluer than in the USA. Having hung out in New England for some time last year i was shocked that i never heard bird song in the morning, or for that matter ever saw anything other than turkey buzzards. I noticed a lack of bugs there last year, i also noticed that the sky in the USA always seemed to be the wrong colour, ie washed out white with a halo around the sun.

I was able to leave the West Coast do in part to all your information. I was also able to convince others to leave. It was hot as hell in Vancouver during the initial fallout which amounted to about half the radiation that Tokyo was getting, coming down in the rain. I am happy to report that there are plenty of bugs and birds in the eastern foothills of the Rockies, I have a friend who lives in the interior of BC who tells me that the bugs and birds situation is still normal. However, the Adams River salmon run is greatly reduced and all of the fish returning from the Pacific are covered with white tumors that go all the way through the flesh.

Hi Jeff, Same issue here in Ireland. August 5, at 8: Everything is green and leafy, so there should be an abundance of bugs. Even in drier years there can be plenty of them. But this summer, the bug count is well below what it has been in the past. On the property of the house where I live, we have 2 large night lights mounted on power poles. In summers past, there would be a cloud of bugs around them…as well as the porch light at the front door…you would have to fight the bugs to get in the door.


Not the case this year. There are a few…but just a few. Even last year, there were more than now and many more years ago. August 3, To: I drove down Highway 5 to Merced. I drove back to Yuba City. I do not see many birds now in the Sierra Nevada foothills. These forested hills previously teemed with bugs, birds and critters. As I walk along I search for critters like ants, grasshoppers and beetles. I very rarely see any. August 3, at Dying Insects Central WV. Love the show, especially love the Yochi and Dana episodes. You are correct, almost no one else talks about Fukushima. I live in the almost Geographic center of WV… a couple miles from it.

I have seen a major decline in both insects, birds and creek life. The yard used to be full of birds years ago, the creeks used to be full of minows and crawcrabs crawfish. The creek is literally empty of life especially compared to the life it used to have when I was a kid.

We still have some spiders, but I can jog around the field in the evening without a shirt and not get bitten by anything. The windshield never needs cleaned at all. It was cicada season, as a kid they would be so thick in the yard you almost could not go outside… I think I saw 3 this year. I find the radiation numbers in this week in your radation so high there hard to believe, there damn scary if true. When I have the money I am going to buy a radiation detector so I can test for myself. I have a Radex picked out I heard you recommend on Amazon.

As Far as the county… when I grew up no one locked there doors here, everyone was friendly. People would gather in groups every where on Fri and Sat nights and hang out, talk, and socialize. Now Meth and Pills have basically wiped the place out… along with the coal mines shutting down. We actually have herion overdoses occur on a regular basis. We had 2 deputies and 1 state police when I was in high school. Now we have almost Pretty much they keep everything locked down so no one goes out unless they have to.

I am guilty of that, just get in and get out before I have to talk to anyone. I used to love to hike, and take drives, hang out with friends. Now I am glued to the internet day in and day out just like everyone else … nothing else to do. Atleast I try to watch informative stuff. My grandma, a few weeks ago, complained about no birds in her neighborhood, say miles SE of downtown Denver.

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I am 10 blocks E of downtown, and there is only the slightest decline in bird and bug activity. May God have mercy on us for what we have, and continue to do to our mother Earth. August 3, at 3: I am in southwest Georgia, and this place is crawling in gnats, mosquitoes and flies during the summer. They are out in force this year, but I did notice that the gnats were late. They make their appearance in mid April to early May and this year there was a marked absence of them for several weeks.

It was enough to comment on at any rate. I think it would be a good idea to map the reports on the insects and layer them over any radiation tracking maps and see if there is any correlation. From Ron xxxxxx Date: August 2, at 1: My mobile home has a stream flowing right next to it and there is on the property a small pond.

Four years ago you could not go outside in the summer unless you wanted to be attacked by millions of mosquitoes and flies. Last year there were some mosquitoes but they hid out in the tall grasses and would only come out when one walked through the grass. I got bit maybe six times all summer.

This year, I have not seen a single Mosquito and I have seen only the occasional fly. The pond on the property which is only about three hundred feet from our mobile should be an ideal breeding ground for the mosquitos but they are gone. I have had not one single bite this year. I travel around the state on business which I do a lot of outdoor arts and craft shows. I use to get bit constantly, but this year not one single bite. I walk my dogs around the pond every morning and I really enjoyed watching all the Dragon flies, but this year they are all gone as well.

August 2, at 6: I recall trips where after say hours of driving the front of the vehicle was covered in bugs. Few bees, wasps, yellow jackets and the high amount of other flying insects such as flies, dragon flies, butterflies, mayflies are also absent. If it is weather related you would think that the cicada would not have had such a good hatch. August 2, at 2: I just drove around the edge of Little Rock on an errand and did not see one bird in the sky, none on the wires, none on the ground.

When I got home, I did hear some in the trees, but there are very few to speak of. A few Big nasty blackbirds tried to get my figs the other day. They do have the ability to eat more than other smaller species. And they did anything to turn people against the main white race, the Germans, so that the Jews could get closer and closer to world rule. First you take off the head of the white race and the rest is easy. Most Poles are of a mixed race with Mongolian, Huns, and other blood. Naturally, those Poles are envious of the pure white Germans.

But there were Millions of full-blooded German Poles, most who have been driven out or murdered. And the behavior of the Poles is to a large extend the result of Jewish influence. Further Poland was inundated with Jews and many Poles are of mixed blood of Jews and Pole, which is already a mixed race.

Dedicated to the memory of the ethnic researcher Dr.

It was not difficult for me to write recollections from my own experience, extending as far back as my earliest childhood and school days, while simultaneously discussing the findings of literature and history. At the request of the listeners, a printed text of my first talk was prepared, followed, some time later, by a further revised and expanded second edition, which has now been superceded by a third. My first talk was followed by many others. Many questions were raised and innumerable letters received, expressing gratitude for my work of enlightenment, with the request that I publish other information, unknown in Germany, which might contribute to a more accurate appraisal of the Polish national character.

I wish to comply with that request on the part of interested readers by writing a second part on falsifications of Polish history. The enormous quantity of available materials made selection difficult; I had only intended to write a brochure enabling the German reader to see and understand the development of the Polish nation from its earliest Germanic racial origins to its chauvinistic hatred of everything German. In so doing, I made plentiful use of documentation prepared by scientific researchers and historians of an earlier era, as well as of materials dating from more recent research.

At this point, I should like to thank all those who have written to me enclosing clippings, etc. It is not the case that the falsification process has come to an end. It is the fashion — indeed, the fad — to write about Poland, since Poland is headline news in the world press; the subject must therefore be dealt with.

The following pages are intended to reveal another aspect of Poland: What kind of land is it, what kind of people? Yet Polish history is made especially clear to us precisely by Polish literature. Polish history and literature complement each other perfectly, since Polish literature has at all times been nationally and historically conscious, and therefore representative of the Polish people. The selection of texts is unusual. Poetry and prose are presented alongside historical documents and many journalistic texts. That Polish literature was, and is, very nationalistic, is already well known.

How historically accurate it may be, has been discussed by someone more competent than the writer discussed above. The second authority is the Pole, Prof. Markiewicz, head of the Polish School Book Commission, who, speaking on German television, described the kind of historical consciousness which is representative of the Polish people. His statements are as follows:. When the publisher of the Merian Book says that we know too little about Polish history, we can only agree with him. This means that the reader can renounce all hope of learning the truth about Poland and its history.

I should like to provide some assistance in ameliorating this lack of knowledge with regards to the works of the great Polish poets referred to by Prof. This clever fellow possesses an inimitable method of production, described as follows:. For a mid-morning snack, he treats himself to a couple of letters, which he translates; at noon, he relaxes with a few aphorisms, which he translates; in the afternoon, he writes a little essay or two — sometimes short, sometimes long — on translation work.

In the evening, he attends a colloqium on Polish literature, or holds a meeting or two with a few experts on Poland. One may admire the quantity of work tossed off per annum by the year old translator, but the quality can only be wondered at. So far, he has written, translated, or published approximately 60 books, testifying to his passion for Poland. I shall not attempt to compete with this mass producer as regards sheer quantity; but perhaps I can come closer where quality and truth about Poland are concerned.

His connections — such as the Robert-Bosch Foundation — are not available to me, but I hope to offer my readers a closer acquaintance with the Polish literature mentioned by Prof. Markiewicz so as to provide them with a clearer image of the land and people of Poland. According to the advertising blurb, however, he is apparently attempting to do so in the interests of the Poles and their country, rather than in German interests. The wares offered therein will therefore rather resemble the merchandise purveyed by Prof.

Markiewicz where the historical consciousness of the Polish people is concerned, i. German interests cannot, however, be served by whitewashing Polish literature and rendering it innocuous through deceptive translations, but rather, solely and finally, through the truth. I therefore agree with all those who say that the information gap on Poland must be filled, but please, let it not be filled not by persons who know neither the land nor the people, who have no idea of the conditions there, or who have only permitted themselves to be filled with one-sided information from Poles, i.

Rather, I am in favour of permitting an expert with the highest qualifications to speak on the subject. My compatriot from the German East, the ethnic and national researcher Dr. It is regrettable that these works can only be consulted in the Eastern Studies Departments of universities. They really belong in every German home, so that the unrealistic delusion of a proud and noble Poland — standing as high as the heavens above German barbarism — might finally be dispelled here in Germany, and facts be taken into account.

In reply, let it be said that I cite exclusively texts originating in Polish literature or history, that is, admissions made by the Poles themselves, for which they alone are responsible. To us Germans, it is more important — in fact, a vital necessity — to learn the whole truth about the systematically engendered and pressure-packed Polish hatred of everything German, i. Contemporary research has dealt with the question of the Eastern German settlement areas with typically German thoroughness, and in so doing it has reached findings which can no longer be thoughtlessly ignored.

Even the Poles will be compelled to recognize these truths, if genuine reconciliation between both peoples is to become a reality. The history of the settlement of an area is determinative for all time. Culture is not created by force or by lies, but only by intellectual work on the part of the elite of a people.

Rights and ownership arise only by reason of the achievements of a people brought into fullness in a geographical area. There is no culture of weapons, no culture of lies. Only history provides an insight into the identity of the real founders of an ethnic culture. Here again, I must return to the beginnings of Polish historical writings in the briefest manner possible.

His baptism proves nothing at all — certainly not that he was a Pole, or that he ever became a Pole: The only tribes which were native to the area were Germanic, and the founders of the Polish empire were also German. But Polish history has to begin somewhere; it was therefore logical to take this Christian baptism as the point of departure.

The falsifiers of history, who came along very much later, were simple men who lived mostly for the present, as is the case at all times. They lacked experience in falsification, and failed to realize that their falsifications would be recognized as such, even centuries later. They could hardly imagine that research into the truth would ever begin, even after a thousand years. They falsified for the present and the immediate future; they encouraged belief for the present, and they knew how to compel this belief, just as they had known how to compel baptism at an earlier time.

Baptism or death — thus was the conversion to Christianity achieved. The transformation of an entire people into a previously non-existent ethnic group could hardly occur overnight; long periods of time were required for this purpose, as well as stubborn, deliberately conscious work. First to be effaced was human memory, relegated to oblivion. The re-writing of the cloister chronicles dating back to the year — the time of the first Christian baptism in the area — was only completed at the expense of great time and effort.

Artificial languages are not as difficult to devise or as unusual as one might at first imagine. The Encyclopaedia Poland remarks: Polish belongs to the West Slavonic group of languages, several of which acquired written form, with many German loan words, only in the 19th century. Today, we are in a position to see how our own experience of the very recent past is falsified on a daily basis. Since , the German past — not just the National Socialist period but even the Weimar Republic and the Empire of the Kaisers — has been re-written according to the requirements of the victors and the ruling hierarchy.

The newspapers are simply not allowed to say how it really was. And the further removed we become from personal experience, the more susceptible we become to a history bespattered with lies and filth; all efforts to clear our name are either ignored or subject to legal prosecution. The same certainly cannot be said of the period during which the Polish falsifications were devised.

Just as, today, all sorts of attempts are made, with recourse to every conceivable variety of manipulation, to turn the German people into a race of mongrels, doomed to renounce their traditions and their ability to recall, to make them easier to rule and to exploit, in the same manner, an effort was begun to dissolve the connections between the peoples of the Eastern German settlement areas and their Germanic origins.

The new language was also given a new past. For that particular period of history, this may have been enough: A Polish miracle without parallel. It took almost years for a so-called Polish conversational language to arise from the glagolitic church Latin of the monks. The city of Cracow, which according to the statements of Polish historians remained German until the late 15th century, held out the longest. But as it was impossible to cause the German chronicles to disappear, they continue to provide mute evidence, even today.

That the German inhabitants of the city Cracow resisted for so long, is food for thought. It cannot have been due to their religious belief, since all men were of the same faith. We may presume that the reason why a knowledge of the altered form of the language and ethnic identity of the people was retained for so long, was precisely because people had acquired a first awareness of the basic objective. Their ideological teachings obviously aroused resistance, which lasted until the final eradication of tradition, as people fell gradually victim to compulsion.

The manner in which Germans are transformed into Poles is described very exactly on pages ff. I know from personal experience how German names became Polish, how German names were changed in the s and 30s, how personal identity documents were issued bearing Polish names only. Protests were a waste of time. The last two could hardly protest, since they had already been dead for centuries. How credible, then, are the other statements made by the same men in their attempt to excuse themselves? If the Cardinal Primate personally lies in solemn ceremonies in the Cathedral, then what can one expect from his colleagues in the education of a people?

Ordinary people are not responsible for the lies contained in Polish history — the Polish clergy, the intellectuals, the writers, and the press are responsible. They are the educators of the people, as everywhere in the world. When these educators are dishonest and filled with hate, then the people will be, too. The seeds sown by chauvinistic educators produce cruel fruit. In my view, this is absolutely necessary, because only a recognition of the causes can lead to a remediation of the effects. Light must be shed one of the most shameful chapters in Polish history.

In his incomparably exhaustive work, Dr. These contradictory value judgments on all aspects of national and popular life, to their own advantage and according to the needs of the moment, were, and still are, the mainspring of Polish actions and the Polish character. The religious division was decisive. The abyss which first separated Christian Germans from pagan Poles in the early Middle Ages was not overcome without great pressure upon converts.

But even the still unified world of the Western churches was not free from disputes. In , for the first time, we hear bitter complaints from the Poles regarding foreign colonists who failed to keep the fasts as strictly as themselves; or, later, of serious conflicts within the nationally mixed clergy itself over benefices, rights, and the language of sermonizing and educational work. Stubbornly, but finally in vain, the German bourgeousie of the end of the 15th and 16th centuries in Cracow, Lemberg, Krossen, and Weislok, in Bietsch and other localities struggled to retain their mother tongue in religious services.

But nothing brought religious temperaments to a boil with greater heat than the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. As in the Middle Ages, awakening nationalism implied that the struggle against Lutheranism was now to became the chief source for a renewal of Polish Catholicism. Hatred of dissidents grew to a mass psychosis, exploding in the numerous persecutions of Protestants over the centuries which have cast their dark shadow over the history of the country. This is the key to all later developments in Poland.

It can hardly be assumed that the new converts complained so bitterly of the failure of old believers to keep fasts — believers who had been invited into the area from the German Empire by Polish counts and priests to develop the land — as to be the cause of the ensuing conflicts. Rather, the serious conflicts among the nationally mixed clergy over benefices, rights, and the language of sermonizing and educational work sowed the initial seeds of the hatred which was to become so pervasive among the common people of later times.

There are so many indications of this clerical hatred that it is impossible to mention them all. Anything that originated in Germany, regardless of value, everything except the works of mechanics, is considered pernicious, and is rejected with suspicion. King Wenzel is said to have been displeased by the expression, his reply being noted in the chronicle: The frequency of vilification, the constant recurrence of insults in all possible contexts and variations, reveals a deliberate intent and, finally, a popular conviction that there had to be a justification for such slander, or else literature and even the clergy would not have produced it.

Polish collections of popular sayings include the following:. W naszej wsi, jak psy zawyly, wsystkich Szwabow diabli wzieli. When the dogs howled in the villages, the devils took away all the Germans. For the corresponding results in the plastic arts, one need only mention a painting by W. We wonder whether it ever dawns upon the Polish admirers of this work — as it does to us — if they were to reflect a bit, with how little dignity, how tastelessly, a Polish king is depicted here?

What it is supposed to prove, if Boleslaus allowed the corpses of enemy knights to be eaten by dogs? It is certainly no proof of historical greatness. We Germans would never distribute such postcards; we would be too ashamed of them. Even their greatest and best-known novelists, such as Adam Mikiewicz and Henryk Sienkeiwicz, use these insulting terms.

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And this in the edition intended for Polish school children! The very well known Polish writer W. The first month of the war proved that, in September This report has been reliably established. Where is the dignity of a people which can sink so low? They may believe themselves to be expressing hatred for their neighbour, but in reality they are only revealing their own soul. This lack of dignity is neither a unique phenomenon nor a momentary aberration.

It is a systematic denigration of a neighbouring people, with the unrelenting object of education in hatred and contempt. It is precisely this which reveals the Polish lack of that culture which they claim to possess in such great measure. Culture is not expressed by the spewing forth of hatred, insults, lies, and distortions in all aspects of life. On the contrary, such actions simply express a painful inferiority complex festering in the soul of the writer or painter. Painting has not been used just occasionally to make the Germans appear contemptible: The painting shows one the murderers with a dagger clutched between his teeth.

His helmet bears the Black Eagle of Brandenburg. In reality, this is just another atrocity legend. Premyslaus — as serious Polish historians have established — was killed by Polish irregulars. Even the insinuation of the Polish text — irresponsibly presented as fact — that the Brandenburgers were the instigators, lacks convincing evidence. It is part of the psychosis of border dwellers to blame their neighbours for wind, rain, illness, and accidents.

Art and science should be freed from this psychosis. The picture depicts flaming huts and fleeing peasants, while Teutonic Knights discharge firearms from horseback. In the north, the pioneers of this movement were the Teutonic Knights. The Order succeeded, over a year-period, in establishing populous cities and villages in the region of Chelm — instead of a thinly populated wilderness — and in making the land productive. A century was all it took to give this region — with by no means the best soil — mostly clay — the highest population density in Poland.

The scene shows a Polish village population being murdered. The settlement is being set on fire, while a young girl is ravished despite the pleadings of her mother. The great masses of the Polish people had no idea that this was just a shameless piece of atrocity propaganda.

The songs tell how the city was conquered by the Turks, the houses of worship desecrated, the monks and nuns tortured and killed. Parts of the song consist of confused phrases taken from a song about Turkish battles in the vicinity of Podolisch-Kamentz. But the verses fit the legend of Polish assistance and German ingratitude, for example: The Poles always reveal their own character defects in attempting to accuse the Germans.

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He knew just where to hide — in the Vienna woods, at Dreimarkstein, where no Turk was to be seen or could even be expected for miles around…. Far behind the front line, the noble Sobieski was right up front: Then he once again withdrew, leaving it to the Germans to defeat the Turks. He must have been about as peace-loving as the Soviet Union today. Again and again, the Germans attempted to persuade the Polish nobleman to move forward to intervene. He had letters to write to his noble wife, who wanted to know how much loot he would bring back.

He replied that he and his son Jakob would quite certain to run no risk of danger. This was while the Germans fought and died in fierce combats around Heiligenstadt, in Nussdorf, and Grinzing. The generals were wounded, the brothers Moritz of Duke Croy fell at Nudsdorf, the Duke himself was severely wounded.

Prince Eugene, later to become famous, won his first laurels here, in the service of Germany; none spared himself. Streams of blood flowed over the famous wine region of Grinzing. But when they considered the battle safely won, oh, then they broke cover, since of course they wanted to be the first to divide the spoils. But they failed to reckon with the Pascha of Ofen, Ibrahim, who broke forth upon the Poles at the edge of the city of Dornbach, so that the Poles, crying for help — this is reported by the chronlicler Diani, who is very well disposed towards Sobieski — ran away in large numbers.

Count Ludwig of Baden then attacked with two of his Imperial dragoon regiments, and succeeded in rolling back the Turkish line of battle. Duke Charles of Lorraine gained the victory by undertaking a daring wheeling movement with doubling and flanking movements. The road to the surrounded city of Vienna now lay open. For the Poles, in particular, their greatest hour had come: Polish bravery was — and is — simply a legend, just like their honesty.

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