Summary: In Pursuit of Elegance: Review and Analysis of Ways Book

In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing

Four weeks later, on May 5, Reinhard Heydrich arrived in Paris to issue instructions as to the exact number of Jews who were to be sent from France to the Nazi death camps. The figure the Nazis had allotted to France was , Jews. There were only about , Jews in France. This led to a ferocious battle between the Vichy government and the Nazi occupiers over the dispatch of Jewish immigrants and the old French Jews Vichy wished to protect. It was in the pursuit of the correct numbers for each cattle truck that so many French children — 11, — were sent by the French to Auschwitz.

Because she was the daughter of such an old French Jewish family, Berr survived until three months before the liberation of Paris. This makes her Journal even more important. She saw so much.

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Review the key ideas in the book In Pursuit of Elegance by Matthew May in a condensed Soundview Executive Book Review. Summaries & book reviews of the. Imagine a poetic little book that synthesizes ideas about the ineffability and mystery at the In Pursuit of Elegance: Why the Best Ideas Have Something Missing.

Arrested with her parents on March 8 , she was deported on her 23rd birthday, survived nearly eight months of Auschwitz and five months of Bergen-Belsen before, struck down by typhus, she was beaten to death five days before the British liberated the camp in April Her mother was gassed in Auschwitz a month after her arrest, her father murdered there five months later. This describes Berr's fate, but it is not the story, which she tells, most beautifully, in the pages of her Journal. The early pages of the diary reveal all the fluttering sensibilities of a young woman with everything to hope for.

A dreamy girl one day, she is sharp as a tack on another. She goes to lectures, plays and listens to Bach and Chopin, drowns herself in Keats and Shakespeare, Shelley and Winnie the Pooh, takes enraptured breaks in the family country home, flirts, guiltily, with this one or that, and is subject to fits of crying and greed: On Monday June 8 , the change begins.

It is the first day she has to wear the yellow star. From this date on, the considerable pleasures of Berr's life alternate with the torture each new rule the German and French state imposed upon her. But it is more than hard, it becomes a torment. The next day she learns that she can travel only in the last carriage of the metro. Then the massive roundups and deportations begin. It is French gendarmes, French station masters who impose these new conditions. She notes how it offends so many of her fellow French citizens.

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There's the awareness of being above the brutes who make you suffer, and at one with real men and women. And so there are many entries in which Berr "made jam and talked nonsense" with her friends. From the beginning of the horror, she debates the biggest question. Why does she stay? Her answer, and that of her parents, is that it would be cowardice to go, "cowardly towards the other internees, and the wretched poor", but also cowardice towards her supreme belief in the importance of resisting.

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