What Wifey Wants 1

5 Phrases Every Wife Needs to Hear Daily

She felt that his love for her was fading, and he felt like she was getting overly needy. In fact, my parents are an excellent example of turning stereotypes on their heads. However, words are extremely powerful:.

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Even further up in the passage not cited it discusses the powers of argumentation, timing, wisdom, and understanding. Make sure you say the following phrases in some form to your wife in the very near future, and repeat them for the rest of your lives.

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If not, start saying it very often. I still love hearing it from her, and I think she feels the same.

What's Really Wifey Material Anyway?

If you feel compelled, add a 15 second kiss in there to really surprise her! Every human tends to start feeling insecure without validation. The arranged marriage is relatively common in traditionalist families, whether in Muslim countries or as first or second generation immigrants elsewhere. Women in general are supposed to wear specific clothes, as stated by the hadith , like the hijab , which may take different styles depending on the culture of the country, where traditions may seep in.

Traditionally, the wife in Islam is seen as a protected, chaste person that manages the household and the family.

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She has the ever important role of raising the children and bringing up the next generation of Muslims. In Islam, it is highly recommended that the wife remains at home although they are fully able to own property or work. The husband is obligated to spend on the wife for all of her needs while she is not obligated to spend even if she is wealthy.

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Muhammad is said to have commanded all Muslim men to treat their wives well. There is a Hadith by Al-Tirmidhi , in which Muhammad is said to have stated "The believers who show the most perfect faith are those who have the best character and the best of you are those who are best to their wives.

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Traditionally, Muslim married women are not distinguished from unmarried women by an outward symbol such as a wedding ring. However, women's wedding rings have recently been adopted in the past thirty years from the Western culture. In Indo-Aryan languages , a wife is known as Patni , which means a woman who shares everything in this world with her husband and he does the same, including their identity. Decisions are ideally made in mutual consent.

A wife usually takes care of anything inside her household, including the family's health, the children's education, a parent's needs. The majority of Hindu marriages in rural and traditional India are arranged marriages.


Once they find a suitable family family of same caste, culture and financial status , the boy and the girl see and talk to each other to decide the final outcome. In recent times however the western culture has had significant influence and the new generations are more open to the idea of marrying for love. Indian law has recognized rape, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse of a woman by her husband as crimes.

In Hinduism , a wife is known as a Patni or Ardhangini similar to "the better half" meaning a part of the husband or his family.

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In Hinduism, a woman or man can get married, but only have one husband or wife respectively. China 's family laws were changed by the Communist revolution; and in , the People's Republic of China enacted a comprehensive marriage law including provisions giving the spouses equal rights with regard to ownership and management of marital property. In Japan , before enactment of the Meiji Civil Code of , all of the woman's property such as land or money passed to her husband except for personal clothing and a mirror stand.

There is a widely held expectation, which has existed for most of recorded history and in most cultures, that a wife is not to have sexual relations with anyone other than her legal husband. A breach of this expectation of fidelity is commonly referred to as adultery or extramarital sex. Historically, adultery has been considered to be a serious offense , sometimes a crime , and even a sin. Even if that is not so, it may still have legal consequences, particularly as a ground for a divorce. Adultery may be a factor to consider in a property settlement , it may affect the status of children, the custody of children ; moreover, adultery can result in social ostracism in some parts of the world.

In addition, affinity rules of the Christian Church, of Judaism and of Islam prohibit an ex-wife or widow from engaging in sexual relations with and from marrying a number of relatives of the former husband. In parts of the world, adultery may result in violent acts, such as honor killings or stoning. Some jurisdictions, especially those that apply Sharia law , allow for such acts to take place legally. As of September , stoning is a legal punishment in countries such as Saudi Arabia , Sudan , Iran , Yemen , the United Arab Emirates , and some states in Nigeria [46] as punishment for zina al-mohsena "adultery of married persons".

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Wife disambiguation. Cicisbeo Concubinage Courtesan Mistress. Breakup Separation Annulment Divorce Widowhood. Coverture and Marital power. Maiden and married names.

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I think at the end of the day everyone wants to be with someone that makes you feel loved. CH Cari Holguin Apr 11, This can also turn in to a fun couple's activity. She felt undervalued and he felt nagged. In Japan , before enactment of the Meiji Civil Code of , all of the woman's property such as land or money passed to her husband except for personal clothing and a mirror stand.

The various divisions of the following chapters share the previous terminology in English language , notwithstanding religious and cultural, but also customary differences. Honor killing , Stoning , and Crime of passion.

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What Wifey Wants 1 - Kindle edition by Sally Hollister. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks. 1. "Ability to hold conversations". Men love to talk too, they value conversations with the one they love. No man wants to come home to a wife.

Women's movements of the world: Archived from the original PDF on Archived copy as title link and the paternal authority of a man over his family was ended in before that parental responsibilities belonged to the father who made all legal decisions concerning the children , it was only in that a legal reform abolished the stipulation that the husband had the sole power to administer the children's property. Retrieved 2 May — via NYTimes. Ask a Greek woman - Heather Long".

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Retrieved September 24, Studies in Family Planning. Wiley on behalf of the Population Council.

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