Nepals Economic Landscape: Recommendations for a sustainable Economic Policy

Nepal's Economic Landscape: Recommendations for a sustainable Economic Policy

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Through Science Critiques, authors quickly advance scholarly debate. These articles identify emerging empirical phenomena and issues of importance that should be addressed by future research.


Daniela Kleinschmit Laura Secco Green Economy for Sustainable Mountain Development: James Reed Josh van Vianen Commentaries are science-based, peer-reviewed, short communications approx. This journal has partnered with Heliyon , an open access journal from Elsevier publishing quality peer reviewed research across all disciplines. Growth projections for have been revised down from 4. These disciplines include, but are not limited to, sociology, anthropology, human geography, history, jurisprudence, planning, development studies, and psychology research on forests.

Ideally, such contributions propose research agendas, raise analytical research questions, and propose methods for the future study of the phenomenon. The commentaries should be embedded in existing scientific knowledge and related literature.

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Through these censuses, officials have learned about the numbers of establishments and enterprises and the distribution of persons engaged by region, industry and size of business in number of persons engaged. This information has been used in policymaking, including the New Economic Growth Strategy, regional economic measures and measures to support the social advancement of women, as well as in calculating local consumption tax.

Though censuses related to population and agriculture had been carried out before in Nepal, no economic census had been conducted because of a budget deficit and the lack of a structure to do so.

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So, the government did not accurately understand the economic structure of the country and could not work out effective policies to promote economic growth. In doing so, we deepened our understanding of economic censuses and broadened our outlook," a CBS economic census official said. About 3, enumerators were trained in stages. The CBS economic census officials participated in a training program in Japan before becoming instructors and conducting training for CBS central officers.

Those CBS central officers trained local officers of 33 CBS Statistics Offices that are located all over the country, who then carried out the training for enumerators.

3,500 Enumerators Travel Around Nepal for 1st Economic Census

Nepal's Economic Landscape: Recommendations for a sustainable Economic Policy [Bikal Dhungel] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Nepal's Economic Landscape: Recommendations for a sustainable Economic Policy. Book Review. This ebook is definitely not straightforward to start on looking.

Nepal's Economic Census covers almost all the roughly one million companies and establishments in the country, which range from those with more than persons engaged to small stores run by sole proprietors. There are 18 large groupings of topics on the census form, including number of persons engaged, type of main business activities and establishment date, and 71 individual topics. The statistics created through this Economic Census clarify what kinds of industries are developing and what kinds are lacking in what regions, and they can be used by the government of Nepal as supporting data when planning industrial and economic policies.

Companies can use the data to understand in advance whether businesses in the same industry have opened in a certain vicinity, which will lead to more efficient new business openings and contribute to the overall economic growth of Nepal. In mountainous Nepal, there are many places difficult for enumerators to visit physically, and Internet responses were recommended in such places.

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This is because people in Nepal can use mobile phones even in mountainous areas and have access to the internet via the telephone network in many places. The sum of the internet responses and tablet computer responses represented about 15 percent of the total responses to this Economic Census.

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IT-based surveying methods are expected to boost the response rate of the population census planned for Nishi has given technical instruction for censuses and statistics in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Cambodia, and Nepal is the fourth country where he is doing so.