WIRED: Plugging into the Power of Gods Word

How to Make Right Decisions

Find the outlet and plug it in.

Electricians and engineers have done so much to connect us to a power source. In order for us to receive power right now, an electrician drew a wire diagram to trace the flow of current from the power source all the way to you. The power in the power plant went through a process of transformers, breakers, and circuits to become usable by us. God is the same way. He drew up a plan a long long time ago and went through a long long process so he could connect us to Himself as our source.

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We just have to call on the Lord and ask for it! All we have to do is believe Him, receive Him, and Enjoy Him! This is similar to enjoying the electricity in our home. Just flip the light switch and immediately start enjoying light. We spontaneously, effortlessly, and many times unconsciously flip on the switch any time we need light. It should be the same with God. When we believe into Him, He comes into our spirit.

This is an awesome discovery!

The Wire Diagram- How God Gets From Heaven To You | DROD'S BLOG

I would call this the greatest discovery in the universe! We should tell everyone about it! The more we tell others, the more we can experience God as our power and supply! Because to fully understand God is impossible. The fullness that is being talked about in Ephesians 3: In that point of fullness where God is the only one manifested in your life, verse 20 in Ephesians 3 is at work.

God does great things in and through you.

Plug into the Power of Prayer (Word of God)

Declaring your praise to your Lord. Paul did that and I hope you come to that point as well where you say, from deep within your heart:. Your email address will not be published.

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You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. He serves and heads the B1G South Ministry and is actively involved in speaking. What is the inner man?

The inner man is the real you. The inner man is your soul, your thought, your actions. The inner man is what make you. The outward man is the color of your hair, your height, your weight, the color of your eyes. The outward man we are able to comb our hair, we brush our teeth. We cloth our outer man, we feed it we exercise it and we bath it. But the inner man is that which is soul and spirit. The outer man you can touch.

Three ways to plug-in the power of the Holy Spirit

The inner man you can only touch it with spiritual things. And what Paul is saying here we are to strengthen the inner man. That presents a rethinking here. You see we think that we need to spend a considerable amount of time on the outer man. We work at looking good. We cloth it, we dress it, we feed it, we comb it, we part it, we primp, we pat it, we wash it, we dry it, we smear it with cream.

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WIRED: Plugging into the Power of God's Word [Dr. Bruce S Simms] on Amazon. com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Have you ever heard from the Lord?. have you heard from the Lord? maybe it used to be whereas using within the motor vehicle, or kneeling in prayer and also you suggestion to your self, was once.

We are always concerned about the outer man. Some people spend a lot of time on their hair. Some spend a lot of time working on their face. Some spend a lot of time working on the clothes that cover the outer man.

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But Paul says we need to spend some time on the inner man. The point is this: Our outer man is in a continual decline. We know how to strengthen the outer man. We can style our hair, , and dress the outer man. But how do you strength the inner man?

Ephesians 3:14-16 Part 1 - Plugging Into The Power of God

How do you strength the inner man? Do you know how? First by filling your mind with the Word of God. When you spend time in the word of God, the end result is found in Eph 3: You strengthen your inner man by filling your mind with the Word of God. Now add up all the time that you spent on the outer man today. Add up all the time you spent on your hair, your face, your teeth, your body, your clothes. Now add up all the time you spent on the inner man.

You will never get God's power in your life until you focus on your inner man. You will never be able to stand firm in the faith. You will never be solid in the Christians life, until you allow the Spirit of God to strengthen you. That is the first step to having God's power in your life. Paul is praying, "Lord, I want you to release your power in the life of the believer. They limp along, feeling inadequate always faltering.

To them Ephesians 3: And did you know that was a time when the Apostle Paul knew nothing about being strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Listen to the struggle that Paul went through In Romans 7: Has that ever described you? It described the apostle Paul.

Paul wanted to live a godly life. But instead of living a godly life, he continually sinned. But if you anything about the life of the Apostle Paul you know that somehow he became strengthened by the Spirit in the inner man. Some how the apostle Paul became victorious. God's work begins with salvation, and after that His main field of work is still the inner man, because that is where spiritual life exists and where it must grow. Although the outer, physical man becomes weaker and weaker with age, the inner, spiritual man should continually grow stronger and stronger with power through His Spirit.

Only God's Spirit can strengthen our spirits.