Timeline of the Middle Ages

Timeline of the Middle Ages

Magna Carta is signed. Thomas Aquinas' work, Summa Theologiae is published Marco Polo publishes his tales of China William Wallace emerges as the leader of the Scottish resistance to England. The Hundred Years War begins. England and France struggle for dominance of Western Europe Battle of Crecy The Black Death ravages Europe for the first of many times.

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The following is a timeline of the major events during the period spanning the 5th to 15th centuries, loosely corresponding to the Old World Middle Ages. Kids learn about the events and timeline of the Middle Ages and Medieval times in history. Articles for teachers, students, and schools including the feudal.

Chaucer begins to write The Canterbury Tales Peasants Revolt in England The Bible is translated into English by John Wycliffe. Joan of Arc lifts the siege of Orleans for the Dauphin of France, enabling him to eventually be crowned at Reims Capture, trial, and execution of Joan of Arc The Medici family rises to prominence in Florence Leonardo da Vinci is born The Hundred Years War ends.

Calais is the only English possession on Continental Europe Johann Gutenberg prints the first of his Bibles on his new printing press The Wars of the Roses begins in England. The Wars of the Roses ends and the Tudor dynasty begins. For later events, see Timeline of early modern history. The Journal of Theological Studies. Archived from the original on 4 March Retrieved 28 February New York , The Making of England to , 8th ed. Retrieved 22 January Archaeology of Native North America. Their Early History and Civilization. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Psalter and the Book of Prophets were adapted or "modernized" with special regard to their use in Bulgarian churches, and it was in this school that glagolitic writing was replaced by the so-called Cyrillic writing, which was more akin to the Greek uncial, simplified matters considerably and is still used by the Orthodox Slavs.

Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, — Richard Bowring , Penguin Classics , p. In his introduction to the text, Bowring discusses its dating which, in any case, is generally accepted by most authorities. Royall Tyler, in his edition of the Tale of Genji cited below, also draws attention to the entry in Murasaki Shikibu's diary: Birmingham Museum of Art: Birmingham Museum of Art. Latin America in Colonial Times. Retrieved from " https: Middle Ages Historical timelines Wikipedia timelines.

Articles needing additional references from October All articles needing additional references Articles that may contain original research from October Articles to be split from October All articles to be split Articles containing Italian-language text Wikipedia articles needing clarification from September Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 29 November , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Highland Maya fall to the lowland city of Teotihuacan. Begins the decline of Maya culture and language in some parts of the highlands.

Jerome finished the Vulgate. The Christian Gospel is translated into Latin. Rome is sacked by Alaric , King of the Visigoths. Decisive event in the decline of the Western Roman Empire. Confirmed the original Nicene Creed , [4] and condemned the teachings of Nestorius , Patriarch of Constantinople , that led to his exile and separation with the Church of the East. Rome is sacked by Genseric , King of the Vandals.

Another decisive event in the Fall of Rome and held by some historians to mark the "end of the Roman Empire". Odoacer deposes the Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus. Considered by some historians to be the starting point of the Middle Ages. Tikal becomes the first great Maya city. Significant cultural exchange between the Maya of Tikal and the citizens of Teotihuacan.

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Battle of Mons Badonicus. The West Saxon advance is halted by Britons in England. Chiefly known today for the supposed involvement of King Arthur but because of the limited number of sources, there is no certainty about the date, location, or details of the fighting. The Visigoths retreated into Spain. Boethius writes his Consolation of Philosophy.

Black Death

It has been described as the single most important and influential work in the West on Medieval and early Renaissance Christianity. Dionysius Exiguus publishes the Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table. This initiated the Anno Domini era, used for the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Justinian I becomes Eastern Roman Emperor. Justinian is best remembered for his Code of Civil Law , and expansion of imperial territory retaking Rome from the Ostrogoths.

Justinian I publishes the Code of Civil Law. This compiled centuries of legal writings and imperial pronouncements into three parts of one body of law. Benedict of Nursia founds monastery at Monte Cassino. Nika Riots in Constantinople. Nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed. Byzantines, under Belisarius , retake North Africa from the Vandals. Gothic War in Italy as a part of Justinian's Reconquest.

Byzantines retook Italy but crippled the Byzantine economy and left Italy unable to cope against the oncoming Lombards. Saint Columba founds mission in Iona. Constructed an abbey which helped convert the Picts to Christianity until it was destroyed and raided by the Vikings in The Kingdom of the Lombards is founded in Italy. Survived in Italy until the invasion of the Franks in under Charlemagne. Professed receiving revelations from a god, which were recorded in the Qur'an , the basis of Islamic theology, in which he is regarded as the last of the sent prophets. The West Saxons continue their advance at the Battle of Deorham.

Led to the permanent separation of Cornwall , England from Wales. Gregory the Great becomes Pope. The missionary work reached new levels during his pontificate, revolutionized the way of worship for the Catholic Church Gregorian Chants , liturgy, etc. Augustine arrives in Kent. Contributed to the fall of the Sui Dynasty , and Goguryeo fell under the forces of the Tang and Silla.

Deliberate fires set for unknown reasons destroy major buildings in Teotihuacan. Destroys the Teotihuacan civilization and empire. Tikal is now the largest city-state in Mesoamerica. Last great Roman-Persian War. Long conflict leaves both empires exhausted and unable to cope with the newly united Arab armies under Islam in the s. Grand Canal in China is fully completed [14]. Tang Dynasty in China. Muhammad Migrates from Mecca to Medina. Event will have designated first year of the Islamic Calendar , as Anno Hegirae. The Byzantines, under Heraclius , crush the Persians.

Medieval Timeline

Establishment and expansion of Old Great Bulgaria. Accession of Abu Bakr as first Caliph. Though the period of his caliphate was not long, it included successful invasions of the two most powerful empires of the time. Northumbrian army under Oswald defeat Welsh army. Jerusalem captured by the Arab army, mostly Muslims, but with contingents of Syrian Christians.

Arab Army led by 'Amr ibn al-'As takes Alexandria. This initiates a period of imitation of Chinese culture, The Nara period begins a year later. The city-state Xochicalco is founded by the Olmeca-Xicallanca. Becomes an important cultural and commercial center. Roman Christianity triumphs over Celtic Christianity in England. Ends of the Three Kingdoms period in Korea.

First Arab siege of Constantinople. Establishment of the Bulgarian Empire. Battle of Dun Nechtain. Picts defeat Northumbrians , whose dominance ends. Established Pepin of Herstal as mayor over the entire realms of Neustria and Austrasia , which further dwindled Merovingian power.

Arab army takes Carthage. End of Byzantine rule in North Africa.

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North South States Period begins in Korea. Silla and Balhae coexisted in the south and north of the peninsula, respectively, until [17] [18]. Umayyad conquest of Hispania under Tarik. Will begin a period of Muslim rule within in the Al-Andalus with various portions of Iberian peninsula until nearly the end of the Fifteenth Century. Second Arab attack on Constantinople , ending in failure. Charles Martel halts Muslim advance. Significant moment that led to the forming of the Carolingian Empire for the Franks, and halted the advancement of the Moors in southwestern Europe.

Would become the longest lasting caliphate, until when conquered and annexed into the Ottoman Empire. Pepin the Short founds the Carolingian dynasty. Pepin promises the Pope central Italy. This is arguably the beginning of the temporal power of the Papacy. Battle of Roncevaux Pass. Accession of Harun al-Rashid to the Caliphate in Baghdad. Viking attacks on Britain begin. Generally considered the beginning of the Viking Age that would span over two centuries, and reach as far south as Hispania and as far east as the Byzantine Empire , and present day Russia.

Considered to be the last classical period of History of Japan. Chinese influence was at its strongest during this era in Japan. Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. With his crowning, Charlemagne's kingdom is officially recognized by the Papacy as the largest in Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire. Gunpowder is invented somewhere around 9th century. The Crusaders divide their new territories into four principalities.

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Chaucer's greatest work, and one of the foundations towards the formation of the Modern English language. Along with barbarians from the north, Muslims begin to conquer lands from the south. Birmingham Museum of Art. The two-year conflict which follows ends at the Battle of Dan no Ura After Muslims had captured the Holy Land, the Pope issued a decree asking the European powers to partake in Crusades against the Muslims and to repel them from the Holy Land, including the portions of Byzantine Empire that were under Muslim control. Bohemia does not return to Catholic Orthodoxy until the Catholic Reformation of the seventeenth century. Established Pepin of Herstal as mayor over the entire realms of Neustria and Austrasia , which further dwindled Merovingian power.

Around the same time, a new asceticism is sought for monks who wish to engage in contemplation and self-examination. Two new orders are created: Bernard of Clairvaux, leader of the Cistercians, establishes monasteries by the time of his death. Accompanying the fervent worship of Christ Jesus during this period is the pronouncement of the Virgin Mary as a saint. This is the first time a woman is given central significance in the Christian religion.

At the Concordat of Worms a German city , religious symbols, originally invested for prelates, are replaced with symbols of temporal rule. Prelates accept the emperor as their temporal overlord and are invested with the symbol that recognizes their right to rule. Following the issue of investiture, the successors of Gregory VII develop the canon law of the Church which provides the papacy with jurisdiction over the clergy, the rights of inheritance and the rights of widows and orphans.

Because the papacy begins acting as a court of appeals, it is necessary that popes are trained as legal experts, rather than as monks. Denis, a burial shrine for French saints and kings, is torn down and replaced with Gothic architecture. Gothic architecture is highlighted by pointed arches, rather than Roman arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses and intricately wrought stained-glass depictions of stories from the Bible and everyday life.

His book becomes a standard text in all universities by the thirteenth century. The archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, strongly resists the decision of Henry and a quarrel breaks out. Becket is murdered in Canterbury Cathedral. He is quickly made a martyr by the English public and is revered as the greatest saint of English history. The political result is the abandonment of Henry's court program.

Aside from this event, Henry II is considered one of England's greatest kings due to his judicial reforms and legal innovations. His reforms establish a stable government which requires little, if any, attention of the king.

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Chretien is the first writer to put forth the idea of romantic love within marriage. The innovation of longer narrative poems is the earliest ancestor to the modern novel. The idea of chivalry, the literal meaning being "horsemanship," emerges about the time of the romances. Chivalry includes the defense of honor, combat in tournaments, and the virtues of generosity and reverence.

The noble code of chivalry is accompanied with the improvement of noble life and the status of noblewomen. He recaptures most of the western French territory, previously taken by William the Conqueror, from the English king, John. Philip installs royal officials in the conquered regions in order to win allegience to the king. Philip is one of the strongest founders of the modern French state.


It is not successful. He rules for ten years and is only present in the country a total of six months. His rule exemplifes the strength of the governmental foundations set up by Henry II. During Richard's absence, ministers take care of administration and help to raise taxes for the support of the crusades. He is trained in canon law and theology. His primary concern of administration is the unification of all Christendom under the papal monarchy, including the right to interfere with the rule of kings. He is the organizer of the Fourth Crusade, ordered to recapture Jerusalem from Islam.

Students start entering schools with no intention of becoming priests, and education is offered in European languages other than Latin. The rise in lay education causes a loss in Church control over education, the growth of literacy in the West and the transformation of cathedral schools into advanced liberal arts universities. Bologna and Paris are the distinguishing schools of the High Middle Ages. The sack of Constantinople causes a firm Byzantine hatred of the West. Francis of Assisi, at the age of twently-five begins his twenty year allegiance to Christ Jesus until his death in He is the founder of the Franciscan order which seeks to imitate the life of Jesus by embracing poverty.

Both thinkers advocate concrete sensory observation for the advancement of scientific thought, rather than abstract reasoning. It recognizes the necessity of the Eucharist and penance as sacraments for salvation. The Council exemplifies the power of the papacy over kings and Church.

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The Council also calls for the Fifth Crusade to be warred under papal guidance by sea. It is a failure. English barons write "The Magna Carta" Great Charter in order to cease John's demands of money from the English without the consent of the barons and to require that all men be judged by a jury of peers in public courts, rather than privately by the crown.

The Magna Carta serves as a symbol of a limited government and a crown that is bound by the same laws as the public. Its purpose is to convert Muslims and Jews and to put an end to heresy. The Dominicans eventually become the main administrators of inquisitorial trials. Aquinas believes in the contemplation of God through the natural order, though ultimate truths are revealed only by studying the revelations of the Bible. His two greatest works are the Summa contra Gentiles and the Summa Theologica, both of which attempt to found the Christian faith on rational principles. His philosophy emphasizes human reasoning, life in the material order and the individual's participation in personal salvation.

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He is canonized by the Church for his piety and reigns over a period of internal peace in France. It is a success.

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However, because Frederick was excommunicated by the pope, he crowns himself king of Jerusalem. Prior to the thirteenth century, Russia is ruled by westerners who found the Kievan state. During the thirteenth century Russia retreats from the West, partly due to the distance between Moscow and the rest of Europe. Bonaventura enters the Franciscan order. He becomes the seventh general of that order within fifteen years. His thought is heavily influenced by an ancient Greek philosopher, Plotinus. They order a crusade against him, the first time a crusade is called for political reasons.

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The outcome is the death of Frederick. Born in Florence, Dante is extensively educated in literature, philosophy and Scholastic theology. His "Comedy" is saturated with the belief of earthly immortality through worthy deeds and the preparation of life everlasting. He is a naturalist whose paintings include depictions of Christ's entrance into Jerusalem and the death of St. Charles defeats the last of Frederick's heirs and wins Sicily. The rebels install the king of Aragon as their own king, thereby reinstating rule to the house of Frederick II. Louis' grandson, Philip IV.