Tout savoir sur... La Créative Attitude: Nous sommes tous créatifs! (French Edition)

Du branding au site web : l’histoire du e-shop ordinari.

Unfortunately the suggested modification generates unbalanced consequences with no satisfying result for any party.

Ve voudrais finir avec une question: Votre initiative augure mal du reste: Je fais partie de la cohorte des photographes amateurs en France, qui ne savent que trop que la photographie de rue est devenue un exercice difficile. Van Gogh, au secours, ils sont devenus fous! Ce qui techniquement devraient nous donner un total access, que ce soit physique ou digital. Cavada, je suis italien. Merci pour les explications. Also note Wikipedia started as a very small project; the software was written by a German but guess why it is hosted in the U.

Limited liability, save habour, a strong lobby for them and free of political experiments that would interrupt their services. Il me surprise que vouz choisissez une mouvement comme les Wikimedias par example. Ils travaillent pour le libre partage de la connaissance. Il faut aider ces volontiers, pas faire leur travail plus difficile. Je ne comprends pas cette liste. Votre page marche bien avec aucun de ces ressources. The gist of the very long post is that your position will hurt small businesses much more than Internet giants and certainly more than Wikipedia.

DR et autorisation explicite. La mention DR ne permet rien. Cela ne veut rien dire: Votre restriction du droit de Panorama, M. Canava, provoque le contraire.

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How dare you restrict th rights of individual photographers to persue their passion. Appalling you really need to rethink your position he photographic orld are up in ams. Have you ever been to Neuschwanstein and made a picture of the castle, possibly with your family? Or are you intending to do so one day? Then you should better read this: While I consider the claims of the Bavarian castle authority illegal under both German and European law, your move would legalize it.

The freedom of making images — photographing, filming, painting — in public spaces has always been an essential element of culture all around the world, and it is hard to believe that you are intending to restrict this freedom. Great French artists relied on the freedom of Panorama. Eugene Galien Laloue, for example, would no more be able to sell his Arc de Triomphe image without asking his lawyer first and investigating who owns all the copyrights of the buildings around. You are destroying an essential piece of French culture, and of German culture with it.

Boyana Stefanova devient hôte de CreativeMornings/Montréal

While you argue that your restrictions are targeted against Facebook et al. The right to move and act freely in public environments and make pictures. For a painter, or photographer, or filmer, it is simply impossible to get information on who owns all buildings on images, and the risks of getting sued for license payments once an image or film has been published, will be immense. I am sure that you have been elected by people from your nation to give them security, not invent new financial risks for them.

Was ist mit all den Bildern, die seit Jahren hochgeladen wurden? Sind dann alle User im nachhinein kriminell? Soll das dann auch als kommerzielle Nutzung gelten? Mais il faut que les ayants droits aient le controle de leurs produits. Dans notre cas, le travail que nous faisons moi et ma femme, implique un grand nombre de personnes dans de nombreux pays. Et nous devrions le brader?

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I love that CreativeMornings celebrates creativity and the human experience. We want to carry and spread the voices of the people driven by passion and purpose, people who create and inspire others to create. This gave me the chills, no need for a headset to confirm! Save the Freedom of Photography! Heure Mardi 20 h 00 min - 22 h 30 min. Appalling you really need to rethink your position he photographic orld are up in ams.

La profession des avocats vous remercie, mais pas les artistes ni les citoyens lambda. You are abolutely right if you say that all big internet corporations and projects like Wikipedia are located and controlled in the USA and this is not good for the european culture.

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But the reason is cause the European politics are hostile towards startups und internet related projects, who ever wants to start a Internet Company or something like wikipedia is going to do it in the United States cause there are much less political and legal risks than in the EU. So the reason why the european culture is not represented in the internet is that many european politicans are trying to prevent and fight against the free Internet and projects like wikipedia.

This in return ist strengthening the US based Internet Giants cause they have broad support in the US Politics while european startups have not. So i fear, what you are doing is going to strenghten the US Culture in the Internet, but weakining the influence of european based Internet projects. This may be very damaging to EU Culture on the long term.

Culture and Economy can only prosper when it is free from Government paternalism and restrictive Laws. This is one of the dumbest and most shameful EU legislation I have ever seen. This is how the United Europe ends: Mr Cavada, you are a disgrace. To capture and harness the power of collaboration in our creative community, and provide a stage to share these compelling and connecting stories. WHAT positive outcomes resulted? WHO are these people, and what did they build together, a friendship, an idea, an initiative, a service, a business, or even a failure?

WHY did this happen? These stories are what powers us to keep coming back. When this occurs, we can say that we have built micro Creative Moments amongst the macro CreativeMornings. Who knows where these Micro Moments lead to? HOW many dots have been connected in the audience?

How many balloons danced, bounced, burst or stuck? One CreativeMornings converted into three friendships. One CreativeMornings encounter became an avalanche of ideas. One CreativeMornings brought out the humanity in each of us, the eagerness and unselfish willingness to help, inspire, and motivate each other. Where else could this occur? Want to join us and be part of our family of creatives? We are currently looking for graphic designers , who would help create graphic content, bring to life our visual concepts and communicate our ideas.

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  3. Tout savoir sur... La Créative Attitude: Nous sommes tous créatifs! (French Edition)?
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La charge de travail est environ de 10h par mois. Then why are you doing it, you ask. Similarly, our speaker Chantal Gosselin explains: Collectively thinking about what CreativeMornings is about and what it means to people was a much-needed process, after the ups and downs of the last year.

Some of us, who attended the CreativeMornings summit in Austin last November, felt it even deeper; we must go back to basics. So why are we all doing this? Maude , in charge of logistics, shared: The passion and the emotions are palpable, and the proximity with the community creates a strong and moving experience. We want to carry and spread the voices of the people driven by passion and purpose, people who create and inspire others to create.

We want to encourage the community to act and do the things they love. We must be there, listen with all our soul so that they can deliver their message, with generosity and vulnerability. For some of us, these words resonated profoundly. Personally, I had probably seen at some point that there was a manifesto somewhere , explaining what the events were about, but I had never felt it. So how can we, together, create this safe place? How can we hold the space, without judgment or ego, without dividing or letting people aside?

How can we embed benevolence and inclusiveness in everything we do?

9 trucs pour être plus créatif et avoir de bonnes idées

One thing is for sure, there is no clear path ahead of us, but wherever we go, we should go together. Now, mystery can be frightening, as our guest speakers learned. It can be paralyzing, and yet if we can channel our imagination, the same mystery can foster hope and become a vector for creativity. I feel like I owe you an answer. I believe the reason why I am sharing this is because I would not be anything without you.

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Because imagination is what sets us apart as a species, what enabled language, learning, and therefore transmission of knowledge. It made us conscious, provided we are, in fact, part of a community. As Henri Laborit put it, we are a part of an ecosystem, but by ourselves, we cannot be fully conscious. I believe I feel the urge to share thoughts, questions and perspectives because they help me define who I am just as much as, hopefully, they help you find where you stand and who you want to be. Even if you disagree or condemn, I want to believe the exercise is still giving you something useful, provoking thoughts and emotions to better understand who you are, and what your purpose is.

With the new year upon us, I wish you to find and follow your passion, and with all my heart, I hope you will find your safe haven, within the community or elsewhere, to find your voice and be heard. The 38 years old Finnish science fiction author, along with data scientist friend Samuel Halliday, got his hands on a simple wearable brain scanner and started wondering how he could use the technology to tell more engaging stories.

So in , they came up with a story that could be read wearing the wireless headset, and branch and change depending on whether the reader showed more affinity for life or death imagery. For instance, a brain without eyes can perceive much less of its environment. This is where connecting machines to our brain can become extremely powerful, and not just for medicine. Enabling machines to get a better understanding of the way we think and feel could give them an artificial form of emotional intelligence.

Electroencephalography EEG itself has been use for decades to diagnose and study conditions such as epilepsy, sleep disorders and brain death. Recently, however, its use has expanded outside of the realm of medicine and into the for-profit world. One of the first application to emerge from the rise of brain-wave measuring devices and wearable tech was neuromarketing, where volunteers would put on an awkward swim cap covered with sensors in a Clockwork Orange type of experiment, in order to measure -more of less accurately- the cognitive and emotional responses to advertising. Now, if the added value for the consumer might be a little bit harder to see with marketing, storytelling in general could benefit greatly from having access to a window to your soul.

In the entertainment world, this gives storytellers such as film and game makers a whole new set of possibilities.

Directeur artistique contenus

Similarly, artists such as Lisa Park have been exploring how connecting mind and machine can lead to beautiful and authentic music pieces: Aside from entertainment, education is another area that could greatly benefit from these technologies going mainstream. Education at the time was meant levelling down to the lowest common denominator which, as a result, left the restless minds feeling quite stuck. Today, education has learned its lesson, and a lot of new philosophies have emerged, making learning much more experiential, and using storytelling to captivate and encourage creativity.

Much like marketing, schools are now trying to differentiate themselves by delivering a unique experience.