Contratto a termine (Monografie di diritto del lavoro) (Italian Edition)

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Collaboration and coordination among health providers, social workers and employment decision makers is the mostly required and effective. Legal frameworks need to be rethought for a better balance between productivity and equity, inclusion and social justice. Examining the major challenges posed by Industry 4. Labour law is not doomed to be set aside following the demise of Fordism, but it will innovate over time to enable and balance the new productive model underlying Industry 4. The research contributes to the debate on the new functions of labour law in the Industry 4.

The originality of the paper lies in its approach, which considers labour law in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Tiraboschi, Michele - Jobs Act e contratto di ricollocazione: Una valutazione di sistema. Tra ripresa e debolezza. Tiraboschi, Michele - Welfare for People. Tiraboschi, Michele - Carcere e lavoro: Verso una agenzia pubblica per il lavoro nelle carceri italiane?

Il caso spagnolo nella esperienza internazionale e comparata: Funzionamento del rapporto di lavoro di natura speciale dei detenuti in Spagna. Rispetto alla formazione degli adulti e alle dinamiche dei sistemi di relazioni industriali una riflessione particolare merita, in questa prospettiva, la vicenda dei fondi interprofessionali paritetici per la formazione continua introdotti dalla l. Tiraboschi, Michele - Il lavoro agile tra legge e contrattazione collettiva: In conclusione, tenendo in considerazione le sfide poste dalla c.

Locus custodiae e luogo della prestazione di lavoro: La disciplina legale, italiana e sovranazionale, in materia di part-time. Un esempio chiarificatore del possibile utilizzo distorto del tipo contrattuale. La ratio del part-time e la giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale. Tiraboschi, Michele - Research Work in the Industry 4. Non certo per aggiungere un nuovo titolo alla numerosa produzione letteraria del settore, nella affannosa rincorsa a un dato legale di non facile lettura e in continua evoluzione.

Worldwide, changes stemming from competitive dynamics add to those taking place in companies in relation to organisation. They are the result of technological innovations and new demographic trends and affect working and manufacturing practices. Consequently, and in consideration of the developments in the way of doing business referred to above, researchers can play a pivotal role in meeting the needs of the market.

With a view of ensuring their acknowledgment, it is necessary to put in place a modern legal and industrial relations system. This will help to appreciate the work of these professionals and to ensure them adequate contractual arrangements, while also assessing and offsetting their different levels of productivity. Tiraboschi, Michele - Apprendistato di terzo livello: Commento sistematico dei decreti legislativi nn.

Uno sguardo di insieme. Forma e struttura del nuovo apprendistato di alta formazione e ricerca. Le disposizioni del decreto ministeriale 12 ottobre Tiraboschi, Michele - Apprendistato: La riduzione del ruolo delle parti sociali. Le incertezze del periodo transitorio. Il contratto a tutele crescenti: Conversione e trasformazioni di contratti a termine e di apprendistato stipulati prima del 7 marzo Applicazione anche ai vecchi assunti.

Il licenziamento per giustificato motivo oggettivo. Vizi formali e procedurali. Tiraboschi, Michele - Giorgio Usai. Il nuovo apprendistato di primo livello. Il periodo di transizione. Tiraboschi, Michele - Il lavoro a tempo determinato - Le nuove regole del lavoro dopo il Jobs Act. I limiti di utilizzo del contratto a tempo determinato. Trattamento economico-normativo e accesso alla formazione e riqualificazione professionale. Proroghe, rinnovi, successione di contratti e diritto di precedenza.

Estinzione e recesso anticipato.

Il nuovo lavoro a termine alla prova della contrattazione collettiva. Il presente contributo si propone di leggere il piano nazionale Industria 4. Le due note di approfondimento allegate sono state invece realizzate dai referenti scientifici Maurizio Del Conte e Michele Tiraboschi e riportano le opinioni degli AA. Le mansioni esigibili in via ordinaria: Come esercizio dello jus variandi. In applicazione di quanto stabilito dalla contrattazione collettiva. Come esercizio della autonomia individuale assistita.

Si tratta, allo stato, di interventi marginali ed episodici che si collocano nel solco oramai collaudato della c. La somministrazione di lavoro dopo il Jobs Act. La somministrazione a tempo determinato. Limiti quantitativi ed esenzioni. Durata del contratto di lavoro e del contratto di somministrazione. La somministrazione a tempo indeterminato. I divieti di ricorso alla somministrazione di lavoro. Il diritto transitorio e il ruolo della contrattazione collettiva. Definizione e obiettivi del nuovo apprendistato.

Il riordino della disciplina generale. Gli interventi in materia di apprendistato professionalizzante. Standard professionali e formativi: Le disposizioni finali e il quadro complesso della disciplina transitoria. Tiraboschi, Michele - Le nuove regole del lavoro dopo il Jobs Act. Conseguenze in caso di licenziamento illegittimo fondato sulla malattia del lavoratore: Il licenziamento per superamento del periodo di comporto: More than , work-related accidents are reported yearly, of which are deadly.

However, these figures are gradually declining, due to a fall in the activity rates resulting from the recession. Da notizie ufficiose pare che comunque nulla cambi e che le disposizioni sul contratto di ricollocazione, ora stralciate dal decreto sulle tutele crescenti, troveranno presto spazio in un futuro decreto su servizi al lavoro e politiche attive.

Anche per questa ragione il presente volume si basa sui testi dei decreti diffusi il 24 dicembre. Il sistema di incentivazione per assumere a tempo indeterminato. Il contratto a tutele crescenti a confronto con le altre tipologie contrattuali nella scelta gestionale. Aziende non artigiane e di maggiori dimensioni.

Aziende artigiane e di minori dimensioni. Limiti e vantaggi degli incentivi per il nuovo contratto a tutele crescenti. Tiraboschi, Michele - Il contratto a tutele crescenti: E con esso la relativa — quanto, allo stato, per nulla scontata — marcia indietro rispetto a quella decisa liberalizzazione del contratto a tempo determinato che, in controtendenza rispetto agli obiettivi della l.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Il contratto di ricollocazione: A tale nozione sono ricondotti effetti di rilievo rispetto alla applicazione della disciplina di diritto del lavoro. Il contributo, dopo una breve contestualizzazione di questo intervento di riforma, prende in rassegna le diverse opzioni interpretative e conclude per una interpretazione del concetto di etero-organizzazione quale presunzione, di carattere relativo, di subordinazione.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Introduction: Professional doctorates and industrial PhD are the most studied and developed typologies falling into this category. Professional doctorates have been around in the UK since the early s. The aim of these programs is to integrate professional and academic knowledge, allowing students to make an original contribution to both theory and practice in their field, and to develop professional skills by the means of professional knowledge.

Similar to EngD on this side, but with a wider extension in terms of sectors and disciplines concerned, are the Industrial PhDs. The intent here is not only to provide the international readership with a frame of reference — in both conceptual and legal terms — that helps to appreciate the Italian labour law currently in force. The real goal of this volume is to contribute to move beyond the self-referential nature of the Italian debate on the reform of labour laws.

This would supply the reform process of the Italian labour market with an international and comparative dimension which — in accordance with the programmatic approach of Marco Biagi — should also feed the debate at a national level. Tiraboschi, Michele - Le nuove frontiere dei sistemi di welfare: Due to the unpredictability of natural disasters, welfare systems traditionally support the victims and the areas affected through temporary and emergency interventions.

On the contrary, environmental and technological hazards are deemed preventable, therefore legal authorities are usually tasked with establishing their causes and determining penal, administrative or civil sanctions for those responsible. The question arising from the foregoing considerations and which this paper seeks to answer is whether labour law, industrial relations and welfare systems can provide a contribution to the prevention and the proactive management of disasters.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Prima lettura del d.

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Spattini, Silvia; Tiraboschi, Michele - Servizi al lavoro e regime degli accreditamenti: Tiraboschi, Michele - Special Section: As far as the cases examined in this paper are concerned, the impact that chronic diseases have on sick people in terms of income, job opportunities, career prospects and social inclusion varies considerably, as do the effects on their family members who are tasked with providing care and assistance i.

Some measures that might help cope with these specific issues are provided by the national systems of social security e. Rausei, Pierluigi; Tiraboschi, Michele - Apprendistato. La pubblicazione mette in relazione cinque aspetti: Ichino, Pietro; Tiraboschi, Michele - Codice semplificato del lavoro - Progettare per modernizzare.

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Tiraboschi, Michele - Decreto-legge 20 marzo , n. Tiraboschi, Michele - Dottorati industriali, apprendistato per la ricerca, formazione in ambiente di lavoro. This is done through an examination of industrial PhDs and apprenticeships for research purposes, which also takes account of the complex relations between businesses, tertiary education, and the labour market.

Cooperative research, and industrial and professional doctorates have been extensively covered in international literature. On the contrary, little interest has been shown towards industrial PhDs in Italy, even following the recent approval of a PhD regulation which for the first time introduces industrial PhD in Italy. Consequently, this analysis sets out to be a first attempt at analysing industrial PhDs, drawing on a comparison with those countries where they have been in place for a long time. The paper identifies a number of obstacles which act as stumbling blocks to the implementation of on-the-job training in higher education: These shortcomings are the same which hamper the diffusion of apprenticeship schemes — including those for research purposes — which are decisive to fill the void between education and the labour market.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Jobs Act: Primo commento al d. Tiraboschi, Michele - Jobs Act. Sono trattate le tematiche inerenti a: The book not only provides the international readership with a frame of reference — in both conceptual and legal terms — that helps to appreciate the Italian Labour Law currently in force, but also represents a contribution to moving beyond the self-referential nature of the Italian debate on the reform of labour laws. As such, the book supplies the reform process of the Italian labour market with an international and comparative dimension which — in accordance with the programmatic approach of Marco Biagi — will also feed the debate at the national level.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Las cooperativas en tiempos de crisis. Tiraboschi, Michele - Legge sindacale: Una risposta sulla rappresentanza sindacale a Corte costituzionale n. La recente sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. What was striking about this tragedy was that most of the fatalities were workers who survived the earthquake, but soon afterwards were being recalled to duty to resume their working activity and commence post-disaster reconstruction.

More than likely, a more effective dialogue between employers and trade unions would have avoided these fatalities. This proposition draws on past experience, more notably the earthquake which took place in the Umbria region between and , and highlights the major role played by the industrial relations system in preparing for and dealing with natural and environmental disasters. DURC was intended as a tool to single out compliant employers to be engaged in the reconstruction work and safeguard, albeit indirectly, workers and individuals operating in the areas hit by the disaster.

Originally an industrial relations practice, DURC was implemented through national legislation and emerged as a major tool against irregular work, especially in those sectors where contracting and subcontracting were widespread phenomena. In effect, this selection procedure is based on a system of qualification according to which only qualified employers with technical and professional expertise specified in the collective agreement are allowed to operate in certain industries. To this end, suitable employers need to meet some criteria concerning contractual requirements — especially in contracting out tasks and activities — related for instance to aspects of health and safety at work.

The qualification system addressed the most dangerous sectors and activities and at the moment applies to confined spaces, although it can be considered in the event of other types of natural disasters mine collapses, marine oil spills, industrial pollution and land contamination. After providing a cursory overview of the problem at a European and international level, the focus will move on to the Italian case.

In this sense, an attempt will be made to shed light on attitudes and codes of conduct implemented in emergency situations which have now become common practice in industrial relations, thus providing an innovative contribution to social dialogue at company and sectorial level. Tiraboschi, Michele - Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri naturali e ambientali: Un profilo, quello prevenzionistico, che dovrebbe essere centrale anche rispetto ai disastri tecnologici o ambientali che meglio avrebbero potuto essere affrontati, come evidenziano esperienze quali il caso Ilva di Taranto in Italia o il disastro nucleare di Fukushima in Giappone.

This investigation looks at work in terms of personal relationships behind different regulations laid down in national and supranational legislation. Considering the future of work and other issues of a great social impact such as unemployment and low quality jobs does not mean to provide a long list of indicators, or analyses and counter analyses on the current state of the labour market. Rather, the attempt should be at reflecting on the uncertainty of our time taking as a point of departure this encyclical that Pope John XXIII left to the world a few months before passing away as a form of spiritual and pastoral legacy.

La trasformazione del contratto di apprendistato di primo livello in apprendistato di secondo livello: Apprendimento, percorsi formativi, correlazione tra standard professionali e standard formativi. Tiraboschi, Michele - Bilateralismo e enti bilaterali: Introduzione al bilateralismo in Italia. Natura giuridica e funzionamento degli enti bilaterali.

La questione del finanziamento degli enti bilaterali.

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Le funzioni degli enti bilaterali. Tiraboschi, Michele - Certificazione competenze: Prime riflessioni sul decreto legislativo 16 gennaio , n. Copertura finanziaria e risorse disponibili. Giovannone, Maria; Tiraboschi, Michele - Il lavoro a termine nuovamente riformato - Il lavoro riformato. Il contratto a termine acausale. Il nuovo articolo 1, comma 1-bis, del decreto legislativo 6 settembre , n. La proroga del contratto acausale e la prosecuzione del rapporto oltre il termine pattuito. La successione dei contratti. Tiraboschi, Michele - Il lavoro riformato.

I contributi raccolti nel presente commentario, agile nella lettura, intendono accompagnare il lettore nella conoscenza e prima interpretazione sistematica delle norme per fornire le coordinate concettuali e le linee-guida di indirizzo operativo per una gestione organica e completa dal vecchio al nuovo quadro giuridico-istituzionale. Misura, durata e finanziamento degli incentivi. Ulteriori incentivi disposti dalle Regioni. Le misure in materia di apprendistato professionalizzante: Verso nuove linee guida in materia di apprendistato professionalizzante?

Le misure in materia di tirocini formativi e alternanza. Il piano di finanziamento dei tirocini curriculari e non. I tirocini nelle imprese multilocalizzate. Si tratta di un lavoro minuzioso, innanzitutto di monitoraggio delle normative regionali. Tiraboschi, Michele - Tirocini: The Crisis in Figures. Anti-crisis Measures across Europe. Measures to Create Employment and to Promote Reintegration. Income Support for Unemployed People.

Measures to Maintain Employment. The Effectiveness of Labour Market Measures. Public Expenditure on Labour Market Policies. The Effectiveness of Social Model. Commentario alla legge 28 giugno , n. Tra molto centro e poca periferia: It is supported by a high-level scientific committee and a well-established international network and aims at providing an open area for further investigating the issues of labour law and industrial relations.

Generally, we are concerned with issues in employment relations, human resource management, health and safety, psychology, sociology, labour economics, politics, labour law and history. All articles will be subject to independent refereeing before being accepted for publication. Tiraboschi, Michele - El desempleo juvenil en tiempos de crisis: Rausei, Pierluigi; Tiraboschi, Michele - I costi della riforma e la copertura finanziaria - La nuova riforma del lavoro.

I costi della riforma. Il reperimento delle risorse finanziarie. Imposizioni fiscali per imprese e professioni. I tagli alle spese di funzionamento di Inps e Inail. Prime osservazioni sul DDL n. Con il ddl 5 aprile , n. Tiraboschi, Michele - Il lavoro negli studi professionali. Su questo fronte, le misure un primo tempo annunciate nel c. Il lavoro, nello specifico, si articola in 5 principali macro-aree tematiche. Il nuovo assetto degli ammortizzatori sociali. Retribuzione di riferimento, durata e ammontare della prestazione.

Le modifiche alla cassa integrazione guadagni straordinaria. La soppressione di contributi. Il campo di applicazione e i requisiti. The starting point of the analysis is the investigation of the reasons for the reform, followed by an examination of the major points of the interventions and both the strengths and shortcomings of the reform implemented. Among others, attention is paid to the different employment relationships, new forms of joint ventures, the allocation of the unemployment benefits, and the system of safety-net measures. In conclusion, the A.

This is because this is a provision imposed by the Government which reduces the role of the social partners and moves away from an autonomous system of industrial relations to regulate employment relationships at all levels. Tiraboschi, Michele - La disoccupazione giovanile in tempo di crisi: Come dimostra il confronto comparato, per affrontare concretamente il problema dei giovani nel mercato del lavoro non basta rifondare il diritto del lavoro.

Magnani, Mariella; Tiraboschi, Michele - La nuova riforma del lavoro. Costa, Davide; Tiraboschi, Michele - La riforma del contratto a tempo determinato - La nuova riforma del lavoro. Il nuovo articolo 1 del decreto legislativo n. La impugnazione del contratto a tempo determinato e le conseguenze risarcitorie previste in caso di conversione del rapporto.

However, the implementation of so-called anticrisis measures limited such increases in unemployment — in some cases they were not as high as expected — in the majority of EU member states. Le modifiche e le integrazioni di dettaglio al decreto legislativo n. Rausei, Pierluigi; Tiraboschi, Michele - Lavoro: Si tratta, ovviamente, di una prima lettura di un articolato normativo particolarmente complesso e, peraltro, ancora provvisorio e parziale, che non ha altro scopo se non quello di fornire un contributo e un punto di vista indipendente al dibattito parlamentare e al confronto tra Governo e parti sociali al fine di perfezionare il progetto di riforma del mercato del lavoro.

Ulteriori osservazioni sul DDL n. Si tratta di una seconda lettura di un articolato normativo particolarmente complesso — che segue di pochi giorni il precedente volume ADAPT University Press sul d. Carminati, Enrica; Facello, Serena; Tiraboschi, Michele - Le linee guida sui tirocini formativi e di orientamento - La nuova riforma del lavoro. I tirocini formativi e di orientamento nella regolamentazione nazionale e regionale. Le incertezze sul futuro del lavoro pubblico. La riforma delle tipologie contrattuali. La riorganizzazione della formazione pubblica.

Il ruolo dei fondi interprofessionali nel sistema della formazione continua. Tiraboschi, Michele - Somministrazione di lavoro: La conseguente compressione del ruolo delle agenzie del lavoro come attori polifunzionali del mercato del lavoro. La compressione del ruolo del fondo per la formazione continua dei lavoratori temporanei. The considerable emphasis placed on the power of legislation to reduce youth unemployment prevents real labour market problems from being clearly identified, thus reducing the scope to adopt more effective measures.

Action is certainly required to help young people during the current crisis, yet interventions should not be exclusively directed towards increased flexibility and deregulation. As a comparative analysis demonstrates, in order to effectively tackle the issue of youth employment, it is not enough to reform labour law. High quality education systems, apprenticeship schemes, efficient placement and employment services, cooperative industrial relations and flexible wage determination mechanisms are the key to success when it comes to youth employment, not only in times of recession.

Commentario alla legge 4 novembre , n. Il ruolo della contrattazione collettiva nella legge n. La conciliazione in sede sindacale. Il livello di contrattazione delegata a regolamentare le procedure di conciliazione ed arbitrato ex articolo ter del codice di procedura civile.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Clausole generali, onere della prova, ruolo del giudice - La riforma dei rapporti e delle controversie di lavoro. La categoria delle clausole generali. Il contenuto della norma. Clausola generale e onere della prova. Commentario al decreto legislativo 14 settembre , n. Il nuovo apprendistato come espressione del mutamento di paradigma della formazione.

Brevi cenni e rinvio. Tiraboschi, Michele - Formulario dei rapporti di lavoro. Tiraboschi, Michele - Formulario del processo del lavoro. Aggiornato alla riforma della giustizia del lavoro di cui alla L. Gli avvocati e i praticanti legali, in primis, oltre ovviamente ai magistrati. Tiraboschi, Michele - I fondi per la formazione e la tutela del reddito dei lavoratori in somministrazione - La riforma dei rapporti e delle controversie di lavoro. I fondi bilaterali nel lavoro in somministrazione. Pasquini, Flavia; Tiraboschi, Michele - I nuovi spazi della certificazione: La persistenza del tentativo obbligatorio di conciliazione in caso di contenzioso sui contratti certificati: I vizi del consenso: I vizi del procedimento.

Durata massima e durata minima. Il quadro legale di riferimento. Alcuni nodi problematici e la posizione della giurisprudenza. Il ruolo delle parti sociali e la formazione sulla sicurezza. Corvino, Alessandro; Tiraboschi, Michele - La nuova conciliazione - La riforma dei rapporti e delle controversie di lavoro. Le sedi di conciliazione. Spattini, Silvia; Tiraboschi, Michele - La revisione dei regimi di autorizzazione e il rilancio del placement universitario - La riforma dei rapporti e delle controversie di lavoro.

Le modifiche e la manutenzione ai regimi autorizzatori. Il regime ordinario di autorizzazione. I regimi particolari di autorizzazione. Le associazioni sindacali e datoriali. I gestori di siti internet. Proia, Giampiero; Tiraboschi, Michele - La riforma dei rapporti e delle controversie di lavoro. Senza contare la riforma per le impugnazioni e le decadenze nella disciplina dei licenziamenti. Oltre alla vera e propria rivoluzione nel processo del lavoro sono stati sostituiti gli artt.

Corvino, Alessandro; Tiraboschi, Michele - La risoluzione arbitrale delle controversie di lavoro - La riforma dei rapporti e delle controversie di lavoro. Arbitrato irrituale e transazione. However, the implementation of so-called anti-crisis measures limited such increase — in some cases not to be as high as expected — in the majority of EU member states. In providing a review of the anti-crisis labor market policies issued by EU member states, which focus on measures to maintain employment, measures to support employment and reintegration into the labor market and income support for unemployed or workers in short-time work or temporary lay-offs, this paper analyzes the alternative strategies models and solutions adopted by EU member states for mitigating negative effects of the economic crisis on the labor market.

Impianto e obiettivi della riforma: Le disposizioni contenute nel decreto legge n. I punti ancora aperti e lo spazio per una intesa tra governo, regioni e parti sociali. Quadro legale e prospettive evolutive. Gli standard professionali e formativi in Italia: Il cronoprogramma per la definizione degli standard. Global Perspectives for Future Actions. Tiraboschi, Michele - Tirocini e apprendistato: Tiraboschi, Michele - Collegato lavoro. Commento alla legge 4 novembre , n. Tiraboschi, Michele; Verbaro, Francesco - Dalla polemica sui nullafacenti alla legge delega n.

Commento alla legge 4 marzo , n. Quadro di riferimento storico-evolutivo: La contrattazione collettiva dopo la legge delega. La nuova dirigenza e i poteri di gestione a essa affidati. Il decreto legislativo n. Prime riflessioni critiche sulla riforma. The green economy is often regarded as effective both in environmental and employment terms, creating new jobs while dealing with environment protection issues, for example, climate change, pollution, emission reductions, and so on.

The paper calls for a rethinking of green issues, especially with regard to new skills requirements in the green sector. Workers, especially women, should be supported in the process of adaptation and transition, by means of policies providing on-the-job training and retraining, and participation in decision making. Social dialogue and industrial relations can play a key role in this connection, as a catalyst for change, gender equality and the promotion of green policies. Spattini, Silvia; Tiraboschi, Michele - Fondi per il sostegno al reddito dei somministrati - Collegato lavoro.

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La costituzione dei fondi. Corvino, Alessandro; Tiraboschi, Michele - Il rilancio della certificazione: Giustizia del lavoro e procedure di certificazione: Clausole generali e certificazione. Certificazione e tipizzazione delle cause di licenziamento. Altre disposizioni in tema di certificazione.

Gli effetti della certificazione. Tiraboschi, Michele - Intervento Diritto di sciopero e assetto costituzionale - Roma - 14 ottobre - Diritto di sciopero e assetto costituzionale. Corvino, Alessandro; Tiraboschi, Michele - La conciliazione in materia di lavoro e la conciliazione obbligatoria per i contratti certificati - Collegato lavoro. Il tentativo di conciliazione in relazione ai contratti certificati. Tiraboschi, Michele; Verbaro, Francesco - La nuova riforma del lavoro pubblico. La manutenzione del modello di organizzazione e disciplina del mercato del lavoro di cui alla legge Biagi.

Modifiche al regime ordinario e speciale di autorizzazione. Il faticoso rilancio della borsa lavoro. Il quadro di insieme delle soluzioni adottate consente, tuttavia, di rintracciare una logica di sistema che prelude ad un possibile sviluppo riformatore. The Italian Case in the E. Context 21st Century Employment Systems: The Economic Crisis in European Union. This procedure consists of an examination of the lawfulness of employment and supply chain contracts. Contracts are submitted to a panel of experts in labour law civil servants, professionals, academics who undertake a review of the documentation, perform advisory functions and decide whether to award certification or not.

The panel takes into account the key principles underlying certification: Certification seeks to enforce labour standards through the proper use of contractual models, in order to manifest the true intention of the parties and to represent their interests. In this paper the issue is addressed from a regulatory perspective. First, it is noted that all employment and supply chain contracts are eligible for certification. Although apparently different, these contracts share a common matrix: Second, certification is seen as a form of labour market regulation, which is neither a compulsory process, nor a matter of pure self-regulation.

Employers are under no obligation to refer their contracts to a certification panel, but if they do so and receive a positive ruling, the certification gives the contract a legal presumption of fairness, certifying its conformity with legal principles for the purpose of preventing disputes at a later stage.

In this respect executive staff members are covered, at least in principle, by the protection offered by labour law. This principle is regulated at the highest level of the hierarchy among the law sources by art. In the same way, art. However, in practical terms, as in many other countries, the legal and contractual protection for this category of employees is attenuated and varies greatly depending on the legal definitions used for directors or managers and their role in the undertaking. With regard to the specificity of the Italian case, the legal paradigm plays a central and decisive role.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Campo di applicazione e tipologie contrattuali - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro dopo il correttivo d. Commentario al decreto legislativo n. Il campo di applicazione oggettivo e le specificazioni di settore dopo il decreto legislativo n. Il campo di applicazione soggettivo e le nuove tipologie contrattuali. Ferrua, Sara; Giovannone, Maria; Tiraboschi, Michele - Gruppi di lavoratori esposti a rischi particolari e tipologie di lavoro flessibile: La valutazione di tutti i rischi.

Rischi collegati allo stress lavoro-correlato. Rischi riguardanti le lavoratrici in stato di gravidanza. Rischi connessi alle differenze di genere. Rischi legati alla provenienza da altri Paesi. Il mutamento dei modelli organizzativi del lavoro e la gestione dei nuovi rischi. Lavoro atipico e temporaneo e valutazione dei rischi: I nodi interpretativi e le risposte della giurisprudenza. I tirocini formativi e di orientamento.

Bubola, Gabriele; Tiraboschi, Michele - Il regime per le piccole e medie imprese - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro dopo il correttivo d. La rilevanza delle PMI nel tessuto produttivo italiano e i limiti della disciplina prevenzionistica previgente. Il nuovo regime per le PMI introdotto dal decreto legislativo n. La semplificazione delle procedure. Le ulteriori norme sulle PMI.

Tiraboschi, Michele - Il sistema di qualificazione delle imprese e dei lavoratori autonomi - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro dopo il correttivo d. La qualificazione delle imprese e dei lavoratori autonomi nella legge delega e nel decreto legislativo n. Le modifiche introdotte dal decreto legislativo n. Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro d. Gli operatori del diritto, le imprese, i sindacati, gli esperti e i responsabili della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro sono pertanto chiamati nuovamente ad interpretare e, soprattutto, applicare un dettato normativo imponente, composto da ben articoli e 51 allegati tecnici, che vengono ora ampiamente rivisitati.

I contributi raccolti nel presente commentario, firmati anche da AA. Giovannone, Maria; Tiraboschi, Michele - La sorveglianza sanitaria speciale: Gli accertamenti per ragionevole dubbio e le visite periodiche: La sorveglianza sanitaria speciale e i suoi riflessi sulla prosecuzione del rapporto di lavoro.

Il rifiuto del lavoratore di sottoporsi alle visite periodiche e i profili del licenziamento. La mancata presentazione alle visite periodiche e le giustificazioni del lavoratore. Tiraboschi, Michele - La tutela della salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro dopo il decreto legislativo n. Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro dopo il decreto legislativo n.

Ragioni e limiti di un intervento correttivo: Proposte per un percorso di rilettura del decreto legislativo n. La forma del contratto a progetto. La durata del contratto. Barboni, Ambra; Bizzarro, Chiara; Giovannone, Maria; Pasquini, Flavia; Tiraboschi, Michele - Mutamento dei modelli di organizzazione del lavoro, gestione della sicurezza, certificazione - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro dopo il correttivo d.

Un quadro di riferimento empirico. Il modello culturale della sicurezza previsto dal decreto legislativo n. The Italian Labour Law Tradition: Protection for those who are Protected. Economic and Normative Incentives. Merits and Limits of the Treu Measures. Tiraboschi, Michele - Apprendistato professionalizzante: Commentario sistematico delle norme di lavoro e previdenza contenute nelle leggi di conversione dei decreti legge 25 giugno , n.

Il canale della formazione aziendale: Tiraboschi, Michele - Campo di applicazione e tipologie contrattuali - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Commentario al decreto legislativo 9 aprile , n. Il campo di applicazione oggettivo e le specificazioni di settore. Spazi e limiti per il ricorso alla eccezione di inadempimento. Bubola, Gabriele; Tiraboschi, Michele - Il regime per le piccole e medie imprese - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Rausei, Pierluigi; Tiraboschi, Michele - Il ripristino del lavoro a chiamata - La riforma del lavoro pubblico e privato e il nuovo welfare.

La disciplina del lavoro a chiamata. Lavoro intermittente per requisiti oggettivi. Lavoro intermittente per requisiti temporali. Lavoro intermittente per requisiti soggettivi. Forma e contenuti del contratto. Adempimenti e cumulo di contratti. Profili fiscali e previdenziali. Tiraboschi, Michele - Il Testo Unico della salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Si tratta, ora, di interpretare e comprendere il significato e gli aspetti innovativi degli oltre articoli che compongono il nuovo testo di legge. Tiraboschi, Michele - Istituzioni di diritto.

Elementi di diritto privato. I soggetti degli atti giuridici. I mezzi di tutela. Introduzione alle fonti dei contratti internazionali. Glossario dei termini processuali. La disciplina transitoria per la messa a regime del tetto massimo di 36 mesi per il ricorso al contratto a termine in caso di contratti successivi. Precisazioni generali sulla nuova disciplina: Persico, Niccolo'; Tiraboschi, Michele - La nuova disciplina del lavoro occasionale di tipo accessorio - La riforma del lavoro pubblico e privato e il nuovo welfare.

Ambito di applicazione oggettivo. Ambito di applicazione soggettivo. Disciplina del lavoro accessorio. Tiraboschi, Michele - La nuova disciplina della successione dei contratti a termine: La disciplina transitoria per la messa a regime del tetto massimo di trentasei mesi per il ricorso al contratto a termine in caso di contratti successivi. Tiraboschi, Michele - La riforma del lavoro pubblico e privato e il nuovo welfare. Si tratta infatti di coordinare tra loro e ricondurre a un quadro coerente disposizioni di dettaglio di diversa ispirazione e matrice che toccano numerosi profili e istituti giuridici.

Testo Unico sulla sicurezza, dalla rassegna dei precedenti schemi legali elaborati, a partire dal d. La soluzione, funzionale a promuovere una concentrazione degli sforzi regionali dove necessario, risponde al tema controverso della nozione di formazione aziendale, valorizzando la contrattazione collettiva e i relativi attori titolari del patrimonio conoscitivo necessario. Tiraboschi, Michele - Lavori stagionali a contenuto formativo e nuovi limiti di durata al contratto di apprendistato - La riforma del lavoro pubblico e privato e il nuovo welfare.

Ambito, oggetto e limiti della sperimentazione. La nozione di lavoro straordinario. Le recenti interpretazioni ministeriali. Il chiarimento del decreto legge 25 giugno , n. Contesto e principi ispiratori della legge. I contenuti della nuova disciplina. The separation of labour from the enterprise: Outsourcing of labour relations and organizational innovation in the new economy. More on the outsourcing of labour and the promotion of human capital in a perspective of competitiveness. The new regulatory framework for outsourcing: Promoting labour law in a human resources perspective.

Rausei, Pierluigi; Tiraboschi, Michele - Per una nuova cultura delle ispezioni - La riforma del lavoro pubblico e privato e il nuovo welfare. Le linee guida della nuova ispezione del lavoro. Il volume raccoglie i saggi che meglio esprimono la visione progettuale dello studioso e il suo messaggio intellettuale e civile. Rausei, Pierluigi; Tiraboschi, Michele; Valeriani, Antonella - Semplificazione e abbattimento degli oneri amministrativi per le imprese - La riforma del lavoro pubblico e privato e il nuovo welfare. La semplificazione e la de-regolazione: As long as wages, social security, and taxes remain national matters, states compete at this level in order to attract foreign investment.

This does not bode well for employees or the self-employed. The conference recorded in this vitally important book confronts this losing battle of local responses to global challenges. The book reprints the papers submitted to that conference by twenty-three outstanding scholars from fourteen countries. Among the many critical issues they expose and discuss are the following: In the course of the discussion the authors examine cases from many countries, including not only EU Member States both West and East and the U.

A Process of Liberalization? A Brief Historical Overview. Outsourcing and the Recourse to External Labour Markets. Prospects for the Future. Tiraboschi, Michele - A due anni dalla riforma Biagi del mercato del lavoro: Bocchieri, Gianni; Tiraboschi, Michele - I fondi per la formazione e la tutela del reddito - Le esternalizzazioni dopo la riforma Biagi.

Il fondo bilaterale della somministrazione. Gli accordi del 2 febbraio La costituzione del fondo per i lavoratori in somministrazione con contratto a tempo determinato e il relativo regolamento. La questione della occupazione giovanile in Italia: La revisione delle azioni e delle policies per contrastare la cronica debolezza dei giovani sul mercato del lavoro: Il raccordo tra percorsi scolastici e universitari e mercato del lavoro nella legge n.

Spattini, Silvia; Tiraboschi, Michele - La regolamentazione della somministrazione di lavoro: Norme direzionali e norme di struttura nella regolamentazione della somministrazione di lavoro cenni. Recente evoluzione del quadro comparato. Tiraboschi, Michele - Lavoro a progetto e regime sanzionatorio: Ravenna 25 ottobre novembre Tiraboschi, Michele - Le esternalizzazioni dopo la riforma Biagi.

Le recenti riforme del mercato del lavoro: I processi di esternalizzazione e il ricorso ai mercati esterni del lavoro. Quanti, a caldo e in prima lettura, si erano espressi in termini negativi sulla l. Tiraboschi, Michele; Tiraboschi, Patrizia - Per un diritto del lavoro al servizio della persona: Patologie oncologiche e tumore al seno: Il rapporto di lavoro a tempo parziale: Le tutele contro il mobbing e le pratiche vessatorie.

Private Collections of Thematic Legislation 3. Civil Law Jurisprudence 3. Civil Law Legal Authority 3. Intellectual Property Law 4. Sources of the Italian Civil Trial 4. The Civil Procedure Code 4.

Indice degli argomenti

The Telematic Civil Trial 5. Sources of Italian Criminal Law 5. Criminal Law Legislation 5. Other Laws of Criminal Law Interest 5. Criminal Law Jurisprudence and Legal Authority 6. Sources of the Italian Criminal Trial B. Online Italian Legal Information: Sites of Legal Interest 4. Parliament, Government and Ministries 4. Organs and Bodies of National Importance 4.

Local Authorities and Civic Networks 4. Courts and Judicial Offices 4. Universities and Research Bodies 4. Professional Orders, Associations and Trade Unions 4. Private Initiative Sites 4. Online Law Journals 4. The Italian Legal Authority Portal 4. Mailing Lists and Newsgroups D. Legislation, Case Law and Legal Literature 2. Thematic Information Systems 2. Main Italian Legal Websites 1. Italian Parliament, Government and Ministries 1. Ministers Without Portfolio 1. Italian Public Bodies 1. Associations and Labour Unions 1. Traditional and Online Magazines 1.

Private Initiative Websites 1. Italian Legal Documentation 1. Web Guides to Italian Law 1. Italian Legal Search Engines and Portals 1. European Community, Foreign, and International Law 2. Free of Charge Databases Introduction: Italian Legal System On the European Continent, legal systems can be said to have various origins, but in particular, to have descended from classical Roman law, which became with time " jus civile ", and can be distinguished in many ways from the "Common Law".

The Italian legal order has two fundamental origins, " jus privatorum " and " jus publicum "; this traditional division of law does not exist in "Common Law" countries with an English tradition. The former, concerning Private Law, draws its sources from ancient Roman law the " Institutiones ", " Digesta ", " Codex " and " Novellae " and substantially still mirrors those ancient principles today, albeit filtered through the experience of the Medieval and Renaissance jurists the Glossators and Commentators , and later summarized in the French Napoleonic codification of , which in Italy was partially affected by the influx of German Pandectist doctrine.

The latter, concerning Public Law, finds its most direct and modern inspiration in the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" of , following the French Revolution. It was strongly influenced by the political experience of the Italian Risorgimento, partially incorporated in the Constitution of the State of the Piedmont, promulgated on 4 March by Carlo Alberto of Savoy the so-called Statuto Albertino , and finally fully expressed in the Republican Constitution in force today.

The description above provides a general outline of the system up to the promulgation of the new Italian Constitution in , which imposed a different and updated approach and interpretation of the old rules, influencing in a decisive manner the order of the powers of the individuals and of the State and, above all, the relationship between the citizens and the State. Furthermore, it also forced the latter to intervene strongly in the economic field. It is usually said that the Italian Constitution is a compromise between the thrust for the simplified popular idea of justice deriving from 19 th century socialist ideas and the innate natural law aspiration of religious Catholic origin.

The Italian Constitution, which came into force on 1 January , clearly states that the rights of individuals exist and are protected, but directs their exercise towards the benefit of the entire collectivity, according to the principle, also dear to early French Constitution makers, that the individual is everything in society but is nothing without it.

It is the whole constitutional framework that, for the purpose of fully implementing the project for a new society, takes the doctrine formulated by Montesquieu as its own and clearly separates legislative, executive and judicial Powers, giving each its own precise rules and autonomy. An English translation of the Italian Constitution text , revised and updated to , is in A. This translation has been realized for International Constitutional Law ICL , a scientific organization that translated also other Constitutions in the world, providing a special kind of cross references among different constitutional texts.

The Italian legal system, as founded on Roman and Germanic traditions and based on the written laws value, is a "Civil Law system". It is deeply different from the legal system of the English-speaking countries so called "Common Law systems" , developed by royal courts of justice and basically structured as a "Jurisprudencial Law", in which just the judges make law, binding by means of their sentences the following judicial decisions.

Legislative Power is exercised by the "Parlamento" [Parliament]: The "Corte Costituzionale" [Constitutional Court] exercises control over the constitutional legitimacy of laws. On August 8th , the Senato approved a historical reform of its structure and powers. It had to be the first step of the constitutional reform process. The negative response of the Constitutional referendum stopped this aim in December Judicial Power is exercised by magistrates distinguished in functions and competencies as follows. Any Judge can refer a case to the Constitutional Court.

It is to be pointed out that Italy, following European member States trends, starting from publishes paper and online editions of the Gazzetta Ufficiale considering both versions of published legislation paper and electronic as legally binding. With respect to the online edition it is worthwhile knowing that every single page of it can be downloaded individually and since 1 January in toto and that only the free-of-text format is free of charge. The authenticity of the Gazzetta Ufficiale is guaranteed through electronic signature.

The certified PDF edition has been available since January 1, The Ministry of Justice Directorate of Information Systems is responsible for archiving the Legal Gazette before the publication of the electronic edition. The "Codice dell'amministrazione digitale" Code for digital administration is the legal basis for archiving electronic official texts in general, although not specifically for the Gazzetta Ufficiale. Regarding the last constitutional reforms, a brief synthesis of their development is offered by the Dipartimento per le Riforme Istituzionali Institutional Reforms Department.

Printed Sources of Italian Law Considered as a whole, legal information is basically made up of three main elements: Naturally, this does not exclude the fact that there is a large quantity of different data, which is very important for legal purposes, such as administrative acts, notices, circulars and so on. Here, however, for the sake of our presentation, the paper-based instruments relating to the dissemination of these data will not be taken into consideration but, rather, the analysis of the paper-based sources will be limited to the three main types of sources indicated above.

The concise treatment of the subject, which follows separately, deals with Italian legislation, case law and legal authority leaving aside, that is, the specific nature of the individual branches of the law. Some special mention will only be made in relation to the main divisions of Italian law, namely, Civil La w, Criminal Law and Public Law. Legislation Legislative data are collected into tools, which can be divided into two categories: I those, which contain the text of the legislative measures and II those, which contain the legislative references.

I Both official and private publications belong to the former category. The brief presentation following here is based on this distinction. Among the official publications, we wish to cite the "Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana", the "Raccolta Ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica Italiana" and the"Bollettini ufficiali regionali". The "Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana", published by the "Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato", represents the most popular collection.

It publishes not only all the legislative acts, but also Community and Regional sources, as well as the decisions and orders of the Constitutional Court and government circulars. For a systematic search, monthly and annual indexes are also available which enable the user to identify the act on the basis of the date of its adoption, the number of the measure and the subject matter that has been regulated. The "Raccolta Ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica Italiana", again published by the "Poligrafico dello Stato", contains the texts of Italian legislative measures set out in order of the number of their insertion in the collection and it is provided with annual indexes.

The "Bollettini ufficiali regionali" constitute a collection of legislative acts passed by the legislative bodies of the twenty Italian Regions in Sicily, a Region under a special Statute, the collection is called "Gazzetta Ufficiale". They collect also general administrative acts, such as "regolamenti".

Private publications are madeup of special periodical journals, which publish legislative material in various forms. They have chronological, numeric and subject indexes and moreuser-friendly tools compared to the "Gazette" and the "Bollettini ufficiali". Withinthis category, we shall only mention Lex. This legislative collection, edited by the UTET publishing house of Turin, contains State legislative acts, parliamentary reports, ministerial instructions, Regional laws and the legislative acts of the European Communities.

II Tools for consultation which do not contain legislative texts but only references to them belong to the latter category mentioned earlier. From the typological point of view, we can distinguish the publications which are set out in the following: Digests are made up of special periodical journals containing lists of legislative acts and also " massime " case law abstracts and bibliographies relating to legal authority.

Usually, these are accompanied by chronological, numeric and subject indexes. The following are among the most widely used: The Appendices to Encyclopedia Headings , usually provided in order to complete every topic covered, contain information dated at the time the heading was compiled, but they have the advantage of being systematic and authoritative because they are prepared by specialists on the subject. Among the most important legal Encyclopedias, we can mention here: Knowledge of this intention, in fact, whilst not decisive in the interpretative construction of a provision, may be of great help in understanding its original meaning.

Among the Atti parlamentari published, in paper-based form, by the Italian Chamber of Deputies and Senate, the main ones are Proposte e disegni di legge and Bollettino delle Giunte e delle Commissioni parlamentari. Jurisprudence As far as jurisprudential data are concerned, the user gains knowledge about them through a good many tools for their dissemination set out here in accordance with their type. Some journals are, exclusively or mainly, specialized in publishing decisions and other judicial measures. In these, each decision is usually preceded by a "column" which identifies, through "Headings" and "Sub-headings", the subject to which it refers for example, "Sale", "Renting", "Tender", etc.

Two monthly journals - Il Foro italiano Zanichelli, Bologna and La giurisprudenza italiana UTET, Turin - publish considerable numbers of decisions and other measures issued by judicial authorities of different kinds: Community, constitutional, civil, criminal and administrative case law are divided into special sections. The journal Giurisprudenza di merito is, instead, specialized in the publication of the decisions of the Magistrate's Courts, the Courts and the Courts of Appeal. Only the "massime" abstracts of the decisions of the Italian Supreme Court are published monthly in the following collections of "massime": The Digests annually publish only the "massime" case abstracts of all the decisions and other judicial measures edited in the Journals and Collections of "Massime", organised in a systematic manner under "headings" and "sub-headings" indicating the journal or the collection of "massime" they have come from.

In searching for case law, from the methodological point of view, the Digests are the first tool to consult: The characteristics of these works are the annual frequency of their publication and the fact that they contain subject indexes, under whose headings the lists of the sources held to be in force are set out, together with the bibliographical details of the different law journal articles published during the year under consideration as well as the "massime" of the decisions, often with references to the Journals where they are published in their entirety.

See details and download book: Download Contratto A Termine Monografie Di Diritto Del Lavoro Italian Edition Pdf. L'ecommerce in Italia - (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition) Contratto a termine (Monografie di diritto del lavoro) (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition).

Other indexes of the published case law material include a chronological index and an index of the names of the parties in the legal actions. One characteristic element which distinguishes " Repertori " or " Massimari " from law Journals is the fact that, in the former, only the "massime" case law abstracts of the decisions are published, whereas the latter also give the text of the decisions of greatest interest, often accompanied by a case note or references to judicial precedents, becoming, in this way, useful supplementary tools.

Also, in this case, there are more general and more specialised Journals. Legal Authority There is a very vast amount of scientific material, found in handbooks, encyclopedias, journals, treaties and monographs. Digests and Bibliographies prove to be useful tools for consultation. Also, we must point out that there are various kinds of these tools, both general and specific, taking the shape of appendices to larger works, as in the case of Encyclopedias and legal Dictionaries as we saw above, in relation to legislative data , or autonomous works. In this work, all the articles, which have appeared since , in the journals examined, are classified on the basis of a special index, as well as law books published since A panorama of bibliographical guides at the international level can be found in the Sistema della bibliografia giuridica.

Strumenti e metodi della ricerca bibliografica per la scienza del diritto , published by A. Other bibliographical guides of a general nature are: Introduzione alla ricerca dei dati giuridici , editedby G. Armani Garzanti, Milan, ; the same author has also written Come si cerca il diritto.

La ricerca di leggi, giurisprudenza e letteratura attraverso biblioteche, bibliografie e banche dati. Strumenti e metodi Maggioli, Rimini, , in which there is a very long list of Italian law journals; A. Meloncelli, Come si cerca il diritto Maggioli, Rimini, ; G. Pascuzzi, Cercare il diritto Zanichelli, Bologna, We shall only mention some of the more recent: In legal encyclopedias, individual subjects are subdivided into "entries", set out in alphabetical order and containing an extended treatment of the single issues dealt with in relation to the various branches of the law.

The Italian Constitution The fundamental law of the Italian State is represented by the Constitution, published in a special issue of the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica on 27 December and coming into force on 1st January The text of the Constitution comprises articles and is subdivided into four parts: The so-called "Transitional Provisions" can be found in 18 articles, all listed with Roman numbers. Among the English translations of the text of the Italian Constitution, we shall only mention a few here: The Constitution of the Italian Republic.

Italy , edited by A. An English translation of the text of the Italian Constitution , revised and updated to , can currently be found in A. It is a translation, prepared by the International Constitutional Law ICL , a scientific organisation that also translates other material relating to constitutional documents, providing a series of cross references aimed at enabling a user to easily and rapidly compare texts dealing with the same topic.

The Commentario della Costituzione, in 35 volumes ,edited by G. Pizzorusso Zanichelli, Bologna , is still today the most extensive treatise on Italian Constitutional Law.

The most updated publications are: Commentario alla Costituzione, edited by R. The work consists of a thorough study, updated with recent reforms. Constitutional Laws After its promulgation, the Italian Constitution was integrated with numerous Constitutional Laws, passed within the period between and For a detailed list of the laws amending the Italian Constitution, as well as the articles of the Constitution "etched into" by Constitutional laws, it is advisable to consult the Web site of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Italy , which can be consulted in five languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish , and the website Consulta online.

In particular, the Law 23 November , No. For many issues, the need was widely felt for legislative regulation laying down proper criteria for fully implementing the reform. In this perspective, the Law 5 June , No. Among the other more recent innovations, we would like to mention here: Constitutional Law 30 May , No. Law 20 June , No. Law 2 October , No. Law 20 April , No. Acts of the Constituent Assembly The preparatory works on the Constitution of the Republic of Italy deserves separate discussion. The Atti dell ' Assemblea costituente were published immediately after the conclusion of the work of the Assembly: The initial proposals and reports presented to the Commission for the Constitution were only edited as "proofs".

See also the database created by the Chamber of Deputies. Only in an actual analytical index was created M. De Siervo, Il Mulino, Bologna, , regarding the second edition of the Acts, edited by the Chamber of Deputies in La Costituzione della Repubblica nei lavori preparatori dell ' Assemblea costituente. Other Laws of Public Law Interest Apartfrom the official publications and those of a private nature already mentioned with reference to legislation in general, we can indicate here the various "Codes" of constitutional and administrative laws, comprising collections of more frequently used legislative sources, created by experts in the material in different sectors of interest.

These legislative collections are not, of course, to be confused with the six proper Italian Codes, which collect together the fundamental rules in force within the field of civil law, civil procedure, administrative procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure and navigation. Amongthe most up-to-date texts, we shall only mention here: Roversi Monaco Maggioli, Rimini, ; Le leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale , edited by M. Tramontano Hoepli, Turin, ; the Atlante normativo di diritto costituzionale by M.

The Dizionario di diritto pubblico , directed by S. It has to be mentioned even the Digital Administration Code CAD , one of the most important legislative text concerning the implementation of the information society in Italy, introduced by legislative decree no. Thanks to the d. The Code, which was reformed in with the d. Public Law Jurisprudence Apart from the case law sources mentioned with reference to Italian law in general, we would like to make note of the following among the specialised Digests: There are many public law journals.

Public Law Legal Authority Handbooks: Apart from the encyclopedias and dictionaries we have already cited in the part relating to Italian law in general, institutional handbooks of constitutional, parliamentary and administrative law represent important reference works for learning about Italian public law. For Constitutional Law, the following are among the most recent and important handbooks: Martines a cura di G. Rescigno, Corso di diritto pubblico , Zanichelli, Bologna, ; R.

Pitruzzella , Diritto costituzionale , Giappichelli, Turin, ; P. D'Atena, Lezioni di diritto costituzionale , Torino, Giappichelli, For Parliamentary Law, reference should be made to: Gianniti, Corso di diritto parlamentare , Bologna, ; T. Cicconetti, Diritto parlamentare , Giappichelli, Turin, ; E. Colarullo, La rappresentanza politica e le forme di governo , Giappichelli, Turin, For an overall but concise view of Italian Administrative Law, the following can usefully be referred to: Cassese, Le basi del diritto amministrativo , Einaudi, Turin,;and V.

Potenza, Manuale di diritto amministrativo , Editori vari, ;V. Sorace, Diritto delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Una introduzione , Il Mulino, Bologna, ; F. Scoca a cura di , Diritto amministrativo , Giappichelli, Turin, ; G. Corso, Manuale di diritto amministrativo , Giappichelli, Turin, ; E.

Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Caringella, Manuale di diritto amministrativo , Dike Giuridica, Rome, The main journals in which authoritative contributions in the sector of public law are published include the following: From the point of view of the legal history of Italian public law, the work entitled Il Parlamento italiano. In choosing one edition rather than another, the accuracy of the transcription of the official text, its updating with the later provisions of repealing laws or the amendment of individual articles and with the abrogating decisions of the Constitutional Court and the selection of the main special laws found in the appendix to the Code must all be kept in mind.

Granelli, who have, in turn, coordinated more than one hundred authors, chosen among the greatest experts in the various sectors of civil law. The work, published in and only available on CD-ROM, contains comments on all the articles of the Civil Code updated with the introduction of the most recent legislation and case law. Special attention is paid to the articles of Book V, the object of the recent company law reform, in force since 1st January , including the Ministerial Report by way of explanation and comment.

Furthermore, there are editions of the Civil Code in which, in correspondence to each article, information is briefly given on the main trends in case law and legal authority. Among these, we would only like to mention here the Commentario al Codice civile by P. For a detailed view of civil law matters through knowledge about the preparatory work behind the drafting of the Civil Code, it is necessary to consult the work in six volumes by Pandolfelli, Scarpello, et al.

Other Laws of Civil Law Interest Here, reference should be made to a specialized journal entitled Le nuove leggi civili commentate CEDAM, Padua , which publishes, on a quarterly basis, a selection of legislative instruments relating to the material, supplementing them with in-depth comments relating to both the laws as a whole and to the individual articles of which they are composed. Private Collections of Thematic Legislation Also in the field of private law, there are additions to periodical publications which, under the general name of "Codes", collect together all the legislation relating to specific topics, such as renting "Code of Renting" , labour "Code of Labour Laws" , etc.

Civil Law Jurisprudence With specific reference to civil law case law, there are Journals and "Massimari", Digests and Reviews, edited by the major Italian publishing houses specialised in this legal domain. The following journals contain civil law case law: Other journals specialised by subject matter dedicate a special section to the publication of decisions relating to that subject matter.

Wehave set out here a basic list of these journals: The Reviews are characterised by the fact that they contain a logical and systematic description of the case law. Two large works, published in many volumes but still a long way from completion, need to be mentioned in specific reference to civil law matters: Civil Law Legal Authority Handbooks: We will mention only the most important and popular titles: Alpa, Istituzioni di diritto privato Zanichelli, Bologna, ; P. Rescigno, Manuale del diritto privato italiano Jovene, Naples, ; A. Trabucchi, Istituzioni di diritto civile edited by G.

Schlesinger, Istituzioni di diritto privato edited by F. The following works are dedicated to commercial law as a subdivision of private law: Belviso, Manuale di diritto commerciale Morano, Naples, ; F. Ferri, Manuale di diritto commerciale edited by C. Instead,the following have labour law as their specific: Mazzotta, Manuale di diritto del lavoro Cedam, Padua, Theseare mainly aimed at those practising the law judges, attorneys, public notaries, etc. Within the ambit of the vast amount of literature existing on the Civil Code, we recommend: Galgano, Diritto civile e commerciale up-dated by N.

The series of volumes by different authors, organised on the basis of a plan, which provides for overall coverage of the disciplinary area under consideration also belong to the category of Treatises. In this regard, we are able to cite several works of great scientific importance as well as having a considerably broad coverage although all still remain unfinished: Other Treatises have for their object only some of the specific sectors within civil law, such as the Trattato di diritto commerciale e di diritto pubblico dell ' economia , directed by F.

The most widely used work among lawyers practising Italian private law is, undoubtedly, the Commentario del codice civile Scialoja e Branca , directed by F. Furthermore, we must point out here the Commentario del codice civile directed by E. In general legal Encyclopedias, the single topics of interest to the civil lawyer are also dealt with and subdivided under "headings", set out in alphabetical order and containing a broad treatment of the individual themes being examined.

For the main encyclopedias, see those that have already been discussed here in relation to Italian law in general. The following journals are among the main Italian private law journals: Thereare also numerous journals specializing in specific sectors of private law. Apart from those already cited as also being important for the case law they contain, the following belong to this category: Monographs, usually published as part of a "Series" of specialised publications edited by University Faculties or scientific Institutes, deal in-depth with specific themes within the branch of the law under consideration.

Because they are the result of legal research, they play an essential role in setting out in a systematic fashion the problems dealt with on each occasion, proposing paths for investigation and, sometimes, even methods and original solutions. Volumes, which collect together the contributions of more than one author or the Proceedings of Conferences, may also be of a monographic kind, in the sense of referring to a single main topic.

Intellectual Property Law According to the common systematics, the intellectual property - its rules and its instruments of protection - is structured in 2 parts: The first one protects any kind of inventions, in every field of technology, which are new, involve an innovative step and are susceptible of industrial application art. The second one safeguards every kind of intellectual creations, regarding music, literature, figurative arts, theatre and cinema, regardless of any form or way of expression art.

The regulation of the intellectual property in the Italian system comes from three sources: EU's rules As regards the internal rules, the industrial property law is regulated by the Industrial Property Code d. The Code is structured in eight parts and contemplates several kinds of industrial patents and trademarks.

As regards the international conventional rules, in Italy signed the European Patent Convention and joined the E. As regards the EU's rules, we have to distinguish between the trademark regulation and the patent one. On the one hand, the EU introduced a European common regulation of trademarks in The current regulation of the EU trademark is provided by CE reg.

On the other hand, any EU's common regulation has come into force yet about industrial patents. Since , the UE's Council started an enforced cooperation about industrial property law and industrial patents in particular. Italy joined the enforced cooperation about the European uuniform patent regulatioon in September The Civil Procedure Code The sources of regulation of the civil trial are: Further Sources Several other special laws regulate the Italian civil trial in specific matters. The Civil Code, first of all, contains many rules about the jurisdictional protection of rights artt.

We can remember Law n. All the just mentioned sources are out of the Code and regulate the Italian civil trial in specific matters. The goal of the PCT is to develop a complete system of informatic instruments, rules and proceedings in order to allow the informatization of the civil trial. After a sperimental phase, the PCT came into force on the 30 th of June and is now running in every Court in the country.

As regards the source of regulation of the PCT, we have to refer to L. As regards the informatic instruments the PCT is based on, they're essentially these ones: Since the 30th of June , lawyers have to deposit jurisdictional acts and documents next to the introducing ones only through the PCT system. Criminal Law Legislation Withinthe sphere of Italian criminal law, on the basis of the "principle of the legislature's exclusive power to create crimes", the legislature is reserved legislative monopoly in the field: As a result, both non-written sources and sources written in a different way from laws or "acts non-comparable to them" are excluded as criminal law sources.

With this last expression, we are referring, within the Italian legal order, to so called "material laws", consisting of acts passed by bodies different from the legislature, but having the "force of law". In particular, the term includes: All the other legislative acts of the Executive namely, "Regulations" and "Ordinances" cannot constitute Criminal Law sources. Royal Decree of 19 October , No.

It was integrated then by the Co-ordinating and Transitory Provisions R. Specific amendments were brought about by the Constitutional Court, in conformity with its recognised powers within the Italian legal order. The Criminal Code is a pre-eminent part of so-called "Ordinary Criminal Law", in consideration of the fact that most of its provisions apply to all parties indiscriminately.

Apartfrom the Criminal Code , we need to cite the legal system relating to prisons Law 26 July , No. Ardizzone, who have, in turn co-ordinated a large group of professors, attorneys and judges. The paper-based work, to which the CD-ROM is appended, is structured as a commentary, in the sense that article by article it offers a very strict and in-depth analysis of the legislative provisions, taking into due consideration the contributions of greatest interest found in the most important legal authority and case law on questions of law and on the merits. On the CD-ROM, it is possible to display through hypertext tools all the "massime" case law abstracts of the cited cases and all the legislative references inserted in the comment.

In this way, it is easy to carry out an entire series of searches, which also enable the work to be consulted in a transversal way. This Law, together with D. Decree of the President of the Republic 27 October , No. Within the sphere of criminal law case law and legal authority, we shall only point out here some of the main Italian journals dealing specifically with the subject matter, noting that many of them take into consideration not only case law and legal authority, but also legislation on the matter.

The bimonthly journal Archivio della nuova procedura penale La Tribuna, Piacenza covers both legislation and case law and legal authority, not only within procedural criminal law but also substantive criminal law, criminological sciences and forensic medicine; Archivio penale ESI - Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples , during the fifty years of its existence , as a "quarterly publication on special and comparative criminal law, procedure and legislation" has also had as its object the analysis of both legislation and case law and legal authority relating to the matters indicated here.

The following journals have an even more specific thematic approach, within the sphere of criminal law materials: Among the most recent and authoritative handbooks on criminal law, we shall only mention the following here: Antolisei, Manuale di diritto penale , Parte generale revised by L.

Parte generale , Zanichelli, Bologna, The Italian Constitution The Criminal Proceeding Code: In particular, it introduced the accusatory principles, in substitution of the inquisitory ones, and the separation between the inquiring and the judging functions; 3. Portals Like search engines or directories , portals appear, from a certain point of view, to be in contradiction with the philosophy of the Internet.

Their objective is, in fact, to structure and to give a hierarchy to information in a world characterized by nets and a horizontal nature. In fact, it is not very easy to give an exhaustive definition to a term which is currently much abused [ [1] ] and which includes sites with very different features under the same label.