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With the passing of each year, the field of study would continue to progress to eventually analyze factors like noise emissions and instability reached at high speeds, which would play a crucial role in developing some of the most impressive and exciting cars of all time. Thanks to its wind-cheating body, BMW fared quite well during the Italian open-road endurance race when they crossed the finish line in Brescia as winners in their class.

We recently drove one, and consider it a streamlined supercar for its time. This was the first automobile designed with aerodynamics in mind, according to the principles of airship designer and engineer Paul Jaray. The car evolved into the T87, and more than eight decades later, these early Tatras still wear drag coefficients that shames most modern production cars.

There were smaller, more mainstream Tatras in development around this time, too, the V and T Aerodynamics were of the utmost importance when working on the now legendary SL, and with a drag coefficient of 0. Up front, this was made possible in part by canting the engine onto its side at more than a 45 degree angle.

Cheat the wind

Looks fantastic in the wind tunnel, though. The 3-speed 92 was the very first production vehicle from Saab, and given its free-flowing, continuous lines, it was able cut through the wind with ease and grace. Of course time is also of essence, the longer shifts the tougher the demands on the windproof technology used in the garment.

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As always your body heat plays an important role for your comfort as well. What to wear is dependent of your tasks for the day — will it be low-intense or active work? Cheat the wind in this super-light windbreaker that fits in your pocket.

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A perfect complement to your fleece or sweater in windy conditions. It's durable, water repellent and always at hand.

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With an adjustable waist, and cuff inside the sleeves for enhanced protection against the wind. In other words, quite a difference when it comes to choice of workwear. Just as rainwear, your workwear's ability to breathe is crucial for your comfort, even in windy weather. When working hard your workwear need to transport the moisture you produce for you to feel comfortable. Make it a routine to always look for breathability features of your workwear to secure it can ventilate your body heat.

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An advanced puzzle solver for Wordscapes. Wordscapes cheat including all answers and solutions!. Windy weather can really cool things down. Even if it's a dry and clear day, the wind makes the temperature drop quite drastically – affecting your body heat and comfort. LIGHT Windproof Jacket.

There are several ways to windproof a garment, stopping the wind from cooling you down. Windproof garments can offer great ventilation, even during tougher tasks. To further secure your comfort many of our windproofed garments have higher wind-protective collars to protect your neck from wind. Staying dry and comfortable in the rain is all about choosing the right type of rainwear for the job. The longer your working shifts, the tougher the demands on waterproof technology used in the garment.

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But to dress right requires more attention.