Die Natursprache von Jakob Böhme (German Edition)

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After this date, the BF played a key role in the development of the modern opera house and no other opera house is so discussed among non acousticians for its acoustics. Some solutions applied for the first time in this theatre influenced later opera houses: However, in spite of the worldwide fame of the BF, the values assumed by the main room acoustics criteria in this hall have been reported and analysed in few works. The aim of the present work is to analyse the key role played by BF in the history of the opera basing on acoustic measurements and then propose tools for an immersive virtual experience of this space.

All the main acoustic room criteria have been extracted and commented taking into account the peculiarity of the Wagnerian opera. Measured criteria have been related to the subjective impressions reported in the non technical literature. Furthermore, a numerical model of the theatre has been created. The model was calibrated by using the measured room criteria, following state-of-the-art techniques. A whole orchestra musicians plus singers 3 singers and a choir of 10 persons was simulated on a computer.

The present and the original acoustics of the hall were recreated by rendering binaural room impulse responses BRIRs for three listener positions in the audience. These tools allow to experience the Wagner's idea of a " new opera " from a perceptual point of view. Drawing on an understanding of sound as an integral functional aspect of ancient spaces, this article analyzes reconstructed scenarios of public speech and assembly during the Late Republic on the Forum Romanum. Through the use of When combined with reconstructions of the visibility of the speaker from the crowd, it can be determined how well each platform facilitated political communication.

In the Late Republic the successive shifts in location can be shown to be connected to an increase in their effectiveness for reaching ever larger audiences. The imaginary of sound—a force at once material and invisible—provided him with a vocabulary capable of mapping the world as a chaos of energy and emergence, rather than an object of theological or scientific inquiry; it allowed him to forge a poetics and politics of mystical participation that sounded in counterpoint to the rigidity of social and religious hierarchies.

Furthermore, I will argue that this aural ontology was undergirded by a corporeal-linguistic practice that allowed him and his followers to dissolve the semantic content of scripture into a mechanism for generating a sonic body capable of aural apotheosis. Harry Potter and the Transmedial Expansion.


Acoustic and aural research at timber and stone circles. This paper gives an overview of acoustic measurements made at two timber circles in Central Germany and one stone circle in Ireland. Furthermore, other researchers' results from an Austrian timber circle have been re-evaluated. Personal experiences have also been recorded and evaluated.

Jacob Böhme and His Networks

Mostexperiences in timber circles can be explained by acoustic theory and follow the textbook on acoustics. Impulse responses also have been made available on the Internet, to allow people to witness the effects. But not all experiences can be explained with formula, since some aural interpretations are cultural: Aural experiences are extremely important in present-day society, for pleasure and for religious reasons-just as they would likely have been for prehistoric people. It is important to note that present day measurements or experiences in these monuments do not guarantee the understanding of prehistoric c monuments.

The authors recommend utilising the acoustic properties of timber and stone monuments in future performances, to enable a better understanding their acoustic and aural impact.

Jacob Böhme The way from darkness to true illumination

Archaeological Auralization as Fieldwork Methodology: Examples from Andean Archaeoacoustics. Presentation at Acoustics'17 Boston Auralization, the computational rendering of sound for listeners, enables archaeoacoustical reconstructions. In archaeoacoustics research, computational tools and analyses frequently enmesh with In archaeoacoustics research, computational tools and analyses frequently enmesh with human performance.

Broadening the definition of archaeological auralization to encompass the investigative process of specifying and enacting the re-sounding of archaeological spaces, objects, and events positions auralization as a methodology for the sensory exploration of anthropological research questions. A foundational tool for archaeoacoustical and archaeomusicological fieldwork, auralization allows contextualized testing and measurement of spatial and instrumental acoustics, along with their perceptual evaluation.

As a fieldwork methodology, archaeological auralization is both process and product: Recordings of Italian Opera orchestra and soloists in a silent room. Anechoic recordings of symphony orchestra have been proposed in the literature and have been used in a multitude of studies concerning both innovative measurements and psychoacoustic experiments.

Using the same approach, the present work Using the same approach, the present work shows the results of a recording campaign focused on the Italian Opera.

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Different motifs from Italian Operas have been played by professional musicians and soloist in the silent room of the Bologna University. The excerpts have been chosen both because of their musical style characteristics and their acoustic properties dynamics, tymbre, vibrato. The chosen motifs come from scores of Donizetti, Verdi and Puccini, in order to consider various orchestrations and Opera styles.

Auralisation of Railway Noise: Within the research project TAURA, a traffic noise auralisator will be developed that covers road traffic and railway noise. This paper focuses on an emission synthesiser for railway noise and presents a synthesiser concept for rolling This paper focuses on an emission synthesiser for railway noise and presents a synthesiser concept for rolling and impact noise. The synthesis is based on a physical approach in which the noise generation mechanism is modelled in the time domain. As a starting point, an equivalent roughness pattern of each wheel and the rail are generated.

Transfer paths describing the vibrational behaviour and the radiation of wheels and rail are implemented as digital filters. The purpose of my research is to explore the wide and many-sided phenomenon of the circulation of works that can be classified as Hermetic in Germany in the 16th and 17th centuries.

The dissemination of these texts influenced, on the hand, the birth of a particular German approach as part of the nascent modern science and, on the other hand, it influenced the development of speculative themes which later on made a strong contribution to the description of the outlines of concepts and categories so typical of German philosophical speculation.

Historically speaking, I am specifically interested in the reconstruction of several speculative links which Jacob Boehme succeeded to introduce in his works in the region of Silesia. He wrote them at a time of political upheaval, caused by the spread of the Lutheran Reformation and the closely-related movements connected with Frederick V, Elector Palatine. But there was also the hope of bringing about of a new Christianity. Historiographic research has already highlighted how the intellectual circle which gathered around the shoemaker from Goerlitz had a close affinity with the main topics of Hermetic philosophy as, for instance, Abraham von Franckenberg and his interest in the Tabula Smaragdina and in Giordano Bruno.

On the other hand, it has also been demonstrated how the translations of the Corpus Hermeticum in Dutch Beyerland and German Aletophilus were influenced in terms of terminology by Behmenist theosophy. The result is a real hermeneutic circle inspired by both Behmenist theosophy and the Corpus Hermeticum. Strictly speaking, from a more philosophical point of view, that of a philosophia perennis, I intend to focus on the Behmenist theory of the contractio of the Ungrund in the revealing of the self into the many e. In this context we need to pay attention to the double level which characterizes Behmenist thought.

On the one hand, there is the level that leans towards safeguarding the absolute ineffability and at the same time the utterability of the Ungrund.

Guide of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. As a starting point, an equivalent roughness pattern of each wheel and the rail are generated. Ads help cover our server costs. In this work the But there was also the hope of bringing about of a new Christianity. On the Urkund horizon, I propose to underline how the manifestation of Ungrund, seen as the Will to abolish the self, reveals itself as the expression of a teleological modulation which shows the whole eidetic configuration of Nature and the human being, as well as the so-called Natursprache.

Ungrund is an eternal-nothing which explains the divine essentiality, beyond any opposition and difference. On the Urkund horizon, I propose to underline how the manifestation of Ungrund, seen as the Will to abolish the self, reveals itself as the expression of a teleological modulation which shows the whole eidetic configuration of Nature and the human being, as well as the so-called Natursprache. The rhythm of life of Ungrund is like the rhythm of life of the human microcosm. This means that every level of finiteness has its own signature which recalls a different position from the finite One.