A Paranormal Photo Journey

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You see, these wonderful, strange spheres of energy seem to be attracted to love and joy. I only get pictures of them when I am feeling that way. That is when the orbs came into the picture. Alex watched as the transformation occurred. There was another couple that came to the Inn for a one-day honeymoon.

They were down- to-earth people who had been childhood sweethearts and after many years had come back together. That was a beautiful story to Alex. Camera in hand, she went about trying to help them document their special visit to the Inn. When Alex shot a picture as they came through the family room in the house, there were orbs in the picture!

Karen Ron and I grew up together and went through middle school and high school together. When we graduated we each went our separate way, married, raised kids, and later each of us divorced. Over 30 years following our youthful romance, we met back up and fell in love all over again. We spent our wedding night at the Inn at Mountain Quest.

When Alex showed us to our room, she had a camera in her hand, and asked if we would like to have a picture or two to remember this special night. We thought that was a great idea, and she took several shots of us in our Quest Room. Then, as we were walking down through the family room outside the kitchen, Alex took another picture of us.

And above us appeared a form made up of several orbs that looked like a lovebird, or even an angel! It was an amazing experience to see an orb for the first time, and to see the orbs come together to create such a beautiful sight for us. It certainly has caught our attention! The radiant love from an angel! We treasure that photograph. David I think it was because of the possible intelligent behavior that Alex was experiencing with the orbs—juxtaposed with the fact that so many people on the Internet believed that the orbs were only a reflection of dust in front of the camera—that I became curious about what they really were.

As Alex kept getting more and more pictures of orbs and observing more and more responsive behaviors, I began to ask myself questions about the physical conditions temperature, wind, humidity, barometric pressure and what, if any, were the social and emotional conditions of the photographer or people who are being photographed which might affect the chances of capturing orbs on a given night? It appears that the orbs find a more joyful and positive environment attractive, and—as we would expect—wind and water do affect the behavior of the orbs.

How could the joyful, positive attitude of humans have an effect on electromagnetic spheres? What are the orbs, really? Or are we just deluding ourselves. I was not sure how much professional research had gone into understanding the relationship among orbs, the local environment and humans. If there is a connecting relationship between orbs and humans, then in my rational mind it almost has to be gravitational, acoustic or electromagnetic.

Of these, the electromagnetic field seems to be the most likely, and we know individuals can and do radiate and receive low levels of the electromagnetic field. We do know that each of us can sense when another person appears, feels or behaves in a happy manner. If there does exist an influential relationship between orbs and human happiness, can we understand it from science or from spirituality, or perhaps a combination of the two?

When we move from the known to the unknown we must be very careful not to demand that the explanations of the unknowns be similar to the explanations we have learned that explain the knowns of our current knowledge. Where they are discussed, there is considerable controversy over the source of orbs. The American Heritage Dictionary says that orbs are spheres or spherical objects. The Wikipedia says that the term orb describes unexpected, typically circular artifacts that occur in flash photography—sometimes with trails indicating motion—especially common with modern compact and ultra compact digital cameras.

This is the standard materialist interpretation and position, and under some circumstances this can occur. However, there is also a spiritual or paranormal perspective that orbs are electromagnetic spheres of various sizes. Alex had taken a large number of orb pictures ranging from single orbs to dozens in the same picture.

When observed closely, many of the orbs had faces in them, most often taking the appearance of animals which certain makes sense because we live on a farm , and came in a wide variety of colors. It is difficult to see how a dust particle could reflect such a range of colors. It is also difficult to perceive seeing only one particle of dust in front of a camera since dust usually comes with many, many particles moving around together. Further, why would they be in one picture, and then not in the next, and then mysteriously appear again several pictures later? One hunch Alex had was this was somehow related to the way the picture-taker—and the people in the picture—felt.

Alex had found that when people were joyful and happy the chances of orbs around them or nearby was high. Alex had also found that orbs were almost always around animals and children. Orbs are almost always around animals and children. Becoming more interested in this borderline phenomena between science and spirituality, I reviewed other web articles and several books on orbs and orbing. Many web articles on orbs were certain that they were caused by dust particles or camera malfunctions.

It was the old yes-no, right-wrong, good-bad, either-or thinking that blocks learning but simplifies the complexity of the world and reduces our fear of the unknown by simply believing it does not exist. There also were several articles and several books that recognize the reality of orbs as something different, perhaps spirit orbs, and some even considered the conditions that encouraged orbs to appear. These conditions were similar to what Alex has already described. From a physics viewpoint, I perceive orbs as basically electromagnetic spheres that can move quickly, but most likely not at the speed of light.

The flash energy moves the electrons to a higher energy level and then very quickly they decay, resulting in a specific color being radiated as the electron gives off energy during its passage to the ground level of the atom. There are probably other physics phenomena going on as well. I needed to investigate this further. October 4, The night was quite dark.

A few stars were peeking into the blackness that surrounded Alex as she stepped carefully down the two steps of the front porch and the short brick walk to the driveway. There was a soft meow to the right. Clearly Cat Walker, her feral friend, had either calculated or sensed her arrival time. As Alex leaned over and picked up the heavy cat she caught the soft smell of hay and felt his still-warm fur.

On cool nights he slept in the hayloft. How did he know just the right time to arrive at the front walk for his nightly hug? Above Catwalker always seemed to be trailing orbs. Pictures at the top are enlarged replicas of the orbs in the larger picture. With the cat snuggled against her chest, Alex walked a short way down the drive, singing quietly, then clicked her first picture of the night.

There was a small green orb showing bright against a backdrop of orange, yellow, red and some still-green leaves. Later she would note the dark rings within the green orb, and the faint shape of two eyes, two ears and the long nose of a dog, an orb that often appeared in her pictures and which she perceived as a representation of her precious Sashi, an Akita who had passed the previous January.

In the distance, some half mile away, a truck moved along the road in front of the farm, a soft rise and fall of vibration punctuating the coming and going. Alex swung around degrees and took a second shot, then took another of the mini-horse field, now to her right. Heading her original direction, she took another shot. There were several orbs in this one, tiny flecks of light with specks of green and blue, not quite as well defined as the first.

A Paranormal Photo Journey

Passing the white fence of the Llama pen, she turned toward the Retreat Center for her next shot. There were several orbs, only she must have moved the camera. They seemed a bit fuzzy on the camera screen. Talking to herself, mostly through lilting melodies, she sang: Could you perhaps shape an animal for me to capture in my picture? Smiling, Alex quickly looked at the screen, the caught her breath as the camera clicked back into photo mode.

Had she really seen what she thought she had? She pulled her glove off and pressed the access button, waiting, waiting, waiting. Then the photo was there, hundreds of connected orbs gracefully arching above the sitting Pixar. Above There above Pixar, our white Llama sitting on the ground, were several hundred orbs taking the shape of a large Llama! David sat in his office reading. Alex slowly enlarged an area over to the right that appeared a bit brighter. Yep, the sense of two eyes in spheres and soft marks that expressed other features. Were they making this up?

But there it was on the computer, with clear, distinct lines mimicking the lines of Pixar sitting on the ground below. David I looked at the back of the camera, and at first saw only two outlines of what appeared to be animals. After focusing in on the bottom animal, it was clearly our Llama—probably Pixar—the one with the white coat of hair. A much larger pattern hovered over Pixar, and looked like the long neck and mid body of a Llama about 10 to 20 times the size of Pixar. Two questions immediately came to my mind: Was the small one really Pixar? And where did the large one come from? After telling me her story of asking for some validation, we both wanted to print a much larger sized picture so we could study it more carefully.

From my reading of the work by Dr. Klaus Heinemann and others, I had begun to think of orbs as electromagnetic spherical shells. As such the orbs could not form a smooth surface, unless they were to become so small that together they appeared continuous to the human eye. I would question this latter thought when the Myst appeared.

After studying an 8x10 sized photo, I was able to clearly see the resemblance between Pixar and the pattern of the orbs. The upper, larger pattern of the orbs looked like a Llama stretching its neck. Clearly it is not a precise outline of a large Llama; on the other hand is the resemblance accidental?

Or could it be due to what the observer wanted to see, without even realizing it? Certainly the Llama picture offered many subjective interpretations. We all seem to have a tendency to see what is on our minds at the time, or what we would like to see, and often see what we believe to be true.

Thus the picture could or possibly should? After some thought, I think not. We knew that the bottom pattern in the camera was, and still is, a real Llama. He was in front of Alex. We feed him every day, we talk to him and we pet him. And we know that the larger pattern above Pixar is not something material in nature that we can touch, pet and feed. So, are we hallucinating or seeing something that is not there?

Certainly the fence, and Pixar, both in the picture, were not random. They would be there if anyone had taken a picture at this time and place. But what about the orbs? If they were random, it seems that they would have been scattered throughout the picture, or perhaps not in the picture at all.

Yet they were in the picture, and the outline clearly resembles that of a large Llama, at the specific moment in time after Alex had asked for some evidence. Possible, but highly improbable. While we can never be certain of the interpretation of our observations, to both Alex and I there was sufficient evidence to excite our interest and imply possibilities beyond our usual materialist focus. This phenomenon was gently pulling us into a world that I had never spent much time thinking about. I recognized years ago that science continuously learns, updates that learning, and changes its understanding of phenomena.

In other words, no knowledge is absolute. Many things we take for granted today were paranormal a hundred years ago. It amazes me to think that Alex and a large number of electromagnetic spheres are really communicating in any manner. The more we know, the more we recognize that what we do not know will always be larger than what we know. This is a challenge to humanity.

Alex and I talked about the occurrence and knew that we were going to be on the lookout for other incidents or coincidences regarding Alex, orbs and the local situation and environment. In our research here at Mountain Quest, our knowledge, learning, organizational design and leadership studies have indicated there is no substantial conflict and perhaps a great deal of synergism and insights to be learned among science, spirituality and humanism.

This encounter with the orbs gave us the fascinating opportunity to learn more about these three pillars of our world. It was a clear night. What would she see tonight? Her expectations were expanding with her imagination. Taking a deep breath and trying very hard to stay calm, she began to sing with a soft and soothing voice, asking the orbs to form and shape for her camera, for her.

A few orbs appeared in her first picture. Another orb or two. She tried again and again throughout the evening, happy with the orbs, but now beginning to question whether she would be able to repeat the picture of yesterday. She looked at the stars and tried to imagine them coming down, tried to imagine reaching out and touching them.

She felt like she could touch them. Alex kept asking, but there was nothing in her picture. Thoughts kept running through her mind. Nothing now, not even orbs.

What am I doing wrong? Not feeling enough joy? She tried to bolster her joy level, remembering their miracle, feeling the love for their animals, admiring the beauty of the Milky Way, breathing in the cool air and the smells of the farm. Finally, with fingers beginning to numb, Alex called it a night and went to bed. Snuggling in the warm flannel sheets, she reflected on the amazing phenomenon of the orbs, visioning the picture from the previous day, and re-membering how the orbs had came together to form and shape a Llama.

The Paranormal Journeys

Something amazing happens, and then we question whether it is real or not. In my belief set we are all connected, all part of a Oneness of larger energy and love of which I am comfortable using the term God to describe. As a very tiny part of this Oneness, this magnificent power of the Universe, I have a unique point of view. Have I pushed too much into a few sentences?

The idea is that as small as we are, as large as we are, we all of us are on the front edge of discovery and learning. Understand that a single thought may be stored in many different places in the brain, touching a thousand, a million or even more neurons. The way we store information is not through groups of words to form phrases, sentences and paragraphs. We only store the most significant parts of information in our memory, the things that seem the most important.

How do we determine what is most significant or important? Well, one sure way is through emotion. Those things we have strong emotions about have stronger connections, and many more connections, than those things to which we pay little or no attention. Now all this is off the top of my head, without referencing or having David check my words , and without the context to help you fully understand the intent of what I am saying. So I apologize if I am leaving some pertinent information out.

The things that are the most important to me are the things that come up when I share a stream of consciousness like this one! The bottom line is that what I had experienced with the orbs was not enough. I wanted to see more. I wanted to understand more. What would happen next?

About writing, a bit of history & my thoughts on the paranormal

Alex decided to do her meditation before going outside that evening. The meditation Alex repeated every evening before going to bed had emerged over the course of ten years, and no matter how she felt or how tired she was, she made sure to move through this meditation. Alex would not go to bed until it was done. She guessed meditating every night was part of that responsibility thing she felt, and, yes, meditating DID make her feel better. In this evening ritual Alex would release any negative stuff that had connected itself to her during the day, fill all of her bodies with love and light, and surround herself with light.

When she finished this process, she always felt a sense of well-being—safe and filled with love and happy. And since the orbs were always there right away when Alex felt happy, it just made sense to go out orbing AFTER she completed her meditation. At least she decided to try it out. Her first shot was a picture of several hundred orbs towering about 40 feet reaching from the small garden in front of the Inn. While faded because of the distance and blackness of the night, in the picture there were lots of orbs visibly rising above the fountain.

In the second shot, approximately 4. In the light of the flash from her third shot, approximately 4. The torso could have been that of a barrel-chested skeleton, only it was pink, like the head, not the faded white of Halloween visitors. There were no legs, just a slight blur of pink where the legs would have been, but the outline of wings protruded on both sides. Prone to imagining, Alex would have thought this figure was her imagination, but in the darkness of the night the pink shape dominated the picture on her camera screen as well!

Could this be an angel? It felt like a hand, the pressure of palm and lightness of fingers. And waves of love washed through her, over her. But kept shooting getting some orbs and then caught a large number of orbs coming from behind the bush in the garden area up to about 40 feet DSC Then they separated into smaller faded groups and headed my way DSC In DSC you can see some sort of shape emerging in the center of the picture … while it appears to be in the garden, it is closer to me. In DSC only a few orbs. It had a pinkish glow and the shape was human-like … I immediately thought of the Archangel Michael warrior.

When this picture occurred, since it was off to the left and my camera was in my right hand, I actually caught the vision in my own eyes. There was a moment of realization that I could catch this stuff with my eyes when the camera flash went off. It was also a moment where I asked myself: Maybe 20 seconds between and Another blank, then in DSC there is a large character to my upper right not caught other than a piece of it , then in DSC, moving in from the left. These are reflected in the picture.

Or is my imagination getting the best of me! I was quite excited, so began to dance a step or two. Almost humorously, there were curly ribbons of orbs in the next shot. Then two shots later a large object with wings flew in from the left DSC All together there were well over 20 wonderful pictures, each quite different than the next.

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She would go out when darkness fell, in the middle of the night, and before sunrise. David was wonderfully supportive. But when she looked at those pictures, there was no definition, no way that anyone else could tell what was happening. Now Alex could capture the shapes of the Myst in her camera. Moved to tears with the beauty of the shapes forming before her responding to her singing, she began to ask the questions that had been welling up inside. Sure enough, there was an answer! She could see a figure of light with outstretched arms while a darker form loomed above.

The brightest spot of light was coming from the chest of the figure, in the vicinity of the heart. Several other forms of light were supporting from the rear. Alex quickly recognized the answer to her question: Delighted, Alex continued to ask questions and continued to get pictures in response, although admittedly some of them were difficult for her to figure out at first, and would only later make any sense. But others were immediately recognizable.

There was an angel, with wings open, looking down at her! Alex In tears, not daring to believe this interaction was truly occurring, I asked if my father was present when my mother passed. And there in the picture appeared the face of my father, rounded with medium light hair, a bit longer than he wore it, now a winged figure holding in his arms a seated woman with darker hair wearing a plaid coat with a fur collar. There was a scattering of pink throughout the coat. My mind quickly associated the image with the forms and shapes picked up by my eyes and in the camera picture. Not necessarily, I reasoned, messages from higher realms were often symbolic.

My dad was a wonderful man. Although I was adopted, he was the only father I knew, and he had a heart of gold! He had worked as a bus boy and then a waiter in the restaurant business, learning English and saving and sending all the money he could back home as dowries for his seven sisters. One-by-one they were married off.

It was only then, well in his thirties, that my dad considered marrying. My mother was from Louisiana, and had come up to the Washington, D. She was 19 years old when she married my dad.

They loved to dance. Dad went on to own several restaurants.

This self-made man with a 7th grade education and the wisdom of the world learned through a vast array of experiences. He would help out pretty much anyone in need, and there were a series of people who moved through our lives as I was growing up, showing up when they needed some advice or a supporting hand.

My mother, sister and I loved him and adored him, one of the few things the three of us had in common in an otherwise somewhat dysfunctional family relationship. Reflecting, it was possible. He might have been an angel. Both happy and confused, I began to realize my whole world was turning upside down, or maybe more correctly I should say inside out. Not only was I talking to tiny spheres of electromagnetic energy, and interacting with forms and shapes made of plasma? Was there another way to ask questions?

Paranormal Journey: Into the Unknown

David Was it plasma? In physics and chemistry plasma is a state of matter somewhat like gas in which a portion of the particles are ionized. Plasma is the most abundant form of matter in the Universe, the stuff of stars and inner-stellar space. It is a high energy electrically charged mix of ions and electrons that is electrically conductive such that it strongly responds to electromagnetic fields.

Plasma appears on earth in places such as lightning bolts, flames, auroras and other fluorescent lights. However, natural plasma only exists at very high temperatures or in low temperature vacuums, where it is hard to maintain since it rapidly reacts to any molecules it encounters. In cell biology, ectoplasm is the outer part of the cytoplasm. Having a word to describe this experience made conversation about it significantly easier, and we decided when we wrote about it in the future we would italicize the word to emphasize the spelling. Above Alex began to catch a wonderful stream of beautiful forms and shapes.

She asked the Myst or the intelligence behind the forming of the Myst to come directly in front of her camera if the answer to a question she asked was YES; and to move away and not appear in her camera if the answer was NO. She would repeat this process three times for each question to ensure that the response she was getting was non-random. Thus it took five pictures to ensure that each answer was correct and validated as a non-random pattern. While this process was cumbersome, it brought some degree of rigor into the asking.

However, there were several drawbacks with this process. Further, Alex was pondering what questions were appropriate to ask and not appropriate to ask? There was a learning curve in this regard.

10 Photos With CREEPY Backstories

An early series of questions included: Are you electromagnetic energy? The answer was YES. This was followed up with: Curious about their earlier discussion regarding plasma, Alex asked: There was no hesitation, and the answer was YES. There was something quite endearing about these responses in terms of the intelligent source behind the phenomenon giving Alex and David options and choices. Here are some of the questions that Alex asked, with the answers in parentheses after the question: Does weather affect your ability to appear? YES Will I be able to communicate with you in other ways?

YES Will I be able to use my computer to interact with you? YES Can you go anywhere in the world? YES Can you be large and small? YES Can you go to other planets and star systems? YES Is there more than one Universe? YES Is there an Earth energy grid? NO [This was the only system Alex could immediately recall. YES Will they make themselves generally known soon?

YES Have any of you been with me since I was born? YES Have all of you been with me since I was born? YES Is reincarnation real? YES Alex quickly learned that there were some questions which would not be answered. She would regularly ask if her father, mother and sister were with her now. The answers were most often yes. The evening of October 24 she received a NO answer regarding her sister.

Excited, she quickly asked, Has she reincarnated? It was clear, however, this learning journey was not another incarnation. The following evening Alex caught a picture of her sister riding a cloud just outside the front door. The evening after that picture was taken Alex said to the Myst, I had a feeling that the person on the cloud I captured yesterday in the camera was my sister Barbara. Above Right outside the front door Alex saw her sister riding a Myst cloud. One night she asked of the Myst, Is a shift in consciousness under way?

It is up to You. Our future was up to us. Our future is up to us. Another time Alex was asking more personal questions.

She then asked, Are you here to help David learn and grow? Evidently she and David were jointly tied to this growth experience. So she asked, Can I bring David out to see you? Excited to know that this phenomenon was for others as well as her, Alex asked: Am I supposed to share this?

Welcome to Malaysia Paranormal Research

This was not a question they would answer. As Alex interpreted, the decision was hers to make and was part of her learning experience. Both she and David would do so. Alex The whole experience of figuring out a way to communicate in different ways was exciting! Now I had a way to externally validate what was appearing in my external world, an approach that was not totally dependent on my own perception or translation of pictures. Having thought a great deal about the picture of my winged father carrying my mother up after her death, one question I asked was: Can human beings could become angels?

In I had the wonderful opportunity to spend the good part of a day with Mother Teresa, privately interviewing her with a translator … she spoke mostly French and photographing her. So I took the people who I admired the most: How amazing to spend time with Mother Teresa less than 10 years later! I knew that if any human being was to be an angel, it was Mother! It was an angel. I captured a good part of her in the camera. While she was incredibly bright, like the moon, I could perceive a loving face with long hair.

While Alex could see her face clearly, the light was so bright that Alex was thrilled to have the camera actually capture the moment. David would help me prepare questions and I would review them before going out. Still, I often forgot them in the glory and light of my moments with the Myst. Exploring the Myst When Alex was in the midst of the Myst, she was in the NOW experience, and nothing else came into her mind, just a feeling of joy and love. When she was inside looking at the pictures, exploring the patterns, trying to perceive meaning she was filled with questions … and doubts.

It was in this mode that she and David began to figure out how to move toward deeper understanding. Since the Mountain Quest Inn and Conference Center had a need for a new camera, Alex picked up a different brand of digital camera and tried that out one night. The light seemed to splash a bit more sideways, making it more difficult for her to see clearly what was happening in front of her, but still, she did see the Myst, and she did get pictures. David pulled up a number of Myst pictures on the overhead projector and the four of them sat and looked as the pictures came and went on the screen.

Alex, Ginny and Jerry all agreed. Then each of us in turn will take 10 minutes, go to the very same spot using the same camera, and see what we can get. It was a beautiful night, a perfect early-winter setting, clear sky, temperature just below 40 degrees F, no wind. Alex went to the end of the garden where she had seen her first angel on October 6, and began singing softly, asking the Myst to form and shape for her tonight.

Within a few minutes they were there, quite bright, and changing shapes and textures with each shot. Alex pulled out the memory card from the camera and copied the pictures onto her computer hard drive. Since her computer was already hooked up to the overhead, it was only a moment before the pictures were projected on the screen.

So Alex went through the process she used. I send it all up to my higher Self, imagining flows of color moving through my head chakra and upward to the file cabinet my higher Self maintains for me and regularly empties out as these thoughts become unneeded. When I am in the NOW—with just a pleasant feeling of being and floating—I take a deep breath of love, fill my body with that, and then breathe out a bubble of light and love around me. Then I start singing, calling on my beautiful angels of light, asking the Myst to shape and form for me tonight.

Jerry was the first one out. David was the second one out. While he did not get any Myst pictures that night, he would soon.