Whats Your Pleasure? (Pleasure, Inc. Book 1)

Pick Your Pleasure

A lot of the details in their stories were unnecessary and had nothing to do with the plot. And the Things I wanted to know were not there. The book was a fast read which was good. The cover design was awful. Since when did the picture of a happy couple have anything to do with Four women with a secret? The cover needs to be redone because it's misleading. I normally enjoy J. Mason's work this is the fourth book Of hers I've read. I won't stop reading her books. I have to say I didn't love this one. I felt the book wanted to go one place but ended up in another, but Not in a good way.

Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It

Dec 01, Catrina Reid rated it liked it. The book was slow. I didn't care for the ending. I would only suggest it if you are really bored. May 15, Wscottgmail. Com rated it liked it. Jun 20, Madlyn rated it it was ok. This book was not a good read.. It really had no substance about the plot in the story that was original. Dec 09, Jennifer M rated it liked it.

Started put great then I feel like it was rushed at the end for a final conclusion. May 07, A'ndrea Wilson rated it it was amazing. Mason's Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It is the story of a woman who grew up as an orphan and is determined to find her biological mother. With an old newspaper clipping as her only clue, she hires a PI to find the three women in the photo. He quickly locates the women and it soon becomes the woman's obsession to figure out which one of them is her birth mother.

Readers get to know all four women and the people closest to them, revealing just how much this year-old secret has impacte J. Readers get to know all four women and the people closest to them, revealing just how much this year-old secret has impacted all of their lives. I absolutely loved this book. From the first page, I was pulled into the story, wanting to know more and more about the main characters. I actually did not read the synopsis before reading the book; I simply read it on the faith of Mason's great storytelling history. I was not disappointed.

Each woman has a complex story which intrigues the reader and makes you care about what happens to them. Often in a book with four main characters, I find myself more interested in one character over the rest. I can honestly say that I didn't have a favorite; they all had something unique that I wanted to hear more about. My only criticism of this book is that I don't think the cover of the book accurately reflects the storyline.

Based on the cover, I would have never dreamed the story was about what it was actually about. I'm chalking it up to the publishing company seeing the picture as visually attractive which it is , but completely missing the point of the novel. Nevertheless, it was an excellent book and I highly recommend it! Jan 29, M R rated it it was ok. I thought that this was certainly an interesting premise for a story and there were some characters and writing that stood out to me. However, I did not like Tasha as a character - I understand that she had a severely less than ideal childhood, but I did not find her sympathetic and therefore hard to like.

The book has several stories being told at once in the past and the present, but with all of that, I found all of the characters to be a little flat because we don't get much insight into wh I thought that this was certainly an interesting premise for a story and there were some characters and writing that stood out to me. The book has several stories being told at once in the past and the present, but with all of that, I found all of the characters to be a little flat because we don't get much insight into who they were in their younger lives.

This is unfortunate because so much of this story is about understanding who these girls were and how that formed the women they became, but I felt that all the character development I got came from the back cover. Now, this is not to say that there weren't interesting lines and points in the story that made me gasp or laugh in their realness because there were and I really appreciated those moments because I could see myself in them. I think that I will try another JD Mason book that perhaps has a few less characters so that we can have more character development and the opportunity to see the brilliant flashes of relate-able reality that I wanted more of in Take Your Pleasure.

Mar 25, Nardsbaby Reader rated it really liked it Shelves: Timing is Everything Going back to your class reunion usually entails ones looking to reacquaint themselves with people they may have lost contact with, show off their new and improved selves, or even hook up with an ex.

Well, in regards to Phyllis, Freddie and Renetta, the three former best friends clash as an outdated secret seems to haunt them. While Freddie and Renetta try desperately to rekindle what was once a great friendship, Phyllis refuses to have any sort of dealings with them. What co Timing is Everything Going back to your class reunion usually entails ones looking to reacquaint themselves with people they may have lost contact with, show off their new and improved selves, or even hook up with an ex.

What could possibly be so horrid that friends who were as closely connected as sisters can't resolve after 30 years? Mason is immediately appealing. Readers find themselves swept up in a year-old mystery. While all of the culprits have been identified, the mystery of the who still lures readers to turn the page. I was caught up from the very first page. You fall into step with the characters, catch up in their lives and learn that this year-old secret will definitely affect, if not ruin, someone's life.

Can't wait to check out other books in J. Sins of the Mother Three friends, who have grown apart over the years, find themselves torn between the past and the present and a secret forever binding them. Epicurus in the ancient world, and Jeremy Bentham in the modern, laid stress upon the role of pleasure in directing human life, the latter stating: Freud's most immediate predecessor and guide however was Gustav Theodor Fechner and his psychophysics. Freud used the idea that the mind seeks pleasure and avoids pain in his Project for a Scientific Psychology of , [6] as well as in the theoretical portion of The Interpretation of Dreams of , where he termed it the 'unpleasure principle'.

In the Two Principles of Mental Functioning of , contrasting it with the reality principle , Freud spoke for the first time of "the pleasure-unpleasure principle, or more shortly the pleasure principle". While on occasion Freud wrote of the near omnipotence of the pleasure principle in mental life, [10] elsewhere he referred more cautiously to the mind's strong but not always fulfilled tendency towards the pleasure principle.

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Freud contrasted the pleasure principle with the counterpart concept of the reality principle , which describes the capacity to defer gratification of a desire when circumstantial reality disallows its immediate gratification. In infancy and early childhood, the id rules behavior by obeying only the pleasure principle. People at that age only seek immediate gratification, aiming to satisfy cravings such as hunger and thirst, and at later ages the id seeks out sex.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Pick Your Pleasure , please sign up. Lists with This Book. May 22, Jennifer Kyle rated it liked it.

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Pick Your Pleasure is an erotic adult version of those books. The concept had me from the start. Such a fun idea so I jumped right in. The main character, Linley Lane is a thirty-three year old, extremely wealthy captain of the industry. She has just suffered through another boring date. Linley wants to have some fun and calls the head of her security team, Henry to get her into the sex club her background check found out he attends. I want to go to a place where no one knows who I am. Somewhere I can be a random woman out to have fun and hook up.

We'll leave the choice to you. I started with the bad boy of course! You follow the guy you pick and get to choose the room in which you will spend your time everything from going home to the Toy Chest, Ties that Bind, group sex and so on. The book is actually a really short read although it contains a lot of pages. I went back and checked out what would happen with the other guy and all the other scenarios. The idea of the story was pretty fantastic. Although, the story line and the sex scenes were nothing noteworthy and both endings leave a reader with the outcome just with different suitors.

I found the dialogue a bit cheesy and the sex scenes not really hot. This book as a whole was just okay but the idea was definitely fun. View all 5 comments. Feb 05, Daisy Sloan rated it really liked it Shelves: Basically, you read part of the story, then you had to choose what the characters did. You were generally given 2 choices. Then you flipped to another page and continued the story until you had to make another choice.

I had a say in what happened. My decisions decided their fate, would they live, die, get stranded? It was all up to me. Jayne Rylon has brought that to adults! I now have a say in what happens to the characters. Will it be toys? Will be it be bondage? I have the power! She asks the chief of her security to get her into the club he goes to, Underground. Unfortunately she has to pick one. Or rather, I got to pick one! Once that decision is made, we travel to various parts of the club and have even more decisions to make.

At Your Pleasure

I have to admit, I went back and read every single branch of the decision tree. I had to see how every decision turned out. The first time I was making decisions, it was hard! I debated, I hemmed, I hawed, I wavered. Yes, I knew I could go back and read the other branch, but it was the first time, so I had to choose wisely. I had to make sure my first time was awesome. This was a great read. It brought a little adventure to my book reading and it sexy as hell! I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Apr 21, Taryn rated it really liked it Shelves: This has to be one of the coolest books I have ever read!

What a fun and exciting read it was. This is just like those books from childhood where you have to pick your adventure and then skip to that page. Well, this is picking your pleasure. Or Sexy and Sweet? Everyone should read this book. It's adventurous and sexy and intriguing. I can tell you this- you won't know which pleasure to pick.

I wanted to go back and try each one out! Pick Your Pleasure was a quick and ple This has to be one of the coolest books I have ever read!

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Refresh and try again. Jun 09, Roxy rated it really liked it. I'm half-way through and really struggling with this one. However, I did not like Tasha as a character - I understand that she had a severely less than ideal childhood, but I did not find her sympathetic and therefore hard to like. I think if there were a way to avoid this and keep things feeling fresh like I haven't already read certain passages somewhere else I would have given it 5 stars instead of the 4. Sins of the Mother Three friends, who have grown apart over the years, find themselves torn between the past and the present and a secret forever binding them.

Pick Your Pleasure was a quick and pleasurable read. I've bought many of Jayne's book over the years, but this was my first read by her. I need to get to reading her other books now. I really enjoyed this story and hope that she writes more books like this. View all 3 comments. Slick and KcLu's reviews posted on Guilty Pleasures 4.

When it was released, it had alternate endings and depending on which showing you went to, you got a different ending. A great marketing ploy because people were seeing it at different time to see the endings, I just waited and saw them all when it was released on video! With this book though, the reader is handed the reins and not only gets to pick the guy, she gets to pick her pleasure so to speak. It was exciting, entertaining, and downright fun! The adventure begins when our heroine, Linley, has yet another bad date.

Desperate for some action she asks her head of security to set her up at the exclusive club he goes to. The only thing, she must choose her escort. Will it be the dashing well mannered Chase or the sexy, gruff Ryder? That my friends is up to you. Exciting stuff is all I can say and my heart was pounding a little heavy while I clicked on the link!

I had so much fun making the choices and Jayne says there are eight different outcomes to this story, so talk about bang for your buck! Most times I enjoy being fully immersed in a book with everything done for me, I guess I like having my options taken away at times…what does that say about me? Pick Your Pleasure by Jayne Rylon is a fun treat!!! You control the story that you are reading and have fun doing it.

Linley Lane is a powerful business woman, but she has a dating life that is pretty boring. She gets her security guard to get her in to the very exclusive club The Underground, and depending on what pleasure you choice the fun starts there! I love that a group of women could be all reading the same book with totally different stories! It is a great idea. I plan to go back and follow the other story paths.

See a Problem?

Hope you enjoy this one as much as I have!!! Review copy provided for an honest review. You know, the pick your own adventure books? Well ladies and gents, meet the adult version of that very book! Linley Lane is a poweful woman who is tired of the dating scene. She decides to visit an underground sex club she's heard about. When she arrives, she is offered two potential guides for the night. One is tal 4.

One is tall, dark and oozes bad boy, one who she's sure will reach into her naughty side and bring out the bad in her. The other is Hollywood gorgeous with light hair and blue eyes, sure to show her more romance in one night than in years of blah dating. Her fate is in your hands! May 09, Shelby P rated it did not like it. This book did not grab my attention. I'm finding that I don't like books written just for sex's sake. And I didn't like the "pick your pleasure" options either. Also did this end on a cliff hanger?

I posted an open letter to authors and publishers about my wanting an interactive romance line and Pick Your Pleasure was recommended to me. There were no negative consequences for any of the choices made. Every option lead to a positive experience between Linley and her male companion. You dirty vixen, you.

For Pick Your Pleasure being a self-published novel, the author did pretty good. I only caught one period missing and one end quote missing. Other than that, it was clean and well formatted. Luckily, it looks like the next book in this series, Pick Your Pleasure 2 , will feature Henry so I hope to find my answer there.

There were a couple of options that the reader, through Linley, could explore with both of the male leads separately. When I went back to check out the other options, I noticed that there was some recycled material. It was more of the reader being told that there was chemistry between the characters, whereas I like to be shown.

The cover depicts the two main possible choices for Linley but there are two different girls on the cover.