Selah Pause and Consider

Selah Devotional

Nor is there greater unanimity among modern scholars than among the ancient versions. Only on one point there agreement, namely, that "Selah" has no grammatical connection with the text. It is either a liturgico-musical mark or a sign of another character with a bearing on the reading or the verbal form of the text. As thirty-one of the thirty-nine psalms with the caption "To the choir-master [ ]" present "Selah," the musical value of the mark has been regarded as well assured. The meaning of this imperative is given as "Lift up," equivalent to "loud" or "fortissimo," a direction to the accompanying musicians to break in at the place marked with crash of cymbals and blare of trumpets, the orchestra playing an interlude while the singers' voices were hushed.

The effect, as far as the singer was concerned, was to mark a pause. But as the interchange of "shin" and "samek" is not usual in Biblical Hebrew, and as the meaning "pause" is clearly inapplicable in the middle of a verse or where a pause would interrupt the sequence of thought, this proposition has met with little favor.

Selah Matters Because it Is a Transliteration

Selah Pause and Consider [Lois M. Tupyi] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. I love the author's vulnerabilty into her life walk. I have never. Selah Pause and Consider is a day pictorial devotional suitable for men, women, couples and church groups. With a unique format, it includes a daily.

The fact that the term occurs four times at the end of a psalm would not weigh against this theory. As stated above, the Psalms were meant to be read in sequence, and, moreover, many of them are fragments; indeed, Ps. Another series of explanations is grounded on the assumption that its signification is liturgical rather than musical.

It marks the place, and is an appeal, for the bystanders to join in with a eulogistic response. Thank you for your thoughts and for sharing your experience as a young man in New Mexico.

The Meaning of Selah - Selah Center

It is beautiful here and we know many native Christians. I hope you stop by WCWTK again and continue reading what we are sharing here to equip, encourage, and energize Christians. He put the promise on my heart that I would be blessed with a daughter, and that her name should be Selah…..

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And so it was…. Sweet name for a baby girl. I did a little more searching and have found some other female names that mean promise. Here they are with the country of origin: Just thought I would share. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment here. I am delighted to have come across this article -last i thought of the meaning to the word was the year in may but never got an answer,today reading through the bible have come a cross it and decided to look for the meaning and so to say i am happy i have a revelation-The psalm book is poetic and music is poetic in its composure -the writer uses the word to let the reader sustain that verse and meditate on its meaning.

What Does Selah Mean in the Bible & Why Is it Important?

Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Subscribe me to your newsletter. Bible Character Study on Amos. Sitemap Privacy Policy Disclaimer Advertise. What Does Selah Mean? Lofty, craggy, ragged rock. Just looking up the meaning of Selah for my daughter. Cancel reply Leave a Comment.

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What does the devil look like? A flashing yellow light beckoning us to yield our journey long enough to rest and think.

It is good to stop and think about the righteousness of God. It is necessary to pause and think upon his goodness. Pausing is unnatural, but it is far too necessary.

Pause (11) And Think About It - Selah

Life is zooming by at the speed of light, and we are missing the beauty of the journey when we forget to yield to the yellow light and pause to look around us. We are told to Pause and Think.

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In my Bible, the Amplified translation adds an adverb which describes exactly HOW we are to pause and think… calmly. I am learning that the state of calm which my soul requires to be full involves a cessation of action, a stillness that does not occur in our every day busy-ness of life.

The Meaning of Selah

This action of stopping is a purposeful active decision to stop and consider versus reacting and responding. An action that usually brings the concept of contemplative prayer with it. Once you are in the place of pause, actively rest in His Goodness. As I shared last week, I will be taking each Tuesday this month to share some of my journey through the book of Psalms and encouraging you to join along. Let me challenge you to pause and think today:.

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It can be heard at the end of spoken-word segments of some reggae songs. Thirty-one of the thirty-nine psalms with the caption "To the choir-master" include the word selah. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment here. It is noticeable that the term occurs frequently after areference to evil-doers Ps. She and her husband, Dr. The Book of Psalms … spirit filled songs of praise laden with Words of Joy.

Praying for you to pause and reflect on the goodness of God in your life. Feel free to leave a comment or email me at dawnboyer journeysingrace. My heart is to follow after Psalm As a wife and mom I love to take care of my family, usually that involves my kitchen and the many ways I can create awesome treats and meals.