Athletic training for martial art (Secrets of the training of Bruce Lee)

Enter The Six-Pack: Train Like Bruce Lee

After a stretch of easy, even strides, he would sprint for a short distance, and then return to easier running—similar to today's interval training protocols. He would also shuffle his feet while running. Jumping rope not only helped Lee maintain his stamina and leg muscles, but also helped him stay light on his feet.

He would usually do this on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for around 30 minutes.

Bruce Lee’s Secret Kung Fu Technique... (NOT Jeet Kune Do)

On Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays, Lee would follow up his rope jumping with a session of stationary cycling, further developing his stamina and exhausting his legs. He often rode at high speeds for 45 minutes on his Exercycle. For Lee, as for other elite martial artists, ab training was about more than just looking good. It was about developing a shield that would be able to withstand any punch. To hammer this home, Lee would often have someone drop a medicine ball on his stomach while he would lie on the ground to further toughen his gut.

The Bruce Lee Training Philosophy

However, conventional abs exercises like situps , leg raises , side bends were also an integral part of his ab training routine. Here's a sample of one of the types of workouts he would subject himself to on a daily basis:. No hard-training athlete jumps from to pounds without nutrition playing a huge part. Like many of us, Lee had a fondness for protein-rich drinks , blending his own weight-gain shakes with powdered milk and supplements like ginseng , royal jelly , and massive doses of vitamins.

He was highly particular about his diet, never consuming foods that he suspected could harm his body or impair his performance.

  1. Bruce Lee Workout For Lean Muscle Gains.
  2. Athletic training for martial art (Secrets of t?
  3. Enter The Six-Pack: Train Like Bruce Lee.
  4. Free Guide: Strength & Cardio for Karate Practitioners.
  5. Bruce Lee Workout Routine, Diet, and Martial Arts Training - Born to WorkoutBorn to Workout!

He put coffee on his banned list, favoring tea instead. However, Lee enjoyed his Chinese food unapologetically. In his view, Chinese food placed sufficient emphasis on carbohydrates from vegetables and rice , unlike western foods, which he felt leaned too heavily on proteins and fats.

Free Guide: Strength & Cardio for Karate Practitioners

He saw carbs as essential for a person with high levels of physical activity like him, spreading them across meals a day. Somewhere between his kicks, weights, and cardio, you probably realized that Lee's training style isn't for everyone. He devoted hours every day to physical activity —after all, it was a crucial part of his livelihood. The rest of us may not be able to match his type of high-volume physicality, but we can still take influence from his visionary approach to fitness.

Here are two scaled down Bruce Lee-inspired training programs that could be made to fit with just about any busy schedule.

Same as day 1 Fighting practice: Same as Day 1 Abs circuit: Same as Day 1. Can't spare an hour three times a week?

  1. The Bruce Lee Workout Page - Fitness and Strength Training - MotleyHealth®.
  2. .
  3. Class American Socty Ils 103: Volume 3 (International Library of Sociology)!
  4. Bruce Lee Diet.
  5. Bruce Lee Workout: Secrets Revealed;

Consider making some changes in your life. And until you do, consider this program, which takes the same movements and spreads them across six workouts of about 30 minutes apiece. Like you I too am a fan of a fit and healthy lifestyle. It is this love for fitness that compelled me to become ACE certified.

Train Like Bruce Lee. Arnav Sarkar April 01, Fit to Fight Lee was an elite athlete, competitor, and teacher as early as the late s, able to accomplish incredible feats of strength like two-finger push-ups for reps and "one-inch" punches that sent his recipients flying. Train Hard to Hit Hard Any conversation about Lee's training has to begin with his martial arts practice. Here is a typical log of the punches and kicks that Lee practiced: One-Arm Kettlebell Clean 2 sets of 8 reps. Barbell Squat 2 sets of 12 reps.

Bent-Arm Barbell Pullover 2 sets of 8 reps. Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip 2 sets of 6 reps. Stiff Leg Barbell Good Morning 2 sets of 8 reps. When it came to his workouts, Bruce Lee used the philosophical maxim:. Think deeply about your motivations, and pursue them in ways that elevate your performance.

Train Hard to Hit Hard

Accept what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is essentially your own, and apply it to your workout. The Bruce Lee circuit training routine was the foundation of his power. Bruce Lee developed a circuit training routine long before it was popular. He found that training all his muscles was a more balanced approach. For his goals, it was much better than focusing on a singular muscle group. About James Gold - Fitness trainer.

Bruce Lee Workout Pictures. Bruce Lee Medicine Ball Workout. Bruce Lee Workout Equipment. Bruce Lee Back Workout. Bruce Lee Chest Workout. Bruce Lee Ab Workout.

Bruce Lee Workout: Secrets Revealed | Pop Workouts

My name is James Gold. I'm a Fitness trainer. My goal is to inspire and motivate you to live a better life. I want to share the knowledge on how to workout properly, how to eat right when working out and to improve your health and well being. Like us on Facebook. What foods to eat to gain weight and Build Muscle Mass March 7,